Comments 502

Re: No Man's Sky Beyond Introduces Multiplayer Social Space, the Nexus


@invictus4000 I've been watching for that exact thing since the first big update. I'm curious if they'll do a NMS Complete edition for PS5 when it's finally, you know, "done." But done means the end of giant free updates, and do we really want that? On the other hand, they can't keep updating it for free forever can they? I'm curious if they're not working on something else (NMS 2?) and doing these updates on the side.

Re: No Man's Sky's Beyond Update Launches 14th August Along with PSVR Support


@LieutenantFatman @Sinton I went back to look at the launch review and other than the complaints about crashes and bugs, the general content of PushSquare's review seems to have held up ok. They didn't drink the haterade and take the hype train off the rails into Outrageville.

Obviously it would be nice to get a re-review at some point, but when? I mean, someone seems to mention it after every big update, then Hello Games plans ANOTHER big update and drops even more content. So like...when's the best time to re-review? When it's done? It has to be done sometime right?

NMS is such a weird case study. It's the exception that proves Miyamoto's famous quote, "A delayed game is eventually good. A bad game is bad forever." It's a perpetual work in progress...but it's not an MMO or a MTX puppy mill. It continues to defy all the usual ways in which the video game industry operates.

Re: Persona 5 Royal 'Morgana Report 3' Video Shows New Gameplay and Additions


Yeah see, this "story isn't going to change" thing worries me. You can't add a whole extra semester of content after the narrative climax of the game. That's like 25% more content at least.

Think of your favorite movie. Remember how awesome it ended? Assuming the movie you picked was about 3 hours long, imagine the movie dragged on for an additional hour after that awesome ending with the characters just doing normal, everyday things.

Unless they shift the game's climax tot he end of the new semester, in which case it should work ok...but it'll still need a bit of modification to shoehorn in another palace and party member. Which will still be a bit weird since all the game's palaces are the 7 deadly sins, and there's not an 8th one to play off of...

Anyway, love the game, looking forward to Royal, but still a bit worried it'll turn out worse somehow.

Re: Soapbox: Nintendo Switch Lite Signals the Need for a PS4 Super Slim


There's no point to this idea of a super slim PS4. Nintendo has the brand recognition for parents (Lite is aimed at children), and PS4 isn't even competing with the Switch Lite. People who already own another primary console, like a PS4, are a prime audience for a cheap, handheld only Nintendo. With so many PS4s in the wild, I think the number of people potentially choosing between the two is miniscule at this point. Sony would be wiser to play to their strengths - just price cut the current models and waste no time or resources on a revision while they gear up for PS5.

Re: Kratos Almost Axed from God of War PS4 in Favour of a Brand New Protagonist


It would have been an interesting direction to take. How many other gods of war are there globally? That would be a killer foundation to build on and would allow them to really expand and reinvent the series over time.

But hey, instead they managed to take a one-dimensional iconic character left out to pasture and totally flip the script. It's a bit like someone making a serious drama starring Duke Nukem. Major kudos to them for pulling Kratos out of the basement and breathing some real life into the character.

Re: Soapbox: Are We to Blame for the Lack of Gameplay at E3 2019?


@TheArt Yeah, good call.

There are just too many good games now for me to be hyped about a trailer for a game that's YEARS away. God forbid said trailer is only a LOGO. Even the BotW sequel trailer felt lackluster - so what? I likely won't be able to play it for at least 2 years.

Sony made the right choice not going to E3 this year because I'm sick of HEARING about Last of Us 2, Ghost of Tsushima, and Death Stranding. I want to play them. Silence is better. And sure, it's hard to be in Sony's position right now, because development has mostly shifted to an unannounced platform. Lucky for them they have the 3rd party support to carry them through PS4's twilight or else we'd be looking at a Nintendo situation - Gamecube, Wii, Wii-U all had LONG game droughts in their final years.

Honestly, Astral Chain is a perfect model for how I'd like game reveals and releases to go. No one even knew about it until February this year and it's out two months from now. Perfect. Bayonetta 3? Announced with a logo in 2017 and crickets ever since.

And don't even get me started on Square Enix...

Re: Talking Point: Is E3 Still Relevant?


Nintendo dropped out of E3 the year they decided to do a direct instead of a presser. They could pivot away from the show at any time because the directs have made their marketing very agile. It's nice to see Sony following suite with State of Play, I'm really excited to see how that evolves.

E3 is a relic of a bygone era when we didn't have instant access to information and the platforms for entertaining direct communication. The excitement of E3 for many years, and the only thing that's kept it relevant, is DENSITY. The sheer amount of announcements, reveals, and footage is all that's been keeping it afloat, and there's something to be said for that. E3 has morphed more and more from a trade show into a convention every year. Maybe it should just continue that evolution.

