I'm personally more bummed that I can't download the Jill Valentine DLC for Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3.
But that's not really Sony (or Capcom's) fault, it's down to Disney (that owns the right to the Marvel universe) withdrawing the license from Capcom in 2013 or something.
Disney wanted to develop the games themselves, and it was a disaster. They lost $800 million over 4 years and now the M vs C franchise/collaboration has been revived (but it didn't seem like Capcom wanted to put that much effort into it; M vs C Infinite isn't that good from what I've heard - and wasn't particularly successful either).
But that's what happens if you get to greedy/arrogant, I guess (and I'm talking about Disney here).
Just read on another site that there WILL be another demo featuring action gameplay. I will decide whether to get the game or not when I've played that.
I hope the PS4 demo of Village will feature actual combat. I watched the PS5 demo on Youtube and I didn't feel like I missed out on anything at all. I'm worried that Village will just be as boring as 7, just with more content (a longer campaign that is; RE:Verse is not my cup of tea at all - would have liked a new version of Mercenaries or Raid and not this VS c***).
@Col_McCafferty I diagree. Gameplay is still the most important part of a game (almost speaks for itself, doesn't it?), then comes artwork (pixel count, effects are not that important to a certain extent - really good texture work, 3d models are more important than resolution) and the least important is the story IMO (even the characters being iconic - and cool - are way more important than the story - the story just have be functional and add a bit to the lore of series, nothing fancy - you can have that in your books and movies, if you like).
Soul Sacrifice Delta was a really great hunting action game (MH clone) on Vita. Everybody's Golf 6/Hot Shot Golf: World Invitational was also a very solid title on Vita. But they probably didn't sell a lot because the Vita had very little success.
I actually thought they made the Siren games as well, but it doesn't look that way (at least on Wikipedia).
I like to be bit provocative at the time being; Why not release them on Xbox or maybe even Microsoft Game Pass (or maybe even Switch - they made Doom Eternal run quite well on that).
That way even more people would be able to enjoy Sony's first party masterpieces, GOATs or whatever. Why only PC? Come on release them on every platform plaucible!
No. Are you? It's just my opinion. Let's take Batman Arkham Knight as an example. There wasn't anything really new to it gameplay-wise (except the car driving which I actually liked). I was just more of the same IMO. The thing is that the (base) PS4 has a rather weak cpu and that's why the devs couldn't really make anymore advanced gameplay routines, than they had already done on the PS3/Xbox 360 (and that again it's why they launched the Pro model in 2016 to counter that - and to provide 60fps, resolution boosts etc). I could go on with other games like Fallout 4 (which still had the boring VATS combat system - I still liked the exploration part of the gameplay, but have only put 7 hours into the game because it felt old). Tomb Raider series has been a shadow of itself since the 2013 reboot. And Sony's own output were boring cinematic styled games with poor gameplay, that they started with the Uncharted games and continued with TLOU etc. As you can see the PS4 for me has been a major disappointment (and besides I prefer to play handhelds these days, which is why I've bought a Switch Lite and am happy with that).
I can't say it bothers me personally. I've already given up on the PlayStation brand years ago after the disappointing PS4 and migrated to the Switch. The only game I might be interested in on PS5 is Resident Evil 4 remake and it will probably release on "Switch 2" at launch in a couple of years, because the original is the most popular RE among Nintendo fans. If Capcom can make RE Village run also on PS4, I'm sure they could make RE4 remake run on a Switch successor as well (with weaker graphics of course, - but who cares as long the gameplay is good, hopefully).
I for one would like it to be long-a** game as it has no Mercenaries/Raid extra mode, and Verse looks generic and boring IMO (and besides I'm not fan of killing other people even if it's only in a videogame). 4 was very long and 5 pretty long too, but IMO it's much better for replays because then you forget plot details and twists, and it suddenly all feels new again (but that's probably just me being a big time RE fan). 7 was the biggest disappointment ever of the mainline REs, for me, I never even finished it. Village looks like it could be better if they get some good combat/exploration gameplay going (still bogs me there's no worthy extra mode though). Also will it run well on a base PS4? I'm not buying it if it runs like horses*** (just to expensive for that IMO).
Re: Verse; sounds like some versus type multiplayer mode. Not what I would have hoped, I'd rather have a co-op multiplayer that can be played solo as well. But we'll have to wait 6 more hours or so to see what it really is.
