I'm guessing there's no discount etc for anyone who bought the premium edition, which contained all the other kombat packs etc. I doubt I'll spring another forty squid on this. Probably just pick up RC separately when/if they offer him as an individual add-on.
I still think we'll get a RDR remaster in the meantime. A large proportion of the assets are right there in RDR2, and there's been plenty of rumours, so I could see a smallish side team being at work on it right now.
Attempting to finish Control. Meaning if I can overcome the constant crashes, frame stutter, excruciating load times etc. Really enjoy a lot of the gameplay, but my god is the optimisation dogsh*t.
Jumping between Dreams (been familiarising myself with the sculpting tools so far but about to dive into logics and animation) and my millionth playthrough of Link to the Past.
@BarefootBowser Can't see microtransactions ending up in there, no. I think what they're really talking about is full on games of very high calibre. But I'm talking waaaay ahead in the future here, or at least that's what I got from the vid I saw this mentioned in briefly (IGN, I think - their What Dreams Means to Me one with MM staff).
@BarefootBowser Thing is, MM have already expressed an interest in doing something like this. I'd imagine there'd be certain criteria based on play-length, etc, though.
And when you think about how long it's been in development, and how much that must have cost, and that they plan to run it for years to come (perhaps across the life of the next generation), it doesn't seem implausible that this is part of their thinking when it comes to future income, especially when they've not built in loot boxes and MTs, etc.
@Quintumply Yeah, I thought the analogy of it being like the old spectrum etc era when you could just program your own game in was really illuminating. I hadn't thought about it like that before. It'll be amazing if they do take it to the point where creators can actually sell their games. Who knows what Sony's take on that would be, but you have to assume, since the comment was included, that that's a conversation they've had and hasn't been completely shot down.
Just got an email saying my copy has shipped so hoping for an early delivery tomorrow. Haven't been this excited for a new release in ages!
Also - and not to promote the other team or anything! - but there's a great video IGN put out a couple of days ago that showcases the crazy variety of creations made so far, with MM staff talking about where they hope Dreams will go in the future. Well worth a watch!
I never got around to trying it in early access but pre-ordered yesterday. Really looking forward to diving in. I'm especially interested in seeing what folks are doing outside of the game space, i.e. films, etc. I'm a writer/director who usually works in live action, but I've been dabbling in animation recently and have a couple of short scripts I'm thinking of crafting with this
Just picked up Ghostbusters Remastered in the sale so I'll be getting stuck into that today after playing through Firewatch last weekend (which I thought was excellent and slightly undeserving of the walking simulator label - more interactive and far better written and performed than Everybody's Gone to the Rapture, which bored me stupid).
I've never gotten on with keyboard controls so there's really nothing that would get me switching to PC. Even on the Spectrum it was a kempston joystick or nothing!
Most hyped for CyberPunk and TLOU2 at the high end of the scale, but also Fall Guys at the lower end. That looks batsh*t crazy bananas, which is right up my street!
This would be dope. But yeah, a tricky one. On the one hand this statement is easily applicable to all of their products. On the other hand, as more and more folks use their consoles for much more than just gaming, maybe Sony, with the success of the PS4, have decided its time to properly market beyond simply gamers and position the PS5 instead of TVs as their overall flagship product 🤔
Anyone know if the Western release will have a Japanese language option? My only thing is I'm so used to the lack of dialogue I'd prefer not to hear English at least...
Was surprised not to see Days Gone have better discounts given it's been out some time now. Especially as it was knocked down significantly on the US PS store. £35 was quite a disappointment here.
@ShadowofSparta I sold mine a while back with the intention of buying back in when psvr2 comes around. Loved the experience but at the time there weren't enough good games to get me using it regularly. There are plenty more now but I don't regret selling really - the time I had with it was enough to convince me of its potential, like a sort of beta test. Maybe that's helpful to you, maybe not ¯(ツ)/¯
I agree with Monsieur Forrester. Mid-next gen and if there is a psvr2 (and improved move successors) it seems a distinct possibility.
As for whether HLA with be any good, that seems like a no brainer to me. It's always been suggested by Valve that they'd only ever pursue the franchise further if they thought they had something truly new to offer. Both previous HL's were game changers for the industry and I see no reason why this new installment can't do the same. There's always room for failure of course, but my hope is high for something special.
@Porco the one contradiction in your argument is that if valve don't care about half-life fans, why would they pick half-life as the franchise to shift units? Doesn't correlate.
I agree it's doubtful it'll come to psvr though. Maybe in a few years when it's rinsed Steam sales all it can and psvr2 is out - meaning capable of meeting the resolution requirements Valve would demand, particular as they are about platform specifics.
