Comments 288

Re: Rumour: PS5 Reveal Event on Course for Early to Mid June


Another grain of salt. I now have enough to undo all the streets in my city when the snow starts to pile up. Thank you!

In all seriousness, eventho I'm very interested in anything regarding PS5, the amount of rumors became so bad I really don't give a sh*t about them anymore.

Fyi, I'm not telling you to stop posting these articles but at one point you have to realise that a certain balance has to be maintained to keep the morale up.

We see loads of folks irritated by the ***** storm of rumors and, to be honest, rightfully so. There's a group of level headed folks who aren't fussed about said rumors and they are patiently awaiting any real PS5 news. Thing is, we aren't all the same and a team is as strong as the weakest link. Therefore, it's wise to consider those and keep the rumors to a minimum.

In closing, can't wait for the PS5 to be revealed. When, where and how doesn't matter to me. When the time is right, it'll happen. No need for so much rumors because they won't make the reveal come any sooner.

Re: Talking Point: What PlayStation Franchises Should Sony Bring Back on PS5?


Def Jam Fight for New York 2!

  • We'll just ignore that mishap called Icon and proceed with business as usual 😉

Shadow of Rome!

  • Been hoping for some news about this game for years... nothing! Either a remaster, ideally a complete remake and a sequel follow up as well.

I agree with the sentiment here, Sony has such wonderful IPs that deserve loads of attention. It would be a true shame if they didn't grab their chances and win over the hearts of so many players with the new machine PS5!

Re: Guide: What to Expect from Sony's PS5 Deep Dive


I'm wondering about the full extend of BC. It's really time they get their sh** together and handle it properly. I still have all my older games and having to toggle multiple consoles is a very inconvenient hassle.
Yes, I heard all about the possibilities of it not happening. Yet I still hope Sony finds a solution for something I been screaming for since v2 PS3s.
Good extend of BC will ensure I'll be a day one adopter, if not I can sit it out on my PS4 for quite some time.

All the other bells and whistles is just a bonus for me. It'll be somewhat in the same ballpark as S1X and next gen will be a blast regardless.

Anyway, I'll defo be tuning in tomorrow at 5pm. Pretty curious about what Cerny has to reveal!! 👍

Re: E3 2020 Cancellation on the Cusp as Coronavirus Causes State of Emergency


But it's just a flu 🙄

Everyone up in arms about safety and contaminations. I mean, come on!!

I'm all for safety and precautions when there's a real threat doing the rounds but the whole world is on edge for a flu 🤣

As long as this virus has a low mortality rate compared to the regular flu I'll stay very sceptical towards all these hyped 'dangers'.

Re: PlayStation Cancels Huge PAX East Showing Due to Coronavirus Concerns


Exactly! The virus isn't the actual reason for the delay but pretty convenient given the circumstances.

Good point! As @TooBarFoo said, inherent immunity is a factor as well. It surely would explain the hefty precautions China's taking. Even still, stuff regarding this virus is blown out of proportion.

Thanks for warm compliment and constructive feedback!! Things I said have to be read in perspective but given the little tantrum you had I guess it takes awhile to catch on.

Re: PlayStation Cancels Huge PAX East Showing Due to Coronavirus Concerns


Exactly what I was thinking. When you look at the symptoms, it does seem very similar like a bad cold or minor flu. Also, it reads that the virus can be more severe for some persons and can lead to pneumonia or breathing difficulties. More rarely, the disease can be fatal. Older people, and people with pre-existing medical conditions (such as, diabetes and heart disease) appear to be more vulnerable to becoming severely ill with the virus.

Seems to me that it isn't that dangerous at all. For flu small infants and elderly people are more likely to be floored by it but people with regular immune systems don't even have to worry about it being fatal.

And then you see all these safety precautions in China. A bit excessive imo....

Yes, but why do people get quarantined for 2 weeks? It isn't normal to take those kinda measures if you look what the virus actually does. Like a said, it's only a heavy cold or minor flu.


Edit: I get the feeling that this virus is a perfect excuse for Sony to postpone PS5 reveal because of other reasons, like pricing and waiting game with Series X

Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake's DLC Summons Detailed in New Gameplay


A shame Kyle is allowed to be personal like that, vet or not, there's a thing called decency when talking to fellow gamers. I'm no snowflake at all and have thick skin but it just childish and uncalled for.