Re: E3 2019: Incredible Final Fantasy VII Remake Gameplay Saves E3


It LOOKS great. Graphically. And I know everyone is in full gush mode, but I'm a bit disappointed in the combat.

That wasn't ATB. It's Kingdom Hearts with bullet time slapped on. Real time combat with a limit gauge and bullet time. It's kind of a mess. I have to control multiple characters (or let AI do it), and dodge and button mash to build my gauge to do what I really want to do.

I am admittedly biased. I can't stand games that give me a party of characters in real time - either I feel like the game is playing itself because of the AI or I feel like I can't swap between them fast enough or see what they're doing well enough to make decisions.

ATB was a timer, plain and simple. It forced you to make tactical decisions faster, like the clock in chess, but it was still a turn based system at heart. They've been obsessed with shoving real time action combat down our throats forever now. To the point where they made it easy to slide FFVII Remake more towards that with button mapped ATB actions. Honestly, would it be too much to ask for a "classic mode" that was just full ATB turn based so that we could slide it back the other way too?

Re: Sony Wants to Improve Its Use of Games as a Service, Increased Output for PS5


I have no issue with games as a service. My issue is when companies want to cash in on a different part of the market and take an existing IP and try to slam a round peg through a square hole.

That goes for any style of game. Looking at you Valkyria Revolution. I think switching styles or design philosophies with an existing franchise is actually riskier than just creating a new IP to compete in the new space - but companies often see it in reverse.

Re: RAGE 2 - Some of the Best Shooting This Gen Doesn't Get the Attention It Deserves


@Flaming_Kaiser Sure, I agree with those statements. But good quest or bad the 'ole chore list still feels like a chore. I don't need to be reminded to do good quests. I'm emotionally invested in a good quest. I want to do it. I go out of my way to explore and find my way to its objectives. The chore list, objective markers, and GPS only serve to pull me out of the fiction of the game. Honestly, I usually won't play an open world game that won't let me turn off all or part of the HUD, especially the GPS, but I totally understand why those elements are necessary and desired by most people.

Re: Sony and Microsoft Announce 'Strategic Partnership' on Various Tech Innovations, Including the Evolution of PlayStation


MS really wants cloud gaming to happen. It fits their current portfolio of products. Why should they care what plastic box is in front of your screen when all they really need is your sub?

"Beyond that, Sony and Microsoft are even teaming up on the "potential joint development" of "intelligent image sensor solutions"."

So PSVR and Kinect might have a love child then?

Re: Square Enix Financial Forecasts Suggest Final Fantasy VII Remake Won't Launch Before March 2020


@kyleforrester87 I'm all for our digital future, and I really don't care about having the physical thing. For me it's about access and preservation. All I want is to be able to play the game again when I want to in the future, and physical is (mostly) still the best way to guarantee that - assuming the whole game is on the physical media in the first place. Which it often isn't. I really think that in the future we will owe a debt of gratitude to the pirates, who are our only real digital archivists.

Re: Bloodborne: The Board Game Slaughters Its Kickstarter Goal with Ease


I was more worried about it being similar in design rather than in gameplay, but now that I've actually had a chance to follow the link and peruse the kickstarter, my initial concerns seem unfounded. This already looks MUCH better. Sigh. Looks like there's been a disturbance in my pocket, as if my wallet suddenly cried out in pain, and was silenced.

Edit: Sorry everyone, all along I was thinking of the terrible Bloodborne card game that already exists. I haven't actually played the Dark Souls board game, so I have nothing bad or good to say about it.

Re: Insiders Claim That Next Xbox Is More Advanced Than PS5


@Flaming_Kaiser Laugh if you want, because people love to bring up the Rare aquisition, but it's not 2002 anymore. We need to stop living in the past - MS bought Rare for DK, which wasn't part of the deal, and they've clearly learned from that foolish mistake. Based on dev cycles and when they started buying studios, I have to imagine their launch lineup will be largely exclusives and largely games that have not been announced. They've been treating XB1 as second class for a while now, like Nintendo did when they abandoned Wii-U and shifted all in-development games to Switch. It's going to be an interesting transition to a new generation, that's for sure.

Re: Insiders Claim That Next Xbox Is More Advanced Than PS5


I think there might be a bit of underestimation going on regarding MS's software. Microsoft has been buying studios for some time now, because they know that's a weakness for them, and I have to imagine that will pay off for them eventually.

What I'll be interested to see is how this ties into their shift towards games as a service, and whether or not the physical XBox will be that important to their strategy. The lightning in a bottle of XB360 was largely a victory of online infrastructure, because the hardware was pretty garbage. I'll be interested to see if they successfully leverage their strength in that area.