Because it's an unsustainable business model. Just look at Capcom, they tried to compete with the biggest players, with most profoundly Resident Evil 6. They couldn't fully bite over the project they had set themselves for. And was seriously punished for it. And many of today's AAA are just as bloated as RE6, if not much, much more. There's so much mediocre content in these games, and the developers can't cope with the scope of it and there's bugs, bugs and bugs again (and it's only getting worse it seems). Capcom learned their lesson and now they only release games, I would consider AA in today's market. They learned the hard way about their limitations as a relative small company. And are doing really well today it seems.
@Sorteddan Ok, I was probably a bit too harsh in my views. Also being chased by Jack (I don't even remember that and I did put 7 hours into the game), probably also put me off (I never liked RE 3 that much for the fact of being chased by Nemesis all the time). But I must say that RE 7 always felt a bit cheap, also in the scares, but mostly the enemy (models) count and the action itself. I personally believe Capcom was in dire straits at the time financially. RE6 and DMC both underperformed initially and I think they (Capcom), had some years where they were barely scraping by financially (Street Fighter was a Playstation/PC exclusive - Capcom probably got some money from Sony - and still it was released in an underdeveloped form for instance). Yeah, I'm pretty sure Capcom had some rough years from 2013 and until 2017, where they got a hit with RE 7, riding the Outlast/indie wave of horror games. And I'm ok with that if that was what it took them to survive (there are rumours of RE Revelations 3 for Switch - really loved the first Revelations, so that would make me very happy if they are true). And yes, 5 and (especially) 6 had their issues, but they still are pretty good action games (at least sometimes) IMO.
@Sorteddan They had locked doors to find keys for that's right. But why did they have to make so gross (dead birds on the doors instead of various emblems, the redneck family eating poop - or what it was - and then the black police officer getting his head cut in 2 halfes), it was just too much. Resident evil never used to be that much about horror (and if 7 is supposed to be good horror, I don't like good horror), but more about being good action games as well, with some good and iconic characters (WTF is Ethan - he has no personality - ok, maybe as wimp - boring main character if you ask me). RE 7 has very little to do with RE IMO.
Played the demo of 7. Was very much on the fence. Bought the game on release and really gave it chance (I'm a huge RE fan). Thought it was boring as hell, the fun had gone down the drain so to speak. Now I'm even more on the fence with 8 (although it looks a bit more interesting setting wise), I just don't first person view much. If they made the combat something like in the Xbox 360 classic, Condemned: Criminal Origins, it could be great (it was also in first person, but the combat was mostly brutal melee - a cat and mouse play between you and the enemies). Might give 8 a chance at a reduced price if they release a PS4 version. AND it runs well on my base PS4.
Seems legit enough: Resident Evil Outrage, 4 remake, Apocalypse and Hank, why not? 3 versions of Street Fighter 6, why not? Dragons Dogma 2; they did make a Japan only online game, so why not? Megaman; the last sold more than a million according to Capcom's list of million sellers. Powerstone and Final Fight remakes; they don't have be that expensive to make, think of Strider and Bionic Commando's digital releases. Monster Hunter 6; no brainer. Onimusha; a little more in doubt with that one I admit, it's expensive to make 3D action games and the series have been dead for almost 15 years.
@TheFrenchiestFry You're probably right about the 'cosmic' (kryptonite, Superman's home planet etc.) thing , but I must say Superman, Green Lantern etc. were never my favourite characters. It was much more some of the more "earthly" characters like Batman, Green Arrow, Black Canary etc. I liked.
I must admit I never understood the love for Marvel (and especially not Spidey). And have tried buying Marvel comics and games over the years (almost 40 years). Guess I will always be DC man when it comes to superheroes.
@doctommaso It's true that of course the PS4 has probably at least as big a library as the Switch, but it doesn't have the portability option that the Switches have.
Ok, what is "true" gaming then?
For me (at the moment at least) it's playing ZX Spectrum games (both the up to 37 years old classics, but also quite a lot of the games from the blossoming retro scene).
I just haven't had time to play more than 3 hours of RE2Make yet (it's a very solid game, don't get me wrong), because I've a lot going on in my personal life at the moment (in reality I just finally has had to "grow up" .
The problem with AAA gaming IMO, is that the games are starting to become ridiculously expensive to produce (GTA V cost around $200 million to develop alone - a PS3 game - and then there's marketing, online etc.).
RE2Make (and probably also RE3Make) is not an extremely state of the art game technically, so it could seem that at least Capcom have given up on the thought of competing solely on a technical level, but instead have realized that their legacy in gaming is a much better card to play against their competitors.
