They did say the neo classic thing was gonna be a series of games so I doubt this is actually an April fools joke. Just hope we'll be able to see em all come to fruition. I'm also glad the next one will be a brawler
So is no one else even just a bit concerned that Microsoft is spending literal billions buying companies that have some of the most popular games ever? Or is everyone just saying "haha more exclusives for microsoft"?
Long answer: Uncharted 2. Uncharted 4 could've been the best but it's story kinda sucked. First off Sam should've been teased in an earlier game. Maybe he was and I just missed It but it felt weird that drake suddenly has a brother. The story should've been Sam actually needing drakes help to taking care of the cartel dude or whoever he was and taking the treasure for themselves instead of it being a whole story Sam made up.
Then there was their name change. I was hoping it would be more along the lines of them being related to some infamous treasure hunters or something so they changed their names to be safe. Or maybe they did some real messed up stuff in the past and changed their names to stay safe from the public or something. But the name change didn't seem all that big a deal. I expected much more from their backstory
And rafe just sucked. He was a lame ass villain. And I also kinda wished they went into more fantasy territory like how Uncharted 2 did with those huge monster things and the shandorians. I think that's what they were called.
Uncharted 4 could've been way better but 2 still wears the crown imo
@Atreus97 I doubt it'd be any different from any gta. Or assassins creed. Just some AI walking around, maybe a few groups talking to each other, cars driving by, etc
I'm kinda stuck on this. On one hand I'm finding it very hard to believe this is actual gameplay, but on the other hand we've gotten some great looking games on the dated consoles of last gen like FF7 remake, gow4, last of us 2, dmc5, etc. So with these new consoles and having a huge Corp backing it financially, maybe this can actual happen
I'm definitely hype but I'm hoping this plays more like ninja gaiden or a new formula. It'd be weird for them to make 2 nioh style games after they already said they're done with the nioh series. Either way I'm excited
Hype! Excited to see the progress they've made so far. They did great with the fan feedback with nioh so I hope they do the same here. Not worried about the visuals either. Nioh 2 looked great on my base ps4 so I'm sure the final product will be great too. I just hope they add more color 😅
I despise the yakuza games for their platinum trophies. Especially judgment. I cam do the easier stuff like unlocking all upgrades, using whatever fighting style how many times, purchasing all items in a store. But the flippin minigames are the absolute worst. And some things are just so insanely tedious and time consuming.
Win the drone race. But my drone sucks and needs better parts. Go talk to this guy to get a better part. He wants a lotta money for it. Don't have enough money. I'll need a quick way to grind. Do vr missions. They don't give me enough. Oh there's an item that helps me earn more money in vr? It costs 10 tickets. 1 ticket is 2 million dollars and only available at this store. Another ticket is exclusively earned through getting 127 homeruns in a row at the batting cages. The batting controls are way too sensitive. Oh there's a golden bat that improves your performance. You have to defeat each member of the amon family at the same time to earn the bat...
Not gonna say it sucked but it was very underwhelming like it has been the past few years. Guess it's to be expected since Sony and Nintendo don't really participate in these events anymore and have their own showcases.
Like I've said before people didn't buy or support all the Japanese games we used to get. Everyone bought God of War and sushi ghost and Spiderman and whatever else. No one buys those unique Japanese games. Amd it's not just japan studio. There have been so many amazing Japanese games that didn't sell well over the years. Games that brought something new to the table or managed to make a done already thing feel new. God hand, okami, wonderful 101, The silver case, no more heroes, gravity Rush, vanquish, 13 sentinels, Jet set Radio future, etc. Its unfair
@sajoey same thing I've been saying. People didn't support those games. I mean I get why a golf game wouldn't sell much, but we've had games like gr and gr2, ico, Folklore, last guardian, etc. Great games that no one bought 🤷♂️
There's something about these Chinese games. Many of them look similar to me. Sure the graphics are nice, but then you have hits with no impact, jank animations, etc. Of course there are exceptions like that wukong game and FIST but still. I do like how you can traverse on the bamboo and also how he sliced the bamboo and kicked it into the monsters chest
Then just skip the pc version. If it comes down to it make a new protag cuz I really don't wanna see some new face for Yagami. I really like this dude.
