Comments 288

Re: God of War PS4 Has Gone Gold


Collector's Edition can't arrive soon enough!! The hype after the only vid I've watched a few days back is through the roof!! And all the other games currently playing with FC5 incoming as well. Wonderful time to be a gamer!!

Re: Review: Burnout Paradise Remastered (PS4)


I really hope this sells like crazy!! It's time that EA's eyes are opened and that we just don't need crappy practises on a racegame. Hopefully, a new Burnout game gets produced without stuff that makes NFS a lot less desired these days. Heck, even bring NFS back to its former glory. Been way overdue if you ask me.

Re: Review: Marooners (PS4)


Would have been fun to have a 'Mario Party' on PS4.

@Simon_Fitzgerald: Thanks for the review! Was surprised it was a such a short review but it's informative and just enough to let me know what I wanted to hear. This game is a pass.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 205


Assassin's Creed Origins. Rounding up locations for the trophy. It seems liken they randomly generate new question marks, just doesn't seem to end 😂😂

Also, the new update makes it possible to level past 40 and with that we can upgrade gear even further. Thing is, these last few upgrades which need carbon crystals are very costly. It's not like these crystals are easy to come by and makes me wonder if it's possible to max upgrade all of them. And yes, I included the 20 crystals from the bazaar.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 203


@LobsterJohnson Yeah, the game's very tricky.
I quit playing it recently after beating the story. I quite enjoyed the tough experience wasting hours to complete a level. But there's that sick trophy to collect all the badges. Figuring myself completing level in hours only to be greeted by a incomplete badge noting that it needed to be done in minutes.
Last level took me 6h and believe the badges wanted it done in 30mins.
My response.... HELL NO!!! 😂😂

Those time badges were a major deal breaker to push for the remaining trophies which were all obtainable.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 203


Last few days I sunk way too many hours into AC Origins but enjoying every minute of it so far. Just bagged the Circle of Life trophy after 8 attempts. Apparently, Lions don't like the taste of a Phylake 😂😂.
Eventually gave up and dropped a regular guard in front of some hyenas which did the trick. 8 more levels till 40 and anxious to have a go at some mighty elephants and gods 😎

Witcher 3 on hold for the time being. Although an awesome game but AC Origins really drew me in. After Origins is completed I'll dive into W3 and try to complete as much as possible till Far Cry 5 arrives. Still sad the Resistance Edition isn't available in EU!!

Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake's Production Is Making Progress


Guys, you're not helping Splat... at all!!

@Splat: The only real and best answer is to pick one and dive in completely. Then move over to the next. Everyone has personal favourites so neither FF is best.

I was introduced with VIII and loved it. But won't recommend it to you cuz you may not feel the same way. Each FF is different and after playing a few you'll form your own opinion and favourites. Just quit waiting and just go for it, doesn't matter which one you pick.

Re: Poll: What Do You Think of Monster Hunter: World After Trying the PS4 Beta?


First time playing MH. Seen some trailers and was intrigued. First mission wasn't hard but had to get used to controls which made it more difficult due to the time limit. Still enjoyed it.
Second mission was pretty tough. Basic controls were going ok, but this wasn't enough to topple it. First go by myself and got my ass handed to me ^^. Second go with a friend. He got disconnected during the end stage and I eventually failed to kill it in time. Third go alone and emerged victorious.
Third mission I dunno what happened. I expected not being able to kill it given the hard time I had with the second. Extra challenge was the notification that the beta would end in 1 hour. Had a go and I toppled it in one go. Awesome fight!!

After completing all hunts I'm craving for more. But I'm not sure to join the fun day one. At some point I'll probably buy the game. First I need some games finished (Witcher 3, Shadow Tactics, Bastion & AC Origins).

Re: Sony Details the Mini PS4 Controller


Is it so hard for Sony to actually acknowledge the fact that some gamers have smaller hands and just release an exact DS4 copy but 40% smaller?

That would be perfect!!

It's all fun 3rd party developers are releasing weird controllers for people that actually like these gimmicks but I like the real deal. And a smaller version of the real deal would certainly have me throw some money in Sony's way.

