Comments 341

Re: Don't Expect to See Kazuma Kiryu or Goro Majima as Guest Fighters in Tekken, Street Fighter


Oh come AWN man. First they didnt want kiryu hitting women now this. I guess these devs just dont like cool things. Makes me wonder what other great ideas developers or their higher ups mightve prevented from happening. They put the cool badass fighting yakuza man in monkey ball and a golf game but refuse to put him in a fighting game where he can actually fight. Like what he does in his own games. Smh

Re: Double Dragon Revive Is a New, 3D Beat-'Em-Up from Arc System Works


It looks solid but I need some raw gameplay to truly judge. Still I'm a bit bummed out now. I was hoping arcsys was doing it and actually trying their hand at action games. I dont think theres ever been a yuke's game that I was really interested in. Hopefully the final game will look better. Its still nice to see these classic bralwers coming back in a different style than the same pixel art stuff we've been getting

Re: Sunset Overdrive PS5 Port Not Happening, Insomniac's Too 'Busy'


@Westernwolf4 kind of an odd comment. Sunsets traversal is similar to Spiderman but its still pretty different. Feels more platformy. Most of the time in Spiderman you can travel just by web swinging alone without the extra jumps or wall runs. They're pretty different movement systems.

A lot of us want something a little more different than the usual grounded and realistic Super hero game. A lot of us do care more for gameplay than story

Re: Poll: Can a Game's Brutal Difficultly Put You Off Playing It?


Personally nothing can ever really put me off cuz I'm too prideful to accept defeat. No matter how frustrating I would still have a drive to beat the game.

Anyway I appreciate challenge when its legit. Maybe with some clever design or enemies that push me to really think about properly utilizing my moves and whatnot. What I dont like is stuff like spongey enemies, insane damage, instakills, etc. Stuff like that just feels cheap to me

Re: Poll: One Year Later, What Are Your Thoughts on Final Fantasy 16?


Twas a really good game but a few things prevented it from being great. It couldve been much shorter, the eikon abilities shouldn't have cooldown, ultima should've just been scrapped from the story and it focuses on the warring countries and stuff, Barnabas should've been the main villain or maybe his mother who could've corrupted him or something, fewer side quests and maybe some other things I can't really think of right now. It basically needed some fat trimmed off of it. I also think the moveset could've been expanded. It didn't feel like enough. Perhaps Jill, Joshua, and Cid could've been playable

Re: Naughty Dog Won't Be 'The Last of Us Studio Forever', Says Neil Druckmann


I'd only want a lst of us 3 so maybe ellie can win her family back and focus on finding a cure. I just dont want it to end on the dog poop 2nd game.

Anyway I can only have faith in ND again if they give me something new. Sylized, fantasy, SOMETHING. Their new IP could be the same as uncharted or last of us. Same hyper realistic graphics, same basic gameplay, no cool artstyle or anything else to make the game stand out, etc. Hopefully its much more appealing.

Re: Stellar Blade Is a Better Game Than NieR: Automata, Yoko Taro Reckons


@DETfaninATL I don't get the bayo comparisons. Besides both having a hot female mc. As for nier there are a few things. The music (same composer I think), hot female mc who's fighting in a war, several of her teammates die in the beginning, there's a little drone companion that helps you in combat, post apocalyptic world, and whatever else. The nier comparisons seem more understandable

Re: Sony Predicts Slide in PS5 Sales with No Major Existing IPs Planned Before March 2025


@Ryan22sp lmao I don't think I disagree with a single thing you said. I just straight up dont care about Sony's major 1st party stuff with maybe an exception here and there like returnal and astro. Until their major studios can show me anything that isn't some Hyper realistic, grounded and basic game then I remain fast asleep on them. Still plenty out there to eat anyway

Re: Madcap Action Game Wanted: Dead Gets an Update Almost One Year After Release


@CharlieChooChoo Yup. FYI the studio behind it, Soleil, is made up of ex Team ninja devs and one of the directors of Black directed this game as well. Dont be fooled like many other people tho. This game is its own thing. It doesnt play like ninja gaiden at all so dont expect fast paced combos and izuna drops and such. It just has a similar feel imo. Especially with how difficult and aggressive the enemies can be.