But what will the gameplay be like? The parkour movement looks dope what but else will the game offer? Im pretty upset that game devs are still in the graphics obsession phase. Hopefully the game actually contains some cool stuff in it.
Instead of wasting it on pointless things, let's direct that anger toward nintendo for not remaking mother 3. Do you know how incredible that game is??? And it's still stuck on the flippin Gameboy in Japan. There are bigger problems that need to be addressed people come on
Nioh was amazing so its no surprise that the gameplay here was great too. They just need to work on the graphics and framerate. Also glad they added difficulty options so I dont have to worry about adding more holes to my wall
I remember when platinum said they're opening a studio for live service game back when they got the tencent money. Gonna assume that that studio has a buncha new less experienced guys doing this game while the veterans focus on bayo 3 and GG. I couldn't think of any other reason why this game looks so bad. Their mobile game looks way better than this
Part of me will always be excited whenever a major gaming event is coming up. You never know what will happen, but still I'm not expecting anything. I'm just happy to finally see a Platinum game
people really thought sony was just gonna ditch the millions of ps4 owners out there. The thousands who cant get a ps5 because of the pandemic and shortages that everyone seems to have forgotten about. That horizon footage didnt look held back in any way to me
@Ken_Kaniff I'd agree if most final fantasy games DIDNT have completely different stories, casts, worlds, and now different combat systems. They're almost completely different games from one another especially the more recent games like 15, 7 remake, and I'm sure 16 will be different too
Oh whatever. We've been through this already. Xbox simply does BC better than playstation. Oh freakin well. Once the new gen games really start coming in I guarantee BC will fade away in the blink of an eye and beat of your heart. Stuff like this makes me wish developers would just take a big ol hiatus from making games cuz some of you people are very undeserving
A Pinocchio souls like. Such a silly idea is very welcome. It just looks so extra edgy and weird. Pinocchio looks unexpectedly cool and the voice acting is extra cheesey. I'm very hype for this. I'm down for anything that dares to be different nowadays.
I keep seeing this game everywhere and yet I have no clue what it even is. Is there even gameplay? Any articles saying what it's about? What are people so hype about?
With the trademarks, possible leaks, and now this, an announcement is just a matter of time at this point.
I'd love to see a sequel and what new crazy ***** they'd put it in. What do people just want em to do Ratchet and Clank forever? And yea the Spiderman games are great but they're still the same cinematic qte games I've played plenty of times before. They at least tried something new with SSO and I know they can do even better with a sequel
@PegasusActual93 I feel ya man. Ive always enjoyed these games but theyre hardly any different from one another (besides like a dragon). There are many ways to improve and deepen the combat but it always remains pretty much the same. I think Y0 has the best combat
I guess I'm in the minority here, but I really dont get how the bethesda purchase become such a big del. I know they used to be up there with the big boys but havent they gotten a lot of crap not long ago about having buggy games or something? Also the only titles that would suck to see go exclusive is doom and skyrim. I dont even play skyrim but I get how popular it is. Also its not the end of the world. An xbox is $300-$400. Wont take too long to put a little bit of money away for one if it comes down to it.
GTAV and Wild breath are the 2 open world I enjoyed the most. GTAV couldve had more stuff to do but I still had fun with what I was given. I like how random robberies occured, or how I'm on my way to a mission and someone claims they need help only to lead me to some alleyway and try to rob me, and escaping the police will always be a blast.
Wild breath has so many little details and stuff packed into it, its just ridiculous. Like how rain can make it harder to climb or easier to shield surf on the ground, or how I can just be strolling thru the forest and a giant rock monster boss spawns. Also the tools you have and the many combat possibilities are very fun to discover.
@JapaneseSonic Nope. Never said I was. Never felt that way. Not really sure what part of my comment made you think I consider myself better than others for the types of games I play.
Future of Gaming events should just be brand new game announcements. You know, games coming out in the future, and State of Plays should just be deep dives of the stuff announced at the future of gaming. At least that way people will know for sure what to expect from each event
@Col_McCafferty I understand your look on the whole thing. It seems you prefer the story based cinematics and whatnot and thats just fine. Those are still well made games. But when I finish them, my reaction isnt much more than "Well that was pretty good".