And we still haven't seen Skyrim's successor after more than 8 years of waiting (and even GTA 6, we haven't heard about almost 6 and half years after 5 was released - and 5 sold an extreme amount of copies).
Making games like GTA, The Elder Scrolls etc. (yes, even Monster Hunter from Capcom) is extremely high risk business nowadays (think what would happen if people suddenly didn't like gaming stories about criminals and Rockstar had spend $500 million alone in development costs making GTA 6).
I simply don't think the AAA aproach is financially viable much longer, and then a "Jack of all trades" like the Switch will stand a much better chance in the long run IMO.
@David187 It's called freedom of speech No, I'm just not very impressed with Sony's gaming "offerings" anymore. I will buy RE3 remake of course. But I do find it a bit odd that Capcom has chosen to release it only 1 year and 3 month after RE2Make. IMO it could suggest that Capcom just wants to get as much out of the Playstation as they can while they still can. What I can read out of various comments on YouTube (non-Playstation) channels that I follow (mainly retro gaming channels and most of the time ones that focus entirely on the ZX Spectrum), is that there is not that much buzz surrounding the PS5. People have generally felt a bit disappointed with the PS4 (to many cinematic type games and to few really good action games!). No, I personally have more faith in the Switch being the platform where I can get my gaming fix in the future (I'm not really a Nintendo fanboy at - I only really like the 3DS - and I don't even have a Switch yet and don't plan to buy one anytime soon, if at all). I've had all of the Playstation platforms (PS 1-4 plus PSP and Vita) and still own all of them except the PSOne, but I haven't bought a single game for my PS4 since RE2Remake in january, and haven't touched the machine at all since april (plus I have only had about 200 hours of gaming from it in total since I bought it in april 2016 - and that is by far mostly RE PS3/Xbox 360 remasters). No, I'm not at all impressed with the Playstation brand these days, which is why I'm leaving it behind, as I said (I won't buy a PS5 that's for sure - AND I wouldn't be surprised if RE2Make and RE3Make were ported to the Switch at one point or another - if they can port The Witcher 3 with good results, then why not)
Vita is available? But Vita first, because.. it's very underrated! PS4 next, because it can play most of the best PS3 games in better versions. PSVR never interested me, because it's just to weird, to be frank.
PS Vita is the best, because it can play almost all of the (IMO) best PSOne games (in my book it's all the great action adventure games - the RE's, the Parasite Eves, the Tomb Raiders, the Fear Effects, the Dino Crisis', MGS, Alone in the Dark The New Nightmare, Nightmare Creatures II - much more emphasis on the action in that one I admit, not an easy game at all IMO, Evil Dead Hail to the King etc.), and then its own library is vastly underrated IMO. But of the home consoles of course the original one, followed by 3 and 4 (never really liked 2 - PSP is quite good, though).
Wow! £109 must be close to being the deal of the century, even if it's digital only.
Does anybody know if Xbox One exclusives bought through Live (or what it's called) can be played also on Games for Windows (or whatever that is called) for "free"?
@Carl-G It WAS too expensive at first, but when the first Slim was released (great piece of hardware btw.) it slowly recovered and caught up with the Xbox 360.
@StephanEvil You're probably right. It has never been one of my true favs in the series, but it still has the second best villain in 'Lord "suffer severe consequences" Saddler', after Wesker.
The Sinclair ZX Spectrum and the original Playstation are my to 2 favourite gaming platforms of all time. Simply because they each in their own way have the best libraries ever. The ZX Spectrum has the best library of 2D games (it HAS! - many of its arcade conversions simply play better than the originals - and it also have many other truly classic games in other genres - its library consists of over 14.000 games - and still very much counting - after all). The original Playstation has the best collection of action adventures ever IMO (Resident Evil, Metal Gear Solid, Tomb Raider, Parasite Eve, Fear Effect etc.). But the PS3/Xbox 360 generation was also very good, because it took 3D action gaming to a whole new level IMO. The Vita and the Nintendo 3DS are also very good platforms, partly because of their ability to play many great games from the past on the go.
I agree very much. I think Capcom took that way with RE 7, REmake2 and Devil May Cry 5, because they figured they couldn't compete with Call of Duty etc.
But then I think you need some really iconic franchises to do that.
Just saw the article about Konami's downfall above this.
Are we going to see EA's downfall soon as well?
