Comments 270

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 441


Second that, have a great weekend all!

I'm playing Observer System Redux as it is on PS Extra. Played the original when it came out and loved that, but this update is even better. It's just so wildly inventive and out there that I can't help but not love it!

Also: the story set up of Observer is that there's a deadly plague on the loose and everyone's on lockdown, this was released way before COVID and at the time it seemed like quite an interesting horror idea.

Re: UK Sales Charts: Business as Usual for Horizon Forbidden West in First Place


Listen, I'm not this type of gamer but in the UK there a huge subset of people who buy FIFA every year, maybe Cod and maybe an Assassin's Creed title, that's it, that's what they play. I think the problem is that those three titles right there have pieced through gamer culture and into the mindsets of the average person. Plus, they are annualised (AC used to be) and established - what you are getting is on the tin. The average Joe doesn't know that Horizon or Ghost is like Assassin's Creed, nor do they care. If all your mates are playing Fifa, you're probably gonna do the same. The issue for properties like Ghost is social, and psychological - here in the UK at least.

Re: Our Survey Says! Sorry, Gaming Isn't Good for You After All


Depends what game is it.

Stray makes me feel relaxed, Demon Souls on the other hand... Love both games btw.

I agree though, just the act of sitting down with entertainment you like, even if it's a challenging game for instance, makes a big positive difference to your overall mental health for sure.

Re: Ubisoft Bins Four Games, Including Free-to-Play Ghost Recon Frontline


I've read a lot about Ubisoft mismanaging projects, Skull and Bones being a big one until it's re-reveal recently.

Seems like they struggle to get games out the door that aren't Assassin's Creed.

I doubt a full blown acquisition is on the cards in the next few quarters at least - due to being family owned (if I remember rightly) and the appetite wasn't there yet.

I foresee a partnership or merger in the future in the next few years though, but I may be proven wrong.

Re: Former BioWare Writer Discusses Alternate Ending for the Mass Effect Trilogy


Hi all, first time posting.

I played the entire trilogy when it came out but didn't experience the extended cut until last year when I played the Legendary Edition.

I had no issue with the original ending at the time and have no issue with the extended cut either, now I have played it.

Mass Effect 3 was really good at tying up the loose threads from the prior two games. It's not a perfect story, nothing is, but if you take Mass Effect 3 as the final act (which it is) it makes complete sense to me to extend the ending of the trilogy over the course of the game, rather than tie it all up in the last hour or so.

Each to their own I suppose, I was happy and still am. Plan on replaying it again this year.