I dont hate these games or anything but I wish they stood out more from one another. Horizon for example, may still follow the same open world 3rd person formula, but you also fight giant robot dinosaurs (and other mechanical beasts). You can take off the weapons mounted on their bodies and use them agianst them. You can hijack their brains and have them fight each other. Its still more on the creative side and is something I enjoyed far more than uncharted or days gone or last of us 2.
I dont expect perfect balance between cinematic games and the more classic style games, but I do think the current balance could be better. I would like to see the big name developers take a look at some of the smaller more unique indie titles and such and say "Hmm. Yea lets try that"
Istill put part of the blame on the gamers themselves. At the end of the day theyre gonna flock toward the same god of wars, uncharteds, last of us.
Im not saying these games are bad by any means, but what has uncharted 4 done that the past 3 games haven't? More particle effects? Bigger explosions or set pieces? More drops of sweat on Nathans face? Spiderman was fun, especially MM, but what makes it so much different from the many games before it? Besides the prettier graphics of course. Sushi ghost was pretty good. But apart from the artstyle, and I guess the 1 on 1 duels, that game is among the most basic a game can get.
And now when something unique comes along, something that hasnt really been done before or to as big a degree, its slept on. Or it receives negative feedback cuz it doesnt hold your hand, or cuz it wants you to explore and figure things out, or it requires you to learn and get better. Its like if a game isnt open world, or has the same bland artstyle as the previously mentioned games, or isnt a souls like, it has no chance.
I'm not putting the entire blame on the gamers, but again I do put a good portion of it on them
They say japan studio wasn't bringing in enough bread. People slept on their games but were wide awake for God of War, and spiderman, and uncharted and sushi ghost. And I'm not crapping on these games. Yes they are good games but let's be real. They do pretty much nothing that we haven't seen already and just have more pixels, or more particles during an explosion and more wrinkles on a characters face or something. And when something unique and creative is made, it gets crapped on for being too hard or having controls that no one even bothered trying to figure out or that the game didn't hold their hand and tell em what to do every 5 minutes. Well this is the result.
I don't really care for metal gear like I used to, but I'm gonna need fromsoft to handle castlevania. It's literally cookies and milk, peanut butter and jelly, burgers and fries and whatever other food combinations you can think of. I'd like to see what other Japanese studio would do with it like cappy or team ninja even, but fromsoft NEEDS to be the ones to take over castlevania
This is the game awards. Not the oscars. Youd think they would maybe get some gaming voice actors to host or something. Whatevs. I just hope the premieres will be good
The only thing I like about digital is the convenience. I don't have to go out or wait for a mail delivery. Nothing to make me choose it over physical. I love collecting games and the feeling of popping open a new one and inserting the disc will never get old to me. Also digital prices are insane. Why is sekiro still 60 bucks?!
I highly doubt these votes are even counted. End of the day whatever game the guys running this want to win, will win. No point in getting upset or anything.
Ok this is just stupid. Like, very flipping stupid. No web browser? What exactly DOES this thing do? I know the games are what matters most but yo this thing is a freakin skeleton right now. Its doing the complete opposite of what Microsoft is doing right now. This explains why they took so long to show off the system. THERE WAS NOTHING TO SHOW OFF
Comments 341
Re: PlatinumGames' Latest April Fools Prank Is to Announce 9 New Games
They did say the neo classic thing was gonna be a series of games so I doubt this is actually an April fools joke. Just hope we'll be able to see em all come to fruition. I'm also glad the next one will be a brawler
Re: Capcom Countdown Teases Reveal for Next Week
This is most likely yet another SF or RE which so I have nothing to be hype about.
Re: First Impressions: Ghostwire: Tokyo Goes Heavy on Supernatural Action
I'm so glad this game exists and it looks so damn awesome. Really happy we're getting something new instead of another evil within
Re: Reaction: Activision Blizzard Buyout Is Devastating for PS5, PS4
So is no one else even just a bit concerned that Microsoft is spending literal billions buying companies that have some of the most popular games ever? Or is everyone just saying "haha more exclusives for microsoft"?
