@Shepherd_Tallon “no demands” other than Square being so restricted that they had to create subsidiaries to even develop games like Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles for Nintendo platforms.
It is absolutely true that after the huge box office bomb from the Final Fantasy movie, Square almost went bankrupt. That investment indeed save the company. But “no demands” is not accurate.
Edit: Also, I would have to dig more, if it’s available, but as far as I can tell they didn’t sell the stock “back”, they simply sold it on the stock exchange. I doubt Square-Enix had the spare money lying around to buy their stock back.
@thefourfoldroot1 that’s… an interesting take. Sony sold Square shares because they [Sony] were in the hole and needed to sell some assets to return to profitability, and Square was not exactly setting the world on fire at that time.
This got me extremely hyped! I was already hoping to hear more about this game in tomorrow's Ubisoft show, now I know its going to be there, I am certainly not going to miss it!!!
Not sure if I'll be there day one (there are so many other Atlus games I need to finish by then, and more will be added to the list) but I'll definitively play it.
I guess not having the female protagonist gives me a reason to, sooner or later, play through the P3P version of the game despite this also coming out... I did buy it after all...
And why are they still treating Royal as non-canon?
Likely because it was a relatively small subset of the playerbase that got to experience that story. Even if you bought the version, chances are that you would not see the final semester content unless you played following a guide. If they are going to make sequels and spinoffs, its safer to assume the players picking it up experienced, at best, the base "good" ending.
ok. Because I only play judgment and it’s sequel lost judgment
Although my understanding is all entries are relatively stand alone, Ichiban (the protagonist on this game) was introduced in the last entry and, should you want to "catchup" you dont need to go much further than the last entry (Yakuza: Like a Dragon.)
For what it's worth, I never played the games before, Yakuza: Like A Dragon was my first entry and I fell in love with the character. This is a day one buy for me.
It's funny how no one is talking about the price hike of Series S. If this was Sony this would've been all over the internet.
Because they didn't...? They announced a new model with more memory and higher price, but the old model is still available at $299 (and very regularly discounted).
If they silently discontinue the 512 GB model, then that is news worthy.
Thank you!!! At least someone is paying attention!!! I'm a big nerd so I made a spreadsheet a while back. Median Playstation announce to release is 22 months.
Microsoft are showing games that are more than 12 months away and it's working for them so I think Sony should start doing the same.
Start? They never stopped! Sony has never revealed any "big" game with less than 12 months ahead of release. OK, Infamous Second Son was announced 8 months from release. Spider-Man 2 was announced 26 months before its release date, as was Ragnarok. Horizon Forbidden West 21 months.
The shortest announce-to-release cycles they ever had were Knack, Knack 2 and Infamous Second Son at 9 months, Miles Morales and Lost Legacy (both smaller scale spinoff titles) at 5 months, and Ratchet and Clank on PS 4 at 10 months.
It is the norm for Sony to reveal things very very ahead of time. Ghost of Tsushima was 33 months, Days Gone 35 months, Uncarted 4 30 months. I am also betting none of the announced service games (Fiargames, Concord, Marathon) will launch within 12 months of that showcase, given none showed any gameplay. Sony didnt announce more games during that show either because they dont have anything to show, or they just wanted to show what they showed.
For what its worth, Sony seems to show games twice. An early tease, often years ahead of expected release, and then again once near the release year. Post that second show they start the high marketing cycle with interviews and what not.
I honestly don't know why many people seem to have an impression they "first announce" games only when its near release time... I see that misconception very often.
The strategy from the Redmond firm’s outreach team appears laser targeted at titles with historic Sony association, which makes sense
I think it’s more of an emphasis on Xbox ongoing partnership with Sega than anything else. Oh and I guess Capcom too, seeing how this showcase revealed Capcom second new IP in recent memory yet again landing on Game Pass day one.
@TheCollector316 keep in mind ABK left China, potentially their second biggest market, over what has been simply described as a disagreement. If it takes leaving the UK to get that payday, Kotick will do that.
I just hope it goes through clean because leaving the UK and delegating UK publishing to a third party would result in many people losing their jobs.
@TheCollector316 not the topic here but I assure you, the ABK deal will go through (with or without the UK), AND CoD will stay multiplat.
Wanting ABK to be part of Xbox games studios “to kill Sony” is stupid console warfare, though. I roll my eyes every time someone demands MS make CoD exclusive.
I can't remember if they announced it post acquisition.
the Indiana game was announced after the acquisition was announced, but before the acquisition had closed.
I’m on the mind the game will be xbox exclusive unless it’s a licensing contract requirement for it to go to all platforms. Not extremely unlikely, but I highly doubt it’s in the contract. So far Disney has not mandated Sony to make their games available on all platforms either.
I know a few on here have this weird vendetta against them for some reason, but should want all companies to do well. It's what drives good competition and innovation.
1000% this. For some reason a lot of console “warriors” want other platforms to simply fail. The sentiment feels stronger against Xbox, but I only think it feels that way because of the size of the fan base. There are a handful of Xbox fanboys that also want to see PS just stumble and go away, as well as Nintendo fanboys that want everyone else to vanish.
I just want everyone to be on a good even ground. We all win when no console is the absolute market leader.
Funny, because no one still has a clue if the Metal Gear Collection is indeed coming to any platform other than PlayStation. No one claimed exclusivity, but no platform other than PS has been revealed yet. Not even MS shower it in its chart.
Edit: also not sure why you replied to me about that. I was replying to someone that was talking specifically about Tomb Rider time exclusivity.
