@BLPs Well you were doin great until you made that silly FOX comment... Of all main-stream media outlets(all of which suck), FOX is by far the most complete. Which is why their viewing audience and ratings are double the next closest competitor. I assume like most misinformed FOX haters, you are just repeating what your peers say and have never actually watched FOX. I have no intention of engaging in a debate on this thread, just couldn't let that one go unchecked.
@themcnoisy Amen brother! I'm a little over the saturation of futuristic games. A good WW1 game would be refreshing! Hell, even another WW2-era game would be nice..
@rastamadeus Yea, well said! And it makes me laugh how so many gamers get so but hurt about "trash talking". It's competition people, there's nothing wrong with it and that precisely what happens in all competition. And who the hell are any of you to say what a company should or shouldn't say?? I truly think some of you could use a break from games for a while, y'all take the sh&$ waaay too seriously!
@Mrskinner Yea, I'm with ya, I'm just bein a wisenheimer haha. As much as I loved the old-school TH games, there's no way I'd buy what they displayed! But I also feel that graphics are just as important as gameplay. Immersion is key, and graphics, physics etc are what provide immersion, so I'm probably a little biased. But hopefully they will get it together and have a good product by release. This is obviously an early-build, there will(hopefully)be a lot of transformation by the time it's ready...at least I HOPE, because I was excited about the announcement and I have been wondering if they would ever make another.
@themcnoisy @XFsWorld I don't mean customization options. I'm talking about the car models themselves and how they are created. Much more involved for GT than for Forza. Project CARS for example did similar thing but wnt a step further and modeled every structural component, panel etc. so tht the model reacted as it should in terms of structural rigidity, driving behavior etc.
@XFsWorld Because they have to test the cars and physics to get it As close to the real thing as possible. Forza just scans the shell of the car, and uses a generic physics category for the car type. Which is why GT cars feel much closer to the real thing. In short, its because one is a simulator, and one is a well-made "simulatorish" game.
Mobile/smart-phone gaming is just a new niche that does have a bright future, but it will never replace console or PC gaming. Ever. It attracts new people to gaming who may otherwise never game, but to us who play on console and PC, it will never be a replacement. Capability, interface, level of emerssion, viewing area, etc can never be matched by a mobile device...handheld consoles included.
@BAMozzy Good post! I woul never buy another COD game simply because of what Activision did to Zampella and crew...they(activision) essentially stole their baby and sent them packing through subterfuge. Anyone who has never heard the full story of what happened should do some research, as it is unbelievable the way it all went down.
As for Medal of Honor however, it was not at all the same as what Activision/Treyarch were doing. Medal of Honor was it's own thing long before COD, and it was simply an attempt at a revival. They just happened to use the frostbite engine, as it was the best engine for wht they were trying to achieve with the game. Unfortunately the CoD duche bags and the CoD-loving media helped to insure that a MoH revival would never be allowed.
@KAPADO By it's own failures over the last 3 releases. It sells, but noone plays after a month. And the people who buy are the same 8 year-olds that always buy it haha
..well I guess some are 12 or 13 by now, to be fair..
@JLPick Yea, I'm not gonna hold my breath, I gave up hope for a new entry long ago...probably around the time Amy Hennig was into the 2nd Uncharted title. In my opinion, without her involvement, any new LoK game wouldn't be worthy. And now that she's with Visceral working on Battlefront, that pretty much puts the last nail in the coffin. But who knows, I do know she views the series as the best-developed and most groundbreaking work she's done. And she is aware o the huge cult-following of the series, so maybe I'll be surprised one day.
I always thought that the Legacy of Kain series would have made a good movie trilogy, if done right. Hell, I'd like to see a new game in that series come to think of it..
@dacendarin Exactly. Gamers these day are hard to tolerate. Games have always had glitches, and these kids don't understand what's involved in making these games so they can't comprehend the fact that all these new "nex gen gameplay" features and graphics they all scream for require vastly more complex coding. And the more complex something is, the higher the probability that something will go wrong. But then they say "the devs should do more testing!" But again, they don't understand tht beta testing and stress testing, regardless of how thorough, will not reveal everything. Just like this scenario, some people have the issue, and some don't. You just can't find and catch everything.