Re: Poll: What's the Best Uncharted Game?
Short answer: Uncharted 2.
Long answer: Uncharted 2. Uncharted 4 could've been the best but it's story kinda sucked. First off Sam should've been teased in an earlier game. Maybe he was and I just missed It but it felt weird that drake suddenly has a brother. The story should've been Sam actually needing drakes help to taking care of the cartel dude or whoever he was and taking the treasure for themselves instead of it being a whole story Sam made up.
Then there was their name change. I was hoping it would be more along the lines of them being related to some infamous treasure hunters or something so they changed their names to be safe. Or maybe they did some real messed up stuff in the past and changed their names to stay safe from the public or something. But the name change didn't seem all that big a deal. I expected much more from their backstory
And rafe just sucked. He was a lame ass villain. And I also kinda wished they went into more fantasy territory like how Uncharted 2 did with those huge monster things and the shandorians. I think that's what they were called.
Uncharted 4 could've been way better but 2 still wears the crown imo
Re: Impressive Project Awakening Footage Emerges from Cygames Tech Showcase
I wish developers would at least have their games halfway done before deciding to announce anything
Re: Impressive Project Awakening Footage Emerges from Cygames Tech Showcase
@Atreus97 I doubt it'd be any different from any gta. Or assassins creed. Just some AI walking around, maybe a few groups talking to each other, cars driving by, etc
Re: Chinese Open World RPG Honor of Kings Looks Mind Bogglingly Good
I'm kinda stuck on this. On one hand I'm finding it very hard to believe this is actual gameplay, but on the other hand we've gotten some great looking games on the dated consoles of last gen like FF7 remake, gow4, last of us 2, dmc5, etc. So with these new consoles and having a huge Corp backing it financially, maybe this can actual happen
Re: Team Ninja's New Action Game Is Based on Romance of the Three Kingdoms
I'm definitely hype but I'm hoping this plays more like ninja gaiden or a new formula. It'd be weird for them to make 2 nioh style games after they already said they're done with the nioh series. Either way I'm excited
Re: Wanted: Dead Is a Hyperviolent PS5 Action Game from the Director of Ninja Gaiden
Very hype. It looks pretty good for alpha footage. I just hope the final game will be a little faster paced
Re: Chaos! Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin Schedules TGS Showcase for This Saturday
Hype! Excited to see the progress they've made so far. They did great with the fan feedback with nioh so I hope they do the same here. Not worried about the visuals either. Nioh 2 looked great on my base ps4 so I'm sure the final product will be great too. I just hope they add more color 😅
Re: Lost Judgment Trophy List Requires Charm and Commitment
I despise the yakuza games for their platinum trophies. Especially judgment. I cam do the easier stuff like unlocking all upgrades, using whatever fighting style how many times, purchasing all items in a store. But the flippin minigames are the absolute worst. And some things are just so insanely tedious and time consuming.
Win the drone race. But my drone sucks and needs better parts. Go talk to this guy to get a better part. He wants a lotta money for it. Don't have enough money. I'll need a quick way to grind. Do vr missions. They don't give me enough. Oh there's an item that helps me earn more money in vr? It costs 10 tickets. 1 ticket is 2 million dollars and only available at this store. Another ticket is exclusively earned through getting 127 homeruns in a row at the batting cages. The batting controls are way too sensitive. Oh there's a golden bat that improves your performance. You have to defeat each member of the amon family at the same time to earn the bat...
Re: Round Up: What Was Announced at Gamescom Opening Night Live 2021?
Not gonna say it sucked but it was very underwhelming like it has been the past few years. Guess it's to be expected since Sony and Nintendo don't really participate in these events anymore and have their own showcases.
