Comments 502

Re: Soapbox: Games As a Service Should Be Embraced, Not Misunderstood


I'd also like to point out that the linked Wikipedia article does not seem to support the conflation of all post release content and a game as a service. Downloadable content is only mentioned once in the Wikipedia article, as a potential form that microtransactions might take. It's pretty clear that the definition used in the PushSquare article is not widely accepted.

Re: Soapbox: Games As a Service Should Be Embraced, Not Misunderstood


At best it's additional content that's not necessary to the game's story or mechanics, which is good for people who want to sink more into that specific game. At worst, it feels like a gimped product at release or a paywall. I don't have the time to invest in a game for more than a few weeks. There are always new games to play coming up and I have lots of other entertainment vying for my attention that isn't games. I can't possibly consume everything I'm interested in. It doesn't matter much to me if the content is free or not, once I've moved on I'm done.

Edit: And as the article describes, this sort of add-on content can be good after the campaign is over. The real problem is games that don't have a campaign to begin with, or have a shoddy one, because really all they have are the service side. When I see the term "games as a service," those are the ones I think of, not AC or TLOU or Ghost despite those having peripheral service elements.

Re: PS5 Console Exclusive Deathloop Has Been Delayed to Q2 2021


@NYJetsfan123 These two are relevant:

Edit: Personally I think it's a bit too early to tell. I'll buy a PS5 at launch depending on system price and what games are coming out within 3 months of the system, but so much is still unconfirmed right now I'm not making any firm decisions yet. People calling for the system launch to be delayed are maybe being a little hasty.

Re: Best PS4 Games


@Kristos Oh yes, so sorry to have disagreed with this list just like every other person in these comments posting their own preferences. I mostly agree with this list, but TLOU2? Nah, overrated. Even though its story is top tier (for a video game), the gameplay is a repetitive and uninspired hallway recycling the same combat encounter for 20+ hours with the same bare handful of enemy types. It doesn't stack up against the frankly dizzying number of excellent games on this list.

Re: Best PS4 Games


@gollumb82 In no way is TLOU 2 better than Witcher 3, RDR2, Monster Hunter World, Persona 5, Horizon Zero Dawn, Dreams, Bloodborne, Death Stranding, or Ghost of Tsushima. It definitely doesn't belong in the top 10 at the very least. I didn't play Uncharted 4, so I can't speak to that one. After that, it's maybe more debatable. Personally, I think it's highly overrated and there are many better games on this list even lower down.

Re: Best PS4 Games


Last of Us II shouldn't even be in the upper half, let alone number 2. Lot of great games on that list though.

Re: Ghost of Tsushima's Shockingly Short Load Times Were Originally Even Quicker


Tool tips on load screens were meant to make loading less boring and inactive. If you can make the loading fast enough that they're not needed, drop the tips and find somewhere else to put them. This kind of thinking worries me a little for next gen. Say PS5 makes load screens a thing of the past. Will developers who have spent years building instincts to hide them actually adjust their design accordingly, or will they do what Tsushima just did and dial back the tech to make room for the same tired designs of yesteryear because that's what feels "correct"?

Re: Poll: What Is Your Preferred Game Length?


So hard to say, but generally I like to think of value in terms of $/hour. I won't buy most games of average quality until they reach the $1/hour mark. Some games hit that at launch regardless of quality (DQ11, Witcher 3), some don't (Jedi: Fallen Order). Those average games that don't are rent or buy later games for me. If a game is high quality, by which I usually mean it has a killer story (The Last of Us), I'm happy to pay $4/hour (roughly 15ish hours for a $60 game). Once it hits the $5/hour mark (roughly 12 hours or less for a $60 game) I start to tip towards the value not being there for me no matter the quality and it's a rent or buy later game.

Edit: Assuming of course that the quality of the content is consistent throughout.

Re: How Gran Turismo 7 Is Using PS5's Unique Features


@MarcG420 @piggyhero Fair enough, I just remember popping into GT Sport in VR. It was...not good. I believe what I said at the time was, "PS2 graphics what are you doing here?" I haven't played it in VR since. Hopefully PS5 gives PSVR1 a significant boost, but I still think PSVR2 will be the real game changer.