Looking forward to watch this. Really hyped about Mirage, curious about Avatar (even if I don’t care about the IP) and hoping to see some info about their Star Wars game.
Edit: and now I know Star Wars Outlaws will be there... so hyped!!
I would just like an answer instead of being left in limbo like what MS did with the second Tomb Raider game around 2015.
I was very frustrated back then too, since PS4 was my primary platform, but let’s not pretend Sony does not do the same. Sony sings exclusivity deals and never ever caves on telling us when those games will be free to come to other platforms. We are left in the air about things like FF7R being lifetime console exclusive or not.
Hell, Nintendo does not talk either, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 seems to be lifetime exclusive, but the likes of Shin Megami Tensei V and Monster Hunter Rise end up being a year.
But for some reason, everyone is only angry about Xbox not talking about their timed exclusives… again, I understand being upset, just wish the standard was applied across the board. Same about game journalists. Don’t recall when was the last time most journalist expressed any issue with Nintendo or Sony timed exclusivity.
Edited to add quote for the benefit of those that need it.
Sneaky way of telling us all “yes, this site is under embargo about some games we know will be announced today” without actually breaking the embargo. 😉
(Although that banner almost screams you are specifically talking P3R)
t’s just crazy when you look at the other entries in the series with a white main character that was played by Jake Gyllenhaal in the movie. Like come on, you didn’t care about accuracy with those games.
The playable character in this game is not the same character. The trailer starts literally stating the prince has been kidnapped and some group called "the immortals" (i am assuming inspired on these Immortals") are on their quest to save him (or at least save the empire.)
The official web page goes further to state the character name is Sargon.
As far as I can tell, they were making a metroidvania game based on Persian mythology, and since it had a Persian theme they decided to tie it to the Prince of Persia IP/world. At the end of the day, its still a damn good looking metroidvania game, IMO.
One of my biggest gripes with these outfits in the previous game is that they don’t have animated eyes, making the cut scenes a lot stiffer, so I ended basically never using them. Looking at these, it seems they are sticking with that direction. I was really hoping a new entry would try to make more new suits have animated eyes.
@NomNom A remake of 1 and 2 would be amazing. Persona on the original PS was one of my first PlayStation RPGs, but would love a remake that took a lot of freedoms, like introducing social links and a calendar system.
to be clear we know this ISN’T a PS fist party exclusives problem. We have seen those figures separately and they are doing great on the whole, many record numbers
If its what I stated, first party games would not be affected, it simply means more and more copies of third party games are now being sold on Switch, PC and Xbox instead of most of them selling on PS. Sony did have at least a few years window, in the first half of the PS4 life, that it was basically the dominant platform for third party sales. That changed with the increase of PC viability and the Switch, and then a bit further when the XBox Series performed way better than the XBox One.
as for the drop being attributed to £70 games. I’m not so sure.
Although it impacted my buying habits, I didnt mean to imply that was a reason. I simply meant to compare money to sales.
Sony stated how much less money they make off sales now compared to before. For the most part, the prices are higher, so the combination of higher price (a known +16.7% at the high end) combined with -10% sales means potentially up to 28% fewer software unit sales on the platform.
If first parties are breaking records, that further means that third party consumers are then seeing an even higher redistribution to other platforms.
Also Atlus surely know the series would die by making it exclusive to xbox, the main bulk of sales are from Japan and that would not go down well over there, also xbox have a what 2/3% market share in Japan so they would be losing a lot of money to make it exclusive
As much as people here know the game, Persona is incredibly niche.
As of November 30, 2022, P5 Royale sold 3.3 million copies, 1 million of those as the combined result of Switch/PS5/XBox/PC and 2.3 million over several years on PS5.
The entirety of P5 "series" (combination of P5, P5R, P5Dancing in Starlight and P5Strikers, barely reaches 8.3 million. This means, at best (assuming Strikers and Dancing in Starlight didn't sell a single copy) the initial P5 release sold a max of 5 million copies. I honestly would not be shocked if the actual number is more between 3 and 4 million between the PS3 and PS4 baseline versions.
My point? These games likely make more money of their exclusivity/marketing deals and merchandize (anime/manga/collectibles) than they do out of sales as it is, they likely exist at all thanks to them taking some platform holder's money, be it for timed exclusivity or for inclusion in things like Game Pass or PSN+.
I have a feeling Sony still have the marketing rights to the new main numbered titles
I highly doubt anyone would sign a deal that is so long reaching as that. The last mainline title was released in 2016, Sony would basically have had to have been able to lock a 10 year deal on everything Persona? I highly doubt it.
Does not mean that P6 won't be timed PS5 exclusive, but any such deal will likely be new negotiations. Reveal is going to supposedly be later this year, so eventually we will find out. I personally hope they give up on taking exclusivity money, from anyone.
Hell, bring Persona Q 1 and 2 to PS, Xbox and PC (and switch!)!
We all know MS hate making games and Phil has pretty much admitted that so buying 3rd party exclusivity seems par the course.
People keep bringing up that supposedly Phil does not want 3rd party exclusives, but that seems to be a selective reading of a 2015 quote:
My strategy is more around our own first-party franchises, and investing in franchises that we own and probably fewer exclusive deals from 3rd party content. I want to have strong third party relations, but paying for many third party exclusives isn't our long term strategy.
(emphasis mine)
So he never said he would never aim for third party exclusives, just that it would not be their primary strategy long term.
