Comments 288

Re: Reaction: Sony Poised to End 2022 without Major Press Conference


I understand they can't hype the console due said shortages, but this shouldn't interfere with games' output.

Also, I'd rather have little events with release dates in the nearby future than a grand showcase with dates for games 2 or more years from now.
I truly loved the big showcases, though, the hype was insane and the games shown were often great blockbuster titles. But we gotta admit PlayStation was heavily criticized for showing games with too long release dates attached to them.

Re: Where to Pre-Order God of War Ragnarok Collector's and JΓΆtnar Editions for PS5, PS4


As soon as I noticed no game was included with collector & Jotnar editions I had no desire whatsoever to pre order either.

This new trend is horrible!!

I pre ordered Horizon FW collector's edition assuming a game disc was included. I failed to notice this on the poster so I was pretty bummed. This won't happen again.

Thus any collector's edition without game disc is a hard pass for me.

However, I'll defo grab that ragnarok themed controller. Love the looks of it!! πŸ‘

Re: Final Fantasy 16 Finally Comes to PS5 in Summer 2023


Trailer looks absolutely gorgeous!!

I'm so hoping the combat will be deep. FFXV's was way too dull.
Some strategic use of the controller wouldn't hurt.

And for the love of God, don't make the use of magic so cumbersome. Yes, I'm looking at you FFXV 😏.

I'll let the game surprise me with it's summon integration. FFXV's summons just didn't do it for me.

Overall I didn't dislike FFXV as a whole, just a big missed opportunity. Wasn't so bad I didn't finish the game and scored a platinum, unlike FF13.

Anyway, I'm pretty hyped for 16. Really hope it corrects 15's flaws. πŸ™πŸ™

Re: First PS1 on PS5, PS4 Analysis Drops, And There Are Highs and Lows


It's exactly why I'm hard pressed to get hyped for Sony's efforts these days.

For years they blatantly ignored the awesome catalogs of older generations, besides a select few games of their choosing. Some of which where remarkable ones, I might add.
Backwards compatibility was never a high priority.
I still remember Jim Ryan's words on older gamesπŸ˜’

It really isn't surprising their current efforts aren't living up to expectations.
On that regard the Xbox community have been spoiled. πŸ‘
As such, Sony has lots of ground to cover to come even close to Xbox' level for back compat.

At this point, I'll stay unsubscribed until Sony's efforts (not words) have persuaded me. I have zero intention to support half baked efforts.

Re: PS Plus Subscriber Count Slightly Down Year-on-Year to 47.4 Million


Not subscribed!

And not planning to subscribe to the new service.
First I want to know exactly what I'd be paying for and determine its value.
Sony's communicative skills have taken too big of a tumble and I ain't falling for nice words alone.

Maybe I'll subscribe again, but the revamped service has got some persuading to do.

Re: Sony Buying Square Enix Was the Big Acquisition Rumour, Apparently



Sony should've bought all of SE.
If SE themselves isn't capable of turning some IPs profitable, Sony has plenty of in-house talent that can. Those IPs were golden.

That said, if SE is up for grabs I truly hope Sony brings them in, regardles if FF14 stays multiplat.

Obviously, I take all with a chunk of salt until things like these are set in stone.

Re: GTA 5 PS5 Screenshots Bring Los Santos Back to Life


This game is on my blocklist now.
Even if free, they can't get me to play this.
We'll talk when 6 is closer to release, hoping Roskstar got the guts to release a gameplay trailer and provide lots of juicy details way ahead of launch.

Current Rockstar is a shadow of it's former self, imo!!

Re: Horizon Forbidden West's PS5, PS4 Visual Issues a High Priority, Patch Incoming ASAP


Compared to Uncharted 4 (last iteration I played) it feels rushed. It's like they didn't put enough time to make it fluid. Sometimes when you develop something it may look ok, but doesn't necessarily play ok.

Am getting more used to it and it's a little better now, but still at some points I know what I need to do, yet still kinda hesitant to perform the action because I don't want miss the jump. If I succeed I feel relieved, something that shouldn't be happening for completing a traversal jump.
Just know these occurrences are occasional and not the norm.
Usually, most traversing goes ok.