@ellsworth004 Part of the reason is that most games just don't have particularly good stories or characters. Even the ones we consider great are only really great as far as game stories go, and most characters lack depth and just look cool. It's the interactive element of games that picks up the slack, keeping you invested. Remove that in the transition to film and you're not left with much.
Every time I read/hear the massive praise for God of War I feel so jealous. I just can't seem to get on with it. I keep going back but always get bored. Really not a fan of 'hub games' where I'm forced to come back to the same location again and again. I need constant forward momentum or it just feels stale.
I suspect this might be a dumb idea - so just going to acknowledge that first - but how about a photorealistic, though still top-down, remake of GTA 1?
Having seen so much of Red Dead's map already rebuilt in RDR2 my feeling's that this is already in the works in tandem with GTA6. Maybe an early PS5 release to tide Rockstar fans over until GTA6 comes out?
I'm not sure any voice acting would be good enough for me personally. Having played the original multiple times I'm far too used to none whatsoever. Here's hoping I don't find it off-puttingly jarring!
I got this on the PS3 after hearing great things about it's terribleness. It's was so broken I literally couldn't get beyond the opening cut scene. Crashed every single time 😂
Really enjoyed TWAU so I'd definitely take another. I'm leaning much more into these kind of short, narrative-focused games these days. They're a welcome refuge from the glut of 50+ hour openworld/rpg games that have saturated the space (imo).
I think the Deadman cut scene actually did quite a lot to de-mystify things. It essentially answers most of the fundamental questions about the game's background, explaining the baby mechanic and the life/death connection Kojima's talked about (if elliptically). I'm surprised I haven't read more comments, etc to this effect to be honest.
Comments 559
Re: Mortal Kombat 11: Aftermath Is a Story Expansion Coming Later This Month
I'm guessing there's no discount etc for anyone who bought the premium edition, which contained all the other kombat packs etc. I doubt I'll spring another forty squid on this. Probably just pick up RC separately when/if they offer him as an individual add-on.
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 320
Not so much playing as getting my ass handed to me in MK11 after maybe a 20 year hiatus from fighters. Holy bejeezus I'm bad!
Re: GTA 6 Is Still in Early Development, and the Internet Hasn't Reacted Well
I still think we'll get a RDR remaster in the meantime. A large proportion of the assets are right there in RDR2, and there's been plenty of rumours, so I could see a smallish side team being at work on it right now.
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 319
Attempting to finish Control. Meaning if I can overcome the constant crashes, frame stutter, excruciating load times etc. Really enjoy a lot of the gameplay, but my god is the optimisation dogsh*t.
Re: PS5 Deep Dive Announced for Tomorrow, System Architecture and Games
Finally! And all it took was a Pushsquare talking point article. Well done for getting them moving boys 😉
Re: Comic Book Icon Spawn Respawns in Mortal Kombat 11 Trailer
That was unspeakably badass.
Re: Half-Life: Alyx on PSVR? Here's What Valve Told Us
Interesting choice Valve made in making the teleportation indicator resemble a streak of piss...
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 313
Jumping between Dreams (been familiarising myself with the sculpting tools so far but about to dive into logics and animation) and my millionth playthrough of Link to the Past.
Re: Fallout 4 Looks Indistinguishable in Mind Blowing Dreams Creation
@BarefootBowser Can't see microtransactions ending up in there, no. I think what they're really talking about is full on games of very high calibre. But I'm talking waaaay ahead in the future here, or at least that's what I got from the vid I saw this mentioned in briefly (IGN, I think - their What Dreams Means to Me one with MM staff).
Re: Fallout 4 Looks Indistinguishable in Mind Blowing Dreams Creation
@BarefootBowser Thing is, MM have already expressed an interest in doing something like this. I'd imagine there'd be certain criteria based on play-length, etc, though.
And when you think about how long it's been in development, and how much that must have cost, and that they plan to run it for years to come (perhaps across the life of the next generation), it doesn't seem implausible that this is part of their thinking when it comes to future income, especially when they've not built in loot boxes and MTs, etc.
Re: Dreams Launch Trailer Gives a Short But Stylish Look at the PS4 Exclusive
@Quintumply Yeah, I thought the analogy of it being like the old spectrum etc era when you could just program your own game in was really illuminating. I hadn't thought about it like that before. It'll be amazing if they do take it to the point where creators can actually sell their games. Who knows what Sony's take on that would be, but you have to assume, since the comment was included, that that's a conversation they've had and hasn't been completely shot down.
Re: Dreams Launch Trailer Gives a Short But Stylish Look at the PS4 Exclusive
Just got an email saying my copy has shipped so hoping for an early delivery tomorrow. Haven't been this excited for a new release in ages!