On topic:
I really like the tiny cactuar summon, but both carbuncle and chocobo are horrible!!
Regardless, this reeks heavily as bad business practices. Summons should never be DLC in the first place (this includes possibly extra added tiny summons) but included in the game itself. Let us do some side stuff to acquire these..
Makes one wonder what SE has up its sleeves still 🤔

Must admit that I was very hyped when I saw FFVII would get a proper remake. Never played the original because I was introduced to FF after VIII was released, so for me VIII has the most nostalgic value. In fact, I'm playing FFVIII remastered right now and it's a blast (getting carried away lol).
The more I see and hear from VII remake the more the hype fades. Doesn't mean I'll never play it but I'm leaning heavily towards waiting for a complete edition on PS5, heck, could even be PS7 with how long SE takes to develop games these days 🤦‍♂️
Square Enix is a shadow of its former self, in more ways than one!!

Re: Yeah, That Rumoured 5th February PS5 Reveal Event Ain't Happening


I learned to keep my actual expectations as low as possible but my hopes and desires are skyrocketing last few weeks. This doesn't mean I expect the PS5 to be what I desire and hope for.

Sony is playing it smart and must admit they are doing a damn fine job so far. With all these rumors into the wild it's impossible to tell which ones are facts. Educated guesses mean nothing.

Having said that, I'm looking forward to what Sony has in store for us. The wait is excruciating but I know it'll all be revealed when they think the time is right, and rightfully so.

Only difference for me about the reveal is if my desires and hopes are being met I'll be a day one adopter. If not, I'll most likely wait until the 2nd generation of PS5s are released.

Re: Rumour: GTA 6 Development for PS5 Supposedly Outed by UK Tax Return


I didn't go into details too much, for a reason which I stated above.

Take Two is a large corporation. And I did include that in my previous comment as well.

Anyway, I fully agree with what you said. It is disgusting. None should be excluded for their horrible practices. It's just that putting a focus on a single one is pointless because it's just a minor tip of an enormous mountain.

Re: Rumour: GTA 6 Development for PS5 Supposedly Outed by UK Tax Return


What really boggles my mind is that we target Take Two/Rockstar for possible tax evasion while the complete current system is being abused by wealthy individuals and corporations, including governments.

I'll leave it at that otherwise it'll turn into a heavy political post and this isn't the place to so. Just had to make a point.

Before we jump to conclusions, let's wait an see what they have in store for us, whatever game it may be.

Both GTA6 and Bully(2?) would be awesome, both are way overdue.

Re: Poll: What PS5 Box Design Should Sony Adopt?


Black and blue all the way! Really looks awesome!!

Kinda dig the idea of a led light in the boxes.
Make the case black but transparent lettering, combine it with a blue led light and the PS5 logo catches your eye.

Fast forward to the future and essentials arrive, change the color of the led light and you're done.

Wishful thinking but the idea is pretty nice tho.

Re: Xbox Series X Has a Share Button, Hellblade Sequel


Not an official (or credible) channel, so I could be wrong. Hence the 'I heard'. If I was dead positive I would've used different wording 😉

Yeah, I know HB1 was developed when NT was independent and that NT was acquired by MS recently. Thanks for the info anyway.
And just like I said to dominator, I heard it but I didn't claim it as a fact.

Re: Xbox Series X Has a Share Button, Hellblade Sequel


@JayDub good one. Had a good laugh on that! Thanks!

Wish I had some good Photoshop skills. I'd drop a pic of house with the console as a chimney.

The design isn't necessarily bad, but it feels awkward. Thing is, standing vertical is makes sense with the open top. Generated heat can easily escape that way. Just don't put it in a tv-cabinet, vertically it might not even fit 🤔

Apparently, it's possible to put the console in a horizontal position making it fit into tv-cabinets. This way the open side doesn't make sense anymore. Pretty weird imo.

And there's the name. I know why the series is there, given the probable different iterations of the console. But using the series in the actual name is downright weird. Heck, Microsoft was never really bright when it came to naming their consoles, were they?

Also, the moment they chose to reveal the console, and how they did it raised even more eyebrows. Microsoft made me learn to use my eyebrows simultaneously. Just not sure wether this a good thing or not 🤔

The new Senua trailer was marvelous!! Had a real good vibe to it 👌
Heard the game will be a timed exclusive, perhaps it'll end up on PS5 later on... We'll see.

Re: Babylon's Fall Looks Like Another Amazing Platinum Action Game in First Gameplay Trailer


I been playing since '92 and I had my fair share of frustrations over the years. Some consoles and controllers didn't live to tell the tale. I've grown older and that kinda frustrations is done with. By the way, I got 5 kids and a cussing dad late in the evening isn't cool.

