Comments 559

Re: Fallout 4 Looks Indistinguishable in Mind Blowing Dreams Creation


@BarefootBowser Can't see microtransactions ending up in there, no. I think what they're really talking about is full on games of very high calibre. But I'm talking waaaay ahead in the future here, or at least that's what I got from the vid I saw this mentioned in briefly (IGN, I think - their What Dreams Means to Me one with MM staff).

Re: Fallout 4 Looks Indistinguishable in Mind Blowing Dreams Creation


@BarefootBowser Thing is, MM have already expressed an interest in doing something like this. I'd imagine there'd be certain criteria based on play-length, etc, though.

And when you think about how long it's been in development, and how much that must have cost, and that they plan to run it for years to come (perhaps across the life of the next generation), it doesn't seem implausible that this is part of their thinking when it comes to future income, especially when they've not built in loot boxes and MTs, etc.

Re: Dreams Launch Trailer Gives a Short But Stylish Look at the PS4 Exclusive


@Quintumply Yeah, I thought the analogy of it being like the old spectrum etc era when you could just program your own game in was really illuminating. I hadn't thought about it like that before. It'll be amazing if they do take it to the point where creators can actually sell their games. Who knows what Sony's take on that would be, but you have to assume, since the comment was included, that that's a conversation they've had and hasn't been completely shot down.

Re: Dreams Launch Trailer Gives a Short But Stylish Look at the PS4 Exclusive


Just got an email saying my copy has shipped so hoping for an early delivery tomorrow. Haven't been this excited for a new release in ages!

Also - and not to promote the other team or anything! - but there's a great video IGN put out a couple of days ago that showcases the crazy variety of creations made so far, with MM staff talking about where they hope Dreams will go in the future. Well worth a watch!

Re: Reminder: Dreams Early Access Players Can Play the Final PS4 Release from Today


I never got around to trying it in early access but pre-ordered yesterday. Really looking forward to diving in. I'm especially interested in seeing what folks are doing outside of the game space, i.e. films, etc. I'm a writer/director who usually works in live action, but I've been dabbling in animation recently and have a couple of short scripts I'm thinking of crafting with this

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 310


Just picked up Ghostbusters Remastered in the sale so I'll be getting stuck into that today after playing through Firewatch last weekend (which I thought was excellent and slightly undeserving of the walking simulator label - more interactive and far better written and performed than Everybody's Gone to the Rapture, which bored me stupid).

Re: Did Sony Just Tease the PS5 Reveal at Its CES 2020 Press Conference Next Week?


This would be dope. But yeah, a tricky one. On the one hand this statement is easily applicable to all of their products. On the other hand, as more and more folks use their consoles for much more than just gaming, maybe Sony, with the success of the PS4, have decided its time to properly market beyond simply gamers and position the PS5 instead of TVs as their overall flagship product 🤔

Re: Deal: There's Never Been a Better Time to Buy PSVR


@ShadowofSparta I sold mine a while back with the intention of buying back in when psvr2 comes around. Loved the experience but at the time there weren't enough good games to get me using it regularly. There are plenty more now but I don't regret selling really - the time I had with it was enough to convince me of its potential, like a sort of beta test. Maybe that's helpful to you, maybe not ¯(ツ)/¯

Re: Soapbox: Why Half-Life: Alyx Is a Big Moment for PSVR


I agree with Monsieur Forrester. Mid-next gen and if there is a psvr2 (and improved move successors) it seems a distinct possibility.

As for whether HLA with be any good, that seems like a no brainer to me. It's always been suggested by Valve that they'd only ever pursue the franchise further if they thought they had something truly new to offer. Both previous HL's were game changers for the industry and I see no reason why this new installment can't do the same. There's always room for failure of course, but my hope is high for something special.

Re: Guide: Will Half-Life: Alyx Ever Come to PSVR?


@Porco the one contradiction in your argument is that if valve don't care about half-life fans, why would they pick half-life as the franchise to shift units? Doesn't correlate.

I agree it's doubtful it'll come to psvr though. Maybe in a few years when it's rinsed Steam sales all it can and psvr2 is out - meaning capable of meeting the resolution requirements Valve would demand, particular as they are about platform specifics.

Re: Mark Wahlberg Joins Cast of Uncharted Movie That's Never Going to Happen


@ellsworth004 Part of the reason is that most games just don't have particularly good stories or characters. Even the ones we consider great are only really great as far as game stories go, and most characters lack depth and just look cool. It's the interactive element of games that picks up the slack, keeping you invested. Remove that in the transition to film and you're not left with much.

Re: Surprises in PS4's All-Time Best Selling Exclusives List


Every time I read/hear the massive praise for God of War I feel so jealous. I just can't seem to get on with it. I keep going back but always get bored. Really not a fan of 'hub games' where I'm forced to come back to the same location again and again. I need constant forward momentum or it just feels stale.

Re: Soapbox: In Defence of Death Stranding


I think the Deadman cut scene actually did quite a lot to de-mystify things. It essentially answers most of the fundamental questions about the game's background, explaining the baby mechanic and the life/death connection Kojima's talked about (if elliptically). I'm surprised I haven't read more comments, etc to this effect to be honest.