As for anyone complaining about the possibility of a legacy PlayStation IP ever, even potentially, becoming an XBox exclusive, I do hope that same energy is being carried for things like Knights of the old Republic remake being PS5 exclusive.
I'm sure P3R and P6 wont be exclusives (at least not until the day MS decides to buy Sega.) P5T, who knows. The game looks very Persona Q-esque, and that spin-off is already not on PlayStation platforms. If someone offers them the money, Atlus/Sega will indeed take a deal that gives them enough money.
@AdamNovice they didn’t set up Harry being Venom, they simply set up the symbiote being manipulated by Osborne to keep Harry alive. I actually expect the plot to drive that a bit, Venom having dual agendas against both spider man and Osborne.
Moreover the distribution of where that spend is has changed. It's down 10% on full games, but up 210% on add-ons, up 52% on subscriptions. For all the talk from us enthusiasts about not wanting live services (and I don't personally) it's clear where the money IS being spent.
I noticed this the other day while looking at the report. Everyone kept talking how much more money they are making, but the fact that even with higher base price they are making less money from game sales does imply PlayStation game sales are drastically down. It’s not all even, but prices on triple A titles in the US went up by 16.7%. This is the worts case but sounds like total software sales are actually down by perhaps a max of 28%, despite console sales being up.
I do wonder if this is a PS exclusive phenomenon, or Xbox, Nintendo and Switch are also experiencing the decrease on software sales and increase of “addons”.
I don’t recall if the comparison was to previous years or to the same point on the life of the previous console, though. If it was the later, it’s very likely the cause is simply healthier competition, as at that point either the switch was new or still competing against the Wii U and the terribly performing XB1. PC, too, has become a lot more competitive in the last few years, something I like to attribute to Streams long push towards more GamePad compatibility.
I don't think Apple Watch was actually intended as health and fitness oriented device, it was intended as for everyone
That was what I was trying to say. Apple revealed it as a general computing device on your wrist, expected consumers to use it for music, phone calls, even texting and browsing the web on a limited form. Don’t think even Apple expected it to become a fancy Fitbit.
Similarly, they presenting this as a general computing platform/device but I expect it to become mostly used in specialized industries.
Btw, I think anyone can buy a HoloLens 2 these days. It was just the first model that was only available via special channels for a limited time.
The thing I’ll give HoloLens over the Vision Pro is that the HoloLens is open, it’s can still the end feel like an attachment to any headgear you are wearing, like the helmet and industrial variants. Being open means there is a lot more airflow into your face while working in hotter environments that will make you sweat like a pig.
The Vision Pro being enclosed makes me feel no one in their right mind would use one outside an environment with AC, comfortable temperatures and low physical activity, unless the thing has some fan/ventilation feature I missed.
So they both actually seem to have had rather similar reveals. When the Apple Watch launched Apple also revealed as some sort of general purpose computing device “for absolutely everyone”, it was only over time that it earned its place as primarily a health and fitness focused device. I expect similar to happen to Vision Pro, and see it focus into more specialized workflows.
I think I noticed some stuff about openness, I don’t think that’s much of a concern. Anyone willing to fork 3500 at any large scale is likely to have little concerns paying for Apples enterprise level app development license that basically lets them install anything on any device at any time, entirely bypassing the App Store.
Hololens and Quest Pro at $1500, both marketed toward the commercial sector, not the entertainment market. At $3500 if they're marketing this toward the entertainment market in a downward spiraling economy where TVs stopped selling and even clothing is not selling.....they're definitely hitting the wacky tobacky.
Have not read the whole comment thread so sorry if this come up yet but I went looking up earlier the price of the HoloLens, and MS seems to only sell the HoloLens 2, starting precisely at $3500.
They have some variants for various industrial applications that go as high as $5200. This looks ridiculous only from a gamers perspective.
@ChrisDeku as @cuttlefishjones says, this is very likely primarily a PC game and likely where the bulk of the sales will be. I personally will likely get it on console whenever I do buy it, but everyone I know plans to, or is already, playing it on PC.
Diablo 4 has been played for 93 million hours, or over 10,000 years – the equivalent playing 24 hours a day since the beginning of human civilization.
@get2sammyb Don’t tell me you didn’t read these statistics and it didn’t cross your mind that ABK and Microsoft definitively belong together. They both speak the same useless statistics instead of sales numbers!!
@OrtadragoonX I could see it going down in price over the years. Maybe not 1500, I am thinking 2k for a version in a year or two that uses the same chip, somewhat lower resolution, and very likely the eye feature (if it’s a real thing, it’s likely a pointless out-facing lcd) being removed.
I do feel there is a lot of potential for a device that replaces large bulky monitors and speaker setups. Huge bonus point when the device itself also happens to be an entirely stand alone Mac Book Air.
@PsBoxSwitchOwner this was always going to be the way that would roll. Part of why I personally detest these “immortalize world first” events.
I like how FFXIV handles it, I that they basically don’t handle it. You might get a social media recognition, if they determine you didn’t cheat, and that’s that. Players might brag about being the first streamers to get world first on twitch or what not. But the game itself wont permanently promote or put anyone on a pedestal.
As some have noted, this is more of a computing device.
Although definitively expensive, my first impression is similar to my first take on HoloLens: there is a strong cast to be made for having a gigantic virtual display while working on a small cubicle instead of trying to fit a ton of monitors.
In theory, a device like this could make a closet in a small New York City apartment feel like a very roomy office, and that might be the target market for this. Hi pay professionals living in dense cities with limited room for a proper office space.
