Comments 288

Re: Talking Point: Are You Enjoying Horizon: Zero Dawn on PS4?


Collector's Edition arrived yesterday. Nice detailed statue, absolutely happy with adding it to my growing collection.
Fired up the game and collected the extras from included codes. Then closed the game again. Later that day a friend came to visit and I just had to show him a bit of gameplay cuz he was curious about it. Played for a bit and haven't left the intro bit yet. But damn, it so gorgeous!! I'm in for a threat when my new setup is here.
About that, saw an amazing deal on the telly, it dropped just under 1k, which was my max justifiable number I was willing to pay. So I ordered it and can pick it up tomorrow. Also, ordered my Pro with coupons but sadly have to wait till Tuesday to pick it up.
Obviously, I'm pretty excited right now ^^
Gonna try to complete as much of FFXV as possible and perhaps finish the game on my new setup. Can't wait to start Aloy's adventure ^^

Re: Rumour: Middle-earth: Shadow of War Is Coming Soon to PS4


Enjoyed the game on PS3, eventhough it lagged like a mofo ^^. I still pushed forward and scored a shiny plat. Kept wondering how it would play on the stronger PS4. Bought the digital version and played through the game a 2nd time. That plat was a much more pleasant experience.

If this news ends up being true, I'll keep an eye for it. But before I buy the sequel I want to know if it lives up to its potential.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 157


FFXV, chapter 8, lvl 50. Been doing 'some' side quests for the trophies. Contemplating if I keep doing random stuff improving my team or just progress with the main story. Read there's still lots of stuff to do after the story, but for some reason I keep losing myself in these side quests 😂

Re: Review: VR Ping Pong (PS4)


@get2sammyb I know you do, hence the joking part.

I'm looking forward to a 4k/pro setup and skipping VR till maybe the 2nd or 3rd gen VR set. Hoping on a much improved set with less wires and improved hardware running on a native 4k PS5 (or later iteration of a PS4).

Re: Review: VR Ping Pong (PS4)


@Splat Amen!!

@get2sammyb pretty great? Not 400 bucks pretty, I assume 😂 Actually joking here, but imo there's some truth in it as well 😉

Re: Tekken Producer Talks About How For Honor Compares to Fighting Games


@jonny_aces Yeah, I'll admit I was addicted as well during the closed beta, it was a refreshing game. After day one with a couple hours in I was hooked too. The beta put FFXV on hold for a few days. When the beta was over I started wondering if the game was worth the retail price. Answer for me was no, thus I skipped the open beta, and didn't buy the game.

Re: Tekken Producer Talks About How For Honor Compares to Fighting Games


@jonny_aces Haven't bought the game but played the closed beta, and yeah it got potential. But it also made me feel the combat limitations came up short. Meaning, there's just that core battle system repeating itself over and over. That in turn makes me feel once the newishness of the game fades away, it can get really boring.

So it's interesting to see if the devs will come up with something to tackle that issue, if we can call it a issue of course, but for me it would be.

Re: Poll: What Are Your Thoughts on Crash Bandicoot PS4 So Far?


I played a couple of Crash games back in the day. Must admit I sunk quite a few hours into them. Especially Crash Team Racing... yeah, I dug the racer over the main games.

I will prolly buy thus remake. My wife is nostalgic about it. My kids need a good introduction of what I played when younger. And of course, my help is called when the tough levels arise ^^ Will be good fun!!

I support this remake, hoping it will lead to more. Would love a CTR remake or proper sequel.

Re: Poll: Has PS4 Pro's Boost Mode Tempted You to Upgrade?


I feel it's kinda weird to wait till your current PS4 dies before buying the Pro. You either like the Pro, or not. But waiting is silly.
Pro gives a (slightly) better experience, and getting it pretty cheap when selling your current PS4 is a great deal. You actually waste money if you wait till your oldie dies.

Not buying Pro when not owning a 4k TV is something I fully understand.

I'm currently in the process of selecting a decent 4k TV cuz I expect my current TV not to last long anymore, I'll move it to my bedroom for the remainder of its lifespan.

I have some goodies lying around my house collecting dust which I'll be selling. Also, my current PS4 goes on sale. With all the money I get from that I'll have a Pro, and approx half of a decent 4k TV with HDR and good picture quality. All in all, choice is pretty easy for me.

Couple of years for PS5, I might start saving for a release-buy. Couple of euro each month and I'll be at €1000,- easily.