I mean they just don't have any franchises of the caliber of Activision's, Capcom's, Rockstar's, Warner Bros' or Bethesda's (I don't know about Ubisoft, Ass Creed must be quite expensive to make and how much do it sell in the end - Square Enix has Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest - and Tomb Raider ).
Battlefield isn't that series more or less dead by now. I think it's Fifa themselves that makes most money out of the Fifa series. Anthem bombed. Dead Space is long dead and gone. Same with Medal of Honour. Do they have Sims? And maybe some realtime strategy series like Red Alert?
How on earth are EA gonna compete on PS5 when AAA games just cost more and more to produce?
The new Star Wars looks almost last gen, because it's probably just to costly to make it look any better. But will people be content with a game that looks a bit like old news?
I'm not so sure, but I guess time will tell as they say (but I will remember to buy some cheap microwave popcorns to treat myself with, while I'm watching it all span out).
I wouldn't rule it out either. Focus Interactive must be quite well of financially at the moment because of Farming Simulator's recent success. And french developers do tend to make quite good games in the more "arty/historical" genres if they are given a decent budget. Just think Dark Works' Alone in the Dark game ("The New Nightmare"), Arkane Studios' Dishonered, Dontnod's Remember Me (ok not so historically, but definitely "arty") as the best examples.
The main problem with the Vita probably was that Sony was in extreme dire straits, when it released. I even remember a time on the Vita PSN shop, when the prices started to go from, say, 15.95 to 15.99 just to get that extra little money out of the transaction.
Comments 182
Re: Sony Confirms PS3, PS Vita, PSP Store Closures, Downloads Will Be Retained
I'm personally more bummed that I can't download the Jill Valentine DLC for Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3.
But that's not really Sony (or Capcom's) fault, it's down to Disney (that owns the right to the Marvel universe) withdrawing the license from Capcom in 2013 or something.
Disney wanted to develop the games themselves, and it was a disaster. They lost $800 million over 4 years and now the M vs C franchise/collaboration has been revived (but it didn't seem like Capcom wanted to put that much effort into it; M vs C Infinite isn't that good from what I've heard - and wasn't particularly successful either).
But that's what happens if you get to greedy/arrogant, I guess (and I'm talking about Disney here).
Re: Next Resident Evil Showcase Planned for April
Just read on another site that there WILL be another demo featuring action gameplay. I will decide whether to get the game or not when I've played that.
Re: Next Resident Evil Showcase Planned for April
I hope the PS4 demo of Village will feature actual combat.
I watched the PS5 demo on Youtube and I didn't feel like I missed out on anything at all.
I'm worried that Village will just be as boring as 7, just with more content (a longer campaign that is; RE:Verse is not my cup of tea at all - would have liked a new version of Mercenaries or Raid and not this VS c***).
Re: Poll: Which Bethesda Franchise Will PS5 Miss the Most?
Re: Soapbox: Man, Remember Black?
I had it on the original Xbox. And yes, it was a really good FPS, one of the last in that genre I truly enjoyed.
Re: Reaction: Japan Studio's Disbandment Is Disappointing, But Not Surprising
@Col_McCafferty I diagree. Gameplay is still the most important part of a game (almost speaks for itself, doesn't it?), then comes artwork (pixel count, effects are not that important to a certain extent - really good texture work, 3d models are more important than resolution) and the least important is the story IMO (even the characters being iconic - and cool - are way more important than the story - the story just have be functional and add a bit to the lore of series, nothing fancy - you can have that in your books and movies, if you like).
Re: Reaction: Japan Studio's Disbandment Is Disappointing, But Not Surprising
Soul Sacrifice Delta was a really great hunting action game (MH clone) on Vita. Everybody's Golf 6/Hot Shot Golf: World Invitational was also a very solid title on Vita. But they probably didn't sell a lot because the Vita had very little success.
I actually thought they made the Siren games as well, but it doesn't look that way (at least on Wikipedia).
Re: Poll: How Do You Feel About PS4 Exclusives Being Ported to PC?
I like to be bit provocative at the time being; Why not release them on Xbox or maybe even Microsoft Game Pass (or maybe even Switch - they made Doom Eternal run quite well on that).
That way even more people would be able to enjoy Sony's first party masterpieces, GOATs or whatever. Why only PC? Come on release them on every platform plaucible!
Re: Days Gone Is Coming to PC
No. Are you?
It's just my opinion.