@BAMozzy Yea that's not how it works though. When a game is made its the work of the development team, which is funded ahead of time by a publishing company, much like when a book or movie is made. Manufacturers make hardware, but in the event that they are involved with the development of a game, that manufacturer either purchases, or creates a separate publishing company to then fund a development team to create a game. But in that case, the game is exclusive to the console that the manufacturer makes anyway, so the DLC issue becomes moot. These sweetheart deals are pure profit at the end of the day.
Yea as much as I love the BF series, the net code issues are absolutely intolerable. About a year ago I got to the point where I couldnt even play it anymore because I was affraid I would end up puting my controller through the TV. The game effectively turned me into a 6-year old brat that cant control his temper! I still occasionally get on from time to time, but I can usually only last 2-3 games before I have to turn it off. And the Hardline Beta(and Alpha) were no different at all to BF4 from a connection standpoint.
@Godsire- Yea I'm a GT fan myself. Project cars has me excited too though! Based on past experience, I'm sure we won't be seeing GT for a while unfortunately. But that's fine, I can wait! 👍
@Godsire- Hahaha! Good quip! Yea I'm with ya man, and I'm a huge racing fan that was excited about the game. So i rented it from Red Box(free with a movie rental, thank god)and lasted an hour before I got bored. The game is very basic and boring. It's definitely a casual racers game. So aside from the principle of how they handled the whole thing, take comfort in knowing you ain't missin' much!
@Scollurio Sure ya could! You could have cared less enough to not bother clicking the article, then scrolling all the way to the bottom and take the time to post your random comment...of which, none of us truly could care less about.
@Tasuki Thats right, we have become a bunch of politically correct panty-waists!
1). Sony is a global conglomerate, and the movie was made by Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc., which is an American subsidiary of the Sony corporation. Also, the whole thing started as a result of American movie theater chains(AMC, Regal, and Cinemark)decision to yank it.
2). Do you really think that these hackers, even if they were North Korean, have the capacity or balls to do such a thing? And even if they did, the blood wouldnt be on the hands of the Theaters or Sony, it would be on the attackers. And as Americans, it's our FREEDOM to make the decision ourselves whether or not we want to take that risk! And this reaction by these companies that bowed to this threat have helped erode that freedom!
3). See above.
As for the theater shootings such as Aurora CO., those were completely different circumstances, and were surprise attacks by insane individuals. And it didnt stop theaters from showing movies, or people going to see them.
@mikey85 Yea? Maybe we can go a few laps on GT and put that to the test..? And yes, I'm aware this game isn't for me, thats painfully obvious! Hahaha. I like a challenge, and this game doesn't offer that.
I'm pretty excited for this game, if even just for the setting and the story it reveals. I don't mind the linear approach if done right...there's nothing wrong with an interactive cinematic approach if it is done properly, in my opinion. And this game is gorgeous for sure, but it doesn't compare to PC games, not by a long shot. This is what PC games have looked like for a few years now.
@mikey85 No, I'm talking about the game itself. The server issues are just further(and inexcusable)proof of its poor quality. I've said before on threads that this game is the COD of racing games...when you have countless options for your club logo, and NONE for your cars, that's pathetic. But it just illustrates how generic the driving physics are. Which is about on par with NFS underground on PS2. However, I play GT with all aids off so maybe I need to remember that this is a game for the casual player.. But they hyped this game up so much that it seemed as though it would be something special, and it is anything but. And as for smooth gameplay and graphics; well, there are plenty of games that do that, and it should be an expected standard.
@WARDIE Like Ginko said, there is compromise with these things. And it has more to do with the ability of the development team than it does with the hardware itself. A good analogy would be a race car; just because it has all the capability to go fast, doesn't mean tht the driver can actually achieve its maximum performance.