Re: Persona 4 Golden Fans Remain Hopeful of a PS4 Port


This conversation is the stuff Onion headlines are made of. Something like this:

Gamer Begs for Port from Heartless Company

An unknown gamer recently begged for a port of a game that didn't release on his platform of choice. "I just want to play the game," said GimmeGimme62, "But not on, you know, the thing they released it on. On the thing I own."

But other commenters were not so sure. "I don't know. Seems difficult to move a game to another platform. I can already play it so my thought is, why bother?" said SelfishGamer27. He later added, "Besides, I need validation that I made the right purchasing decision."

Some commenters theorized that these two accounts were owned by the same person, but our sources were unable to confirm that to be true. A related but ultimately tangential argument began on the same forum later in the day about which platform's port beggars were the worst. Results remain inconclusive.

When we reached out to the company for comment we received only the following reply: "We at the Heartless Company do not base our business decisions on the so-called online forums. To our knowledge there is no way to adequately communicate with users to learn what they want."

For those like GimmeGimme62, there's only one recourse then. "We'll just have to hope they randomly make the right decision," said PLEASEGIMME2020, one of the commenters in the please port camp, "Anything's possible, right?"

Re: Gap Squeezing in PS5's Unreal Engine 5 Demo Was Not a Disguised Loading Screen, Says Epic


@phil_j That's good design right there, aligning the game's mechanical needs with the player's via proper pacing.

The best games have been marrying the necessity of a load screen with useful game moments for some time. Fact is, some of the things we're used to seeing that hide load screens won't disappear no matter how fast that drive is. They'll just become conscious choices for dramatic effect instead of cleverly disguised necessary evils.

Re: Poll: How Much Do 'True' Gameplay Trailers Matter to You?


I like cinematic trailers. I especially like them for announcements or reveals. I think the following timeline would be perfect for maximizing hype for me (Astral Chain was pretty close to this):

6 months out, cinematic reveal trailer with release date.
3 months out, gameplay trailer.
1 month out, demo released.
In the week leading up to launch, cinematic trailer.

But regardless... if you call it a gameplay trailer, it should have more gameplay than not shouldn't it?

Re: PS5's User Interface Could Help You to Plan Your Game Sessions


This will finally let us turn games into solely execution challenges and remove all problem solving elements. Maybe in the far future they'll take it one step further and we'll be able to throw a game on in the background and it'll just play itself so we don't have to and we can just watch it happen. Like some sort of watching a story happen thing. Wish there was a word for that.

Re: Prince of Persia 6 Website Domain Registered by Ubisoft


@thebakerswife Oh yes, I agree, I think there's space for both now. When I think PoP platforming acrobatics come to mind. The 2008 game was about as open world as I'd like to see PoP get. I wish we were getting a sequel to that game, but it's probably been too long. That's why I think total reboot unless they try to cash in on a Sands trilogy remaster. I loved those games too, but I'd be a little disappointed if they just rolled those forward. PoP deserves more new entries.

Re: Sony Researching Finger Tracking Controllers for PSVR, and There's Video Proof


This is pretty neat but...I can turn on finger tracking in my Oculus Quest right now as an experimental feature and it doesn't require any controllers. It's pretty impressive to watch your virtual hands move in real time while holding nothing. The move controllers feel unbelievably dated, so there's a lot of room for improvement, but I'd like Sony to improve on or refine what others are doing.

Re: PS5 Controller Revealed, Named DualSense with Create Button and Built-in Microphone


It's ok. Looks comfortable, all the right buttons, the haptic feedback will likely be awesome. The rest? Meh.

Don't care about the mic, and never cared about the share button, probably won't care about it being create instead now, but those are great for people who like that.

White? Ugh. Terrible. It was bad for Wii and it's bad here. There'll be a better color option later though. And here's hoping turning off the lightbar is an option because trading the reflection in my TV for having it shine at my face is not an improvement. Looks like the same analog sticks too. Oh well.