Comments 288

Re: PS5 Has 667GB of Usable Storage Space on Its SSD


1up for Sony? 🤣🤣

I feel it's insane Sony seems to get away with this laughable amount of usable free storage, and not have a way of increasing it at a reasonable price at launch.

The potential is there, but you know... Sony is at it again. 🤷‍♂️

Re: Sadly, You Can't Store PS5 Games on an External HDD


Guess I made the right choice by ignoring the launch pre orders.
Always a bunch of hiccups with launch models.
Btw, I still haven't forgotten the ludicrous psp memory card prices.

In case y'all are wondering, Sony is fooling the sheeple right in front of their noses and they're busy finding reasons while Sony is laughing their asses of.. again.
If we don't learn from history it's bound to repeat itself.

Guess I'll stop now. Unpopular opinions usually don't go down well.

For the record, I'm a loyal PS fan since PS1, but I can't stand it when a company tries to pull a fast one to their loyal customers. So no, the Xbox fanboy remarks don't fly this time around.

Re: PS5's Crazy Cooling Solution Should Make for One Quiet Console


It all sounds good but lets wait till optimized games designed for the PS5 alone starts dripping in.

If the console still runs quiet when very demanding games are running with loads of stuff happening on screen (lots of players in a map or loads of stuff being destroyed at once) we can call it a success. Up until then, we gotta keep our expectations in check 😉

Re: EA Responds to FIFA Microtransactions Controversy, Advert Will Be Pulled from Remaining Magazines


Yeah EA, this time we'll believe you 🤦‍♂️

Each time they force their greedy practices on us, wait for a possible backlash and come up with some sort of apology.

It's getting old!! Really old!!

At some point EA's words bear no substance anymore. Their ridiculous apologies for the umpteenth time and people still put up with this nonsense. Haven't bought a game from them in a long long time.
Apparently some folks just can't skip a few of their titles to vote with their wallet, because that's the only thing on their mind. Yes, they try to make it look like they aren't complete scumbags with their apology (with crossed fingers), only to pull the shame bull again and again.

Re: Soapbox: The Week After PS5's Showcase, Sony Told Us Nothing About Its Next-Gen Console


You know what's really troublesome?
The fact that you need to excuse yourself for feeling the way you feel, perhaps in case someone else disagrees with you!! You definitely make a valid point and as always, there will be folks that disagree with you.

Let's be honest here, Sony is handling all of PS5 worst way possible. And they have the nerve to use covid as an excuse.
Don't get me wrong here, troubles for manufacturing consoles because some parts are hard to get is fair, just plain fair. But keeping all the other information about PS5 secret until the last month before release is really unacceptable!!

It's one of the reasons why I haven't jumped on the pre-order train. I'll buy a PS5, that's a fact, but I'll wait until I feel I got all the information I want and all these uncertainties have been cleared up.

All these pre-orders just lets Sony know that they don't even have to treat their costumers with dignity and respect. People should let Sony know that their business practices are unethical, to say the least, and we all know the best way to do it. Vote with your wallet!!!

Re: Reaction: Spider-Man PS5 Debacle Shows Sony Is Out of Touch


@LiamCroft @get2sammyb,
Didn't I tell you guys that I disagree with how Sony is handling situations?

This is proof of what I meant!
Not just BC with previous gens (regardless of how they do it, perhaps use PSNow) but also with these reckless cashgrabs.
Again, this'll bite them in their asses sooner or later!

Sony is so comfy being the consoleleader for years now, and it shows! It's getting to a point where it's just plain arrogance.

Gamepass may not be the ideal direction forward for this industry but it's a really solid deal! This accompanied with Zenimax' acquisition, and the looming treat of more acquisitions, it does make Xbox a hefty contender going into next-gen.

Sony could've smashed Xbox easily. I'm keeping a healthy supply of popcorn ready for what's yet to come.

Re: PS5 Game Install Sizes Revealed, And They're Enormous


True, but I know it that. Isn't so much about the need to upgrade but the general way if how Sony is handling stuff which I don't agree with.

Can't do much about it unless I have a major following 🤣 But still hope that other folks realize what Sony is doing and what reasons they claim for doing so is not why they are doing it. It's pure greed. The company needs to tone down a few bits because this may bite themselves in their behinds.