I still haven't seen the "Power of Defiance" DLC in the store. I did find a free DLC titled "The Power of Shadow" that contained(apparently)the Lathariel skin and The Black Hand skin. Maybe it's titled differently..?
@JohnKarnes Best racing game out?? You have got to be kidding..? It's the call of duty of racing games. I have all these unlockable options for customizing my club logo, but not a single option to customize the car itself..except for hideous paint jobs that I would never put on a car to begin with. It has a vanilla driving physics model on par with arcade style racing games like NFS or any other low-skill-requirement racer. The best thing about the game is the graphics, which on closer inspection isn't as impressive as I first thought either. Sorry, this game is a total joke!
Well, it looks as though I have become a victim of the brick.. Came home last night and the box was off. Had to hit the power button on the machine 3 times before it would boot, then left the room for abou 15 minutes, came back and it was off, and it will not turn on no matter what I do.. Not real happy about it to be honest..
...and furthermore; what really aggravates me even more when I think about it, is the fact that this was the first day in a while that I was looking forward to getting off work all day, getting home, and getting on the game for once.. Smh
Comments 146
Re: Oh Look, It's a Nintendo PlayStation Console
@BLPs Well you were doin great until you made that silly FOX comment... Of all main-stream media outlets(all of which suck), FOX is by far the most complete. Which is why their viewing audience and ratings are double the next closest competitor. I assume like most misinformed FOX haters, you are just repeating what your peers say and have never actually watched FOX. I have no intention of engaging in a debate on this thread, just couldn't let that one go unchecked.
Re: ELEX Brings Open World, Sci-Fi Action to PS4
@themcnoisy Amen brother! I'm a little over the saturation of futuristic games. A good WW1 game would be refreshing! Hell, even another WW2-era game would be nice..
Re: DriveClub: PS Plus Edition Is Free to Download on PS4 Now
@Shadowdillon92 Go ProjectCARS, if you want a real racing game.
Re: DriveClub: PS Plus Edition Is Free to Download on PS4 Now
@Eldritch haha! I feel your pain!
Re: E3 2015: Nintendo Doesn't Have High Hopes for Project Morpheus
@rastamadeus Yea, well said! And it makes me laugh how so many gamers get so but hurt about "trash talking". It's competition people, there's nothing wrong with it and that precisely what happens in all competition. And who the hell are any of you to say what a company should or shouldn't say?? I truly think some of you could use a break from games for a while, y'all take the sh&$ waaay too seriously!
Re: E3 2015: Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 5 Looks Crap
@Mrskinner Yea, I'm with ya, I'm just bein a wisenheimer haha. As much as I loved the old-school TH games, there's no way I'd buy what they displayed! But I also feel that graphics are just as important as gameplay. Immersion is key, and graphics, physics etc are what provide immersion, so I'm probably a little biased. But hopefully they will get it together and have a good product by release. This is obviously an early-build, there will(hopefully)be a lot of transformation by the time it's ready...at least I HOPE, because I was excited about the announcement and I have been wondering if they would ever make another.
Re: E3 2015: Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 5 Looks Crap
Ahh, but as I hear on here all the time..it's not about graphics, resolution, or frame rate, it's all about the gameplay!
Re: Gran Turismo 7 to Park Up on PS4 Prior to 2017
@themcnoisy @XFsWorld I don't mean customization options. I'm talking about the car models themselves and how they are created. Much more involved for GT than for Forza. Project CARS for example did similar thing but wnt a step further and modeled every structural component, panel etc. so tht the model reacted as it should in terms of structural rigidity, driving behavior etc.
Re: Gran Turismo 7 to Park Up on PS4 Prior to 2017
@XFsWorld Because they have to test the cars and physics to get it As close to the real thing as possible. Forza just scans the shell of the car, and uses a generic physics category for the car type. Which is why GT cars feel much closer to the real thing. In short, its because one is a simulator, and one is a well-made "simulatorish" game.
