Comments 1,952

Re: Yet Another Sale Begins on European PS Store


I've decided to concentrate on my backlog for now. I've got stuff I've not even played yet, so I've been steadily hacking away at that for the last couple of months. It's saved me a fair bit of cash as well!

I'll probably pick up Spiderman at some point but not on release, and I'm waiting to see if RDR2 is crippled by extraneous gouging before dropping the cash on it. Apart from that, nothing coming along that I'm particularly excited about.

Re: Feature: Push Square's Ultimate PlayStation Character Has Been Decided


@MysticMask wow. You really are a bit far gone aren't you?
What's sad and pathetic is policing the internet for people who disagree about a 7/10 game that you like. That's pretty sad and pathetic, son.

My original comment ending in "fight me" was done mostly in jest, but seeing as you immediately became a whiny little weeb about it I continued the conversation for my amusement. I stayed relatively tame and didn't get personal until you started getting upset that I don't like Gravity Rush. Read that again. You. Got. Upset. Because. Someone. On. The. Internet. Doesnt. Like. Your. Little. Cartoon. Crush.

Now who looks sad and pathetic here? Cuz it ain't me, kiddo.

Now I could go on, but this site is heavily moderated and I don't want to be responsible for you being any more upset than you clearly are. I will say that this is my final comment on the matter, and that you really need to consider where your priorities lie.

Re: Feature: Push Square's Ultimate PlayStation Character Has Been Decided


1. Comparing Horizon to Gravity rush? One of the greatest games this gen compared to a B title, at best? Surely you'd choose a better hill to die on. There are so many factors in there that it's not even a contest.
2. I liked Aloy. I liked her character arc, the acting, the design... Spot on. She was like a cave girl Nathan Drake. Kat was "anime slapper. Falls over a bit".
3. She moved into a sewer and got a cat, then some other stuff happened and I got bored.
4. A small fanbase that isn't above rigging votes, apparently. She's about the same level as the guy from Vanquish, only Vanquish was good.

Re: Media Molecule Builds Dreamon's Souls in an Hour


@Th3solution if they don't market this exactly right and release it at exactly the right time, mark my words: this will bomb. I don't want it to, and it's a tremendous idea, but this is a gamble.
It's all well and good us being excited on here, but is your average PS4 owner going to go for it? I really don't think so.
Wonderbook 2 here is going to have a tough time......

Re: God of War Developer Seemingly Recruiting for Sequel


Imagine if this comes out in about 6 years' time. It's a ps5 title, and it makes a mid gen graphical and technical leap equal to the PS4 GOW. Imagine how incredible that would be.

Excited doesn't cover it. Honestly the PS4 version is easily my favourite game this gen. It even beats Bloodborne.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 226


I got fans, I got cold beer, and I got me the mega drive collection. Currently enjoying streets of rage, sonic 2 and Gain Ground- which I'd written off for over a decade as "a bit Ertha Kitt" but is actually ace once you get the feel for it. Apart from that I'm playing nioh and getting free pizza from the best pizza place I've ever heard of. Seriously. I gave them a five star review and they were so happy they gave me free pizza. Not even kidding, this is one of the best weekends of my life.

Re: Drake's New Record Has a Final Fantasy Jam on It


Honestly I've nothing against drake. It makes nice background music but not something I'd go out the way to listen to.
It's a shame that modern hip hop is being written off as mumble rap and needless boasting about wealth when there's a great deal of good stuff out there which is definitely worth your time. Nas just released a new record, Schoolboy Q is making catchy tunes, Kendrick Lamar is pretty much the emperor of hip hop right now, I mean even Ye has some really good tunes on it. Kanye West might be a nugget, but at least he's unpredictable. hip hop in general has become a lot more interesting in the last few years while rock music has become stagnant. I say that as someone who was a hardcore metalhead for decades.