Let's take Batman Arkham Knight as an example. There wasn't anything really new to it gameplay-wise (except the car driving which I actually liked). I was just more of the same IMO.
The thing is that the (base) PS4 has a rather weak cpu and that's why the devs couldn't really make anymore advanced gameplay routines, than they had already done on the PS3/Xbox 360 (and that again it's why they launched the Pro model in 2016 to counter that - and to provide 60fps, resolution boosts etc).
I could go on with other games like Fallout 4 (which still had the boring VATS combat system - I still liked the exploration part of the gameplay, but have only put 7 hours into the game because it felt old).
Tomb Raider series has been a shadow of itself since the 2013 reboot. And Sony's own output were boring cinematic styled games with poor gameplay, that they started with the Uncharted games and continued with TLOU etc.
As you can see the PS4 for me has been a major disappointment (and besides I prefer to play handhelds these days, which is why I've bought a Switch Lite and am happy with that).
Re: Days Gone Is Coming to PC
I can't say it bothers me personally. I've already given up on the PlayStation brand years ago after the disappointing PS4 and migrated to the Switch.
The only game I might be interested in on PS5 is Resident Evil 4 remake and it will probably release on "Switch 2" at launch in a couple of years, because the original is the most popular RE among Nintendo fans.
If Capcom can make RE Village run also on PS4, I'm sure they could make RE4 remake run on a Switch successor as well (with weaker graphics of course, - but who cares as long the gameplay is good, hopefully).
Re: Poll: Who Should Develop New Metal Gear Solid and Castlevania Games If Konami Is Outsourcing Them?
Peace Walker 2 by Kojima Productions, please.
Re: Resident Evil Village Is 'Much Larger' Than Resident Evil VII: Biohazard
I for one would like it to be long-a** game as it has no Mercenaries/Raid extra mode, and Verse looks generic and boring IMO (and besides I'm not fan of killing other people even if it's only in a videogame).
4 was very long and 5 pretty long too, but IMO it's much better for replays because then you forget plot details and twists, and it suddenly all feels new again (but that's probably just me being a big time RE fan).
7 was the biggest disappointment ever of the mainline REs, for me, I never even finished it.
Village looks like it could be better if they get some good combat/exploration gameplay going (still bogs me there's no worthy extra mode though).
Also will it run well on a base PS4? I'm not buying it if it runs like horses*** (just to expensive for that IMO).
Re: Resident Evil Re:Verse Leaks Ahead of Capcom's Showcase Event
Re: Verse; sounds like some versus type multiplayer mode.
Not what I would have hoped, I'd rather have a co-op multiplayer that can be played solo as well.
But we'll have to wait 6 more hours or so to see what it really is.
Re: Reaction: How Does It Keep Going Wrong for Big Game Launches?
The end line to all is (as usual): It's business.
Re: Reaction: How Does It Keep Going Wrong for Big Game Launches?
Because it's an unsustainable business model.
Just look at Capcom, they tried to compete with the biggest players, with most profoundly Resident Evil 6.
They couldn't fully bite over the project they had set themselves for. And was seriously punished for it.
And many of today's AAA are just as bloated as RE6, if not much, much more. There's so much mediocre content in these games, and the developers can't cope with the scope of it and there's bugs, bugs and bugs again (and it's only getting worse it seems).
Capcom learned their lesson and now they only release games, I would consider AA in today's market. They learned the hard way about their limitations as a relative small company. And are doing really well today it seems.
Re: Capcom Shares Three New Resident Evil Village Screenshots
@Sorteddan Ok, I was probably a bit too harsh in my views. Also being chased by Jack (I don't even remember that and I did put 7 hours into the game), probably also put me off (I never liked RE 3 that much for the fact of being chased by Nemesis all the time).
But I must say that RE 7 always felt a bit cheap, also in the scares, but mostly the enemy (models) count and the action itself. I personally believe Capcom was in dire straits at the time financially.
RE6 and DMC both underperformed initially and I think they (Capcom), had some years where they were barely scraping by financially (Street Fighter was a Playstation/PC exclusive - Capcom probably got some money from Sony - and still it was released in an underdeveloped form for instance).
Yeah, I'm pretty sure Capcom had some rough years from 2013 and until 2017, where they got a hit with RE 7, riding the Outlast/indie wave of horror games.
And I'm ok with that if that was what it took them to survive (there are rumours of RE Revelations 3 for Switch - really loved the first Revelations, so that would make me very happy if they are true).