Re: Konami's Really Sorry You Don't Like Its Mobile First Future
Mobile/smart-phone gaming is just a new niche that does have a bright future, but it will never replace console or PC gaming. Ever. It attracts new people to gaming who may otherwise never game, but to us who play on console and PC, it will never be a replacement. Capability, interface, level of emerssion, viewing area, etc can never be matched by a mobile device...handheld consoles included.
Re: Behold! More Witcher 3 PS4 Gameplay Footage
@Davros79 No it doesn't. Not by a long shot
Re: Didn't Download or Play P.T. on PS4? For £1,000, It Could Be Yours
Wow, that's almost as silly as nominating it for GoTY!....
Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops III Will Boast Four Player Campaign Co-op, Zombies, and More
@BAMozzy Good post! I woul never buy another COD game simply because of what Activision did to Zampella and crew...they(activision) essentially stole their baby and sent them packing through subterfuge. Anyone who has never heard the full story of what happened should do some research, as it is unbelievable the way it all went down.
As for Medal of Honor however, it was not at all the same as what Activision/Treyarch were doing. Medal of Honor was it's own thing long before COD, and it was simply an attempt at a revival. They just happened to use the frostbite engine, as it was the best engine for wht they were trying to achieve with the game. Unfortunately the CoD duche bags and the CoD-loving media helped to insure that a MoH revival would never be allowed.
Re: DriveClub's Getting a Free Tour as Part of a New PS4 Update
@blah01 Funny, that's what I said about people who think this game is "epic"..
Re: Feature: Eight Things You Need to Know About Star Wars: Battlefront on PS4
@KAPADO Yea, and they are all 8 year olds, like I said.
Re: Feature: Eight Things You Need to Know About Star Wars: Battlefront on PS4
@KAPADO By it's own failures over the last 3 releases. It sells, but noone plays after a month. And the people who buy are the same 8 year-olds that always buy it haha
..well I guess some are 12 or 13 by now, to be fair..
Re: Feature: Eight Things You Need to Know About Star Wars: Battlefront on PS4
@KAPADO COD has been dethroned for a long time now
Re: Here's an Early Look at Star Wars: Battlefront on PS4
@AyeHaley A little disrespectful even if ya ask me!
Re: Talking Point: Is It Time to Introduce EA Access on PS4?
Re: Guide: How to Kill the Darkbeast Paarl in Bloodborne on PS4
@Quorthon Hahaha I was just about to ask the same thing!
Re: Sony's Making a Metal Gear Solid Movie
@JLPick Yea, I'm not gonna hold my breath, I gave up hope for a new entry long ago...probably around the time Amy Hennig was into the 2nd Uncharted title. In my opinion, without her involvement, any new LoK game wouldn't be worthy. And now that she's with Visceral working on Battlefront, that pretty much puts the last nail in the coffin. But who knows, I do know she views the series as the best-developed and most groundbreaking work she's done. And she is aware o the huge cult-following of the series, so maybe I'll be surprised one day.
Re: Sony's Making a Metal Gear Solid Movie
I always thought that the Legacy of Kain series would have made a good movie trilogy, if done right. Hell, I'd like to see a new game in that series come to think of it..
Re: Oh No, They Put System of a Down in the Mortal Kombat X Commercial
@salim81991 Haha yea i guess.. If you were/are a teenage girl...or a dork trying to get a teenage girl.
Re: Oh No, They Put System of a Down in the Mortal Kombat X Commercial
@Gmork___ Haha yea that was you wasn't it!? Yea I remember us talking about that! Yes I will def add you, being metal brethren and all.. ! \m//
Re: Of Course There's a Game Breaking Bug in Bloodborne
@dacendarin Exactly. Gamers these day are hard to tolerate. Games have always had glitches, and these kids don't understand what's involved in making these games so they can't comprehend the fact that all these new "nex gen gameplay" features and graphics they all scream for require vastly more complex coding. And the more complex something is, the higher the probability that something will go wrong. But then they say "the devs should do more testing!" But again, they don't understand tht beta testing and stress testing, regardless of how thorough, will not reveal everything. Just like this scenario, some people have the issue, and some don't. You just can't find and catch everything.
