Comments 288

Re: EA Expects Digital to Account for Almost Half of Game Sales Soon


Nothing to add extra as most is covered by other commenters.

Just my personal preference. Retail all the way! 95% of the big games is retail. I still regret buying FC: Primal digitally. Only free PS+ games and remasters are bought digitally here, only because there's no other way to play it on PS4. If a remaster is released on disc on launch day I opt for retail.

Re: Rumour: Egyptian Assassin's Creed to Feature Two Lead Heroes


Alright!! For all I care they are free to ditch current day Abstergo crap. Since the first time game I hated it.

And don't you dare to try another multi-player nonsense. I never liked any MP experience from any AC game. Even missed some plats cuz of it while completely finishing the SP part of the game.

Bigger open world? Not needed!! Just polish the game and make traversing buildings more smoothly. And create a good solid combat mechanic. Auto-blocking felt so unnatural. I loved messing up every now and then to get my ass handed to me. It had charm!!

2 protagonists? I'm ok with that! Egyptian setting? Fine by me!

But again, do not release it until it's bug/glitch free as much as possible. I know it's hard for poor Ubisoft, but I still have hope they can pull it off for once!!

Re: PlayStation's E3 2017 Press Conference Time and Date Confirmed


On top of all the current gen awesomeness I hope to get something about upping the PS2 to PS4 releasewindows. Right now, it's pretty much lacking. And what we actually get isn't what we crave for.

They can't give us backwards compatibility. But it's really sad they aren't putting in enough resources to give a whole lot more actual PS2 gems to play. Of course, upscaled and added trophies WITH PLATINUMS FFS!!

Re: Darksiders Duo Bundled Up on PS4 Prior to Sequel


For the people on the fence about buying both games:

Just look up some gameplay vids on Youtube. You'll get a good look on the artstyle and if the gameplay would suit your interest. Of course, the games are a bit outdated by today's graphics standards but that's quite logical given the date both games were released. If you can handle PS2 remasters on PS4, I'm pretty sure that won't be an issue.

I'm looking forward to replay DS1 again (got plat on PS3). Not sure what to expect from DS2 but will let the game do the talking when it gets my attention ^^

Re: Darksiders III Completely Leaked, Open World with a Magical Main Character


Pretty hyped for this!!

Really enjoyed 1, and for some reason didn't get around playing 2. Luckily I made use of that humble bundle offer and scored both 1 & 2 for quite cheap with other games included.
Enough time to throw a replay of 1 and enjoy a playthrough of 2 before feasting my eyes on 3.

Dear god, let the finished version be complete and gorgeous as Horizon (in Darksiders' traditional style ofc)!!

Re: Opinion: Why Sony Is Zagging While the Industry Zigs


Single player games are the best!!
Only MP I enjoyed was Diablo 3 and GTA online. But with both I get bored after a certain amount of time and I want something new to play.
With single player games I easily waste 100s of hours doing random stuff while also hunting trophies. But when the plat pops I like to move on to something different.
I avoid shooters cuz I'm truly horrible at it. Sports games was fun when I was younger.
So I mainly play action or rpg games, which are mostly offline.
Yeah, the day that single player games cease to exist I most likely quit gaming.

Re: Review: Dragon Quest Heroes II (PS4)


@ShogunRok That's a shame! Would be fun to play this with my wife. The combat is very accessible so she wouldn't have a hard time finding the right buttons 😂

My copy arrived yesterday. After the demo, which was good fun, I decided to pre-order the game. My wife platted DQ Builders and the older kids enjoyed watching that. So it's a plus I can play this with the kids around. Yesterday they didn't want to go to bed during my session ^^

Re: It's Hard to Believe Final Fantasy XII Is a PS2 Remaster


I don't understand why people would give this another go while they hated this 10y ago, or never finished this for not enjoying it.

For me it's a no brainer. Never was a story-driven person, and still ain't. Characters were ok. Some good, some not, as always with FF games. I never played a FF were I liked all of the characters. Battle-system was truly awesome. I really enjoyed tinkering with the gambits. I completed the PS2 version with lots of grinding, max level, best weapons etc. In the end I realised I spend 350h on this game. So can't wait to get my hands on this remaster. Wasn't that long ago I wanted to play it again and was welcomed by news a remaster was in development. Kept my PS2 on the attic and kept busy with other games. Once this game finally arrives it will surely be platted in one playthrough without interference of other games.

Re: Feature: 41 PS2 Classics That Must Come to PS4


@rjejr @get2sammyb
I take great value in added trophy support on PS2 games for PS4, especially plats. Main reason why I did buy Bully, and all GTA games. And why I didn't buy RDRev & Warriors.

Anyway, good shout to Burnout. Also saw 2 people mention Need for Speed Underground and Gran Turismo 3, hell yes.
These aside, the ones I'd like to see are Def Jam Fight for New York (Takeover was ok-ish) & Shadow of Rome (with plats please).
Such a shame I rarely see these 2 mentioned in these kind of lists 😟

Re: Mince Through Minas Ithil in Middle-earth: Shadow of War Gameplay


Played SoM on ps3, it was a good game but sooo laggy. Really had to push myself towards the plat. Quite some time after when I had the option to buy 2 games very cheap through a PS-store sale I bought a tomb raider and SoM for PS4.
The game played a whole lot better on PS4 and for me it wasn't such an issue to get the plat.