Re: PS5 Game Install Sizes Revealed, And They're Enormous


Then what the heck happened?
It's not like certain crucial info was not available to you.

A) We know storage will be 800+GB for quite a while now. 🤔

B) Havent you noticed games install sizes have increased? 🤔

It's plain obvious storage would become an issue!

On topic:
Looks like Sony has made an error with their new slogan. Play has no limits? Looks more like, PAY has no limits.

Increased prices of games, more expensive controllers. Let's see how much increasing storage will set us back. Hoping it doesn't turn into PSP memory card 2.0.

No wonder they changed 'For the Players'. If anything, they could've change that to 'For the Payers.
I have serious doubts about how Sony is handling everything regarding PS5.

No way Sony can persuade me to be a day one adopter. I'll gladly wait till the dust settles and looks for a nice deal before I switch to next gen.

Re: Final Fantasy XVI Announced, PS5 Console Exclusive, Gameplay Trailer


Let's just hope 16 doesn't require mashing one button for 100+ hours.

I'm ok with the action-rpg elements but 15's combat was boring as hell. Some strategic play is welcomed. Summons felt meaningless and magic was to cumbersome to make/use. 16 definitely should improve majorly on that bit!!

Trailer is just awesome, as is it's setting. The darker medieval style is gorgeous. I don't expect to play this when my kiddos are in the same room. Too realistic looking and the blood flying around will surely create a few nightmares for the little ones. But I'm ok with that, I prefer these kinda settings. Perfect for my setup in the bedroom 👍

Re: Sony Won't Follow Game Pass Model on PS5, Doesn't Believe It's Sustainable



Game pass-like stuff isn't needed on PlayStation.

However, I do feel the collection of games in Now must be increased. Previous gens had so many great titles it seems a waste to not include those to Now. At this point, the amount of games in Now is very lackluster considering the 1000s of titles under the PlayStation brand.

And while you're at it, overhaul the interface and create a more user-friendly way of browsing games. 👍

Re: Round Up: What Was Announced at the PS5 Showcase Event?


Noone flabbergasted by PS+ Collection?

BC (for PS4) bla bla...

Only to be forced to subscribe to PS+ 🤔 I mean, come on!!

Exclusive games on PS5?

  • No, also on PS4.

So basically I can buy a PS5 for better visuals, faster boot up of games and less loading times? 🤔

The show itself was good with lots of interesting games, can't argue with that, but the transparency and clear messaging towards the fanbase was disgusting.

Also mentioned how appalled I was with the price hike of software under another article. Marketing jargon because profits for PlayStation has been pretty healthy if you ask me. No reason at all to increase prices of games, besides making one up just to justify creating more profits on top of the existing HUGE profits. That's plain greedy!!

In closing, Sony turned into a completely greedy and two faced company. And players are screaming of happiness because they got their desired prices and release dates, only to completely ignore the way how Sony is treating their fanbase!! Wake up folks! See it for what it really is, please, and don't be sidetracked by yesterday's show!! They have zero reasons to disrespect their loyal fans.

Credits have to be earned and Sony is doing a horrible job atm!!

Re: Reaction: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Today's PS5 News


The releaseprices of games and consoles only matter when you feel the need to buy day one.

The wonderful Black Friday etc.
Come on folks! Y'all should know by now the only way to tell a company what you think is voting by your wallet.
And while lots of folks may complain, those same folks still go ahead and pay full price for things, basically shooting themselves in the foot.

PlayStation records billions of profit. No this is not breaking even or profit based on the initial prices. They focus on increasing the profit on top of the existing profit.

It's a very healthy company and all this nonsense about needing to raise prices of software is marketing jargon. They just confuse people with made up reasons for raising their prices.
Up to folks wether to believe it or not.

Re: PS5 Pre-Order Situation Is a Mess as Sony Sends Unclear Statement and Retailers Open Early


All this fuss for a preorder 🤣🤣🤣🤣

I have time!! No need to rush this.
I'll buy one when I know ALL the details about the console. I have zero interest to buy a (partly) mystery box 🤣 On top of that, when the dust settles you got all the time in the world to buy one. Btw, 2nd version is always better than the 1st 👌

If anything, this mess surely requires some popcorn!! 😉

Re: Round Up: Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 + 2 PS4 Reviews Reveal a Return to Form


Am I the only one that feels €45,- is a bit steep?
Next week (or so) it'll be discounted anyway, I'll wait till then. No more than 30,- from me.