Re: Oh No, They Put System of a Down in the Mortal Kombat X Commercial
@Gmork___ I doubt anyone here, other than you and I, have ever even heard of Napalm Death haha
Re: Oh No, They Put System of a Down in the Mortal Kombat X Commercial
Linkin Park was NEVER cool. System of a down however are STILL cool, and always will be.
Re: What a Load of Rubbish: BioWare Can't Say When PS4, PS3 will Get the Dragon Age: Inquisiton DLC
@BAMozzy Yea that's not how it works though. When a game is made its the work of the development team, which is funded ahead of time by a publishing company, much like when a book or movie is made. Manufacturers make hardware, but in the event that they are involved with the development of a game, that manufacturer either purchases, or creates a separate publishing company to then fund a development team to create a game. But in that case, the game is exclusive to the console that the manufacturer makes anyway, so the DLC issue becomes moot. These sweetheart deals are pure profit at the end of the day.
Re: Battlefield Hardline Won't Falter at Launch Like Battlefield 4, Says Developer
Yea as much as I love the BF series, the net code issues are absolutely intolerable. About a year ago I got to the point where I couldnt even play it anymore because I was affraid I would end up puting my controller through the TV. The game effectively turned me into a 6-year old brat that cant control his temper! I still occasionally get on from time to time, but I can usually only last 2-3 games before I have to turn it off. And the Hardline Beta(and Alpha) were no different at all to BF4 from a connection standpoint.
Re: We Hope You're Not Expecting DriveClub PS Plus Edition Anytime Soon
@Godsire- Yea I'm a GT fan myself. Project cars has me excited too though! Based on past experience, I'm sure we won't be seeing GT for a while unfortunately. But that's fine, I can wait! 👍
Re: We Hope You're Not Expecting DriveClub PS Plus Edition Anytime Soon
@Godsire- Hahaha! Good quip! Yea I'm with ya man, and I'm a huge racing fan that was excited about the game. So i rented it from Red Box(free with a movie rental, thank god)and lasted an hour before I got bored. The game is very basic and boring. It's definitely a casual racers game. So aside from the principle of how they handled the whole thing, take comfort in knowing you ain't missin' much!
Re: We're Not Sure Who Imagine Dragons Are, But It's Your Destiny to Play PS4 with Them
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi Yea, GWAR would be awesome. But ya can't have a GWAR show without Dave Brockie.. RIP
Re: Battlefield Hardline Arrests an Open Beta on PS4 and PS3 Sooner Than You Think
@Scollurio Sure ya could! You could have cared less enough to not bother clicking the article, then scrolling all the way to the bottom and take the time to post your random comment...of which, none of us truly could care less about.
Re: Weirdness: What Would PS4 Parkour-'Em-Up Dying Light Look Like in Real Life?
Wow, that was awesome! Well done.
Re: Battlefield Hardline Will Play Bad Cop in New Beta Soon
@SouthTippBass Why's that? Did you play the alpha?
Re: Game of the Year: Silver Trophy - P.T.
Surely this is just a publicity stunt...(?)
Re: We Wish You a Very Merry Christmas
You guys do a helluva job with the site, keep up the good work! And Merry Christmas everyone!
Re: Weirdness: Sony Yanks The Interview Amid Intensifying Threats
@Tasuki Thats right, we have become a bunch of politically correct panty-waists!
1). Sony is a global conglomerate, and the movie was made by Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc., which is an American subsidiary of the Sony corporation. Also, the whole thing started as a result of American movie theater chains(AMC, Regal, and Cinemark)decision to yank it.
2). Do you really think that these hackers, even if they were North Korean, have the capacity or balls to do such a thing? And even if they did, the blood wouldnt be on the hands of the Theaters or Sony, it would be on the attackers. And as Americans, it's our FREEDOM to make the decision ourselves whether or not we want to take that risk! And this reaction by these companies that bowed to this threat have helped erode that freedom!