That said, gameplay aside, some traversal movements feel weird. Seemingly small traversal jumps she lunges, taking a second or 2 (3) to hand me back control.
At other bigger traversal jumps it goes much smoother (faster too) and I get the control back after a small second.
This is purely animation time.

Needless to say, the game's awesome!
I'm pretty confident with some more time into the game the traversing grows on me and I'll be able to avoid (most of) these traversal mishaps.
This game deserves lots of praise because I truly enjoy my time with it. πŸ˜‰

Re: Horizon Forbidden West's PS5, PS4 Visual Issues a High Priority, Patch Incoming ASAP



It's kinda a missed opportunity.
Uncharted has been at it for years and could've been a solid example of a job well done.
Sometimes you don't have to invent the wheel.

Horizon FW is an amazing game and truly enjoyable to play, besides the traversal bits.
Another thing what annoys me a bit is sprinting with a mount. Running between trees or parts with rocks constantly hampers fluidity of moving forward because the mount often slows down to halt.
And yes, I encountered quite a bit of texture issues but those aren't that annoying, imo.
I regularly find myself taking a small stop to enjoy the view. Guerilla Games really did a outstanding job trying to create a beautiful colorful world.

Re: PS Plus Reaches Record Number of Subscribers on PS5, PS4


Yep! True!
With everything that going on right now it really isn't that surprising negativity attracts more responses.

Oddly it doesn't work at home? Not at all! I understand what you're trying to say but negativity at home creates stressful situations. Let's be honest, we can all do without negativity where we spend most of our lives. Sadly, at times impossible to avoid even if we try our best to do so.

Re: PS Plus Reaches Record Number of Subscribers on PS5, PS4


You and I don't reflect the majority of casuals.

I let my sub end as I don't play online anymore and what's on offer for free I don't play because of a huge backlog.
Still, my situation doesn't reflect the majority.
GaaS games are wildly popular. Lots of streamers play online games for views and popular streamers collect a solid income.
I ignore GTA5 like the plague nowadays. I mean, I really enjoyed the game on both PS3 and PS4, but it got boring and I moved on to other great games. Still, huge amount of players still play GTA online daily and the game keeps selling like crazy.

That alone, should give a good idea of what's going on and why Sony is going to invest in GaaS games. I just hope they do keep a strong focus on singleplayer masterpieces. πŸ™

Re: Sony Partner Deviation Games Expands with New Canadian Studio


Shooters aren't my cup of tea either. GTA, Uncharted and even Far Cry are games I enjoy but I stay far away from Destiny or CoDs. πŸ˜‚
I tried to enjoy them but they just don't suit me.

That said, I'm not that interested what they come up with but wish them the best releasing something that sells well.

Re: Sony Partner Deviation Games Expands with New Canadian Studio


I knew you weren't thinking Fallout as you stated Destiny and Borderlands. Fallout was my guess as RPG-shooter, of course with their own unique spin on it. Destiny is a typical shooter so I don't think it's going to resemble it. Borderlands is ARPG-shooter so could easily be similar.

Obviously, it's anyone's guess what the game ends up being, so my Fallout hunch could be totally wrong.

Re: Sony Partner Deviation Games Expands with New Canadian Studio


Exactly, Sony knew this longs before we did.
And Spencer's word isn't to be trusted. He wouldn't keep his job for long as Mr. Truman πŸ˜‰.

RPG-Shooter? Like Fallout.. This wouldn't be farfetched and seems pretty likely. I watched the video they released and they seem intended to bring something new to the table. The RPG-shooter genre has lots of room to revolutionize.

Re: Fans Thought PlayStation Was Teasing PS1, PS2, PS3 Backwards Compatibility, But It's Just a New Ad


Wow Sony! Never cease to amaze me.
That ad was horrible.

And truly a shame you got so many hopes up for something that loads of folks have zero interest in.

I didn't expect it to be BC for older generations, although I definitely would cheer if it ever happened one way or another, and without a ridiculous price tag attached to it. I'll gladly pay as long as it's reasonable.