Eventho, it looks awesome and can't wait to practice my skills again but they're still PS2 games, altho remastered done well! Still, the current price is too steep for my taste.

It's a odd situation. You got these ports with remastered slapped on it while nothing has changed much compared to the original besides a bit up-rezzed and you got these proper remasters that look way better than the original. The up-rezzed ports can't be more than 10,-, more would be greedy. With the proper remasters I tend to swing to 20,- per game.

With THPS 1+2 it's a 2-in-1 package so that would make it 40,-, but 35 would be a reasonable price.

Also, with BC in mind, which Sony is very reluctant to do properly, it seems Sony has turned into a greedy company. Of course, they need to make money, obviously, but at some point enough is enough.

Re: Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 + 2 Trophies Require Some Sick Combos for the Platinum



By the time you get to the end of the game you'll nail those combo linking skills with ease.

It's way easier than 5 consecutive wins on Fall Guys!! That stuff is just horrible and takes a lot of fun away, for folks hunting down that platinum, from an otherwise very fun and silly game. I wish trophylists were moderated before the release of each game. These luck trophies shouldn't even exist in the first place, same for online trophies on games like Uncharted or Assassins Creed.

Re: GTA's Legendary Radio Host Lazlow Jones Has Left Rockstar


Was thinking exactly that when reading the article. Somehow I think this holds more truth than the reason Laslow gave.

Don't get me wrong here, I honestly believe his family is battling some health issues. But is that a reason to leave Rockstar? It can be, but it does seem this true story is used to hide the real reason of his departure, like a smokescreen.

Regardless, I wish him and his family lots of strength!

Rockstar can make great games, no doubt about that, but the company has turned into a greedy business. It would explain why Dan and Leslie left. And it would also explain why Laslow left as well.
GTA Online destroyed their love for making games and replaced it by love for making the big bucks. No wonder GTA6 hasn't arrived yet and why they didn't settle with 1 cash cow (GTA Online) and had to make a 2nd (RDR Online).
At this point, it wouldn't even surprise me if GTA Online 2 gets released alongside GTA6.

For some reason, I hope that GTA 6 flops so bad, that they get a well deserved wake-up call.

So many awesome IPs in-house, they literally drown in money. Yet, their output for games is laughable, to say the least. Shame on you Rockstar!! Or should we call them Blackhole? 🤔

Re: PS5 UI Feature Sets Tongues Wagging Once More


Yes, I'm aware of that.
I don't care if it means subscribing to PSNow, but the current offering of PS1-PS3 games is horribly lackluster. So much gems that didn't get proper attention and loads of fan favorites haven't been dropped on Now still. Makes one wonder who's in charge of this and what the heck that person is thinking?

I really like Microsoft for handling BC with love. It's just the brand itself that I don't like.

Even if it meant putting in a PS2 disc in the PS5 just to recognize the game. Followed by a prompt asking to buy the key (for 5 or 10 bucks) to download the game on the PS5 would make me a happy gamer.
Or drop at least 75% of each PS1, PS2 & PS3 catalogs on PSNow and get it over with. I'd subscribe without thought and be a day one adopter as well.

Re: Poll: What PS5 Information Do You Want Most?


Odd answer.

We all know the price will be revealed sooner or later. If you plan on being an early adopter you should've saved money in advance. If that wasn't possible for you, then being an early adopter may not be wisest decision.

I really can care less about price and release date.
This sort of info is a given anyway.

BC is what I care about the most. Of course, this is not for everyone.

The other options are good options! 👍

Re: PS5 UI Feature Sets Tongues Wagging Once More


Interesting times for sure!!

I'm most interested in how BC will actually work.
It's time for PlayStation to double down on the wonderful catalogs of previous generations. By any means necessary!!!
Without neglecting new experiences, obviously.

Come on PlayStation!! BRING IT ON!!!

Re: BioMutant Still Looks Pretty Bloody Good, But No Release Date


Maneater wasn't a technical masterpiece, this looks like it won't be as well.
Still bought Maneater and had good fun with it, this looks like it'll provide the same experience.