Also - and not to promote the other team or anything! - but there's a great video IGN put out a couple of days ago that showcases the crazy variety of creations made so far, with MM staff talking about where they hope Dreams will go in the future. Well worth a watch!
Re: Sony Reportedly Paid $229 Million in Insomniac Games Acquisition
@JohnnyShoulder Yeah, loved it! I think we could all do with more Humperdoos in our lives 🤗
Re: Reminder: Dreams Early Access Players Can Play the Final PS4 Release from Today
I never got around to trying it in early access but pre-ordered yesterday. Really looking forward to diving in. I'm especially interested in seeing what folks are doing outside of the game space, i.e. films, etc. I'm a writer/director who usually works in live action, but I've been dabbling in animation recently and have a couple of short scripts I'm thinking of crafting with this
Re: Sony Reportedly Paid $229 Million in Insomniac Games Acquisition
@JohnnyShoulder Ha. My initial thought, too. But I think it just means they weren't given share options or anything.
Re: Sonic Gets New Fashion Line with Puma Ahead of Movie Release
Good God, those shoes are hideous.
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 310
Just picked up Ghostbusters Remastered in the sale so I'll be getting stuck into that today after playing through Firewatch last weekend (which I thought was excellent and slightly undeserving of the walking simulator label - more interactive and far better written and performed than Everybody's Gone to the Rapture, which bored me stupid).
Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake Trailer Shows New Theme Song, Honey Bee Inn, Red XIII, More
Looks amazing. I do really hope we get a Japanese audio option, though...
Re: Rumour: PS Plus February 2020 PS4 Game Outed By PlayStation Spain
Noice. I think I might just renew my PS+ sub for a month for this!
Re: Rumour: Silent Hill Reboot in the Works Alongside Telltale-Style Game
Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!
Re: Poll: Will PlayStation Exclusives on PC Affect Your PS5 Purchasing Intent?
I've never gotten on with keyboard controls so there's really nothing that would get me switching to PC. Even on the Spectrum it was a kempston joystick or nothing!
Re: New Resident Evil 3 Trailer Equips Nemesis with a Flamethrower
@Undeadlogan I reserve my right to make observations.
Re: New Resident Evil 3 Trailer Equips Nemesis with a Flamethrower
Nemesis really does have a silly little nose, doesn't he? I'm sure that want stop him from making me brick myself, though.
Re: Sony Bosses Descend on San Francisco as PS5 Reveal Looms
@1_W1NG3D_4NG3L "i was going more for a play on return of the Mack by Mark Morrison"
Just wanted you to know I got this straight off, so your effort wasn't in vain
Also... Knack 5: Knick Knack Paddywack
Re: Feature: Our Most Anticipated PS4 Games of 2020
Most hyped for CyberPunk and TLOU2 at the high end of the scale, but also Fall Guys at the lower end. That looks batsh*t crazy bananas, which is right up my street!
Re: Respawn Boss Vice Zampella to Take Control of DICE LA
@wiiware I still cry today when I think about what happened to Dead Space
Re: Did Sony Just Tease the PS5 Reveal at Its CES 2020 Press Conference Next Week?
This would be dope. But yeah, a tricky one. On the one hand this statement is easily applicable to all of their products. On the other hand, as more and more folks use their consoles for much more than just gaming, maybe Sony, with the success of the PS4, have decided its time to properly market beyond simply gamers and position the PS5 instead of TVs as their overall flagship product 🤔
Re: Gallery: New Final Fantasy VII Remake Screenshots Show Sephiroth, Shinra, and Much More
Just looks stunning. Can. Not. Wait.
Anyone know if the Western release will have a Japanese language option? My only thing is I'm so used to the lack of dialogue I'd prefer not to hear English at least...
Re: Bluepoint's Mysterious PS5 Game Will Become Studio's Proudest Achievement
My money's on Tetris.
Re: UK Sales Charts: Despite Black Friday, No Returning PS4 Games Breach the Top 10
Was surprised not to see Days Gone have better discounts given it's been out some time now. Especially as it was knocked down significantly on the US PS store. £35 was quite a disappointment here.
Re: Deal: There's Never Been a Better Time to Buy PSVR
@ShadowofSparta I sold mine a while back with the intention of buying back in when psvr2 comes around. Loved the experience but at the time there weren't enough good games to get me using it regularly. There are plenty more now but I don't regret selling really - the time I had with it was enough to convince me of its potential, like a sort of beta test. Maybe that's helpful to you, maybe not ¯(ツ)/¯
Re: Soapbox: Why Half-Life: Alyx Is a Big Moment for PSVR
I agree with Monsieur Forrester. Mid-next gen and if there is a psvr2 (and improved move successors) it seems a distinct possibility.