And yes, 5 and (especially) 6 had their issues, but they still are pretty good action games (at least sometimes) IMO.
Re: Capcom Shares Three New Resident Evil Village Screenshots
@Sorteddan They had locked doors to find keys for that's right. But why did they have to make so gross (dead birds on the doors instead of various emblems, the redneck family eating poop - or what it was - and then the black police officer getting his head cut in 2 halfes), it was just too much.
Resident evil never used to be that much about horror (and if 7 is supposed to be good horror, I don't like good horror), but more about being good action games as well, with some good and iconic characters (WTF is Ethan - he has no personality - ok, maybe as wimp - boring main character if you ask me).
RE 7 has very little to do with RE IMO.
Re: Capcom Shares Three New Resident Evil Village Screenshots
Played the demo of 7. Was very much on the fence. Bought the game on release and really gave it chance (I'm a huge RE fan).
Thought it was boring as hell, the fun had gone down the drain so to speak.
Now I'm even more on the fence with 8 (although it looks a bit more interesting setting wise), I just don't first person view much.
If they made the combat something like in the Xbox 360 classic, Condemned: Criminal Origins, it could be great (it was also in first person, but the combat was mostly brutal melee - a cat and mouse play between you and the enemies).
Might give 8 a chance at a reduced price if they release a PS4 version. AND it runs well on my base PS4.
Re: Site News: Where's Our Cyberpunk 2077 Review?
@andreoni79 Be nice. It's Christmas.
Re: Site News: Where's Our Cyberpunk 2077 Review?
What can you say? It's a tough world?
Re: Rumour: Massive Capcom Leak Reveals Dragon's Dogma 2, Street Fighter 6, New Monster Hunter, Onimusha, More
Seems legit enough:
Resident Evil Outrage, 4 remake, Apocalypse and Hank, why not?
3 versions of Street Fighter 6, why not?
Dragons Dogma 2; they did make a Japan only online game, so why not?
Megaman; the last sold more than a million according to Capcom's list of million sellers.
Powerstone and Final Fight remakes; they don't have be that expensive to make, think of Strider and Bionic Commando's digital releases.
Monster Hunter 6; no brainer.
Onimusha; a little more in doubt with that one I admit, it's expensive to make 3D action games and the series have been dead for almost 15 years.
Re: Rumour: Massive Capcom Leak Reveals Dragon's Dogma 2, Street Fighter 6, New Monster Hunter, Onimusha, More
Capcom's probably happy that their competitors can see what they're planning for the next 4 years (or maybe not).
Re: Spider-Man PS4 Allegedly Sells More Than 20 Million Copies
@TheFrenchiestFry You're probably right about the 'cosmic' (kryptonite, Superman's home planet etc.) thing , but I must say Superman, Green Lantern etc. were never my favourite characters.
It was much more some of the more "earthly" characters like Batman, Green Arrow, Black Canary etc. I liked.
Re: Spider-Man PS4 Allegedly Sells More Than 20 Million Copies
I would go so far as to say give me Plasticman over Spiderman any day (they're both a bit wimpy looking, but Plasticman is a lot cooler IMO).
Re: Spider-Man PS4 Allegedly Sells More Than 20 Million Copies
I must admit I never understood the love for Marvel (and especially not Spidey). And have tried buying Marvel comics and games over the years (almost 40 years).
Guess I will always be DC man when it comes to superheroes.
Re: Resident Evil Village May Also Come to PS4, Capcom 'Looking Into It'
I'd much rather have Resident Revelations 3 on my Switch.
I don't like these first person REs at all. 7 was boring and cheap IMO.
Re: Godfall Gets Its Best PS5 Trailer Yet
Looks a bit like Warframe, Dark Sector (that game was actually pretty cool, it had some good parts and then some bad..) and a few others.
Re: Hands On: Resident Evil 3 Does the PSone Classic Proud
Sounds like it will be even better than 2, with much more action.
Re: Ridiculous Rumour Claims Sony Is About to Buy Bethesda Parent Company ZeniMax and All Its Studios
Bethesda hasn't enjoyed many successes over the last 2 or 3 years, so I personally wouldn't completely rule it out.
Re: Game of the Year: #1 - Resident Evil 2
The only new game I've bought and played all year
Re: Some European Developers Feel Like PlayStation Is Leaving Them Behind
It's true that of course the PS4 has probably at least as big a library as the Switch, but it doesn't have the portability option that the Switches have.
