Comments 270

Re: There's Something Weird Going on with Titanfall 2 Right Now


@ErrantRob I think Titanfall 3 was in production but then Respawn pivoted to what would end up being Apex Legends.

I liked the campaign of TF2 and the multiplayer was good, but I remember it being quite a packed schedule of releases around the time, and it just got lost in the fray.

Re: Baldur's Gate 3 Is Now PS5's Highest Rated Game Ever


I've realised that BG3 has consumed my entire life. Fully deserving of the praise, this is one of the greatest games of the generation, if not ever.

Larian as a studio has created a masterpiece and with it they've cemented their place in video game immortality.

Re: Microsoft to Sell Activision Blizzard Streaming Rights to Ubisoft in Revised Deal


Maybe I'm not fully understanding of the new deal, but an unintended consequence of this is that it will push more consumers into streaming games, as physical and digital copies of some ActiBlizz games will not be available on PS for instance. This means that Microsoft will be capturing a portion of the PS base that is interested in streaming but hasn't made the jump yet.

Re: Baldur's Gate 3's Narrative Is Structured Like a 'Spiderweb', with 17,000 Ending Permutations


@kazuyamushima I'm a massive fan of Baldur's Gate 1+2 on the PC, Divinity Original Sin 1+2, and I've played D&D a fair bit in my time so I am definitely in the target audience for this lol.

Even if you take these things to one side I'd still much rather play this than Starfield, which I definitely think is over hyped, but each to their own.

Whatever choice people make I'm sure they'll have a good time.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 485


Lots of games on the go at the minute for me, too many lol.

TotK, f123, TMNT Shredders Revenge are the games that I'll play once in a while and the Space Marine (ps3) campaign is my longer session game. Think I'll then go onto the Black ops cold war campaign and then start saving for Baldur's Gate 3 as that looks incredible. It comes out around the same time as Starfield but that doesn't interest me for some reason, can't put my finger on why.

Re: Not Even Sony's Been Able to Avoid the Enormous Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Hype


@Ludacritz I'm also a fan of the tighter dungeon designs and I think TotK has more traditional Zelda type dungeons.

I liked BotW but I didn't think it was this earth shatteringly brilliant game like some did. So at the moment I'm enjoying TotK as well but wouldn't say it's in my favourite games of the year or anything, but that could change the more I get into it.