Comments 502

Re: Microsoft's Xbox Series X Exclusive Game Strategy May Play Into Sony and PS5 Hands


But does this matter? There are many fewer XB1's in the wild, and many many many PS4's. It would be a ludicrous strategy for Sony, but for MS it might make sense. I know if those games are enticing I'd be looking them and thinking I don't have any MS machine at all. And if I have to buy a machine anyway, I have two options - I can get in quick and cheap with the old machine or pay extra and get the new one for better future-proofing. It's a little like Nintendo. 3DS has been the budget entry-point for a while, and now Switch Lite is taking over for it. All MS is doing is setting up that situation out of the gate. Which is probably fine considering that they're moving towards Game Pass as the future. The software will drive the real product in the end, and that's not the hardware for MS.

Re: Cyberpunk 2077 Will Have Twice As Much Keanu Reeves As Initially Planned


@Eldritch He's not that bad of an actor. He has a narrow range, but manages solid depth and competence if the character falls within that range. I don't think they're leaning on his star power too much in the game's development. Keanu isn't this game's only selling point, or even a major one. However, the marketing team sure isn't going to pass up the opportunity to push that angle after the positive attention he got on stage.

@Gmork___ It's weird that we're totally fine with actors playing different roles in different movies, but throw an actor's likeness into a game and it's jarring. I mean, I agree with you, but I wonder why...?

Re: Reaction: Unrealistic Expectations Mar Sony's Best State of Play So Far


@tameshiyaku I'm with you, except it doesn't feel like years. It really is years.

The Last of Us 2 announced December 2016
Ghost of Tsushima announced October 2017
Death Stranding announced at E3 2016

And it wouldn't be so bad - they're all good looking games - except that they've focused too hard and too frequently on those games without much else.

Re: Reaction: Unrealistic Expectations Mar Sony's Best State of Play So Far


Any news about TLOU 2, Ghost of Tsushima, Death Stranding, and FFVII Remake is totally irrelevant to me at this point. I've already made decisions on all of those games. Months ago. The announcement and hype cycle is TOO. LONG.

Where does that leave this State of Play? Civ VI is nice. The demos are nice. CoD doesn't really need promotion. A couple small game announcements, one of which was utterly incomprehensible. TLOU 2 release date.

It's certainly pretty thin. Barely enough content overall to justify having the show. Just because I LIKE some of the things (like TLOU), doesn't mean I'm not disappointed. They just don't have enough to talk about until they're ready to start talking about PS5.

Re: First Person RPG Cyberpunk 2077 Will Have First Person Cutscenes


I find first person perspective in games LESS immersive, unless it's in VR. It feels like looking through a tunnel, or like I'm wearing a box on my face, and it makes the sharp precise movements of the camera more jarringly inhuman. It's like a unique form of uncanny valley for me, and it totally pulls me out of the world because there's just no ignoring it.

I'm not arguing that Cyberpunk should have a 3rd person mode, or that it will fail without it, because come on, this game is going to be something special and it'll sell like gangbusters. But the perspective has certainly contributed to me sitting on the fence about it.

Honestly, more than adding 3rd person, if they really want to pursue immersion, I think the best thing would be to add full VR support down the line.

Re: Hands On: No Man's Sky Beyond Brings a New Lease of Life to the Ambitious Adventure


The new carrying limits have drastically improved the grind in my opinion, but it's still very much: collect this thing to make that thing, make X number of the new thing and combine them with this other thing to make the newer thing, then install that thing on the other thing and don't forget to refuel it later with the other other thing.

But it looks good. And it always keeps me coming back to see what I can find over on the next ball in space. Loved the ring system planet in my starter system. And the flying manatees. Here's to astrozoology, which has become my personal primary objective.