Re: Some European Developers Feel Like PlayStation Is Leaving Them Behind
Ok, what is "true" gaming then?
For me (at the moment at least) it's playing ZX Spectrum games (both the up to 37 years old classics, but also quite a lot of the games from the blossoming retro scene).
I just haven't had time to play more than 3 hours of RE2Make yet (it's a very solid game, don't get me wrong), because I've a lot going on in my personal life at the moment (in reality I just finally has had to "grow up" .
The problem with AAA gaming IMO, is that the games are starting to become ridiculously expensive to produce (GTA V cost around $200 million to develop alone - a PS3 game - and then there's marketing, online etc.).
RE2Make (and probably also RE3Make) is not an extremely state of the art game technically, so it could seem that at least Capcom have given up on the thought of competing solely on a technical level, but instead have realized that their legacy in gaming is a much better card to play against their competitors.
And we still haven't seen Skyrim's successor after more than 8 years of waiting (and even GTA 6, we haven't heard about almost 6 and half years after 5 was released - and 5 sold an extreme amount of copies).
Making games like GTA, The Elder Scrolls etc. (yes, even Monster Hunter from Capcom) is extremely high risk business nowadays (think what would happen if people suddenly didn't like gaming stories about criminals and Rockstar had spend $500 million alone in development costs making GTA 6).
I simply don't think the AAA aproach is financially viable much longer, and then a "Jack of all trades" like the Switch will stand a much better chance in the long run IMO.
Re: Some European Developers Feel Like PlayStation Is Leaving Them Behind
It's called freedom of speech
No, I'm just not very impressed with Sony's gaming "offerings" anymore. I will buy RE3 remake of course.
But I do find it a bit odd that Capcom has chosen to release it only 1 year and 3 month after RE2Make. IMO it could suggest that Capcom just wants to get as much out of the Playstation as they can while they still can.
What I can read out of various comments on YouTube (non-Playstation) channels that I follow (mainly retro gaming channels and most of the time ones that focus entirely on the ZX Spectrum), is that there is not that much buzz surrounding the PS5.
People have generally felt a bit disappointed with the PS4 (to many cinematic type games and to few really good action games!).
No, I personally have more faith in the Switch being the platform where I can get my gaming fix in the future (I'm not really a Nintendo fanboy at - I only really like the 3DS - and I don't even have a Switch yet and don't plan to buy one anytime soon, if at all).
I've had all of the Playstation platforms (PS 1-4 plus PSP and Vita) and still own all of them except the PSOne, but I haven't bought a single game for my PS4 since RE2Remake in january, and haven't touched the machine at all since april (plus I have only had about 200 hours of gaming from it in total since I bought it in april 2016 - and that is by far mostly RE PS3/Xbox 360 remasters).
No, I'm not at all impressed with the Playstation brand these days, which is why I'm leaving it behind, as I said (I won't buy a PS5 that's for sure - AND I wouldn't be surprised if RE2Make and RE3Make were ported to the Switch at one point or another - if they can port The Witcher 3 with good results, then why not)
Re: Some European Developers Feel Like PlayStation Is Leaving Them Behind
I'm leaving Playstation behind, so fine with me
Re: Feature: As PlayStation Turns 25, We Share Our Fondest PSone Memories
Entering the police station in RE2 for the first time was like a revelation to me
Re: Guide: PS4, PSVR, PS3, Vita - Which Should You Buy the Kids for Christmas?
Vita is available?
But Vita first, because.. it's very underrated!
PS4 next, because it can play most of the best PS3 games in better versions.
PSVR never interested me, because it's just to weird, to be frank.
Re: Poll: PlayStation Is 25 Years Old Today - What Is Your Favourite PlayStation Console?
PS Vita is the best, because it can play almost all of the (IMO) best PSOne games (in my book it's all the great action adventure games - the RE's, the Parasite Eves, the Tomb Raiders, the Fear Effects, the Dino Crisis', MGS, Alone in the Dark The New Nightmare, Nightmare Creatures II - much more emphasis on the action in that one I admit, not an easy game at all IMO, Evil Dead Hail to the King etc.), and then its own library is vastly underrated IMO.
But of the home consoles of course the original one, followed by 3 and 4 (never really liked 2 - PSP is quite good, though).
Re: PS4 Loses the Battle of Black Friday to Xbox One, Nintendo Switch in UK
Wow! £109 must be close to being the deal of the century, even if it's digital only.
