Comments 408

Re: PS Store Double Discounts Sale Has 500+ PS5, PS4 Deals That Get Better with PS Plus


>I don't play First Person perspective games (just not my type of games) so I def would not have bought CraperJunk2077.

>As for Marvel's Avengers - I enjoy single player story games so I would likely just play it for that part of the game.

> As for Ys IX, sure, it may not be as epic as VIII but it's still worth a play if one is a fan of the series. It doesn't always have to be a comparison; and yes, I'm not surprised that a fast speed action JRPG runs like a slide show on the Switch.

Re: Poll: Did You Buy Tales of Arise?


>long time fan of the series.
>super hyped for the game when it was announced and maintained the hype.
>preordered the game (something I rarely do)
>played the demo and stopped after like 20 min. cuz I didn't want to get used to the game and wanted to maintain my anticipation for it.
>playing it now : )
>hope it gets some nomination for GOTY.

Re: Lengthy Tales of Arise Trailer Builds the Hype for This Week's Release


@bremkat35 - all tales /tales of games are self contained, barring a very few that have direct sequels.

  • if you never played a Tales game before, this newest entry is likely the best starting point. not sure which is the one on PSNow (I assume either Zestiria or Berseria, funny enough those two are somewhat connected but you won't be missing out too much if you just played one or the other, I think the timeline is that they're 1000 years apart)

Re: Fans Want Sony to Reconsider Horizon Forbidden West's PS4 to PS5 Upgrade


yeah so go ahead and complain then. I understand why there's complaints. I never said it wasn't valid to do so.

I'd just rather do something and focus my energy on things that I can control...and what I can always control is how I spend my money (which isn't difficult). That's all.

If the fan's complaints bring about change then great!
Personally, I'm gonna play HFW on one console, PS4 or whenever I get a PS5. I don't know yet.

Re: Fans Want Sony to Reconsider Horizon Forbidden West's PS4 to PS5 Upgrade


@Matroska apparently that way of thinking is undermining people's complaints.
shrugs oh well. I'd personally rather come up with a plan to move forward with what's been presented instead of complaining about something that we can't change...but as the internet goes, complain enough and something could happen (or nothing will change and its still ultimately up to the person to make a decision - guess we shall see)

Re: Fans Want Sony to Reconsider Horizon Forbidden West's PS4 to PS5 Upgrade


@zupertramp not necessarily dismissing concerns, I was just showing another way of thinking about the situation presented. if me saying that "it's not that difficult" was somehow triggering then I apologize.
if you want to complain, go ahead - clearly alot of people are.
I'm just saying that there's a sensible solution to it but if that's not something you agree with and you'd rather complain, then have at it.

Re: Fans Want Sony to Reconsider Horizon Forbidden West's PS4 to PS5 Upgrade


>if you only have a PS4 and the game is out on PS4 and you want to play it...then buy the game.
>if you have a PS5 and the game is out on PS5 and you want to play it...then buy the game.
>if you only have a PS4 and don't yet have a PS5, and the game is out on both systems, then make a decision about which console you want to play it on and when... and then umm... buy it. (which is the camp I fall under)
= it's really not that difficult. Sony isn't making you buy anything. you control what you do with your money.

Re: Stray Is Looking Purr-fect in PS5, PS4 Gameplay Showcase


love cats. was curious about this game when it was first announced. glad it has a release window now (wish it wasn't 2022) but any info is good info. excited for this game.
>definitely a day 1 purr-chase for me.
>this game really scratches an itch.
>i cat wait to play this game.
>if it does well, then meow-be it'll get a sequel.

Re: PS Store Summer Sale Brings the Heat on 21st July


Preferably under 20, but at 20 is cool too) the games I'm hoping for include:
-Judgement (likely to be a future PS Plus offer)
-I am Setsuna (or the other two Tokyo RPG factory games)
-Bloodstained RotN (likely to be a future PS Plus offer)
-Tetris Effect
-Marvel's Avengers

Re: Sony 'Closely Monitoring' Nintendo Switch OLED as Industry May Look to Increase Prices


Nintendo can sell their stuff at whatever price they want and put it on sale (once every 2 years) and folks will eat it up and the concensus will say it's the best thing ever and buy it anyway. Nothing is gonna change that.
The double standard remains.