In this game it seems I can spend hours of messing around without paying attention to objectives. The exceptional monster designs combined with a good variety of styles and combat on top of the gorgeous colored and designed landscapes is exactly what I'm looking for.


Had a good laugh about that ☝. Awesome!!
More companies should do this and ditch the releasedates completely. Perhaps a message saying the game has gone gold but leave it at that. Gone gold means close to release, all the other announcements only causes devs to delay their games anyway 🤷‍♂️

Re: Random: PlayStation Fan Creates Amazing PS1 Boxart for PS4 Game Collection


Awesome! Each and every one of them!!

Cannot help but think how awesome full BC would be? New games get released like normal but the old games remain with each new console. If not full BC on PS5 it's a missed opportunity... again! 🤑🤑🤑🤦‍♂️

I'd probably cry when they announce it! But for now, I'll keep my expectations very very low given Sony's horrible track record regarding BC.

Re: Maneater - Underwater Far Cry Is Fintastic


Been playing this game for awhile now, just reached max level, and get Assassin's Creed 1 feelings from it. Why?
Start off in first area, have a couple of things to do besides the storyline, next area same stuff. Rinse and repeat.

Hopefully, as with Assassin's Creed 2, a Maneater 2 gets made and greatly improves the concept of the first game.

Obviously, talking about a second installment shows I'm having a blast playing the game. Entering the Gulf for the first time is daunting. Orcas & Sperm whales are killer at low level but when you return later on and able to tackle those you feel invincible, great feeling. Difficulty is easy but enjoyable. 7/10 is a fair score.

I bought the game because I connected with the concept. I really applaud the originality of this game, which reminds me of the PS2 era. Hopefully it'll sell well enough to justify a part 2. Wish more developers explored silly concepts like this because let's be honest, hopping on land for half an hour (it seems) is unrealistic but it adds to the enjoyment. Maneater is an awesome game with lots of potential. If done right, we're in for a treat!!

Re: How Well Do You Know Grand Theft Auto?



True GTA fan but my memory always let's me down. I'm happy I got this high still.

Frozen alien? I mean, come on! Played thru the game twice and have no recollection of it. Could've just picked some random coordinates asking what lies there 🤣

Re: Preview: Ghost of Tsushima PS4 Gameplay Blowout Reveals Combat, Exploration, Customisation, and More


Definitely, HZD is easily one of my top 3 games this generation. That game was spot on on everything, imo. Time will tell if GOT can live up to its potential.

As said, collectibles is one of my concerns given SP can exaggerate on those.

The other is the energy-style combat. How many times will you run out of energy during heated battles? It really can be a disappointing factor if this happens a few times in short succession. Ok, speculation, but still something to consider.
If they'd remove the need for energy for combat I'd be close to pre-order it.

Re: Preview: Ghost of Tsushima PS4 Gameplay Blowout Reveals Combat, Exploration, Customisation, and More


I really like Sucker Punch. the Infamous games were great fun, aside from the boring collectibles hunting (shards 🤦‍♂️).

Something that concerns me a bit is the possible amount of collectibles. I don't mind hunting for some of these as long as they contribute in some way and are not solely there for filler purposes, like fetch quests. It can easily turn into hours upon hours of exploration for little to no gain. This sort of stuff puts me right off, just like it did with Witcher 3. Was so fed up with the exorbitant amount of question marks that I simply got bored to tears and eventually gave up. Here's hoping this game doesn't fall victim of such practices.

As for combat, I understand this is a stealthy kinda game and wouldn't mind extra bonusses for being stealthy but I don't like being limited in playing a certain way. As stated in the video, you'll have to make each strike count because of a energy bar. What if I want to gungho, swinging my blade like a madman, and my energy bar is depleted? Do I have to take a run for it in the middle of grand battle?
Let's hope not! Really don't mind trying to be stealthy but after 3 failed attempts I want to blow of steam and go in like a berserker Samurai and just give these Mongols what they deserve.

That said, the world and color palette of this game is simply stunning and that alone would give me a sense of enjoyment. Hopefully the rest of the game came make up for it in terms of gameplay because I was really looking forward to this. Now I'm really cautious, want answers to my concerns and will defo await for more info before actually buying it... or not.