Comments 1,945

Re: Reaction: Sony's Strong E3 2018 Show Almost Ruined by Rubbish Format


Ellie's sexuality was nothing new. Any fan of the series knows she's gay, and anyone who is upset about that really needs their head checking. A fictional characters sexual preferences are really nothing for people to worry about. Well done to ND for creating characters you actually care about.

Anyway, with that said they need to forget this format ever happened and never do it again. The punchable pundits dragging on for what seemed like an hour were unforgivable, and that pillock with the flute needs to turn it in an all. Dreams being relegated to bumpers when it REALLY needs a demo explaining it further was absurd, and the death stranding trailer was baffling in a bad way. Seriously, tiny reedus in the vast land? That's what they were excited about? Terrible.

Re: Guide: What Time Is EA's E3 2018 Press Conference?


Android Wilson will just walk onstage and talk to Peter Beardsley for three hours, then show a three minute sizzle reel of actual games while standing on a sports car which cost SEVEN MILLION POUNDS.
That or they'll make some smartarse reference to how badly they Donald Ducked it with the lootboxes, seemingly in apology so we're all "OH HAI GUISE WERE HUMAN TOO YA KNOW. LOVE THEM GAMES AND THAT".

Honestly, it'll be the usual Ertha Kitt show but we're going to watch it anyway.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 221


@get2sammyb "are we going to have to endure a decade of the scousers banging on about how they won the Champions League again?"

As a scouser who hates football, I am going to be gutted if they win. I really could do without the crap that goes along with a big win, and reduces the city to a standstill.
Saying that, I'm off to see Deadpool later in what's likely to be an empty cinema. Swings and roundabouts really.

Anyway I'll be playing a lot of dark souls remastered this weekend. The fiancée is away watching Steps (I know.) So I've got the house to myself, snacks and beer.

Re: Review: Dark Souls Remastered (PS4)


Best of the four souls games (not counting Bloodborne) by a mile for me. Nothing has come close to seeing Anor Londo for the first time, or finally beating O&S.
The cheese in darkroot basin for getting more xp, the heartbreaking battle with a certain pet, finding the entrance to a certain lake and one of the most staggering areas in the game, meeting Havel, the absolute terror of being invaded while exploring an unfamiliar area....
Must say I'm almost jealous of those who've never played it. Can't wait til Friday!

Re: Dreams Will Now Support PlayStation VR at Launch


It sounds good but I'm still not sure it's going to do well. It's one thing to give complete creative control to users, but it's getting users who will take advantage of that control.
Six months down the line, are people still going to spend tens of hours at a time making these experiences?
Even more important, will we have a glut of UPVOTE THIS LEVEL PLZ 4 FREE PSN CODES or spam levels made in 10 mins by some kid trying to pimp out his Instagram?

This has potential, but it has an awful lot of the wrong kind of potential.

Re: Guide: The Best PS4 Controllers and Accessories


I use the platinum headset. It gets flaky when pairing at first with the dongle but once it's on its the nuts. 3d audio is boss!
Apart from that the Nacon Revolution controller is a huge step up over the dual shock 4. Especially for shooters. The d pad isn't amazing but the paddles are a big plus and the sticks are really nice.

Re: Poll: Are You Sold on Days Gone Yet?


I cannot seem to muster any enthusiasm for this. I think it's the setting and premise. Biker nonsense I just find cringe worthy (having known real bikers. One of whom referred to his bike as a "steel horse" without a hint of irony), and zombies were overdone 5 years ago.
It just doesn't look fun at all.
Sorry, Chad Strengthface, but it's a hard pass from me.

Re: Review: Destiny 2: Warmind (PS4)


Played a bit today. When I picked up house if wolves I remember sinking about 8 hours in on the same day.
I got bored with this after about an hour. Destiny used to be my favourite game, now it's like going back to an old girlfriend who you forgot was a bit of a nightmare.