Comments 18

Re: Intergalactic PS5 Game All About Faith, Religion, and 'Being Lonely'


As much as I would've preferred ND staying with their more grounded, realistic approach (in contrast to more fantasy and sci-fi) as well as I couldn't care less about anything religion, I'm there for everything Naughty Dog obviously. The top 0,0001% tier in videogames. Will be a rare masterpiece that once again is light years ahead of everyone else, no matter what.

Very likely will be the very first actual great sci-fi game in history.

Re: PS5 Pro's Graphics Will Get Even Better in 2026


If I read one more time people equating "higher resolution" with "better looking" or "better graphics" I will despair.

the pixel count of the resolution is higher, the end

Re: This Trailer for HBO's The Last of Us Season 2 May Be An All-Time Great


Still looks so effin cheap unfortunately. Oh well, season 1 was one of the most overrated things (gamers famously don't have too high quality demands - there are at least 10 series in a year way better) in media in a while so no expectations, which can only help.

Funnily enough, beside the low quality in craftmanship, story wise it was also very strange and Joel was almost not in the show, so looking forward how it should have any impact in part 2 as it did in the game.

Re: Ghost of Yotei Dev Eager to Push Creatively and Technically with Anticipated PS5 Sequel


I know it obviously won't happen but how incredible would it be if the sequel would take some things from Kingdom Come 2. To have some "realism" (even more, the setting already was realistic thanks to no dumb fantasy mumbojumbo) mixed with a well made cinematic experience (and 3rd person!)
Not picking up items just by pressing a button (without getting off the horse wtf) and have "real" horse like in RDR2 that doesn't just spawn wherever you like

Re: Yoshida: I Played The Last of Us Online And It Was Great


Of course it was
The biggest tragedy in human history

Noone needed a "gaas" just a great follow up to the already best multiplayer out there - Factions 1 (Still playing daily)

You could've just took the No Return mode and added real players. Would already be the greatest multiplayer ever. But ND had even way more ambitious plans.

It's not about cosmetics, variety or whatever else gaas have to have. It's about the greatest mechanics, in 3rd person.
Just the way shooting feels. How you can survive firefights because it's slow (and don't die instantly like in every other shooter), get back up, etc

Still have not lost hope yet, it should release with TLoU3...

Re: Horizon's MMO Appears to Have Been Cancelled


The only interesting and promising multiplayer projects get all cancelled
Hilarious if it wasn't so sad and depressing.

Last of Us multiplayer
God of War multiplayer
Days Gone multiplayer
Horizon multiplayer

All would've veen completely different experiences to all the multiplayer crap that is out there (even if it would be just the setting)