Re: Sony Investing in External Japanese Development Group
Like I've said before people didn't buy or support all the Japanese games we used to get. Everyone bought God of War and sushi ghost and Spiderman and whatever else. No one buys those unique Japanese games. Amd it's not just japan studio. There have been so many amazing Japanese games that didn't sell well over the years. Games that brought something new to the table or managed to make a done already thing feel new. God hand, okami, wonderful 101, The silver case, no more heroes, gravity Rush, vanquish, 13 sentinels, Jet set Radio future, etc. Its unfair
Re: Sony Investing in External Japanese Development Group
@sajoey same thing I've been saying. People didn't support those games. I mean I get why a golf game wouldn't sell much, but we've had games like gr and gr2, ico, Folklore, last guardian, etc. Great games that no one bought 🤷♂️
Re: Action RPG Faith of Danschant: Hereafter Is Another Chinese-Developed Game That Has People Talking
There's something about these Chinese games. Many of them look similar to me. Sure the graphics are nice, but then you have hits with no impact, jank animations, etc. Of course there are exceptions like that wukong game and FIST but still. I do like how you can traverse on the bamboo and also how he sliced the bamboo and kicked it into the monsters chest
Re: Judgment Series Future Unclear as Lead Actor's Agency Reportedly Disrupts SEGA's Plans
Then just skip the pc version. If it comes down to it make a new protag cuz I really don't wanna see some new face for Yagami. I really like this dude.
Re: PS5 Console Exclusive Forspoken Aims to Be the Best Looking Open World Game Ever
But what will the gameplay be like? The parkour movement looks dope what but else will the game offer? Im pretty upset that game devs are still in the graphics obsession phase. Hopefully the game actually contains some cool stuff in it.
Re: Bethesda Apologises to PS5, PS4 Fans 'P*ssed' at Exclusivity
Instead of wasting it on pointless things, let's direct that anger toward nintendo for not remaking mother 3. Do you know how incredible that game is??? And it's still stuck on the flippin Gameboy in Japan. There are bigger problems that need to be addressed people come on
Re: Bethesda Apologises to PS5, PS4 Fans 'P*ssed' at Exclusivity
It seems so long ago when the world was clowning Microsoft for not having exclusives. Now that they have some everyone's pissed. People be funny yo
Re: Hands On: Forget the Chaos Memes, Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin Has Potential
Nioh was amazing so its no surprise that the gameplay here was great too. They just need to work on the graphics and framerate. Also glad they added difficulty options so I dont have to worry about adding more holes to my wall
Re: Babylon's Fall Gets Smashed with Dislikes Upon Its Gameplay Return
I remember when platinum said they're opening a studio for live service game back when they got the tencent money. Gonna assume that that studio has a buncha new less experienced guys doing this game while the veterans focus on bayo 3 and GG. I couldn't think of any other reason why this game looks so bad. Their mobile game looks way better than this
Re: Xbox Head Targets Sony for Not Launching Games Day and Date on PC
Buuuuuut if sony did that then everyone would just jump to pc would they not?
Re: Talking Point: What Do You Expect from E3 2021 Next Week?
Part of me will always be excited whenever a major gaming event is coming up. You never know what will happen, but still I'm not expecting anything. I'm just happy to finally see a Platinum game
Re: God of War Ragnarok, Gran Turismo 7 PS4 Versions Confirmed
people really thought sony was just gonna ditch the millions of ps4 owners out there. The thousands who cant get a ps5 because of the pandemic and shortages that everyone seems to have forgotten about. That horizon footage didnt look held back in any way to me
Re: Rumour: Final Fantasy Origin Reveal Set for E3, Working with Team Ninja
@Ken_Kaniff I'd agree if most final fantasy games DIDNT have completely different stories, casts, worlds, and now different combat systems. They're almost completely different games from one another especially the more recent games like 15, 7 remake, and I'm sure 16 will be different too
Re: Technical Issues Restrict Biomutant to Just 1080p, 60fps on PS5
Oh whatever. We've been through this already. Xbox simply does BC better than playstation. Oh freakin well. Once the new gen games really start coming in I guarantee BC will fade away in the blink of an eye and beat of your heart. Stuff like this makes me wish developers would just take a big ol hiatus from making games cuz some of you people are very undeserving
Re: Lies of P Is a Pinocchio-Inspired Souls-Like Action RPG Coming to PS5
A Pinocchio souls like. Such a silly idea is very welcome. It just looks so extra edgy and weird. Pinocchio looks unexpectedly cool and the voice acting is extra cheesey. I'm very hype for this. I'm down for anything that dares to be different nowadays.