Using those retro colors combined with number of the systems you've been neglecting for years is gutsy. I'm well aware of the great remakes that happened (Crash Trilogy, CTR, Spyro Trilogy, Demon Souls etc.) but let's be honest here, Sony hasn't even scratched the surface of the all the awesome dormant IPs in its legacy library.

It's really time Sony puts in some effort in reviving more iconic IPs, especially given the time it takes to make new games. We've seen how Cyberpunk and No Man's Sky were rushed to a deadline and released a broken mess (and yes, looking at you as well GTA Trilogy Defective Edition), while both of these could've been top notch if given the time they needed.

No one asks to stop production of new games. Those are most important for PS5, and nothing should ever interfere with this. Can't wait for pre-ordered CE of Horizon FW (PS5) to arrive.

Microsoft has been quite busy!
We need you to get busy as well! If it's not an option to battle with MS on the acquisition front, find other ways. Time to create some momentum and make sure PlayStation stays the best place to play!! Embracing your legacy IPs could be a great step in the right direction, but there's definitely lots more needed to stay on top.

Re: Shark Action Game Maneater Shines with Ray Tracing Update on PS5


Loved this game on PS4. Will defo give it another playthrough on PS5.

It's plain fun to play a game that isn't a typical open world game. Finally something 'different'!
Hopefully their next game, whether it's Maneater 2 or another IP, follows the same route.
Maneater 2 should expand on what made the first installment so fun. A different IP should be something 'different' too but keep the same fun factor!!

Just my 2 cents! Props for Tripwire!!

Re: GTA Trilogy PS5, PS4 Release Date and Pre-Order Info Revealed on Rockstar Website



No, I didn't say that but that would justify such a steep price. 3 games fully remade from the ground up should be more expensive, obviously.

The lame effort for this Trilogy defo isn't worth what they're asking for.
Let's be real here, it just looks more crisp with updated controls.
It's mind boggling people are so easily convinced to pay such a price for what's being offered.

Re: GTA Trilogy PS5, PS4 Release Date and Pre-Order Info Revealed on Rockstar Website


WAY too expensive for what's improved.
For that kinda money I want a full remake.

I feel the pricing is an insult, especially for Rockstar! Releasing a PS3 game of PS5, no word about GTA6, etc.
Plus, we haven't even seen any gameplay for the Trilogy DE!!

Just NO, Rockstar, it reeks of greed... lots of it.
I'll gladly wait until I think the price is fair!!

Thanks for the link to the video!πŸ‘

After watching the video I still feel it's way overpriced. Rockstar is lazy!
I still remember that awesome fan creation of GTA: SA remake. That was incredible and, if done with all 3 games, worth that kinda money. No wonder Rockstar slashed these fan initiatives...
They knew the current effort on the Trilogy would make them look bad in comparison. Shame on you, Rockstar!!

Re: GTA: The Trilogy - Definitive Edition Finally Announced for PS5, PS4


Fully agree!!

I'll only buy this with updated camera controls for 3 and VC. SA still holds up nicely for a old game. I really want to be able to move the camera while moving around.
Everything else is bonus.

That said, I keep my expectations in check as Rockstar ain't the glorious company it used to be. I won't be surprised if this edition is overpriced and lacks any substantial improvements!!

Re: Rumour: GTA 3, Vice City, San Andreas Being Remastered for PS5, PS4 with 'New and Old Graphics'


That wouldn't surprise me.
But playing those games in full glory on new hardware just makes it a little more special.

I opted to hold buying certain newer games and buy them when I finally get a PS5. Ghost of Tsushima & AC Valhalla, to name two that instantly come to mind. In the meantime I'm working on my backlog, just craved for GTA SA and playing that real quick 🀣. Still have quite a few titles I can play.