If Sony decides to increase prices by one dollar (or the equivalent to where you live), the internet will catch fire because of the outrage -"How can Sony do this?! Businesses don't need money to make more things! We expect top tier quality games all the time but they gotta give it to us for free!"

Re: Rumour: Mocap for the Next Spider-Man Game Has Begun


didn't play Spider-Man M.M yet. but I assume that Spider-Man 2 will have both Peter and Miles be playable in certain missions (with Peter being the clear main character)...
any chance that Spider-Gwen gets involved (multiverse type ish or Spider Island type ish) or is that out of the question?

Re: Poll: Does Sony Need a Big PS5 Showcase This Summer?


Sure it would be nice. I think folks want them to have a big blow out so that the gaming community/gaming social media can say "ooohhh!! PS answered back to what XBox did in E3." or something of that manner.
I know folks want to know what is after H:FW , GOW:R and GT7...but then i'm like, why? First, those games aren't even out yet. Secondly, newer games aren't going to be coming til late 2022 or 2023 the earliest. That's a while from now! Play the games that are out now or are coming really soon. (plus there are tons of games from 3rd parties and indies, let alone the backlog that most of y'all have). Lastly, do folks want new games or do they just want remasters/remakes of old stuff - it's getting kind of played out.
Everyone wants to know what's next and arent' looking to just focus on the / enjoy the now. That's how unrealistic expectations happen. Get it together people!

Re: Reaction: It's Time to Accept We Can't Predict PlayStation Anymore


folks tend to want all the surprises spoiled before hand then immediately turn around and bash the company if their lofty/unrealistic expectations aren't met down to the exact verbiage. folks continue to want to let what they want to happen in their heads be the only reality, which is absurd because none of us fans can truly dictate what Sony can/cannot do.
> Enjoy the games and vote with your wallet. If you don't like something they announced then just move on and scroll past it. You can't be upset if they let you know what's gonna happen ahead of time yet some still clamor for ish that they specifically said wasn't gonna be there.

Re: Tales of Arise Fully Animated Opening Movie Is Pretty Hype


ok ok...I watched it.

  • it was nice! the song was alright (seems more like an OP for the 2nd season of a shonen anime; which isn't always the most hype)
  • animation looked really nice though and it was great to see the antagonists a bit more clearly. Dolhalim and Law seem like pretty cool guys already.
  • gonna be pre-ordering this game fo sho!

Re: Poll: When Do You Expect the Next Major PS5 Livestream?


some fans can never be's either:
> Sony is too quiet, how come they haven't said anything OR
> Sony is giving us too much info/exposure about their games, it'd be nice if they left some mystery about it OR
> Sony is totally gonna release (insert Sony 1st party top tier game here) and if they don't by this specific date that I want them too then they suck and I'm gonna be super pissed.

- let's all just be patient and play some awesome games.

Re: Action RPG The Legend of Nayuta: Boundless Trails Journeys West on PS4 in 2023


I'm not a Trails fan...I assume I'd have to play Trails of the Sky, of the Azure, of the Cold Steel, of the Dark Mountain, of the Giant Robot with Swords and I can't forget about, Trails of the School with powerful students but don't call me Persona - to fully understand Trails of Nayuta?

I'm messing with you guys! but glad to see games that have similarities to Ys combat. That's one of my favorites!

Re: Bethesda Apologises to PS5, PS4 Fans 'P*ssed' at Exclusivity


fans that are mad about this are making the PS fanbase look whiny and (insert crying meme of your choice here).
who cares, there are so many games to play. play something play Skyrim for the 746th time...
MS made a business decision, nothing people can really do about it.

I'm not interested in Bethesda games but good for the MS players if that's what they're into.

Yay video games!