

I feel like I've been here before

Comments 64

Re: Poll: Are You Sold on PS5 Pro?


The price is too high for playing games, especially as they attempt to lock you in to their expensive digital eco-system.

The way the wind is blowing, not only am I not buying a PS5 Pro but I may not be buying another main console.

Re: PS5 Pro Announced, Costs $700 and Out in November


So 2tb and the current slim disc drive needs to be bought separately, otherwise all other peripherals work on it.

Plus there appears to be a feature called 'game boost' for improving performance and visuals on some PS4 and PS5 games - wonder if this is similar to the Xbox feature.

Anyway, not sure any of that justifies the price and to be honest if this is the future of console gaming I will be doing a whole lot less of it in the future...

Re: PS5 Pro Showcase Set for Tomorrow, Hosted by Mark Cerny


@LogicStrikesAgain I'm a sucker for new hardware, but I do think this constant drive by hardware manufacturers to push the boundaries of what games can be is really hurting the industry.

Sony have already said their games are too expensive to make and that has in part been caused by the expectations of the gaming public.

With each push forward the expectations rise with it and it costs more time and money to match them.

Re: PS5 Pro Showcase Set for Tomorrow, Hosted by Mark Cerny


Ah Mark Cerny to come along, talk in depth about a load of stuff most of us don't understand and leave us arguing about the relevance of how many teraflops it has...

The PS5 presentation was so dull and so little of it has actually come to fruition, I'd rather Sony just put out a 1 minute bombastic trailer with the features, specs, price and release date over a sizzle reel.

Re: Sony Increases PS5 Controller Prices in US, Europe, and More


Super hard to say if it is overpriced.

Sitting playing Astro you can really feel all that tech in it. It is easily Sony's best controller.

I think the problem is that it feels like Sony is trying to squeeze every penny out of its fans right now and that is pretty hard to stomach in the current climate.

It also makes no sense when we know that within the next couple of months there will be a sale that slashes the prices on all of them.

Re: Soapbox: Astro's Playroom PS5 Did Live Service and You Didn't Even Notice


I read this last night and I think I'm like most others who find the premise to be a little off.

I think my way of looking at it is that while some (most) games borrow some live service elements, I wouldn't call them live service as such because I think the term describes the business model and not the game itself.

Live service to me denotes how the game is to make money. It needs to be a potential 'forever game' where a player can spend the rest of their life should they wish playing the game with constant updates and add ons to get them to put money into the system. They almost always require a constant online connection.

These games, if successful go on to almost become platforms in their own right.

I don't think you can level any of this at something like Astrobot or similar games because it has a very discreet start and finish and even if more is added later on it isn't going to be a game people will play ad-infinitum.

Certainly the updates to playroom could be said to borrow live service features but I don't agree that it makes a game a live service game because by that metric everything is live service these days.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 545


I have work tomorrow but I started Astrobot last night and given that I still think Astro's playroom is the best game on PS5 it is pretty obvious how I feel about this game!

Is it odd that Team Asobi seem to love PlayStation more than Sony do?

Anyway, I hope they get more limelight and more resources after this game and more importantly Sony see the love many of us have for the brand and their older franchises!

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