Comments 281

Re: Oh Boy, Now There's Going to Be a Just Cause Movie


I'm curious how much of the games personality will be in it. It will take laser sharp writing to make it work and have Rico climb out of a plane, stand on the roof, jump off, tether to the bottom of a helicopter and destroy 4 more of them, squirrel suit down to a wave runner to escape and not come off as silly. So I figure most of what we do as Rico will be lost in transition to the movie.

Re: Team Sonic Racing - It Ain't Mario Kart, But It's Good Enough


@RogerRoger Ah I gotcha. Yeah that makes sense not tease an upcoming game. Upon re-reading your original post I see how I missed your intention. Sorry about that.

But I don't think only brief mention was enough. The reason why is that CTR(original) and MK reference should be core to a review is that are in essence the pinnacle of kart games that all others are compared. People play them and love them, but quite often people have a strong preference between the two. I ,for one, don't like CTR, and prefer MK. Knowing if it plays closer to MK or CTR matters to me. And with no demo as of yet, there is only one way to know.

Re: Team Sonic Racing - It Ain't Mario Kart, But It's Good Enough


@RogerRoger I strongly disagree. A game reviews sole purpose is to inform the reader as to how the game plays so they can make an informed decision on if they want to buy the game or not. Since most console gamers that are interest in this game have played ctr or MK it absolutely makes sense to compare so we get a better picture of how it exactly plays. Does kart performance feel like MK or CTR, for example, is important because people have preferences.

A review doesn't have to say if it's better or worse but if there is no demo it should have solid comparisons because how else are we supposed to know before we buy it?

Re: The Division 2's Raid Appears to Be Way Too Difficult on Consoles


The lack of K&M support still pisses me off to no end in ps4 games. On games where I play solo pve or coop I should be allowed to to use them. I don't know how D2 works with PvP but if there are sections with PvP then don't allow access to those areas with those that have KM on. May be harder on div2 depending on how it works but im not sure. I just know from the few weeks of Div1 I played I never did any pvp.

But games like Borderlands 3 or Rage 2 you absolutely should be able to use them.

I'd love to get back into pc gaming, but with life and family obligations it's just easier to stick with consoles.

Re: Skull & Bones' Release Date Shipwrecked, Skips E3 2019


I think after the blowback FO76 and Anthem got it caused many game makers to step back and do things better. Those two games turned the tide of what gamers will accept and I think will have a positive impact for us gamers. GAAS games are here to stay, but they have to be better to survive.

Unfortunately, this will mean more crunch and long hours for developers. Why do I say that? Buggy and low content games tanked. But there is NO push back by gamers against overworked employees outside of people saying how bad it is online. So complete game>well treated employees in the eyes of gamers. After all, how many games did you not purchase because of overworked employees? I know it never stopped me from buying a game.

But that's pretty much true of all industries. People in general don't care how the product is made as long as it's good and cheap.

Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake Will Still Be an Episodic Release


It kinda seems like the game is taking so long that they started to get pressure to release it soon. So they decided to focus it in stages to get the money rolling in. Plus since they want more than standard value of a AAA they can almost use a credit model of more smaller chunks to get a final total of closer to $100(usd). I guess we can call this gaas lite.

Re: ANTHEM Sales Failed to Meet Expectations Despite Record Digital Performance, Says EA


"EA revealed that Anthem was its most successful digital game ever, selling more copies digitally than any other game in company history."

I'm finding this puzzling. I think they are twisting their words to make it sound better than it is. How can it not be a massive success if this is true? They have so many hit games and uber popular sport games yet this one sold better digitally than them all? There is something missing in the wording.

Maybe they mean digital sale preorders or 1st week of launch, but I can't see how it's is better than all their other games, unless they specifically meant for Bioware and not EA. Or they even could have meant more digital to physically ratio sales.

Re: ANTHEM Sheds Key Staff as BioWare Looks Towards Dragon Age 4


Sad really. Once when we heard word of DA4 people would cheer. Now all they can understandably say is "Hope they don't F it up to". Such a shame.

But I am concerned because I thought DA4 was kinda reworked for 'online elements'. I really don't believe they learned their lesson. I doubt it will go the route of recent huge single player hits. I think it will go the 'we have one last chance to make a successful gaas game or we are shut down' route. We'll see.

Re: Soapbox: 7/10 Is a Bad Review Score? The World's Gone Mad


Few things to blame here.

1) Metacritic and that type of sites. I have seen reviewers say they only have numerical scores so they can be listed there and that means views for them. So many feel forced to use them.

2) People. Sorry but even here for days before launch were saying its going to be 80-90% and firm on it. Then turn around and say 70 is good! Nobody says "it's going to be 70% for sure and I can't wait". People are obsessed with scores.