3). See above.
As for the theater shootings such as Aurora CO., those were completely different circumstances, and were surprise attacks by insane individuals. And it didnt stop theaters from showing movies, or people going to see them.
Re: Weirdness: Sony Yanks The Interview Amid Intensifying Threats
This is incredible, what a bunch of timid little sissies we've become..
Re: PS4 Exclusive DriveClub Finally Appears to Be on Track
@mikey85 Yea? Maybe we can go a few laps on GT and put that to the test..? And yes, I'm aware this game isn't for me, thats painfully obvious! Hahaha. I like a challenge, and this game doesn't offer that.
Re: Preview: Is PS4 Exclusive The Order: 1886 a Revolution or a Relic?
I'm pretty excited for this game, if even just for the setting and the story it reveals. I don't mind the linear approach if done right...there's nothing wrong with an interactive cinematic approach if it is done properly, in my opinion. And this game is gorgeous for sure, but it doesn't compare to PC games, not by a long shot. This is what PC games have looked like for a few years now.
Re: PS4 Exclusive DriveClub Finally Appears to Be on Track
@mikey85 No, I'm talking about the game itself. The server issues are just further(and inexcusable)proof of its poor quality. I've said before on threads that this game is the COD of racing games...when you have countless options for your club logo, and NONE for your cars, that's pathetic. But it just illustrates how generic the driving physics are. Which is about on par with NFS underground on PS2. However, I play GT with all aids off so maybe I need to remember that this is a game for the casual player.. But they hyped this game up so much that it seemed as though it would be something special, and it is anything but. And as for smooth gameplay and graphics; well, there are plenty of games that do that, and it should be an expected standard.
Re: DriveClub: PS Plus Edition Is the 'Next Step', Sony Ensures
"It's an ambitious game"?? What's so ambitious about it?
Re: PS4 Zombie Sim Dying Light Will Raise the Dead in 1080p at 30FPS
@WARDIE Like Ginko said, there is compromise with these things. And it has more to do with the ability of the development team than it does with the hardware itself. A good analogy would be a race car; just because it has all the capability to go fast, doesn't mean tht the driver can actually achieve its maximum performance.
Re: PS4 Exclusive DriveClub Finally Appears to Be on Track
@mikey85 Great game?? Psh! Game's a joke.
Re: Huzzah! Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor Has Received Free DLC on PS4
I still haven't seen the "Power of Defiance" DLC in the store. I did find a free DLC titled "The Power of Shadow" that contained(apparently)the Lathariel skin and The Black Hand skin. Maybe it's titled differently..?
Re: Sony: DriveClub Tried to Be the Greatest Thing Ever, but Hit a Hiccup
@JohnKarnes Best racing game out?? You have got to be kidding..? It's the call of duty of racing games. I have all these unlockable options for customizing my club logo, but not a single option to customize the car itself..except for hideous paint jobs that I would never put on a car to begin with. It has a vanilla driving physics model on par with arcade style racing games like NFS or any other low-skill-requirement racer. The best thing about the game is the graphics, which on closer inspection isn't as impressive as I first thought either. Sorry, this game is a total joke!
Re: Sony: DriveClub Tried to Be the Greatest Thing Ever, but Hit a Hiccup
Oh good grief! What's so new and groundbreaking?? What a joke..
Re: Sony: We're Working to Resolve PS4 Rest Mode Freezing Issues
Well, it looks as though I have become a victim of the brick.. Came home last night and the box was off. Had to hit the power button on the machine 3 times before it would boot, then left the room for abou 15 minutes, came back and it was off, and it will not turn on no matter what I do.. Not real happy about it to be honest..
Re: Sony Engineers Working on DriveClub, Destiny, and NBA 2K15 Connectivity Issues
...and furthermore; what really aggravates me even more when I think about it, is the fact that this was the first day in a while that I was looking forward to getting off work all day, getting home, and getting on the game for once.. Smh