As for whether HLA with be any good, that seems like a no brainer to me. It's always been suggested by Valve that they'd only ever pursue the franchise further if they thought they had something truly new to offer. Both previous HL's were game changers for the industry and I see no reason why this new installment can't do the same. There's always room for failure of course, but my hope is high for something special.
Re: PS Store's Black Friday Bonanza Kicks Off Tomorrow, PS Plus Subs Reduced
Plumped for RE2, me. Would have picked up Days Gone as well but £35 over the US's $20? Nope.
Re: Rumour: PS Plus December 2019 PS4 Game Potentially Leaked Early
@Bliquid totally agree. I sold it on before completion.
Re: Guide: Will Half-Life: Alyx Ever Come to PSVR?
@Porco the one contradiction in your argument is that if valve don't care about half-life fans, why would they pick half-life as the franchise to shift units? Doesn't correlate.
I agree it's doubtful it'll come to psvr though. Maybe in a few years when it's rinsed Steam sales all it can and psvr2 is out - meaning capable of meeting the resolution requirements Valve would demand, particular as they are about platform specifics.
Re: Mark Wahlberg Joins Cast of Uncharted Movie That's Never Going to Happen
@ellsworth004 Part of the reason is that most games just don't have particularly good stories or characters. Even the ones we consider great are only really great as far as game stories go, and most characters lack depth and just look cool. It's the interactive element of games that picks up the slack, keeping you invested. Remove that in the transition to film and you're not left with much.
Re: The Last of Us 2 Multiplayer Isn't Dead, It's Evolved Into Something Too Big for the Game
I smell free-to--play game-as-service...
Re: Surprises in PS4's All-Time Best Selling Exclusives List
Every time I read/hear the massive praise for God of War I feel so jealous. I just can't seem to get on with it. I keep going back but always get bored. Really not a fan of 'hub games' where I'm forced to come back to the same location again and again. I need constant forward momentum or it just feels stale.
Re: Feature: PS5 Remasters and Remakes We Want
I suspect this might be a dumb idea - so just going to acknowledge that first - but how about a photorealistic, though still top-down, remake of GTA 1?
Re: Feature: PS5 Remasters and Remakes We Want
Having seen so much of Red Dead's map already rebuilt in RDR2 my feeling's that this is already in the works in tandem with GTA6. Maybe an early PS5 release to tide Rockstar fans over until GTA6 comes out?
Re: Death Stranding Looks Strangely Compelling in Extended PS4 Gameplay
Skimmed through to get a better idea, but looks like it's right up my street.
Fingers crossed there's optional commentary from the lady PS rep in the vid, exclaiming mad astonishment at every turn!
Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake Continues to Look Incredibly Promising in Hype New Trailer
I'm not sure any voice acting would be good enough for me personally. Having played the original multiple times I'm far too used to none whatsoever. Here's hoping I don't find it off-puttingly jarring!
Re: Blasphemous' Launch Trailer Is Bloody Gruesome, Out Now on PS4
Been vaguely aware of this, but reading the NL review it sounds like a goer.
Re: It's All Over: The X Button Is Officially Pronounced 'Cross'
This is xtremely trcircleubling.
Re: Bizarrely, Deadly Premonition on PS3 Might Still Be the Best Console Version Available
I got this on the PS3 after hearing great things about it's terribleness. It's was so broken I literally couldn't get beyond the opening cut scene. Crashed every single time 😂
Re: Telltale Games Is Coming Back Under New Management
Really enjoyed TWAU so I'd definitely take another. I'm leaning much more into these kind of short, narrative-focused games these days. They're a welcome refuge from the glut of 50+ hour openworld/rpg games that have saturated the space (imo).
Re: Soapbox: In Defence of Death Stranding
I think the Deadman cut scene actually did quite a lot to de-mystify things. It essentially answers most of the fundamental questions about the game's background, explaining the baby mechanic and the life/death connection Kojima's talked about (if elliptically). I'm surprised I haven't read more comments, etc to this effect to be honest.
Re: No Man's Sky Beyond Patch Notes Are Truly Gigantic and Game-Changing
Thanks for this. I've been looking for something to read after Don Quixote!
Re: PlayStation Twitter Thread Demonstrates the Downfall of Konami
PS1 - Tenchu
PS2 - Splinter Cell
PS3 - Dead Space
PS4 - SuperHotVR
Re: Supermarket Shriek Is a Co-Op Game About Screaming, and It Looks Brilliantly Mad
Or maybe that should be WAAAAAAAAAAANT!!!!!