3) people don't read reviews. I seriously doubt most read them. How many people said how this game didn't deserve a score and how many of those people said exact why parts of the review were wrong? Barely any of them. Why? Because they didn't care about why, they only cared about the score.

People are afraid of feeling like a fool for liking a bad reviews game or movie. They don't want to be made fun of by their peers. So they have to justify the score anyway they can.

It's ok to like a bad reviewed game. Hell, look at rotten tomatoes, the audience score is almost always higher than reviewers for fun movies.

So it's ok to like the game, you don't have to justify your purchase by slamming a score.

But pushsquare, why do you use numerical scores? Just for metacritic? If you you honestly believe 7 is a good score but know others don't, then why not rate it higher? Who cares if YOU think 7 is good when most clearly don't. You want to give a number that clearly expresses if it is good or not yet you purposely pick a number you know most will consider bad. You need to change your scale because you can't change the world's opinion.

Re: Days Gone - Open World Comfort Food with a Survival Horror Spin


The scoring arguments here and all over the net is why I never care about scores. It leads to mess of "it deserves a 7 not a 6.5" etc and either defending the numbers or gloating. You HAVE to read why it got the score. Ever notice how people complain about a score but rarely complain about the content behind the score?

Take a new Bloodborne game and supposes it quite easy. Those who love the past games will score it maybe a 5. But Im terrible at those games so easier would be more fun so I'd give it an 8. See how the score is useless without context?

It is like Whose Line is it Anyway, the points don't matter.

Re: Days Gone - Open World Comfort Food with a Survival Horror Spin


Hmm and I was being accused of being negative because it didn't seem like a great game. Seems like all my concerns were right that it won't be a great game.

But I gotta say, the reviews was lack luster and missing key elements. It needs deep details on bike handling mechanics, gun combat and melee combat. No real info on how exploring is or how the big horde missions work etc. You really didn't say much but generally how you feel about it. Luckily there are better detailed reviews out there.

That being said I watched a lot of reviews to see exactly the good and bad aspects and have come the conclusion that it's seems an ok enough of a game that can be a bit fun. So to me this will be a buy when it goes on big sale and bugs get patched. So I'll get it, eventually.

Re: Days Gone Details Free Post-Launch DLC, Including Challenges and New Difficulty Mode


I come from a time when stuff like this was called updates, not free dlc. But terminology changes over time and just have to accept that new features are now dlc and patches are updates. A rose by any other name...

I dont think I'd play survival mode though unless the options are selectable. For example I don't consider no fast fast travel is making it a better experience. I rarely used fast travel in RDR2 because I loved the traveling experience. But sometimes I used it because real life meant I was short on time and just want to get things done. So removing it completely is not something I'm interested in even if I don't use it much.

So I'd prefer if it was an option screen where I can select which survival options I do or don't turn off.

Re: Devs Give Update Following ANTHEM Patch, Key Features Are Delayed


I dont see this as a nice to see studio communicate like this. I see this as a studio doing this because they have to out of fear of being shut down for good.

If given time, yeah, maybe in a year it can be just ok. But I doubt I would ever play this unless it went f2p or psn+ as mentioned above by B-D. Even if it improves it doesn't mean it won't be shut down soon. Not worth putting money on.

Re: Insiders Claim That Next Xbox Is More Advanced Than PS5


1) I said it before and I'll say it again. We are in a time when $1000 smartphones are the norm and popular. While it won't be that high, don't expect either console to be as cheap as they were last time.

2) A console with 2 power levels at launch is crazy. Splitting your market day one making it difficult for devs to know where to aim even worse if one succeeds and other is struggling in sales.

3) it's all about the games not power. There is a reason why Nintendo does so well and it's not power.

4) This is an edit for shame on me for not clicking on your source before wasting my time.

Re: Poll: What Are Your Thoughts on the PS5?


@Flaming_Kaiser "I believe that we will be able to release it at an SRP [suggested retail price] that will be appealing to gamers in light of its advanced feature set."

That quote there shows it will be more expensive than usual. I don't think it will be the full 1k, but it's a new world since the ps4 launched. 1k phones are common and popular. Honestly I'd get far more use and value from a 1k PSV than a 1k phone.

Re: ANTHEM Player Survey Reveals Some Troubling Statistics


Hmmmm. 53% of them said they have quit completely yet still hang out there on the forum??? Why?

But I think you have it backwards on the thought of if hardcore players are not into the game then less committed won't be either. Its the hardcore that see the flaws more than the casuals do. It's the casuals that will keep buying it.

As for how to save it... F2P.

