Comments 93

Re: Onrush PS4 Open Beta Extended by Two Days


Game won't run correctly on my launch day PS4. The car appears as a ball of light with black polygon shards, while the rest of the image seems torn with textures and assets missing. Had a similar issue with Uncharted 4 until a patch sorted the problem. Anybody else?

Re: Talking Point: Can Sony Actually Surprise at E3 2018?


I think some backwards compatibility using PSNow as the driving force, ie u own a game on PS3 digitally u can play it via PSNow for free. They may move it to a model closer to digital films on Amazon. Where u can buy both new games and old games and access them via streaming, but if u subscribe to PSNow (like Prime) u can access, not all but 100s of games at once without buying them. I also think a PS4 Pro Slim with a 4k bluray player, keeping the current RRP is on the cards. Peace and love

Re: Lumines Remastered Drops Onto PS4 in May


Loved this on the PSP and the Vita, but didn't enjoy the big screen version on the PS3, so I'm not sure about another TV outing. Maybe some explosive VR version, migh add something, but I feel this type of game works best on hand helds.

Re: Moss Squeaks onto PSVR Next Week


I always think the Puppeteer, should make the Jump to PSVR such a great game on PS3 and a must for a 3D TV set up. They could use the PSVR to really make it feel like u were in the theater.

Re: January PlayStation Plus Games Announced


All the VR bonus content is making me really think about picking up a VR head set. As I now have 2 (soon to be 3) vr games via Plus. I have the camera and ps move controllers already, if the headset by itself fell to £199, I'd make the jump.

Re: Anti-Grav Racer Redout Weaves Its Way to PS4 in August


I've been recently play wipeout hd/fury on the ps3 again and it really is an outstanding game, while I'm pretty useless at it. But as I only have 1080p TV I'm not sure why I would need to pick this up on Ps4. Also the Ps4 version has lost the 3d mode, which was amazing on ps3. Is there more to the game beyond 4k making it worth dropping £39.99 on it?

Re: Store Update: 11th October 2016 (Europe)


Canceled my VR order yesterday, have been on the fence for a while, but haven't see anything that really floats my boat, and was remembered how Sony seems to drop support for things like this so quickly, if it not a hit straight off the bat. Will monitor the marketing and reviews a while longer before I take the plunge. 1st Major PS hardware I have not purchased day one (PS1,PS2,PSP,PS3,VITA & PS4).But Happy VR'ing to those brave enough to jump straight in.

Re: Gamescom 2016: Tekken 7 Story Mode Details Dropped by Bandai Namco


@ShogunRok Others might have enjoyed it and fair play but it never clicked with me. The graphics seemed grimy, the input had massive lag and it had some of the cheapest boss characters ever to (dis)grace a video game.

I remember picking it up (PS3) a few days after launch, from my local store and the shop clerk said you won’t like this one “it’s pretty bad” and even warned me, he had already received loads of trade-ins of the game.

How I laughed, this man clearly didn’t understand how truly awesome Tekken was or how much I loved the series. How wrong I was, back within a few day’s looking for a good trade-in and this time it wasn’t me doing the laughing!

Re: PS4 Firmware Update 4.00 Details Revealed by Sony


Over sounds a good update and about time too!

For those disappointed with the lack of external hard drive support, it really is super easy to upgrade your internal drive, I did it and I’m a total idiot! I realize some of you have already upgraded and still want more space, but if you haven’t upgraded your hdd it is very simple.

Also I’m sure I read somewhere a previous update had increased the software side of the PS4 to accept a 4TB hard drive, while hardware it won’t be go beyond 2TB, could the Neo have a 4TB hard drive?

PSN name changing would be my biggest wish for the UI, but I don’t think it will happen.

Re: Darksiders Will Trot to the PS4 This Year, Apparently


Loved this on the PS3, what a Fab game. Many people complained it was a Zelda clone, but on a system with no Zelda, what is there to complain about. A “clone game” can still be a very good game and this was! Brought the 2nd one (PS3), but never got into it like the 1st one, might pick this up if the price is right.

Re: UK Sales Charts: Uncharted 4 Smashes Predecessor's Sales on PS4


Just wish my copy would work? There seems to be a growing amount of us that are having major graphical glitches making the game unplayable. As soon as the game is in the drive my PS4 sounds like a jet engine, game loads and everything is happening, voice acting story etc. but the screen is full of glitching polygons and melting textures.
NG are looking into it, some are suggesting it’s a hardware issue that this game is flagging, but I find it hard to believe only this games causes it? Any ideas anyone? Running latest version of the game, and have reinstalled on system a few times as well. Ta

Re: Everyone's Losing Their Minds Over a Norse God of War IV


Different charter same fate, Norse God of war (Thor I believe), tricks a war chief into killing his family and is made to wear their ashes on his kin, hence looks like Kratos, which puts our new grumpy man called Kratoason on a path to destroy the gods and bring about Ragnarok. Something I could well believe.

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