Re: Don't Hold Your Breath for Bethesda's Starfield on PS5, PS4
I keep seeing this game everywhere and yet I have no clue what it even is. Is there even gameplay? Any articles saying what it's about? What are people so hype about?
Re: Insomniac: 'Nothing Really Stopping Us' Working on Sunset Overdrive
With the trademarks, possible leaks, and now this, an announcement is just a matter of time at this point.
I'd love to see a sequel and what new crazy ***** they'd put it in. What do people just want em to do Ratchet and Clank forever? And yea the Spiderman games are great but they're still the same cinematic qte games I've played plenty of times before. They at least tried something new with SSO and I know they can do even better with a sequel
Re: Alternative PS5 Controller Colours Apparently En Route
Good. Once those colors come out I can put my white one away. Not trying to give it permanent stains
Re: Lost Judgment Announced for PS5, PS4, September 2021 Worldwide Release Date
@PegasusActual93 I feel ya man. Ive always enjoyed these games but theyre hardly any different from one another (besides like a dragon). There are many ways to improve and deepen the combat but it always remains pretty much the same. I think Y0 has the best combat
Re: First Impressions: Biomutant Is an Open-Worlder with Style and Depth
Can't belive its almost here. It looks so unique compared to the many other open worlds we've gotten. Can't wait to dive into this
Re: Leaked Document Reveals Xbox's Opinion of The Last of Us 2
The combats fine. Just fine. Yea nothing really changed from the first game, but what more can be added for such a grounded and realistic game?
Re: Poll: Which Bethesda Franchise Will PS5 Miss the Most?
I guess I'm in the minority here, but I really dont get how the bethesda purchase become such a big del. I know they used to be up there with the big boys but havent they gotten a lot of crap not long ago about having buggy games or something? Also the only titles that would suck to see go exclusive is doom and skyrim. I dont even play skyrim but I get how popular it is. Also its not the end of the world. An xbox is $300-$400. Wont take too long to put a little bit of money away for one if it comes down to it.
Re: Soapbox: How Yakuza Proves Bigger Open Worlds Aren't Always Better
GTAV and Wild breath are the 2 open world I enjoyed the most. GTAV couldve had more stuff to do but I still had fun with what I was given. I like how random robberies occured, or how I'm on my way to a mission and someone claims they need help only to lead me to some alleyway and try to rob me, and escaping the police will always be a blast.
Wild breath has so many little details and stuff packed into it, its just ridiculous. Like how rain can make it harder to climb or easier to shield surf on the ground, or how I can just be strolling thru the forest and a giant rock monster boss spawns. Also the tools you have and the many combat possibilities are very fun to discover.
Re: Sony Officially Confirms Re-Organisation of Japan Studio
@JapaneseSonic Nope. Never said I was. Never felt that way. Not really sure what part of my comment made you think I consider myself better than others for the types of games I play.
Just saying the truth.
Re: Soapbox: The Real Problem with Sony's State of Play Livestreams
Future of Gaming events should just be brand new game announcements. You know, games coming out in the future, and State of Plays should just be deep dives of the stuff announced at the future of gaming. At least that way people will know for sure what to expect from each event
Re: Reaction: Japan Studio's Disbandment Is Disappointing, But Not Surprising
@Col_McCafferty I understand your look on the whole thing. It seems you prefer the story based cinematics and whatnot and thats just fine. Those are still well made games. But when I finish them, my reaction isnt much more than "Well that was pretty good".
I dont hate these games or anything but I wish they stood out more from one another. Horizon for example, may still follow the same open world 3rd person formula, but you also fight giant robot dinosaurs (and other mechanical beasts). You can take off the weapons mounted on their bodies and use them agianst them. You can hijack their brains and have them fight each other. Its still more on the creative side and is something I enjoyed far more than uncharted or days gone or last of us 2.
