Comments 42

Re: Cyberpunk 2077 Consistent Crashing Issue Still Not Fixed on PS5, PS4 After Patch 1.05


Crashes on my PS5 every 90mins or so, also cannot exit settings if I change graphics options. Others also report not being able to look around using right stick anymore. I'm putting this down to protect my saves / progress for now.

I've never seen bugs like this on any PS game.. unbelievable. I'm thinking inside job - either CDPR has been hacked or they have begrudged employers wanting to burn it all down.. .. yeah surely I'm kidding

Re: Cyberpunk 2077 (PS4) - The Potential of a Masterpiece, Totally and Utterly Unrealised


@Hampie thanks!! I've been moving to this direction too. Would like to try more stealthy or other gameplay styles, but they just seem so ineffective from the start. But let's see, I'm going to just wait and see how long it takes for this game to mature and get better.

I got a few more crashes again so cold-booting ps5 is no permanent fix. It seems my crash-free playtime was a section of the game outside night city, might have something to do with it.

Somehow I still like the city and visual style so I'm ok with things going forward from here...

Re: Cyberpunk 2077 (PS4) - The Potential of a Masterpiece, Totally and Utterly Unrealised


I did what CDPR recommends, and turned PS5 off and unplugged the power cord for a few minutes. Starting Cyberpunk there was a new progress bar for a moment, and I played for a few hours without it crashing. Previously it would crash every 1,5 hours or so. Go figure.

Update 1.04 ups the resolution and it no longer looks blocky and low-res. All settings are still reset every launch. The combat feels like I might want to play this on Easy difficulty to focus on stories and enjoying the city..

Re: Destiny 2


I've also played the disc-version and the PSN-version too, so maybe that complicates things. Good to see it still works regardless of all the versions I've tried and played.

Re: Destiny 2


There are so many versions of Destiny 2 in PSN that I spent some time looking for the right download.. there's "Destiny 2" without indication of PS4 or PS5, marked "unavailable", but clicking "Learn more" it threw me to a version (same name!) with release date today. Now downloading that on my PS5!

Re: Guide: PS5 3D Audio - What Is the Tempest Engine, How Will PlayStation 5 Games Sound Better, And Will I Need New Headphones or Speakers?


@Jaz007 > "It needs surround sound to be truly immersive though. Stereo is still stereo 3D audio or not"

It doesn't. The magic of HRTF is that sound is filtered so it gets to your (two) ears exactly like it normally would. You can try this by recording something with in-ear microphones. The mics will record sound as you hear it - after reflections from your head, shoulders and ears. When you play that back with stereo headphones you get 3d audio as good as you naturally have it. It's amazing that Sony is taking this approach!

Re: Review: DriveClub VR (PS4)


Whohohohohohoohoa! Just had my first proper game-vr experience with this title. Pretty awesome. This is not a "not bad" game. As for first impression I'm more than glad. Looking to try other games but not before I play more of this. And I didn't even have the chance to plugin my T150 wheel yet...

Re: Gamers Demanding a No Man's Sky Refund Aren't Happy with Sony


> "It's not their fault that people's expectations snowballed out of control."

Actually.. It kind of is. Hello Games kept promoting the game with demos, footage and features that are not in the final game. Here's a rather rambling summary making rounds in reddits of the internet:

Here's another quote: "When he desired the possibility of green skies, the team had to redesign the periodic table to create atmospheric particles that would diffract light at just the right wavelength."

Such total, utter marketing.

The more you re-read their PR leading to the launch, the nastier it gets, actually. Up to the very days until release when Murray pleaded people not to "spoil the experience" for themselves (by watching actual final gameplay footage) - or worse yet, to cancel that pre-order..

Language -Tasuki-

Re: Poll: Are You Happy with PS4 Firmware Update 3.50?


@andreoni79 USB is the speed bottleneck here. Overall an external drive would be slower than internal, which could be a problem for continuous streamloading games. That's a problem worth staying away from. Really, swapping a 2TB drive is very easy.