Re: PGW 2017: The Last of Us: Part II Shocks with Heavy New Trailer


Yes, this is dark and violent but this not real life. People really should stop and mixing the two. It's a game and should be treated as such. No need to compare things in games with real life events, no matter how realistic is looks.

I'm a dad of 4 wonderful kids and play my mature games when kids are in bed. I absolutely adore dark and violent games but I live a typical life without criminal activities.

I want more developers to push the boundaries with these topics. It's still up to the parents to make sure kids don't play these games. And people that don't like these games aren't forced to buy them.

As for the trailer, I was hooked to my 55' screen. It was bloody awesome to see how it all played out. Props for ND for making something that drew me right in. It was the only trailer that accomplished it. Aside from the Detroit trailer, that one had me as well but on a different level with that kid involved. I really hoped the AI was able to communicate with other AI and call in help ^^. Both trailers were good, but ND's was truly remarkable.

Other trailers were gorgeous and each had a different interesting setting but all lacked the kind of immersion to put you on the edge of your seat.

Re: Fans Fight for MediEvil Resurrection After Crash Bandicoot Success


Never played MediEvil so I have no connection with it. Therefor I won't be buying a remaster/remake.

There are lots of other franchises I'd gladly throw my money at if a remake would be released. Heck, I'm still awaiting some remasters. It's about time Sony starts with a steady flow of PS2 titles on PS4 especially since they denied us backward compatibility for PS2 games.

Re: Ninja Theory's Hellblade Has Exceeded Sales Expectations


That's great news!! I hope this sets a trend among other developers. I really loved the diversity PS2's era brought to the table. It's one of the things I feel the PS4 is lacking in its AAA department. No shortage of it in the indie branch, though.

It's good to see NT doing something they wanted without having to answer to publishers demands. And being rewarded for it is a major plus. Hopefully, we see more of this and get more quirky games out. Less of the same, open-world, micro trans based stuff.

Re: Rockstars Doubles Down on Single Player Games


At this point, we don't need SP dlc for GTA 5. Been way overdue upto a point GTA 6 should have been here already.

Rockstar is making SOOO MUCH money on GTA 5 online, it could easily open an extra studio to enable the output of more games. And expecting RDR 2 online to be successful as well it's actually unacceptable Rockstar isn't making more efforts to push out more games, either new excellent franchises, or sequels to proven franchises. Regardless what they would do, it will sell. It's a shame they kept busy with GTA 5 online this long.

Yeah, RDR 2 is underway and I'll buy that day one. But for Rockstar, I would easily put down a lot more money for more SP games. Rockstar, imo, is that brilliant in creating awesome SP games!! Sadly not brilliant enough for current output of games.

Rockstar, for the love of god and your fans, make something happen!!!

@Aexurion Mind your language, please!

Re: A Series of Smaller, Licensed PS4 Controllers Launch Next Month in Europe


@FullbringIchigo In the past I had issues with controllers with these 1 button D-pad. Pressing left and going up-left or down-left. Same for right. That stuff is infuriatingly annoying. I guess when that doesn't happen it'll be ok.

I have multiple DS4s so I'm not really bothered with battery life. And no wires is a godsend for me during the day with 4 kids running through my living room. The times my oldest 2, during the PS3 time, tripped over the wire and forcefully disconnected my controller... so annoying. In a way, yeah, the controllers worked perfectly fine but it wasn't all that practical.

Right now, I have a 2 charging docks for 2 controllers each and I never ran out of battery life on all controllers.

Re: A Series of Smaller, Licensed PS4 Controllers Launch Next Month in Europe


No-one bothered with the D-pad being 1 cross button instead of 4 separate buttons, like the DS4?

And all 3 have that same issue :/
Plus they're all wired!
Nah, I'll pass.

I'm cool with my wired DS4 controllers but my wife prefers the smaller DS3 controllers. She can play on DS4, just not comfortable. A smaller version of the DS4 would be an awesome solution. But these aren't what we actually want for her.

Re: Knack 2 Bombed at Apocalyptic Proportions in Japan


Crash is an awesome mascot!! We need more Crash! CTR should be next!