Re: Poll: What Are Your Thoughts on the PS5?


I think it's going to be more expensive than people think. Think of flagship smart phones that are $1000 these days and they sell well.

Yes, I know, installment plans cover the big impact of cost and spread it out but in many places outside of NA, phones are commonly bought outright anywhere in town unlocked. So spending 1k on cc or cash is common.

Maybe they will try something different and offer 2yr payment plans with psn+.

But I wouldn't be surprised if the price goes up.

Re: Round Up: Everything We Know About PS5 So Far


Backwards compatibility is the key to it being a success early on. I know I wait about 2 years for any new console because I want a good selection of games first and I don't want 2 consoles. So the fact I can just sell my ps4 and still keep playing ps4 games is a key feature for me.

Re: See a Few More Minutes of Days Gone PS4 Pro Gameplay in New Video


@wiiware the hordes are not free roaming the map as people think. Now im guessing based on pieces I put together from those who have played it in events and comment online. But it sounds as if Hordes are in specific zones and roam in that zone. That zone may have a camp in it or other set piece. These places are designed for horde encounters so you can set up bottle necks and traps. Makes sense as you could run the map with one horde clearing everybody out if it wasn't set up that way.

I may be wrong but that's the impression I got.

Re: Soapbox: Sony's Done an Outstanding Job with PSVR


I've literally been waiting decades(yes I'm old) for a good home VR experience. I didn't want to put out the money for 1-2 games to enjoy then watch the system fail so I've been patiently waiting for psvr to grow. I think it's now hit that tipping point where there is enough games I want to play on it. Looks like it's time to dive in.

Re: Talking Point: Should All Games Have an Easy Mode?


Not having a easy mode option is pure stupidity from a business stand point. If a games is too hard, I and others like me, won't get it so it's a lost sale. If a game has an easy option I'll get it AND the hardcore player will get it too. It's not liked the hardcore player will now refuse to buy it. "I love the challenge and game but simply knowing there is can easy option for others ruined the game for me and I refuse to buy it" is not reality.

The more money you make the more games you can make. Ego over money is fine if you do it all by yourself. But as a game company you are a business with lots of employees. That means obligations. You have the ability to make the game you want but refuse to make more money by not adding an option for easier play? That's stupid.

Take a store that sells just one shirt in one color, in the whole store. It's blue but I like red shirts. They lost my business. But if they sell blue AND red shirts they now have my business too AND the blue shirt customers business. Again the blue shirt customer won't stop buying simply because he doesn't like red shirts as they still have his beloved blue shirt.

Re: Hands On: Dangerous Driving Is Burnout 3 on Burnout 1's Budget


Burnout Revenge is my favorite racer and all racers get compared to it. I would have loved paradise but I don't enjoy open world racers. I was keeping an eye on this till I watched the latest gameplay trailer.

It just didn't look right, as it if looked fake fast like it was sped up or something. Just looked off for some reason and really empty. Plus with no local split screen it put me off, not to mention issues mentioned above.

I'd definitely try a demo if they do one and maybe would still enjoy it. But as it is now, it's a solid no buy, but I'd buy it instantly if I like the demo.

I really just want a Revenge Remaster.

Re: Days Gone Avoids Downgrade with Significant Visual Buffs


@Gamer4Lyfe How is being honest about THIS video showing only cutscenes to show improvements negative? Don't tell me a gameplay then vs now done just like this video wouldn't be more impressive.

You seem to think im trying to turn people off with negativity. I want true game play comparisons not cutscenes. I want to know how the game actually plays and feels, not story trailers. I honestly don't understand why anybody would NOT want that.

What you don't get is I really want this to be a great game. But I need more than trailers because we all have seen how many games don't live up to the hype.

Re: State of Play: Days Gone Story Trailer Sets the Scene for a Harsh World


@Cordeceps Well im just more jaded then you are. I've seen enough good concepts turn meh. But I don't look at reviews to tell me if it's good or bad. I don't care if the reviews even likes it. I like good deep reviews that explain in detail how games play to see if it fits my opinion of what makes a game fun, not if they thought it was.

I've been following this game since the first reveal and it has potential to be great or not be what I like. What made Last of Us great in my opinion is that it was linear. This open world could be amazing. Or it could be repetitive grind to fill up time. For example in LoU you constantly had to search weapons and crafting material. It worked because the linear design forced you forward. In DGs open world you have a lot of gathering but also camp storage and quick travel points. That means you will be going back and forth a lot. It could be repetitive cleaning out tons of freaked nests to get enough gear to move on.

Im just saying I don't know enough to know if it will be fun for me. I never preorder ever any more. If it's good, I get it a few days later, no big deal. If it's bad I saved money.