Re: PS4 Pro's Boost Mode Is Proving to Be Quite the Beast


I'm so close to buy a Pro, just for fun (I currently own a ps4). Only thing that prevents me is not having a 4k TV. And that is close to being purchased as well. Just haven't dug into TV specs that fit my needs. When the 4k is here, Pro soon will follow. All these extra features are very welcomed ^^

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 153


With Mafia 3 out of the way, I finally made a start with FFXV. First 2 hours were fun, but with closed beta of For Honor I have to divide my attention a bit. But yeah, can't complain ^^ Sadly, I've to work this weekend and try to play both as much as possible. Early next week I'll put in some good amount of hours into FFXV.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 152


Busy with 2nd playthrough of Mafia 3. Trying to rush-kill everything as that's the last trophies I need, and 1 other trophy but it might be spoiler material ^^.
Though, gotta add that the more I play it, the more I want to finish it. Bought it because I liked the Godfather games on PS2 and wanted to have another Mafia game to relive those memories, sort of. Sadly, M3 doesn't feel right in a lot of aspects. Hence, why I want to get it done asap.

Re: Video: Seven Horizon: Zero Dawn Facts You May Not Know


Graphical masterpiece, or not, I'm still hyped for this. Letting my expectations on a low and let the game throw all it got at me.
Finally something new and fresh which isn't a sequel or remaster.
I know I'll be enjoying this if GG makes sure things don't get repetitive as the story progresses. Meaning with to much similar side quests or having to perform a lot of similar unnecessary actions.

Re: Grand Theft Auto V Has Sold an Astonishing 6 Million Units in the UK


Platted it both on PS3 & PS4. Have to add that on 4 all the online trophies popped after transferring my character. Still did story mode twice and don't regret it. Only quitted the game cuz the grinding for online money got boring. Never checked out the new expansions, though. But I'm good with that. More games to play ^^

I'm still amazed about the impact this game has. 3y later it's still selling. More games jumped from 3 to 4 but none keeps going like GTA5. I can only imagine what GTA6 will bring.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 148


@themcnoisy The waiting is hard lol. But a little mention about personal situation is in order. Me and my wife always team up with FFs, she reads and tells me where to go while I have fun enjoying surroundings and killing bosses. Of course, both of us spend quality time seeing the story unfold. With FFXII we beat the game like that and both had lots of fun and laughs about me messing up occasionally or finally beating Yiazmat.

Gonna end it there before I end up rambling too much ^^

Re: Rumour: Final Fantasy VII Remake, XIII Trilogy, Collection of VII, VIII, IX Coming to PS4 in 2017


I'd play a VIII remaster with trophy support. I'd love a VIII remake, though. It's the game that introduced me to the FF franchise and holds a place in my heart.

VII remake is a must-buy. Reason is that everyone that played original VII is very outspoken about it, mostly positively. I tried playing it not so long no ago but I value good graphics nowadays and couldn't get into the game because of it. Silly really because I don't have that issue when replaying VIII, probably due to said reason above. VII remake is a perfect chance to introduce myself to VII's story.

Also looking forward XII tza remaster. Loved original XII's battle system and story.

As for the rumors about XIII trilogy. I can't be bothered, played it a fair bit but eventually dropped it because I didn't feel the same when playing other previous FFs. The story wasn't great, battle system was annoying and the setting didn't appeal to me at all. I do see a trilogy remaster happening, though. And I wish everyone loads of fun with it. But I'll skip it with pleasure. The 1-9 bundle seems farfetched imo. Each separately or bundled with max 3 games seems more plausible. Unless the 1-9 bundle costs and arm and a leg, it MIGHT be true but I wouldn't put my money on it happening.

Re: Final Fantasy XV Smashes All Sorts of Sales Records


My retail copy is at home waiting for Uncharted 4 to be done. I purposely avoided most trailers and articles about this game. I somehow expected this to be a good game and can't wait for the Uncharted plat to pop so I can dive into the world of FFXV.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 145


Been a long time lurker over here, but finally created an account for my first, hopefully many, post.

Had to work this weekend but got 2 days off now and gonna try and finish my Uncharted 4 crushing run. Last few short play sessions I've been trying to pass chapter 13 (I suck at shooting and stealth lol). But I'm determined to eventually score my plat ^^

Also, scored 2 new games with a decent Black Friday deal. Mafia 3 & Rise of the Tomb Raider for €65,-. And awaiting my FFXV pre-order delivery. So I'm good for awhile. First things first, Uncharted needs to leave my backlog ^^