Comments 502

Re: Naughty Dog Structuring Next Major PS5 Project 'More Like a TV Show'


Been saying for years they should just stop making games entirely and focus on animated TV shows. The Naughty Dog game formula is tired and it's clear the gameplay is secondary and kind of a nuisance for them at this point. TLOU2 was basically a bunch of chores along a hallway to the next cutscene. And that's the one that has an "open world" area. So what does that mean for this game? Just leave the games behind. They could make some killer TV shows for Sony's Crunchyroll anime empire.

Re: Soapbox: I'm Sorry, But Your Cute Cat Game Isn't That Great


Say Liam is correct that the gameplay is ho hum. Who cares? The premise of playing as a cat is a huge draw to non-gamers, and a simple moveset and gameplay mean they can actually play it and complete it. A game like Stray is great because it grows the gaming community. Not every game needs to be novel to jaded gamers who play every big release.

Re: Final Fantasy 16 Will Have Party Members After All, But You Won't Be Controlling Them


And I'm out. AI party members will always feel like the game playing itself to me. If you want real time action combat, just give me a solo character to play. If you want a party, then make it co-op or give me tactical control and go turn-based. Trying to do both in a single player game is why I've found many FF games to be impossible to get into. If this is your thing, I hope it turns out well for you, but it's not for me.

Re: Sony Leaks The Last of Us: Part I for PS5, Launching 2nd September


@AverageGamer Honestly not that big a boost. Up 63% year over year when the Switch port is excluded. Making it available on a new system had a much bigger impact. The prior year was 2018 in which it sold about 3 million copies. In June 2019 CDPR said lifetime sales of Witcher 3 were 20 million or so. So a modest half million boost from the TV show. Not bad. But considering that S1 of the TV show had more than 500 million viewers in its first month, I think it's safe to say that a sizeable portion of show watchers were not converted to game players. Still, you're probably right, TLOU rerelease around show's launch will probably boost sales. And obviously they didn't put much money into the rerelease, and it's overpriced, so it's an easy win for them.

Re: Hello Games' Next Project Is Sounding Super Ambitious


I just hope they take the time to understand what they're building and why game mechanics should or shouldn't be included. NMS has kinda become a kitchen sink, and a lot of the mechanical additions feel like they're there just to be there and not because they serve a purpose in the design.

Re: EA Is the Next Major Publisher Tipped for a Takeover


Being 3rd party is pretty critical for EA. EA is built on franchise licensing and those rights holders don't want their franchises locked to a single platform. Do you think EA wants to make FIFA for Switch any more? If any platform holder purchased them, they'd lose the thing that makes them valuable. And any non-platform holder that purchases them doesn't really change their business model much. This is a non-issue even if it were to happen.

Re: Talking Point: Do You Read All the Crap in Games?


When there's enough of it and you can tell from looking at it that it might be interesting, you can kind of pick and choose what to read based on interest just like real life. Elder Scrolls is great for this imo. I read the title of a book and if it sounds interesting I'll read it, if not then not.

Re: Soapbox: Voice of Cards: The Isle Dragon Roars, the Most Relaxing RPG I've Ever Played


I tried the demo and was convinced not to buy it because of how trivial the gameplay felt. The default difficulty would be story mode in any other game. It's like it was supposed to be a visual novel but begrudgingly was made into a game instead. I was disappointed because I liked everything else about it, including the chill tone and narration and the weird but effective presentation as cards. I didn't even mind how slow it progressed. Just needed a challenge bump to be engaging.

Re: Video: Reboot, Remaster and Remake - What’s the Difference?


Can we throw port into the mix? The real issue is that these terms are not mutually exclusive. A game could theoretically be a port, a remaster, a remake, and a reboot all at the same time. For example, if they ported the original code, remastered it with new assets, and then added additional all new gameplay (remake), but then also the release negates past sequels and an all new sequel takes the series in a new direction (reboot).

Re: Godfall (PS5) - Good Combat Means It's Not Godawful


@Northern_munkey @naruball Because there's a difference between a game billed as an online multiplayer service game like Avengers and Godfall that need a constant audience to survive and a game billed as a single-player exploration game that had online multiplayer components added later like NMS. People who aren't interested in service games might have bought NMS and returned to it periodically after updates, but they probably didn't even buy Avengers because of the type of game it is. And people who like multiplayer service games might have picked up NMS cheap once those elements were added, but the game doesn't rely on them to survive, it's complete as a single-player experience even online. People who like service games are also quick to move on once it's clear that X game is not working, and they usually don't come back because there's always a new multiplayer service game coming out and FOMO drives a lot of people to play the newest ones with their friends.

Re: Poll: Vote for the Best Assassin's Creed Game on PlayStation


AC 1 is the only one not swimming in objective markers. Leave me alone and let me explore Ubisoft. AC 2 is the superior story, character, and game though. The rest of them are meh. Unpopular opinion: ship combat in Black Flag was a snooze. The series lost its DNA in Origins. Best AC game I've played overall though is Ghost of Tsushima. Sucker Punch out AC'd AC for sure.

Re: Soapbox: Some Games Assume You Know How to Play Them, and It's Kinda Weird


"Curious players who don't know what to do can just try out all the buttons until they figure things out. Sure, but I don't think you should ever have to resort to that."

I'll be honest, I'm going to press every single button to figure out what they do anyway because that's how my brain works and if the tutorials could just get out of my way and let me get on with that I'd really appreciate it. When I have to spend an hour "learning," having the game walk me through basic controls, it drives me nuts, especially if I'm replaying the game. How about making a game's tutorial optional right at the beginning? Best of both worlds.

Re: Reaction: Messy Ghost of Tsushima Upgrade Makes PS5 for the Payers


@GKT I rented this game for free from my library last year, because quarantine boredom. And because I knew it would eventually get a GOTY edition or DLC or a PS5 version in the next 1-1.5 years-ish. Because it always happens. And because I buy physical, and I wait for that "definitive version" that has all the important patches on the disc before owning a game. Honestly, data management and video games has been a mess for two generations now. If you buy games at launch you shouldn't be surprised if something like this happens.

Re: PS5, PS4's Elden Ring Is 'Very Difficult But Can Be Handled'


Accessibility is good. The majority of games should have difficulty options and should be accessible to as many people as possible. The majority of games do provide accessibility. So my question is, with so many games out there providing that experience, why do the few like Souls need to change?

Ignore the git gud jerks. Souls in specific loses something by adding an easy mode. If you don't understand why that's important to its fans, you should be wary about asking for changes. These are my very favorite games because I can't turn down the difficulty. The bridge is burned. The only way to win is to change myself, not the world around me. An easy mode cheapens souls the same way a ski lift would cheapen Everest. This game is about the challenge of beating something that can't be adjusted to you. That's core to the experience. Changing it makes the game fundamentally not itself. If that's not appealing the game is not for you. Full stop. It should be okay that not every game is for every person.

Re: PS5 Scalpers Frustrate and Upset Sony Boss Jim Ryan


Here's an idea, just let me order one. I don't care if it takes 6 months for you to deliver, if I've ordered it and it'll get here sometime, then I'm good to wait. This having to keep checking PS Direct for the random days and times they release stock, or getting notifications from 3rd party trackers, or trying to snag one from a retailer in competition with inhumanly fast bots is the real hassle. At this point my time investment trying to get one is greater than the increased cost of buying it scalped.