Honestly, I'm waiting for some games that REALLY persuade me to switch to next-gen πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

Re: Rumour: GTA 3, Vice City, San Andreas Being Remastered for PS5, PS4 with 'New and Old Graphics'


Closing up on Los Santos as we speak and preparing to enter the Badlands.
Still loving it as much as the first time playing.
San Andreas is truly magnificent πŸ‘

Fully agree on the aged controls on the other 2 titles. I was shocked when firing up Vice City and it wasn't possible to move the camera while moving around. This needs to be updated. That alone would respark my interest to play through Vice City (and 3) in full!!

That said, I'm a little disappointed it's only a remaster and not a full remake. I'll keep my expectations in check, but if the controls are updated I'll most likely buy day one.

First need to snatch a PS5 though 🀣
Haven't tried hunting one down yet. I'm patient on that regard. If these rumors end up being true, in combination with Horizon Forbidden West, it's pretty hard to resist to try and snatch a PS5. I really don't want to pay more than retail price, tho 😬.

Re: LittleBigPlanet Servers Reportedly Taken Offline by Upset Fan


Wish a 'fan' would have some fun with GTA online 🀣🀣
Perhaps Rockstar won't make the next installment of GTA span 3 gens πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

That said, it's completely useless effort, imo. Mostly pisses off fellow fans and I really don't think MM will listen.

Did any of such DDOS attacks ever change anything for the better? Honestly have no clue and can't be bothered to look it up. Pretty sure someone can pull the answer from their SSD as mine is comparable with a floppy disk 🀣

Re: Soapbox: The State of Play Branding Seems Confused


I like the info, but I very much dislike the dehumanization feel of them.

The other day I watched Nintendo Direct and really didn't connect with how the Japanese person tried to make the viewer excited.
It was horribly bland!!

I miss the old days of E3's showcases where loads of people got bombed with new exciting trailers. Even when not present in the room I felt the excitement through the tv!!
These emotional reveals are a thing of the past, and that's a great shame!!!

The announcements of GTA5 or Horizon Zero Dawn. People went nuts!!

This just doesn't happen with these bland State of Plays.

Re: Take-Two Boss Reckons GTA Remaster Interest Is Encouraging


GTA trilogy remake!!! (SA, VC & 3).

Don't bore us with another lazy remaster. We all know how well older remake titles have been received. It's time Rockstar put those billions to good use and properly remake the aforementioned 3 games with current day controls.

After that, I'm cool with a GTA 4 remake.

Obviously, none of this should interfere with GTA 6's development. This game is way overdue already.

Re: Here's a Video of PlayStation Boss Jim Ryan Speaking Japanese


Spot on!

Lots of respect for Jim for trying a tough language!! πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘
It's easy to mock someone for doing something he's not good at. This world defo needs more folks who mock others. πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

I understand a joke is a joke, but we should admit that he's doing a better job than most of us ever will!

I wish we would spend more time criticizing bad business practises. The greedy bigwigs have been conning us for way too long now. πŸ˜‰

Re: Sony Exploring Ways to Store PS5 Games on External SSD


Yes, that's all fun and games but are we just completely ignoring the fact that a company like Sony, with decades of experience in the gaming industry, are portraying themselves as amateurs?

Obviously, storage cards are going to be introduced soon, that's a given, and they better!!
But who in their R&D was in charge?
Didn't they test stuff before releasing the console?
The slot is there but they disabled it because they couldn't get it to work.
Its ridiculous to compare PS5's usable launch storage to that of the launch PS4s. Games have grown bigger and use considerably more storage these days. With the current PS4s using 1TB, it's weird to take a step back to 825GB.

I haven't even tried pre ordering the console because the thing costs 500 bucks and I want value for my money. And the real value is service, not the buzzwords used to get the masses hyped for the console. How on earth would you sell a console if it doesn't provide any improvements over the the previous gen? Also, this console is a purchase that has to survive for around 7 years, it can't impossibly be outdated when released otherwise it's dead on arrival.

By the way, this a PS oriented site. Its kinda pointless to include windows or xbox stuff. I don't care how good or bad Microsoft is doing. I care about PlayStation and want it to succeed! But hey, if you want to, fine by me πŸ‘

Barely any info on the console until very short before release. But this has been done on purpose to build up hype. And pre orders went live while many questions where still unanswered. Basically, buying a loot box!! πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