Given how Apple sells a 6k 32 inch monitor for $5k, I’m sure this device will end up finding an audience.
@durxll123 concept behind Robocop is he still had a human brain, and all technology is not that much more advanced than 80s tech. He basically had a hud that slowly recognized targets and marks them for the brain to confirm if to shoot there or not.
Basically like the targeting hud you would see in planes and tanks computers from back in the 80s.
This screams “please buy our game even if you didn’t buy the last one, we need this game to outsell FF 7 Remake!”
I am certain this game won’t manage to match 7R1 sales simply because of PS5 smaller install base compared to PS4, given how FF7R was likely heavily boosted by the pandemic. But even then, almost players will want to play the first part, well, first!
@3Above you are mixing up crowds. I’m sure the people saying “this what happens when you signs exclusivity deals” are not the same people that were praising them for sticking to a single platform before. In fact, I recognize some of the names, and those I recognize are being as consistent as always.
Either way, the game is coming to PC, it was basically confirmed in an interview recently that they started work on the port. I expect the 6 month exclusivity claim to hold up, though.
I would have to go back and look but I would not be surprised if at the launch of XV, the PS4 had way bigger install base than the PS5 has at this point.
As for the “even accounting for fewer platforms” bit, I dare bet they over-estimated how many Xbox and PC users would simply not buy the game instead of running out to get a PS5.
As for FF7Remake 2, good luck. The game is a sequel, it’s most likely going to sell less than it’s predecessor, not more, unless they somehow give players the option to buy a cheap bundle that is just $15 more and includes FFR Intergrade.
I do not expect an “open world” experience, but I do hope for a bit of it. By this I mean a big map outside Midgar instead of preset level/regions. I guess some might consider that “open world” but not looking for any of the “padding” Easter egg hunts and activities, simply a large area to traverse, fight, and a few off-the-path locations here and there.
@MayaMousavi that is almost certainly true, but that still does not make it clear the game made more money in PS5 or Switch (ignoring PS4 lifetime sales) as only the companies involved know just how much money MS paid for the game to be in Game Pass, and at the same time how many players got to play the game on each platform, again, thanks for it being in Game Pass. I’m also sure PS5 sales got largely lowered by virtue of the player base having had access to P5R already for years in PS4 form, and the free PSN+ base P5.
At the end of the day, I would venture to guess the new ports sold best on Switch, maybe second best on PC. Where was most money made is anyone’s guess, though, due to all the unknown stuff behind the scenes.
@WallyWest don’t even mean sales numbers, Xbox has a day by day top selling charts but I am not aware of anyone tracking the historical state so we can tell how things go up and down those charts over time.
Maybe one of these days I’ll stop being lazy and write my own program to save the charts on a daily basis.
@WallyWest when P5 launched on Xbox, despite being in GP, it was on the top selling games at the xbox digital store for a few weeks. I would love to see any source pointing at the game not actually performing well.
I also wish there was someone keeping track of what is charting in that list when, such an archive would be very useful at times like these.
I am more than sold on a Persona 5 spinoff so long it picks up after the end of P5R.
As for the reveal, maybe Summer fest. If it’s not there, then likely the following week on the Xbox Showcase since they will very likely be also revealing P3R there.
@SuperSilverback or, at least by the end, the symbiote corruption does turn Parker into Venom, meaning both: can’t use Parker at the end and Miles needs to deal with him.
@KundaliniRising333 personally don’t think it’s a niche, almost every gamer I know is into fighting games. They are just a different audience that tend to be more into competitive gaming. The audience for these sites tend to be a lot more biased towards single player experiences.
Comments 1,679
Re: Sony's Partnership with Square Enix Has Never Been Stronger, Says Jim Ryan
@Shepherd_Tallon “no demands” other than Square being so restricted that they had to create subsidiaries to even develop games like Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles for Nintendo platforms.
It is absolutely true that after the huge box office bomb from the Final Fantasy movie, Square almost went bankrupt. That investment indeed save the company. But “no demands” is not accurate.
Edit: Also, I would have to dig more, if it’s available, but as far as I can tell they didn’t sell the stock “back”, they simply sold it on the stock exchange. I doubt Square-Enix had the spare money lying around to buy their stock back.
Re: Sony's Partnership with Square Enix Has Never Been Stronger, Says Jim Ryan
@thefourfoldroot1 that’s… an interesting take. Sony sold Square shares because they [Sony] were in the hole and needed to sell some assets to return to profitability, and Square was not exactly setting the world on fire at that time.
Re: Persona Dev's Project Re Fantasy Finally Revealed as a Ridiculous Looking Turn-Based RPG
Sega is going to take all my money away....
Re: Ubisoft's Open World Star Wars Outlaws PS5 Gameplay Will Debut Tomorrow
This got me extremely hyped! I was already hoping to hear more about this game in tomorrow's Ubisoft show, now I know its going to be there, I am certainly not going to miss it!!!
Re: Persona 3 Reload Won't Include FES or Portable Content, Female Protagonist Included
Not sure if I'll be there day one (there are so many other Atlus games I need to finish by then, and more will be added to the list) but I'll definitively play it.
I guess not having the female protagonist gives me a reason to, sooner or later, play through the P3P version of the game despite this also coming out... I did buy it after all...
Re: Persona 5 Tactica Is Launching This Year, But No Mention of PS5, PS4 Yet
Personally, I'm not only playing this game, I'm buying it, even if its on Game Pass.