Now after seeing some trailers for SoW I'm quite hyped for that game. Have to admit the quality wasn't perfect but not that bothersome. The way the gameplay has expanded is all I wanted it to improve from SoM. Of course, I hope the final build will play a lot more smoothly. Regardless, it's gonna be a day-one buy.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 163


Horizon! Yesterday figured to squeeze in one mission before leaving for work (nightshift). Apparently, it was a major mission, had to pause the game and decided to complete it in the morning to make sure the PS4 is free for family during my sleep. Trying not to fall asleep was the biggest challenge ^^ Ended up in bed at 9am and slept till 6pm 😂

Re: Deals: The Best Cheap PS4 Slim and PS4 Pro Bundles


@DLB3 Yep! Disc version owned. Just put in Uncharted 4 (disc) cuz my old vanilla PS4 went nuts with fans with this game. Pro stayed very silent.
Might indeed be a Horizon bug. Played FFXV, Horizon and U4. Only time it happens is when opening Horizon's map.

Re: Deals: The Best Cheap PS4 Slim and PS4 Pro Bundles


@DLB3 Today I'll try some other demanding games to see if I can reproduce the issue. I figured the Pro shouldn't have this problem. Weird thing is that even in busy fights it stays very quiet, only when I open the map it sometimes starts to produce noise.

What type of Pro do you own?

Re: Deals: The Best Cheap PS4 Slim and PS4 Pro Bundles


@get2sammyb Just bought a new Pro. It runs great but when I open the map in Horizon it sometimes starts making loud noises, just like my old PS4 did when running a game from disc.
Is this normal?
I hope not, cuz I'm about to return it for a new Pro.

Re: Yep, Final Fantasy XV's Most Tedious Boss Can Now Be Killed in One Hit


@NathanUC But I did enjoy the game, a lot really. Elemancy stayed unused cuz it was too much of a hassle to use magic, compared to previous FFs. And summons were great in general, I just didn't like the randomness of it.
And upset isn't the right word, it's just nonsense they released an update which makes this boss one-shotable.

It's hard to understand why people dislike mashing buttons for an hour on this turtle while the whole game practically let's you mash buttons for dozens of hours with some cutscenes in between.

Re: Yep, Final Fantasy XV's Most Tedious Boss Can Now Be Killed in One Hit


@NathanUC I understand your reasoning but I disagree.
This boss doesn't have to have any meaning or be good content. It's not like you need to do this boss to progress with the story. And rushing through the story to find this boss and haven't levelled enough or didn't gather better gear to speed things up can make it a challenge. When you prep enough I can be done fairly quickly. The choice is yours (read: players)!
I'm ok with filler content, I paid full price for the game and am happy with what I got. And let's be honest here, the whole game is filler content. Everything in this game was very easy and no skill was needed to get the plat.
Elemancy, Summons and lack of difficulty were 3 things I didn't like about FFXV, Adamantoise was perfectly fine.

Re: April PlayStation Plus Games Revealed


I do what I usually do. Put all Plus games in my library en keep myself entertained with AAA titles. Now Horizon and after I'll dig up some good stuff from my backlog. No reason to complain ^^

Re: Yep, Final Fantasy XV's Most Tedious Boss Can Now Be Killed in One Hit


This update (regarding one-shot turtle kill) is ridiculous!!!

FF stands for these kind of bosses. Some are easy, some kinda difficult, some ridiculous (very hard to put decent dmg in, or way too much HP). I wouldn't want to have it any other way. It's purposely designed that way, it's a challenge.

This game has been way to easy. I adored Ultima Weapon from FFVIII. Same applies to Yiazmat from FFXII!

I finally encountered a boss that takes more than 3mins to beat. It was wonderful. It really is stupid they made it possible to one-shot a wonderful boss!!

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 160


Finally finished up on FFXV. Could've completed it sooner if real life would've been a bit more quiet ^^
Anyway, Horizon adventure has begun!!! Exited the 'prologue' and the visuals are amazing. Haven't had some real combat yet so for now I'll soak in the scenery and anxiously await what this game will throw at me.

Re: Final Fantasy XV's Story Was Purposefully Left Incomplete


Spend too much time doing side stuff to prevent me from actually getting into the story but I still feel the story is good enough for a game that had so many issues during development. Also, I'm glad this game ended up as a success so my beloved series isn't put to rest yet.

2 things that really irked me throughout the game was that elemancy and summons were horribly executed. Never, in any FF, have I used this little magic. The hassle of farming, making, equipping and using it was to much of a chore. I skipped it completely (after the first try) and only made expericast. Summons, like... come on!!!

Re: Review: Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Wildlands (PS4)


@adf86 I concur! However, I don't wonder why there isn't any risk taking in the AAA department. It's quite obvious actually. There are more factors at hand why things are the way they are, though. Budget costs of AAA games play a big role as well. Using the same formula and just changing visuals costs less.

Kinda miss the glory days of PS2 in terms of diversity.