Does anybody know if Xbox One exclusives bought through Live (or what it's called) can be played also on Games for Windows (or whatever that is called) for "free"?
Re: Shuhei Yoshida Shuts Down Xbox Boss' Comments on VR
Never liked the idea of VR. To me it's just a bit too much like 'Blade Runner'.
Re: Soapbox: Sony's Made Four of the Five Best-Selling Home Consoles of All Time, And That's Insane
@Carl-G It WAS too expensive at first, but when the first Slim was released (great piece of hardware btw.) it slowly recovered and caught up with the Xbox 360.
Re: Make Your Voices Heard if You Want More Resident Evil Remakes, Says Capcom
@StephanEvil You're probably right. It has never been one of my true favs in the series, but it still has the second best villain in 'Lord "suffer severe consequences" Saddler', after Wesker.
Re: Soapbox: Sony's Made Four of the Five Best-Selling Home Consoles of All Time, And That's Insane
The Sinclair ZX Spectrum and the original Playstation are my to 2 favourite gaming platforms of all time. Simply because they each in their own way have the best libraries ever.
The ZX Spectrum has the best library of 2D games (it HAS! - many of its arcade conversions simply play better than the originals - and it also have many other truly classic games in other genres - its library consists of over 14.000 games - and still very much counting - after all).
The original Playstation has the best collection of action adventures ever IMO (Resident Evil, Metal Gear Solid, Tomb Raider, Parasite Eve, Fear Effect etc.).
But the PS3/Xbox 360 generation was also very good, because it took 3D action gaming to a whole new level IMO.
The Vita and the Nintendo 3DS are also very good platforms, partly because of their ability to play many great games from the past on the go.
Re: Resident Evil 2 Voice Actress Wants Remakes of Code Veronica X and Dino Crisis
Yes please. I would buy them, that's for sure.
Re: Poll: Is PS Now's Price Drop Tempting You to Subscribe?
No, I've got zero interest in PS Now (or ever for that matter).
Re: Project Resistance Teaser Trailer Reveals a Co-Op Resident Evil Shooter
So a Dead Island/Left4Dead clone with very generic looking characters.
Count me out. Meh.
Re: New Resident Evil Game Looks Like a Co-Op Spin-Off
Revelations 3? The characters pictured looks a bit like the side characters from Revelations 2.
Re: EA Removes All Traces of Previous Need for Speed Games Ahead of Tomorrow's Reveal
I agree very much. I think Capcom took that way with RE 7, REmake2 and Devil May Cry 5, because they figured they couldn't compete with Call of Duty etc.
But then I think you need some really iconic franchises to do that.
Re: EA Removes All Traces of Previous Need for Speed Games Ahead of Tomorrow's Reveal
Just saw the article about Konami's downfall above this.
Are we going to see EA's downfall soon as well?
I mean they just don't have any franchises of the caliber of Activision's, Capcom's, Rockstar's, Warner Bros' or Bethesda's (I don't know about Ubisoft, Ass Creed must be quite expensive to make and how much do it sell in the end - Square Enix has Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest - and Tomb Raider ).
Battlefield isn't that series more or less dead by now. I think it's Fifa themselves that makes most money out of the Fifa series.
Anthem bombed. Dead Space is long dead and gone. Same with Medal of Honour. Do they have Sims? And maybe some realtime strategy series like Red Alert?
How on earth are EA gonna compete on PS5 when AAA games just cost more and more to produce?
The new Star Wars looks almost last gen, because it's probably just to costly to make it look any better. But will people be content with a game that looks a bit like old news?
I'm not so sure, but I guess time will tell as they say (but I will remember to buy some cheap microwave popcorns to treat myself with, while I'm watching it all span out).
Re: Could GreedFall Be the Next Big RPG to Watch Out For?
I wouldn't rule it out either. Focus Interactive must be quite well of financially at the moment because of Farming Simulator's recent success. And french developers do tend to make quite good games in the more "arty/historical" genres if they are given a decent budget.
Just think Dark Works' Alone in the Dark game ("The New Nightmare"), Arkane Studios' Dishonered, Dontnod's Remember Me (ok not so historically, but definitely "arty") as the best examples.
Re: PS Vita's Not Quite Done Yet, Despite Reports to the Contrary
The main problem with the Vita probably was that Sony was in extreme dire straits, when it released. I even remember a time on the Vita PSN shop, when the prices started to go from, say, 15.95 to 15.99 just to get that extra little money out of the transaction.