Now if they only released Persona Q and Persona Q 2 for PS4/5, Switch and XBox.
Re: Persona 5 Tactica Is Launching This Year, But No Mention of PS5, PS4 Yet
Likely because it was a relatively small subset of the playerbase that got to experience that story. Even if you bought the version, chances are that you would not see the final semester content unless you played following a guide. If they are going to make sequels and spinoffs, its safer to assume the players picking it up experienced, at best, the base "good" ending.
Re: Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth Is the Next Mainline Game as Ichiban Goes Nude on a Beach
Although my understanding is all entries are relatively stand alone, Ichiban (the protagonist on this game) was introduced in the last entry and, should you want to "catchup" you dont need to go much further than the last entry (Yakuza: Like a Dragon.)
For what it's worth, I never played the games before, Yakuza: Like A Dragon was my first entry and I fell in love with the character. This is a day one buy for me.
Re: Reaction: Solid Xbox Showcase Should Give Sony Some Incentive to Stop Being So Damn Cloak and Daggers About PS5, PS4
Because they didn't...? They announced a new model with more memory and higher price, but the old model is still available at $299 (and very regularly discounted).
If they silently discontinue the 512 GB model, then that is news worthy.
Re: Reaction: Solid Xbox Showcase Should Give Sony Some Incentive to Stop Being So Damn Cloak and Daggers About PS5, PS4
Thank you!!! At least someone is paying attention!!! I'm a big nerd so I made a spreadsheet a while back. Median Playstation announce to release is 22 months.
Re: Reaction: Solid Xbox Showcase Should Give Sony Some Incentive to Stop Being So Damn Cloak and Daggers About PS5, PS4
Start? They never stopped! Sony has never revealed any "big" game with less than 12 months ahead of release. OK, Infamous Second Son was announced 8 months from release. Spider-Man 2 was announced 26 months before its release date, as was Ragnarok. Horizon Forbidden West 21 months.
The shortest announce-to-release cycles they ever had were Knack, Knack 2 and Infamous Second Son at 9 months, Miles Morales and Lost Legacy (both smaller scale spinoff titles) at 5 months, and Ratchet and Clank on PS 4 at 10 months.
It is the norm for Sony to reveal things very very ahead of time. Ghost of Tsushima was 33 months, Days Gone 35 months, Uncarted 4 30 months. I am also betting none of the announced service games (Fiargames, Concord, Marathon) will launch within 12 months of that showcase, given none showed any gameplay. Sony didnt announce more games during that show either because they dont have anything to show, or they just wanted to show what they showed.
For what its worth, Sony seems to show games twice. An early tease, often years ahead of expected release, and then again once near the release year. Post that second show they start the high marketing cycle with interviews and what not.
I honestly don't know why many people seem to have an impression they "first announce" games only when its near release time... I see that misconception very often.
Re: Reaction: Solid Xbox Showcase Should Give Sony Some Incentive to Stop Being So Damn Cloak and Daggers About PS5, PS4
I think it’s more of an emphasis on Xbox ongoing partnership with Sega than anything else. Oh and I guess Capcom too, seeing how this showcase revealed Capcom second new IP in recent memory yet again landing on Game Pass day one.
Re: Don't Panic if Third-Party Games Aren't Immediately Announced for PS5, PS4 in the Aftermath of Xbox Showcase
@TheCollector316 keep in mind ABK left China, potentially their second biggest market, over what has been simply described as a disagreement. If it takes leaving the UK to get that payday, Kotick will do that.
I just hope it goes through clean because leaving the UK and delegating UK publishing to a third party would result in many people losing their jobs.
Re: Don't Panic if Third-Party Games Aren't Immediately Announced for PS5, PS4 in the Aftermath of Xbox Showcase
@TheCollector316 not the topic here but I assure you, the ABK deal will go through (with or without the UK), AND CoD will stay multiplat.
Wanting ABK to be part of Xbox games studios “to kill Sony” is stupid console warfare, though. I roll my eyes every time someone demands MS make CoD exclusive.
Re: Don't Panic if Third-Party Games Aren't Immediately Announced for PS5, PS4 in the Aftermath of Xbox Showcase
the Indiana game was announced after the acquisition was announced, but before the acquisition had closed.
I’m on the mind the game will be xbox exclusive unless it’s a licensing contract requirement for it to go to all platforms. Not extremely unlikely, but I highly doubt it’s in the contract. So far Disney has not mandated Sony to make their games available on all platforms either.
1000% this. For some reason a lot of console “warriors” want other platforms to simply fail. The sentiment feels stronger against Xbox, but I only think it feels that way because of the size of the fan base. There are a handful of Xbox fanboys that also want to see PS just stumble and go away, as well as Nintendo fanboys that want everyone else to vanish.
I just want everyone to be on a good even ground. We all win when no console is the absolute market leader.
Re: Don't Panic if Third-Party Games Aren't Immediately Announced for PS5, PS4 in the Aftermath of Xbox Showcase
@Neverwild by “the same” I mean not be clear as to when a game is permanent third party exclusive or timed exclusive and for how long.
When replying to a reply to someone else, helps seeing what it was replied to to get the context.
Hell should had been obvious that’s what I meant by the comment alone still.
Re: Don't Panic if Third-Party Games Aren't Immediately Announced for PS5, PS4 in the Aftermath of Xbox Showcase
Funny, because no one still has a clue if the Metal Gear Collection is indeed coming to any platform other than PlayStation. No one claimed exclusivity, but no platform other than PS has been revealed yet. Not even MS shower it in its chart.
