Comments 33

Re: Sony Has No Console Exclusivity Over Baldur's Gate 3


@NEStalgia Yes, but that's a far cry from your original comment that they have most of the WRPG crowd. They're clearly trying to appeal to that market (arguably even corner it) but that doesn't necessarily mean they have it. And given the sales split ESTIMATES (I will wholly admit they're, for the most part, estimates via third party trackers and not set in stone) seem to indicate that games such as Fallout 4 and Skyrim's Special Edition sold far more on the PS4 than the Xbox One, it stands to reason that the PS platform still has a very hefty amount of the WRPG crowd, and thus was likely prioritized because of it.

Re: Poll: Will You Be Buying Returnal?


I'm actually gonna rent it first as Roguelikes are not usually my thing. If I wind up liking it though, I am def buying at full price. This game was a risk, and we really can't complain about PlayStation not wanting to take risks if we don't support them when they do.

Re: Reaction: Spider-Man PS5 Debacle Shows Sony Is Out of Touch


@TheAdza You might have a point if they actually WERE selling it separately and didn't allow BC with the previous game. It's being presented as an optional add-on with enhanced features taking advantage of the new console. And I'd love to know how the haptics, raytracing, the new character models, the new physics, enhanced city, etc. are somehow doable on the PS4? I mean, you do realize, as they've articulated many times, that MM on PS5 is also not the same as MM on PS4? It's not going to have the same new models, the faster load times, the more vibrant, living NYC, etc.

Re: Opinion: Maligned PlayStation Chief Jim Ryan Is Silencing His Critics


In fairness, a lot of PS1 games in general haven't aged too well. The same can be said for most N64 games as well.

That gen was an interesting transitional time for gaming, to be sure, but I feel nostalgia goggles do blind people to the flaws of the gen overall.

That said, there were some real gems on both consoles, and if people want to play whatever I'm all for letting them do it.

I think a lot of the "issues" with Ryan's comments though were that he'd be put on the spot and asked questions about decisions whose motivation he wasn't privy to, and so he tried to come up with a PR response on the fly. Now that he DOES have that info, he seems to be handling himself much, much better in interviews.

Re: Marvel's Avengers: We'll Always Be on Someone's Sh*t List


@WanderingBullet There's actually a good bit of resemblance between the game character and that comic panel, tbh, especially in the chin.

Honestly though using the "just like the comics" vs "nothing like the comics" argument doesn't hold too much real weight, given that different artists can draw the same character very differently.

Case-in-point: Mary Jane Watson.

John Romita:

Humberto Ramos:

J. Scott Campbell

Mike Deodato Jr.

Really, the best they could do is their own designs. Which they did.