Comments 408

Re: Talking Point: Did You Enjoy the Square Enix Presents Showcase?


facts on facts.
I dont play Life is Strange but the VO for the main character of True Colors is gorgeous and as a person of Asian descent
1) representation is a real thing
2) helloooo nurse!

GotG looks fun and totally agree that Avengers should have been more focused instead of trying to be like an online microtransaction multiplayer w/e it's trying to be.

FF Origins has terrible voices because it's ENG, I'm sure the JPN voices would be better...although the game itself seems kinda boring at best.

I agree that Sony has a State of Play in the works, either end of this week or maybe next month to showcase more ish (including FFXVI and other exclusive stuff)

Re: Talking Point: Did Sony Lie About PS5?


SONY: we are about the next generations
MICROSOFT: you can play any of our old games on the new XBoX One X-YZ 720p 98 degrees - we'll call it smart's really just backwards compatibility but it sounds cooler right?
GAMERS: Yay! MS is so consumer friendly - I wish Sony did that. Sony sucks, they hate me as a consumer....but man, I do love my PS exclusives...
SONY: ok, so while we did say we believe in next gen - the fans are pretty loud, maybe we should cater to them...why don't we make our exclusives playable for both PS4 and PS5? - sure let's do that. that way they can enjoy our games on whichever system they have.
GAMERS: boo! Sony are a buncha liars!

Re: Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart Stars in New State of Play This Week


I am looking forward to seeing video game news from Playstation, regardless of it's going to affect me right away or down the road...

I am kind of curious and ready to do an eye roll at what the complaints are going to be about already...such as:
"oh, the State of Play is not long enough / oh why are they showing R&C gameplay, i've seen enough / oh, they're doing this before Returnal; that's dumb, Sony is stupid.../ oh great, more indies, who cares, we want AAA games all the time but we dont want to pay for it, so just give it to us for free.../ oh, another State of Play? i don't care, i'm just going to keep yelling about how PS doesn't have GamePass. / oh, a State of Play? it's been a while, why don't they have a State of Play every Tuesday at 10am when the sun is out and birds are chirping and the outside temperature is to my liking - that's how it should always be / etc. etc. etc.

Re: All Samurai Warriors 5 Characters Revealed, New Story Trailer Shows Some Style


Looks cool! Outside of the One Piece Musou, Samurai Warriors is my favorite.
I appreciate the new take of going back in time to the younger versions of Oda, Shingen Takeda, Uesugi etc. as they rise up and take charge of their respective regions.
It was cool to see what we know of Oda to look like now at the end of the trailer, plus his voice changing to a more serious tone is good to hear.
Excited for this one in July 2021.

Re: Bleach: Brave Souls Unleashes Its Bankai on PS4 in 2021


whoa-whoa-o-oohh! * Guitar Riff *
not interested in a mobile type game on console. i think i might've played it a few times and was like eh. The Bleach Heat the Soul games on PSP were quite fun though.

  • as @Judal27 said, hopefully the "new" anime will do the series some justice and I would gladly take a Bleach Musou game similar to a One Piece Pirate Warriors OR if they do an Arena fighter, then do one like One Piece Burning Blood.

Re: Rumour: Sony Planning 'Counterpunch' to Xbox Game Pass


@Robinsad ...
and MS has done what? talk about GamePass ad nauseam and put a trailer out for a Perfect Dark game that probably won't come out for another 2 years or more and Halo Infinite isn't out either.
I don't follow XBox coverage religiously so I'm probably missing something, but i'm quite sure i'm not missing anything mind blowing.

Re: Rumour: Sony Planning 'Counterpunch' to Xbox Game Pass


I can only speak for myself but just based on observation, some folks seem like they're too hung up on what MS/XBox is doing.
Can Playstation improve on some things?! sure. But i feel like there's a swell /pressure from the PS fanbase that is clamoring for a response to MS and I don't get it.

If GamePass and playing old games/3rd party titles are so important to you, then just buy an XBox or subscribe to Gamepass and play on your PC.

Sony and MS seem to have different philosophies when it comes to running their video game side of things and maybe that's okay. They don't have to go tit for tat if they don't want to.


But hey, complain away I guess...

Re: Latest BioMutant Trailer Showcases Combat and Style


Been hyped on this game since it was announced like 5 years ago. I know it's a small team making the game so it took a while. I'm excited to play this game. I may actually pre-order it (not something i typically do). But yeah, i hope BioMutant does well. it's like an even more over the top Mad Max with animals set in a world that looks like it's supposed to be a JRPG (what is this, Trials of Mana?). Can't wait.

Re: Reaction: What Next for PlayStation?


there's so many games to play. i think it's okay if they're currently silent. esp with Covid still going on, i think it's a good idea to just take their time and continue to work on what they're working on in secret. we don't need Sony to overpromise and then underdeliver, or show something too early and then delay delay delay because that just makes the optics/perceptions worse.
i don't think Sony needs to be reactionary towards what MS is doing. playstation fans need to stop looking over to the other side, the grass isn't always "greener" (no pun intended...pun intended). why do people always have to compare...there's plenty of good things going on on the Playstation side of things.