Also, Spyro... enough said.

Knack never appealed to me. Didn't play the first game and happily skipped the second. Sony has so much greatness in their library that would sell like hotcakes, Knack just isn't one of them.

Sony has to bring out more of Crash and Spyro, perhaps some Croc as well, that'll boost revenue for sure!!

Re: PS4 Exclusives Heavily Discounted in EU PlayStation Store Sale


Tempted to buy R&C but my backlog.... 😟

Real life is soo busy atm I can barely play Witcher 3, which I recently started. And with the Pro patch out I seriously want to dive in deep. End of the month Assassin's Creed Origins... and Shadow of War (might wait for a sale on this).

Playstation isn't doing my wallet any favors!! Could buy all at full price but my free time and backlog makes me skip quite a few awesome games.. 😖

Re: Two More Grand Theft Auto Games Are Coming to PS4


Would be awesome if Rockstar patched Vice City on PS4 so the camera can be moved while walking/running. I completely forgot about this and it made me lost interest (if I'm not mistake same applies to 3). Games were awesome back then but it would benefit A LOT from such a simple feature!!

Re: Red Dead Redemption 2 Story Trailer Introduces an All-New Outlaw


I'm hyped!! Trailer looks awesome. Setting, graphics and facial animations are what I expected. The map and gameplay must be in line with GTA 5's quality because they're creating an online experience like GTA Online in a RDR setting. Rockstar learned with GTA 5 and given experience will be applied to RDR Online.

Regardless, I'm buying this game. Never played any of the previous games and still kicking myself for not playing RDR when it came out. I'm hoping a remaster gets released before RDR2 so I can get in the RDR-vibe before starting part 2. Would be a shame if I had to play 2 before 1.

Note: Not interested in playing it on my PS3 or PS-Now.

Come on Rockstar, make it happen!! My money is counting on you!!

Re: Square Enix Wants to Focus More on Multiplayer and Service Games Going Forward


Well, if they plan on releasing a FF game every 10y I can understand why they would do something like this. Sad part is that each title will lack a good story if they plan on filling in the blanks with DLC.

FFXV was gorgeous but lacked in quite a few parts. I liked what 13 Versus looked like but was quite disappointed what it turned out to be. Square Enix has all the tools and experience to make a great SP game, yet somehow they fail to deliver.

Hopefully, FF7R stays true to the original and maybe we'll see a FF8R. Still awaiting a 8 remaster, though!

Re: Final Fantasy IX Is Out Today on PS4 in Europe and North America


I'm happy for all of you!!

I never played 9 so I won't be a day one impulsive buy. Too much to play and lacking the time to... actually play.

If this was 8 I had no choice but to buy. That was my FF baptism and holds a dear spot in my heart. Can't wait till 8 for PS4 lands on the store!!

Edit: While I was doing my fatherly duty of gathering coin at work my wife sent me a pic of her installing 9 on my HDD! Oh well...
She's a FF fan as well and I'm sure she'll have loads of fun with it. I seriously need to start Witcher 3 as I pre-ordered the Collector's Edition and it's been waiting for me since release day.

Re: Grand Theft Auto V Is The Best-Selling Game of All Time


Double dipped on PS3 & PS4. Got plats on both. It's one of the very few games I truly enjoyed playing online. Story mode finished twice and 2nd time was as fun as the 1st. This really is a solid game and it's success is well deserved, also because of the numerous free online updates packed with fun content. Only drawback is not seeing GTA6 anytime soon.

As for the constant appearances in the top charts isn't surprising. Always a console bundle with GTA5 to be found. Also, a lot of people double dipped while upgrading to PS4. Broken discs being replaced by new copies. Perhaps sold their game and bought a new one afterwards. So many reasons why it's possible for GTA5 to keep thriving in the charts.

My bet is either GTA6 arrives during the end of PS4 era or as a launch title for PS5.

Re: Feature: The PlayStation Store's Content Problem


This change needs to happen, it's way overdue and it surprises me to this day Sony hasn't put any effort in a PS-Store 2.0 (or 3.0, doesn't really matter tbh).