I dont expect perfect balance between cinematic games and the more classic style games, but I do think the current balance could be better. I would like to see the big name developers take a look at some of the smaller more unique indie titles and such and say "Hmm. Yea lets try that"
Re: Reaction: Japan Studio's Disbandment Is Disappointing, But Not Surprising
Istill put part of the blame on the gamers themselves. At the end of the day theyre gonna flock toward the same god of wars, uncharteds, last of us.
Im not saying these games are bad by any means, but what has uncharted 4 done that the past 3 games haven't? More particle effects? Bigger explosions or set pieces? More drops of sweat on Nathans face? Spiderman was fun, especially MM, but what makes it so much different from the many games before it? Besides the prettier graphics of course. Sushi ghost was pretty good. But apart from the artstyle, and I guess the 1 on 1 duels, that game is among the most basic a game can get.
And now when something unique comes along, something that hasnt really been done before or to as big a degree, its slept on. Or it receives negative feedback cuz it doesnt hold your hand, or cuz it wants you to explore and figure things out, or it requires you to learn and get better. Its like if a game isnt open world, or has the same bland artstyle as the previously mentioned games, or isnt a souls like, it has no chance.
I'm not putting the entire blame on the gamers, but again I do put a good portion of it on them
Re: Sony Officially Confirms Re-Organisation of Japan Studio
They say japan studio wasn't bringing in enough bread. People slept on their games but were wide awake for God of War, and spiderman, and uncharted and sushi ghost. And I'm not crapping on these games. Yes they are good games but let's be real. They do pretty much nothing that we haven't seen already and just have more pixels, or more particles during an explosion and more wrinkles on a characters face or something. And when something unique and creative is made, it gets crapped on for being too hard or having controls that no one even bothered trying to figure out or that the game didn't hold their hand and tell em what to do every 5 minutes. Well this is the result.
Re: Poll: Who Should Develop New Metal Gear Solid and Castlevania Games If Konami Is Outsourcing Them?
I also wonder if this might be related to those rumors a while back about mgs1 remake and a new 3D castlevania 🤔
Re: Poll: Who Should Develop New Metal Gear Solid and Castlevania Games If Konami Is Outsourcing Them?
I don't really care for metal gear like I used to, but I'm gonna need fromsoft to handle castlevania. It's literally cookies and milk, peanut butter and jelly, burgers and fries and whatever other food combinations you can think of. I'd like to see what other Japanese studio would do with it like cappy or team ninja even, but fromsoft NEEDS to be the ones to take over castlevania
Re: Soapbox: PS5 Pricing Is Setting Releases Like Returnal Up to Fail
I honestly cant wait for this 70 buck thing to bite their cheeks in the near future. Twas a very silly decision
Re: Gal Gadot, Brie Larson to Present at The Game Awards 2020
This is the game awards. Not the oscars. Youd think they would maybe get some gaming voice actors to host or something. Whatevs. I just hope the premieres will be good
Re: Soapbox: PS5 Is Pushing Me Ever Closer to All-Digital
The only thing I like about digital is the convenience. I don't have to go out or wait for a mail delivery. Nothing to make me choose it over physical. I love collecting games and the feeling of popping open a new one and inserting the disc will never get old to me. Also digital prices are insane. Why is sekiro still 60 bucks?!
Re: The Last of Us 2 Sweeps The Golden Joysticks with Five Awards
I highly doubt these votes are even counted. End of the day whatever game the guys running this want to win, will win. No point in getting upset or anything.
Re: NEO: The World Ends With You Brings the Stylish RPG Property Back on PS4
Re: Rumour: Massive Capcom Leak Reveals Dragon's Dogma 2, Street Fighter 6, New Monster Hunter, Onimusha, More
Nope. Absolutely no way is Capcom remaking final fight and power stone. Won't believe any of this till I see an announcement trailer years from now
Re: PS5 Doesn't Have a Web Browser
Ok this is just stupid. Like, very flipping stupid. No web browser? What exactly DOES this thing do? I know the games are what matters most but yo this thing is a freakin skeleton right now. Its doing the complete opposite of what Microsoft is doing right now. This explains why they took so long to show off the system. THERE WAS NOTHING TO SHOW OFF