Comments 713

Re: Sailing Sim Skull & Bones Adds Actual Dragons on PS5 in Upcoming Update


I got an email that said I could play skull and bones for free up to 8 hours, there were no end date mentioned. So I assumed it didn't have an expiry date. But when I click the link now, it says the link has expired and there's no option to play for free in the store. This email was sent in February. Then another was sent in May and this had an expiration date, which stated you could play for free from 30th May to 6th June.

I still haven't played it. They should let us play the trial without an expiration date and limit to 8 hours like they said with the first email. I'd probably play for like an hour tho, just wanna see how it is.

Re: The Last of Us 2's Story Could Take Three HBO Seasons to Complete


I still haven't played the last of us 2 and I kinda forgot most of what happened at 1. I remember putting it on while I was at a friend's house and remember it had a very long cutscene , so I turned it off before I actually got a chance to play it. I only turned it on just to try it out for a bit and coz I was at friends house, I didn't want to play for long. But that long cutscene put me off from playing it. I don't mind long cutscenes, but having it at the very beginning isn't a good idea. Coz sometimes people just want to see what the gameplay is like.

Re: Reaction: PS5 Livestreams Are No Longer Speaking to the Fans Who Built the Brand


I thought it was good. I like how the games looked but not sure if I'll play it.

I thought concord was a single player game from the cinematic trailer, then they said it's 5v5 and I was disappointed haha. I weren't going to play it tho, but thought it would have been a nice single player game.

A lot of games caught my interest, with how they look. But I have to like the gameplay too. N I'm not really into shooting all that much.