Comments 270

Re: Rumour: Call of Duty Games Will Feature Open World Campaigns Starting This Year


For me personally Call of Duty occupied a unique space where I could grab a game a few years after release for a tenner or whatever, and then play it for a few evenings. Enjoy it, finish campaign, and then never think about it again. The prospect of yet another game pivoting to open world bores me to no end. I like open world games but I lament the loss of straight up linear single player shooters - people like me only have so much time in the day as well.

Re: Xbox Set to Announce Multi-Platform Plans Next Week


Bit wild all this. I'm old enough to consider Mario and Sonic on the same platform completely crazy, and now this.

I wonder if Microsoft are trying to get ahead of the game with this though and they consider the traditional console cycle fading out in a few generations, especially with their reported chip issues, maybe they had to jump now?

Re: Soapbox: This Is Why Physical Games Are Still Important to Me


I've made several comments about this recently on this site, I think I just prefer physical media now. I have plenty of games that are digital as I just tend to buy whatever is cheaper.

But I love that fact that I have all Metal Gear Solid games (included a boxed copy of MGS1 on PC and Twin Snakes) lined up in a row on my book shelf and one day I'll introduce the kids to the joy of opening the box, popping a disc in, reading the manual and playing the game.

Digital can't replicate that feeling.

Re: You Should Get 'Comfortable' with Not Owning Your Games, Suggests Ubisoft Exec


I've been thinking about this a bit more recently. I tend to just buy whatever is cheaper and that can sometimes mean buying a game on disc.

However I think I'm leaning towards preferring physical media now. I was hoping to rewatch Battlestar Galactica recently and noticed that they took it off of BBC iPlayer just before I wanted to watch it. Where can I watch it now legally, short of owning the Blu-ray/ DVD? The answer : nowhere. I'm not entirely comfortable with a future where anything can be taken away like that with little to no warning.

Re: Cyberpunk 2077's Next Patch Is Expected to Drop Very Soon


Playing Cyberpunk at the moment and I'm enjoying it but I got more glitches in my first 2 hours of Cyberpunk than I did in my entire 256 hour run of BG3.

Main menu crashes 50% of the time, animation glitches, can't pick up phone sometimes, gigs get stuck, goes on and don't close...Still good game though in spite of all that.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 505


@Bentleyma I played this at launch and also again a few years ago. I enjoyed it well enough but I think it's one of those games that you remember being slightly better than it actually was. I remember they patched and rebalanced the combat but there is still too much trial and error and enemies are too overpowered. It's enjoyable enough but not a masterpiece as some make it out to be.

Re: Poll: Do You Think GTA 6 Will Release on PS4?


First thing they should do is make sure the controls are sorted out, RDR2's were utter ***** lol. I love the game but when I'm trying to buy something and then I shotgun blast a guy in the face I'm not having a good time, and neither is that guy.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 498


@Fiendish-Beaver It's great isn't it? It's remarkable that I'm not even remotely bored by any part of it yet, even though 100hrs would normally be considered long for a whole game lol. I know it is a big game but I'm not sure I anticipated just how big it is. When I looked on How Long to Beat and saw that people smashed it in about 120hrs total I thought I must be going mad so glad to hear someone is in the same ball park as me.