

O.S.G Member Of The Old Guard & New

Comments 523

Re: Feature: Why You Shouldn't Worry About PS5 Backwards Compatibility


It might be the last disc PS5 and a tribute to playstation years that might play all the playstation era discs.
I just hope it plays PS4 games that would be great as then people wouldn't have to trade there PS4 games and console to get a PS5.
If it plays PS4 games then people will stick with playstation for PS5 and they would not get a next xbox or playstation making up their mind.

I hope it plays PS4 & PS3 games but if just ps4 that would be wonderful enough.

Re: ANTHEM Goes Gold Ahead of Demo Release and Next Month's Launch


Just looks like a Destiny clone to me and i bet it has an expensive season pass and dlc outfits and levels. Looking back on Ea games last night. I hope it is a good game though and done right but after Starwars And other games i will wait for reviews for shore.
Been gaming Ea games since mega drive days like road rash and desert strike.

Re: PSVR Gets Its First Officially Licensed Foot Controller


All because there is no analog sticks on the move controllers another device to solve another devices problem.
If they use it for borderlands ( And they bring the £40 price tag down for borderlands & fix no co-op or aim support ) and other games will be worth it so can use the move controllers move instead of the ps4 controller.

Re: ANTHEM Gets 15 Minutes of Uninterrupted Early Mission Gameplay


@Reverend_Skeeve Great news i guess we all sit with high hopes to see what happens when the game comes out.

I don't mind the odd dlc add-on's like extension levels here and there but nothing worse than buying some dlc only to find it has no installing time because it's already on the disc or download.

Fingers crossed for bioware as they have made some greats games in the past i just hope the ea greedy factory doesn't take over.

Oufgh ... Starwars and Battlefield Badcompany 1 & 2 where so much fun and no one minded a little bit of dlc. Starwars so beautiful but so hideously expensive at the sametime.

Re: Streets of Rage 4 Continues to Look Rad in New Screenshots


Looks great don't mess it up.
As long at they have Streets of rage 2 in their minds things should go well.
Remember Double dragon neon we all got super hyped lets hope they do streets of rage 4 amazingly well.
Do justice for one of the most iconic game series of all time and do the sega mega drive proud.

Re: Soapbox: PSVR Quietly Had an Outstanding Year


I love PSVR but it can be like looking though a tunnel not that i am complaining it's amazing.
But i cant but help wonder what the future of vr will be like say for the ps5 if they where to put screens above , below and both sides to totally put you in that world.
Also sort the move controllers out and put some sticks on like the ps3 move controllers as pressing buttons to go left and right can feel dreadful deep in the moment of a game.

Re: Guide: All PlayStation Classic Games


Parasite eve, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, Silent Hill, Metal Gear 1 Vr, Tenchu, Rave Racer.

Cool that's saved me £90 anyway canceling my order what a rubbish lineup part from Syphon Filter, ridge Racer 4 , Metal gear ( Thats on every system for cheep ) , & Wild arms.

Re: Poll: Are You a Fan of Gaming Magazines?


I used to get Club Nintendo magazine when i was young and Edge & Superplay Magazines. But now video game sites keep people updated more than magazines as the news goes faster on the internet.
Back in the days before games came out all over the world on the same date. Games used to take a year to get the the UK so all we had was pages to look at until the game came out with hype.

Re: Red Dead Redemption 2's PS4 Trophies Will Force You Online


Nothing new Red Dead on ps3 needed you to do online trophies as well for the platinum. One was a nightmare to get blowing up loads of people in one go i remember tossing a stick of dynamite into a multiplayer match warehouse killing enemy's and team-mates to get it and not being the most poplar player on the month to get it.

Re: Patent Prompts PS5 Backwards Compatibility Rumours


That would be great if the PS5 was backwards compatible with PS4 games. As games and systems cost so much these days so most people would have to sell there ps4's to get funds for a ps5 console and only a game or two. So the owner could play all the games they have amassed from the ps4 on the ps5. Fingers crossed.

Re: Sony Announces PlayStation Classic Mini Console, Launches 3rd December


Amazing i would love to know more about the ( Virtual Disc ) though it might be a small disc that can be upgraded for new ones with more games on that would be amazing. It would mean sony have taken note of the snes and nes mini of not being able to get more games for there machines.
I hope Xbox make a mini as well with splinter cell and halo and knights of the old republic.

Also when they have finished a mini ps2 would be cool as well and hopefully a mini n64 would be a dream.