Edit: also not sure why you replied to me about that. I was replying to someone that was talking specifically about Tomb Rider time exclusivity.
Re: When Is Ubisoft Forward 2023?
Looking forward to watch this. Really hyped about Mirage, curious about Avatar (even if I don’t care about the IP) and hoping to see some info about their Star Wars game.
Edit: and now I know Star Wars Outlaws will be there... so hyped!!
Re: Don't Panic if Third-Party Games Aren't Immediately Announced for PS5, PS4 in the Aftermath of Xbox Showcase
I was very frustrated back then too, since PS4 was my primary platform, but let’s not pretend Sony does not do the same. Sony sings exclusivity deals and never ever caves on telling us when those games will be free to come to other platforms. We are left in the air about things like FF7R being lifetime console exclusive or not.
Hell, Nintendo does not talk either, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 seems to be lifetime exclusive, but the likes of Shin Megami Tensei V and Monster Hunter Rise end up being a year.
But for some reason, everyone is only angry about Xbox not talking about their timed exclusives… again, I understand being upset, just wish the standard was applied across the board. Same about game journalists. Don’t recall when was the last time most journalist expressed any issue with Nintendo or Sony timed exclusivity.
Edited to add quote for the benefit of those that need it.
Re: Don't Panic if Third-Party Games Aren't Immediately Announced for PS5, PS4 in the Aftermath of Xbox Showcase
Sneaky way of telling us all “yes, this site is under embargo about some games we know will be announced today” without actually breaking the embargo. 😉
(Although that banner almost screams you are specifically talking P3R)
Re: Apparently Some People Hate the New PS5, PS4 Prince of Persia Game
The playable character in this game is not the same character. The trailer starts literally stating the prince has been kidnapped and some group called "the immortals" (i am assuming inspired on these Immortals") are on their quest to save him (or at least save the empire.)
The official web page goes further to state the character name is Sargon.
As far as I can tell, they were making a metroidvania game based on Persian mythology, and since it had a Persian theme they decided to tie it to the Prince of Persia IP/world. At the end of the day, its still a damn good looking metroidvania game, IMO.
Re: Marvel's Spider-Man 2's Wild Range of Suits Includes Stunning Original Designs
One of my biggest gripes with these outfits in the previous game is that they don’t have animated eyes, making the cut scenes a lot stiffer, so I ended basically never using them. Looking at these, it seems they are sticking with that direction. I was really hoping a new entry would try to make more new suits have animated eyes.
Re: Persona 5 Tactica Launches 17th November, Persona 3 Reload Early 2024
@NomNom A remake of 1 and 2 would be amazing. Persona on the original PS was one of my first PlayStation RPGs, but would love a remake that took a lot of freedoms, like introducing social links and a calendar system.
Re: PS Plus, Game Pass Subscription Growth Has Totally Stalled in USA
If its what I stated, first party games would not be affected, it simply means more and more copies of third party games are now being sold on Switch, PC and Xbox instead of most of them selling on PS. Sony did have at least a few years window, in the first half of the PS4 life, that it was basically the dominant platform for third party sales. That changed with the increase of PC viability and the Switch, and then a bit further when the XBox Series performed way better than the XBox One.
Although it impacted my buying habits, I didnt mean to imply that was a reason. I simply meant to compare money to sales.
Sony stated how much less money they make off sales now compared to before. For the most part, the prices are higher, so the combination of higher price (a known +16.7% at the high end) combined with -10% sales means potentially up to 28% fewer software unit sales on the platform.
If first parties are breaking records, that further means that third party consumers are then seeing an even higher redistribution to other platforms.
Re: Persona 5 Tactica Launches 17th November, Persona 3 Reload Early 2024
As much as people here know the game, Persona is incredibly niche.
As of November 30, 2022, P5 Royale sold 3.3 million copies, 1 million of those as the combined result of Switch/PS5/XBox/PC and 2.3 million over several years on PS5.
The entirety of P5 "series" (combination of P5, P5R, P5Dancing in Starlight and P5Strikers, barely reaches 8.3 million. This means, at best (assuming Strikers and Dancing in Starlight didn't sell a single copy) the initial P5 release sold a max of 5 million copies. I honestly would not be shocked if the actual number is more between 3 and 4 million between the PS3 and PS4 baseline versions.
My point? These games likely make more money of their exclusivity/marketing deals and merchandize (anime/manga/collectibles) than they do out of sales as it is, they likely exist at all thanks to them taking some platform holder's money, be it for timed exclusivity or for inclusion in things like Game Pass or PSN+.
Re: Persona 5 Tactica Launches 17th November, Persona 3 Reload Early 2024
I highly doubt anyone would sign a deal that is so long reaching as that. The last mainline title was released in 2016, Sony would basically have had to have been able to lock a 10 year deal on everything Persona? I highly doubt it.
Does not mean that P6 won't be timed PS5 exclusive, but any such deal will likely be new negotiations. Reveal is going to supposedly be later this year, so eventually we will find out. I personally hope they give up on taking exclusivity money, from anyone.
Hell, bring Persona Q 1 and 2 to PS, Xbox and PC (and switch!)!
People keep bringing up that supposedly Phil does not want 3rd party exclusives, but that seems to be a selective reading of a 2015 quote:
(emphasis mine)
So he never said he would never aim for third party exclusives, just that it would not be their primary strategy long term.