Anyway, each gamer has their preferences for certain games. And getting good doesn't have to be issue, you also have to enjoy what you play. And games with those kinda difficulty spikes takes away the fun, thus I avoid them. Let's be frank, it's not that we lack any other options for games we can play 😉 word up

Re: Sony Files Patent for Curious New Cartridge


Exactly! I wouldn't be surprised if these rumors end up being valid. Let's be honest, it's about time Sony steps up and get this over with.

People do realise! And it definitely may be it won't be used but as mentioned earlier it isn't a farfetched idea. Some people aren't into older games and want new games with fresh designed environments like Cyberpunk & Death Stranding but a good amount of gamers have grown a bit older and still enjoy to relive their memories of older games. For instance, I had a real blast replaying Bully & GTA: San Andreas. And FF8 is awesome as well. There are loads of good PS2 titles that deserve a proper remake because I believe we were spoiled with a great variety of titles back in the day. Also, with the amount of profit Sony is making I strongly feel no studios should have to decide between a remake or a new game. The gaming business is booming with profits and both remakes and new games should be worked on alongside one another.

Re: Sony Files Patent for Curious New Cartridge


Definitely looks like a wireless memory card holder 🤔

Wired they already exist, not sure if wireless ones do too?

Statements of PS5 being BC (for sure with PS4) it wouldn't be that farfetched if this would be a wireless MC holder addition for PS5's BC with PS1 &2.

And the guy who filed for the patent could easily be a minor smokescreen.

Of course, speculations and assumptions...
I'd defo go crazy if this end up being true.

Edit: Just searched a bit and couldn't find a wireless MC adaptor. And I mean, look at this....


This isn't wireless, looks like one but has a usb-slot on the back

Re: Getting Games Running on PS5 Sounds Even Easier Than on PS4


I hear ya! Thing is, you have game development and work ethics. These two are intertwined but are still two separate things. I do feel work environments should be respectful and humane. With that said, the quality of the games themselves, from ND, R* & GG (to name a few) are very good and I don't think this will change on PS5. We'll see how the SJW will turn out for them.

Re: Sony Wants to Transition Players from PS4 to PS5 At an Unprecedented Pace


First gen of PS5 will prolly have minor hiccups. I'm tempted to wait until the 2nd gen arrives. However, depending on what features the PS5 has, I may be a day one adopter!

Backward compatibility with PS2 would make it very tough to wait with upgrading. PS4 BC is a given at this point and PS3's difficult cell hardware makes it unsure if PS3 BC is even possible. In my opinion, if Sony wants to get it done they most definitely can! But given that PS1 & 2 BC was possible in the launch models of the PS3 there's no excuse why they wouldn't include it in the PS5, besides shady and greedy practiced.

It's time for Sony to stop with this nonsense and give us real BC!! Then again, they did say they still have some unannounced stuff to share with us so I'm hopeful, for now.

Re: Soapbox: The Most Frustrating Thing About Enthusiast Gamers


Really like the direction of this article.

@DigiTM is pretty solid on what he said. Lots has to do with society and it's issues.

You gotta look at the bigger picture here, the points you raise about negativity is not exclusive to gamers. It's something that stems from certain issues from society in general. While I don't necessarily intend to talk about politics I still have to talk about it a bit to explain my point.

These days there's a good amount of issues going on. The way governments runs policies and how the media plays a large role in how they portray news. Lots of policies aren't designed to make the population happy but are designed to divide instead. Look at how politics are run, you got the left or the right, and some in the middle. There you already see there's nothing cohesive going on. And I'm not saying one is right or wrong, of course I got my opinions but want this to stay unbiased. The way politics are done flows down to the population which will pick sides based on what they prefer and may even defend it against people with different opinions about their preferred party. The point is the divisive nature of it all.

The media plays a large role in this as well. News isn't released objectively. It often tries to force you to a certain direction, indirectly. This influences decision making among the population as well. Certain layers of the population responds differently which in turn creates divided opinions.

Also, the internet and social media makes people more individualistic. It's easier to find people with common interests and shared opinions to spend more time with. It also causes people to be more focused on their devices instead of having a talk with people at a busstop, or anywhere else outside. You see people focused on their phones everywhere. It all fits into the divide category. Being more individualistic is a result of less contact with people in your environment, neighbors or people at the busstop etc. People are naturally social beings and the twisted contact via social media creates a false feeling of actual contact.