Keep everything separated (AAA, Indie, DLC, PS2 etc.). Once you picked a category you get the second list (genre, new, sale etc.).

Throwing everything in one page a guaranteed mess. We all know what we are looking for or at least interested in. Especially, the indies need a separate section due to oversaturation.

Keeping everything organized isn't rocket science! Someone at Sony just needs to make it happen!

Re: The Witcher 3 PS4 Pro Patch Is Coming Soon


That's nice.

To think I ordered the collector's edition and still haven't played the game! Yeah, shame on me.

Right now, I'm in between games and might fire up W3. Although, I still have to complete Crash 2 & 3 (N-Sane) but that's doesn't have priority.

With FFXII:TZA completed in roughly 160h I'm
kinda in the mood for something lengthy again

Re: Gamescom 2017: Final Fantasy XV Probably Won't Get a Sequel


15 was ok-ish! Graphics awesome!!
Elemancy, too much of a hassle. Just let me cast acquired magics with MP like 12. Summons, randomly? Come on!! The animations of them where awesome, but I want to have control over which one to use and when.
Story, had much more potential.

Eventhough the game had it's flaws I did enjoy it but imo it was way to easy, for FF standards.

Now focus on 16 and make it awesome!!

Re: Poll: Should Sony Allow EA Access on PS4?


Just came to read the comments.

Oh, there's a vote! Hmm I'll vote, this one's easy!

Jaw dropped at the results...

This time I'll gladly join the minority. I'm in no need for more subs. Exactly why I won't ever sub for PS Now. I can't understand why people find this acceptable.
Sony messed up with PS3's architecture and screwed us out of Backward Compatibility and now they offer us a way to play PS3 games on PS4 and even make us pay for it? Yeah, it doesn't bode well with me. EA can shove Access.... nvm.

Re: Review: Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age (PS4)


The Zodiac Age can be a tactical breeze if you know what you're doing.

Last couple of days I did some research about assigning jobs (for the first but also the second job) and how it affects the game. First quarter of the game you're stuck with one job, then the second can be picked. Some jobs have better synergy with each other and others don't. Also taking in consideration which dual job works best for each character. If that's not enough there's also Espers, which unlock extra stuff on the licence board which is different for each class. So assigning Espers to the right character can provide extra benefits. Each assigned Esper unlocks stuff for both classes on the character. Same goes for unlocking stuff on license boards. Unlocked on one board automatically unlocks it on the 2nd class' boards. But you can pick jobs what you feel is most fun to play and still beat the game, it can make end-game hunts and bosses a lot tougher. In short, picking good jobs for each character can go a long way in making the game easier.

Re: DLC Review: Diablo III's Necromancer Is Fantastically Grim Fun


I felt a major letdown. Day one purchase and was so happy to start rushing to 70 and have some coop rift madness with my wife.

Sadly, the necromancer update crushes my Pro. The couple of time I tried it just freezes my game after few minutes of play. It's really not playable like this.

N-Sane trilogy arrived so I hopped to Crash 1 (plat scored) and now FFXII:TZA is here so I'll have my time for gaming time filled for the next month or 2, perhaps more.

But do like to know if others encountered this as well and if this has been patched or they found a solution for this issue?

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 176


Grinding some relics in Crash 1. Nostalgia got the best of me and had to buy the Trilogy. I knew it would drive me mad, but stupidity sometimes wins 😂. Anyway, 5 gold relics to go (completed last island first) and plat is mine.

Once Crash 1 is done I'll HAVE to start my beloved FF12. Copy arrived today by mail much to my surprise. It makes grinding for relics even harder. But I'll have to cope for a little bit longer ^^

Re: E3 2017: Sony's Listening to Your Requests for PS4 Remakes


Saddens me no-one even mentioned Shadow of Rome...
The gladiator fights were sooo awesome. I took the Octavianus bits for granted. A remaster would be great!
I'd die for remake. Same gameplay with current gen graphics. Man!

Oh, and a NFS Underground remaster! No open world, but great racing and customisations!!