As for anyone complaining about the possibility of a legacy PlayStation IP ever, even potentially, becoming an XBox exclusive, I do hope that same energy is being carried for things like Knights of the old Republic remake being PS5 exclusive.
I'm sure P3R and P6 wont be exclusives (at least not until the day MS decides to buy Sega.) P5T, who knows. The game looks very Persona Q-esque, and that spin-off is already not on PlayStation platforms. If someone offers them the money, Atlus/Sega will indeed take a deal that gives them enough money.
Re: Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Finally Has a Release Date on PS5
@AdamNovice they didn’t set up Harry being Venom, they simply set up the symbiote being manipulated by Osborne to keep Harry alive. I actually expect the plot to drive that a bit, Venom having dual agendas against both spider man and Osborne.
Re: Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Finally Has a Release Date on PS5
Glad to have a date, but why on earth did Sony reserve this for this showcase instead of their own?
Also, who will be actually shocked when Kraven the Hunter becomes Venom?
Re: PS Plus, Game Pass Subscription Growth Has Totally Stalled in USA
I noticed this the other day while looking at the report. Everyone kept talking how much more money they are making, but the fact that even with higher base price they are making less money from game sales does imply PlayStation game sales are drastically down. It’s not all even, but prices on triple A titles in the US went up by 16.7%. This is the worts case but sounds like total software sales are actually down by perhaps a max of 28%, despite console sales being up.
I do wonder if this is a PS exclusive phenomenon, or Xbox, Nintendo and Switch are also experiencing the decrease on software sales and increase of “addons”.
I don’t recall if the comparison was to previous years or to the same point on the life of the previous console, though. If it was the later, it’s very likely the cause is simply healthier competition, as at that point either the switch was new or still competing against the Wii U and the terribly performing XB1. PC, too, has become a lot more competitive in the last few years, something I like to attribute to Streams long push towards more GamePad compatibility.
Re: Random: Thought PSVR2 Was Expensive? Apple's Vision Pro Is Here to Hold Your Beer
That was what I was trying to say. Apple revealed it as a general computing device on your wrist, expected consumers to use it for music, phone calls, even texting and browsing the web on a limited form. Don’t think even Apple expected it to become a fancy Fitbit.
Similarly, they presenting this as a general computing platform/device but I expect it to become mostly used in specialized industries.
Btw, I think anyone can buy a HoloLens 2 these days. It was just the first model that was only available via special channels for a limited time.
Re: Random: Thought PSVR2 Was Expensive? Apple's Vision Pro Is Here to Hold Your Beer
@NEStalgia maybe im misremembering, but some of the early showcases of the HoloLens back in the day were indeed game oriented. Hell, Minecraft was featured on that trailer, as was watching movies on fake screens.
The thing I’ll give HoloLens over the Vision Pro is that the HoloLens is open, it’s can still the end feel like an attachment to any headgear you are wearing, like the helmet and industrial variants. Being open means there is a lot more airflow into your face while working in hotter environments that will make you sweat like a pig.
The Vision Pro being enclosed makes me feel no one in their right mind would use one outside an environment with AC, comfortable temperatures and low physical activity, unless the thing has some fan/ventilation feature I missed.
So they both actually seem to have had rather similar reveals. When the Apple Watch launched Apple also revealed as some sort of general purpose computing device “for absolutely everyone”, it was only over time that it earned its place as primarily a health and fitness focused device. I expect similar to happen to Vision Pro, and see it focus into more specialized workflows.
I think I noticed some stuff about openness, I don’t think that’s much of a concern. Anyone willing to fork 3500 at any large scale is likely to have little concerns paying for Apples enterprise level app development license that basically lets them install anything on any device at any time, entirely bypassing the App Store.
Re: Random: Thought PSVR2 Was Expensive? Apple's Vision Pro Is Here to Hold Your Beer
Have not read the whole comment thread so sorry if this come up yet but I went looking up earlier the price of the HoloLens, and MS seems to only sell the HoloLens 2, starting precisely at $3500.
They have some variants for various industrial applications that go as high as $5200. This looks ridiculous only from a gamers perspective.
Re: Yes, Diablo 4 Is Blizzard's Fastest Selling Game of All Time
@reek humans existed much longer than civilization existed.
Edit: if based of civilizations with urban settlements and farming, 10k years might be about right.
Re: Yes, Diablo 4 Is Blizzard's Fastest Selling Game of All Time
@ChrisDeku as @cuttlefishjones says, this is very likely primarily a PC game and likely where the bulk of the sales will be. I personally will likely get it on console whenever I do buy it, but everyone I know plans to, or is already, playing it on PC.
Re: Yes, Diablo 4 Is Blizzard's Fastest Selling Game of All Time
@get2sammyb Don’t tell me you didn’t read these statistics and it didn’t cross your mind that ABK and Microsoft definitively belong together. They both speak the same useless statistics instead of sales numbers!!
Re: Random: Thought PSVR2 Was Expensive? Apple's Vision Pro Is Here to Hold Your Beer
@OrtadragoonX I could see it going down in price over the years. Maybe not 1500, I am thinking 2k for a version in a year or two that uses the same chip, somewhat lower resolution, and very likely the eye feature (if it’s a real thing, it’s likely a pointless out-facing lcd) being removed.
I do feel there is a lot of potential for a device that replaces large bulky monitors and speaker setups. Huge bonus point when the device itself also happens to be an entirely stand alone Mac Book Air.
Re: Diablo 4's Barely Out on PS5, PS4 But Of Course Someone's Reached Level 100 on Hardcore
@PsBoxSwitchOwner this was always going to be the way that would roll. Part of why I personally detest these “immortalize world first” events.