These are certain examples of why society isn't focused on being tolerant. It's all little things that creates a big issue. One thing isn't necessarily bad, but all together it is. This is what
@get2sammyb feels, it's just not something that is to blame on the gaming community or the gamers but it's because of how society is these days. We drifted off from being tolerant and respectful to one another and instead are individualistic and more focused on our own opinions and feel they're more important.

In closing, we, as a society, have a lot of ground to cover to get us somewhere more pleasant again. Seems a lot of people have to discover the real issue at hand to be able to 'fix' it and make the world a better place for all of us.

Re: PS5's Devkit Looks Like an Alien Spaceship in 3D Mock Ups


Design is nice and all..
I'm more interested if the final product of a PS5 does what it has to do.

We all seen the the possible specs and some features but the most important of all is the noise it produces. I think they'll nail things spec wise, but it's a no brainer that the machine needs to handle the produced heat by the hardware parts.

A cool design would just be a bonus. Rather have a ugly silent product when a demanding game is being played than a slick good looking product that sound as its about to take off.

Re: Talking Point: What Free June 2019 PlayStation Plus Games Do You Want?


I still haven't accepted the move to provide such low amount of games.
Ok, at one point support for older hardware stops, fair enough, but to turn it into the current lackluster giveaway is just ridiculous.

For all I care, Sony needs to add 2 more games to the monthly line-up. 1 good game, 1 VR game, 1 indie game and the last slot can function for any of the previous 3.

I don't complain about what I get. Wether I already own it or not is upto chance. Sometimes you win some and other months it's disappointing but that's fine.

The general offer just needs to be decent again.

Re: For an Extra $20 You Can Unlock Nitros Oxide Early in Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled


Expecting it'll be €40,-

I'm dumbfounded that some of you think it's acceptable they charge 40 for it.

Crash and Spyro trilogies were both 40 at release. Both included 3 remastered games.
Now CTR finally is coming, only 1 remastered game, yet they still charge the same price for base version.

Just because they add a ridiculously priced NO version on top it seems that people ignore that fact they get ripped off with the base version 🤔

Just me, I guess...

Re: PS4 'Entering Final Phase of Its Life' Says Sony CEO


People saying no to PS5 cuz of backlog are idiots. Like you'll ever gonna clear that backlog... not in a million years, if life would allow you to live that long.

Ready or not, buying or not. Everyone is ready for PS5. Simple as that.

I joined the PS4 party 2y after release, did I clear my backlog. Nope. But I did hold back buying a PS4 until the big exclusives became PS4 only. I did buy a PS3 at launch cuz of the graphical leap. Never regretted any of my decisions.
It all comes down to what the PS5 offers if I'll upgrade day one or not, regardless how big my backlog will be.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 216


Could be playing God of War as the collector's edition came in yesterday. Really loving the statue, and no doubt I'll enjoy the game when I start sinking my teeth into it.
But I haven't been able to free up enough time to finish up Far Cry 5 so I'll be doing that first.
I know myself, obviously, and I won't be finishing FC5 if I start GoW now because surely I get addicted to it. So Far Cry it is, for now.

Re: Spider-Man Gets a Pricey PS4 Collector's Edition


As @crimsontadpoles said.

Although, I like to collect statues I don't go all-out on them. And me not really into Marvel stuff I'm not sure if I want it.

The game sure is interesting, but if I'm too busy with other games, when the game releases, I might wait a bit buying it

Re: Review: Far Cry 5 (PS4)


Great review!

Only played Primal (which was awesome) and got FC5 deluxe with €30 off so I think I'll be enjoying 5 a lot. Only drawback would be the repetitive fetch quests but I'll work my way through.

@FoxyGlen: Is it possible to complete the story first and play on after to collect all other trophies? And are there any missable trophies I need to keep my eye on in particular?

Re: Poll: What Do You Think About Remasters?


I'm all for remasters. Eventhough I still own the previous PS consoles with all the games I did pay full price for all the remasters I bought. I don't like most of the ones released thus far (looking at the horrible PS2 collection in the PS-store, Rockstar games excluded) and am still awaiting for the ones high on my wishlist, Shadow of Rome, Final Fantasy 8 and NFS Underground 1. I want more but those 3 badly.

I really love reliving old memories between big new AAA titles. So keep 'm coming, hopefully my desired games show up someday.