

O.S.G Member Of The Old Guard & New

Comments 523

Re: The PS Vita Is Dead, Long Live Playdate


@Wesker Ok yes it looks like it has some amazing games the price of nintendo games never seem to come down in price though.

I would say the Vita was a pure handheld where's the Switch is more huge and a home console. Gamegear, Neogeo Pocket. Vita the twin sticks on the vita are the best handheld controls yet. It's such a shame more games didn't come out.

Re: PS5 Backwards Compatibility Will Play a Key Role in Transitioning PS4 Players to Next-Gen, Says Sony


Perfect yes if PS4 games work on PS5 it will be an easy jump to the new console and gamers will have their back catalog to play.
I just hope it's disc's that work and all your downloaded games as well then the jump will be easy sell old PS4 invest in new PS5 works in the eco system simple.
I just hope they design the PS5 well like .. Lots of air holes and a big fan a lot like the Xbox one S and X as it's quite and designed well.

My Pro blows and over heats and is loud sometimes i have to put earphones in for bigger games as the loudness can be heard directly downstairs the vibration of the machine sounds like the Xbox 360 used to.

Make it work with PS4 disc's and Download's and design it well with a big fan and plenty of cooling and air holes and it will be a winner.

Re: PS5 Will Be Compatible with PSVR, Says Mark Cerny


Fantastic news sounds like playstation have been listening to gamers. But i look forward to a ps5 vr headset more upgraded much like htc vive or beyond.
Id love to see a vr headset with side panels and above and below and straight ahead inside the unit for full immersion so your really there in that world.

Re: PS5 Confirmed to Be Backwards Compatible with PS4 Games


Amazing yay that's enough for backwards compatible with the PlayStation 4 games. So hopefully no more console sounding like a hairdryer and not being able to hear the game propely unless wear a headset.
Thats amazing so keep ps3 console and games and sell ps4 when the times right and if the games work ps5 wooohooo yay.

Re: People Are Panicking Over Ghost of Tsushima's Progress


All that hype at the last few big game shows when they are still making the game like it's nearly finished. Just take your time and do it well this year so far feels like year of the samurai.
It might be near finished for all we know and holding off for ps5 for a big launch title. I am looking forward to this game as i love japanese history and culture.

Re: PS5 Will Offer 'PS Plus Premium', Says Nonsensical Rumour


The price of ps+ goes up some more yay . Why not make it 100 and be done with it lol
The thing is games are so so big these days. That you play one game for ages and then move on to another and have to adjust to different control scheme's.
These things ( "xbox pass" ) for example are for people that play one game for 2 days then move on to another and want the latest and greatest.
But say a hardcore gamer gets though 15 games a year how can ( unlimited games !!! ) benefit them.

I think ( Know ) ps+ is better than xbox gold though its very barebones on xbox and the sales stick it's a bit ( nintendo ) all the crappy games or over priced sale games all the games people don't want ( That you could get on disc cheaper ). No matter what though i remember the good old days of the ps3 and multi player being free because people spent enough on games as things where and that more than covered the cost games sales and accessories.

Re: Samurai Shodown NeoGeo Collection Cuts PS4 This Fall


At last i can upgrade my wii copy of samurai shodown anthology lol
Great news though it's about time and long over due.
Strange move though as all these are on the psn store by ACA but it will be nice to have the disc.
Fingers crossed for a Last blade collection & Garou mark of the wolves.

Re: Soapbox: Sony's Server Shutdown Strategy Is Making the Publisher a Laughing Stock


It seems like games come out at full price £50+ and a year or 2 year then it's not on online and you can't get trophy 100% because of the online trophy's.
I have quite a few games that are 80% trophy complete because the other 20% are all online mode and the servers are offline.
If they are going to do this they should remove online trophy's.
Apart from the games that are 100% online only games like destiny and the division for example.

Re: Site News: The Division 2 PS4 Review - Where Is It?


The first one is such a huge game it will take them at least 3 days or more to get though the game lol And by the end of it need migraine meds the amount of time to give the game a good go.
The Beta was very enjoyable but felt like 1.5 extension of the first game.

Re: Poll: Do You Feel Ripped Off by PS Plus' Recent Changes?


I have been a longtime sub of ps+ mostly to play games online but feel it's over priced with the amount we spend on games shelling out on games then having to renew.
I am no ps+ at the moment as can't afford it so hoping to hold off until easter and they will have deals. It's a pain because cant play online but i am playing single player games to go on with cleaning up other games.

Id say over all though playstation has far more deals than xbox on their store and you get far more than xbox gold.

Mabe they should do a ps+ deal for each person depending on how many games they buy download and buy and boot up like a discount for loyalty.

The other thing is when your ps+ runs out you cant play any of the ps+ monthly games you've downloaded even if you have been a longtime sub for 5 or more years.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 261


The Division 2 Beta .. Feels like pubg with human land destiny and same missions clear out a place and clear out another place. The sound gave up as to many sounds and felt same old i got to level 5 rank single player. My eyes are raw and it can looks like a ps3 game. I think it will get 69 or 72% reviews some players where floating and you cant run though bush's or swap weapons easy.

Re: PS5 Backwards Compatibility Speculation Begins Again as Sony Files Another Patent


I hope so much the PS5 runs PS4 games i am not bothered about the rest as many gamers will just have ps4 i have ps3 games but id rather it worked with ps4 games more.
If so then the console war of people knowing to get the next xbox or playstation they would stick with playstation.

Also i am looking forward to seeing what PS5 does with VR id love a headset that has vision in front , both sides an above and below to totally put you in the game world.