I like how FFXIV handles it, I that they basically don’t handle it. You might get a social media recognition, if they determine you didn’t cheat, and that’s that. Players might brag about being the first streamers to get world first on twitch or what not. But the game itself wont permanently promote or put anyone on a pedestal.
Re: Random: Thought PSVR2 Was Expensive? Apple's Vision Pro Is Here to Hold Your Beer
As some have noted, this is more of a computing device.
Although definitively expensive, my first impression is similar to my first take on HoloLens: there is a strong cast to be made for having a gigantic virtual display while working on a small cubicle instead of trying to fit a ton of monitors.
In theory, a device like this could make a closet in a small New York City apartment feel like a very roomy office, and that might be the target market for this. Hi pay professionals living in dense cities with limited room for a proper office space.
Given how Apple sells a 6k 32 inch monitor for $5k, I’m sure this device will end up finding an audience.
Re: You Have 20 Seconds to Watch This RoboCop: Rogue City PS5 Gameplay
@durxll123 concept behind Robocop is he still had a human brain, and all technology is not that much more advanced than 80s tech. He basically had a hud that slowly recognized targets and marks them for the brain to confirm if to shoot there or not.
Basically like the targeting hud you would see in planes and tanks computers from back in the 80s.
Re: Odd Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Quotes Continue, Don't Need to Play the First Remake
This screams “please buy our game even if you didn’t buy the last one, we need this game to outsell FF 7 Remake!”
I am certain this game won’t manage to match 7R1 sales simply because of PS5 smaller install base compared to PS4, given how FF7R was likely heavily boosted by the pandemic. But even then, almost players will want to play the first part, well, first!
Re: Square Enix Allegedly 'Slightly Panicking' About Final Fantasy 16 PS5 Pre-Orders
@3Above you are mixing up crowds. I’m sure the people saying “this what happens when you signs exclusivity deals” are not the same people that were praising them for sticking to a single platform before. In fact, I recognize some of the names, and those I recognize are being as consistent as always.
Either way, the game is coming to PC, it was basically confirmed in an interview recently that they started work on the port. I expect the 6 month exclusivity claim to hold up, though.
Re: Square Enix Allegedly 'Slightly Panicking' About Final Fantasy 16 PS5 Pre-Orders
I would have to go back and look but I would not be surprised if at the launch of XV, the PS4 had way bigger install base than the PS5 has at this point.
As for the “even accounting for fewer platforms” bit, I dare bet they over-estimated how many Xbox and PC users would simply not buy the game instead of running out to get a PS5.
As for FF7Remake 2, good luck. The game is a sequel, it’s most likely going to sell less than it’s predecessor, not more, unless they somehow give players the option to buy a cheap bundle that is just $15 more and includes FFR Intergrade.
Re: Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Will Offer a 'High Degree of Freedom' on PS5
I do not expect an “open world” experience, but I do hope for a bit of it. By this I mean a big map outside Midgar instead of preset level/regions. I guess some might consider that “open world” but not looking for any of the “padding” Easter egg hunts and activities, simply a large area to traverse, fight, and a few off-the-path locations here and there.
Re: Rumour: A New Persona 5 Game Announcement Is Imminent
@UltimateOtaku91 that isn’t “low”
Re: Rumour: A New Persona 5 Game Announcement Is Imminent
@MayaMousavi that is almost certainly true, but that still does not make it clear the game made more money in PS5 or Switch (ignoring PS4 lifetime sales) as only the companies involved know just how much money MS paid for the game to be in Game Pass, and at the same time how many players got to play the game on each platform, again, thanks for it being in Game Pass. I’m also sure PS5 sales got largely lowered by virtue of the player base having had access to P5R already for years in PS4 form, and the free PSN+ base P5.
At the end of the day, I would venture to guess the new ports sold best on Switch, maybe second best on PC. Where was most money made is anyone’s guess, though, due to all the unknown stuff behind the scenes.
Re: Rumour: A New Persona 5 Game Announcement Is Imminent
@WallyWest don’t even mean sales numbers, Xbox has a day by day top selling charts but I am not aware of anyone tracking the historical state so we can tell how things go up and down those charts over time.
Maybe one of these days I’ll stop being lazy and write my own program to save the charts on a daily basis.
Re: Rumour: A New Persona 5 Game Announcement Is Imminent
@WallyWest when P5 launched on Xbox, despite being in GP, it was on the top selling games at the xbox digital store for a few weeks. I would love to see any source pointing at the game not actually performing well.
I also wish there was someone keeping track of what is charting in that list when, such an archive would be very useful at times like these.
Re: Rumour: A New Persona 5 Game Announcement Is Imminent
I am more than sold on a Persona 5 spinoff so long it picks up after the end of P5R.
As for the reveal, maybe Summer fest. If it’s not there, then likely the following week on the Xbox Showcase since they will very likely be also revealing P3R there.
Re: There's More to Marvel's Spider-Man 2's Gross Symbiote Suit Than What's Been Shown
@SuperSilverback or, at least by the end, the symbiote corruption does turn Parker into Venom, meaning both: can’t use Parker at the end and Miles needs to deal with him.
Re: Poll: Are You Playing Street Fighter 6?
@KundaliniRising333 personally don’t think it’s a niche, almost every gamer I know is into fighting games. They are just a different audience that tend to be more into competitive gaming. The audience for these sites tend to be a lot more biased towards single player experiences.