I think a GTA deal would steal the most thunder...not because I would care personally (I wouldn't), but because it's the biggest, most relevant franchise on the list at the moment. More Uncharted isn't going to convince people not to buy Xbox...if Uncharted was going to do that, it would have already done so, but it is instead a series that appeals to preexisting Sony fans. Same thing with The Last Guardian. And Final Fantasy...well, they've been losing a LOT of customer faith of late, so I'm really not sure it would be a widely agreed-upon boon for PlayStation. Of course, I really don't give a crap about a hardware reveal, and I still don't see why anybody would. Sure, it might be nice to see the thing, but that alone can't POSSIBLY result in people wanting to buy it; it needs games.
I've always felt that the handheld experience is better suited to a different style of play than consoles anyway, so I'm just fine with the Vita being populated mostly with smaller games. Growing up, handhelds had a distinctly different feel from consoles...and I LIKE that; I miss it.
While I wouldn't say the Vita is overflowing with content, it's certainly got enough to be selling better than it is. I still think the #1 sales barrier is the price of storage. Sure, I was willing to plop down $100 for the biggest card at launch, but many people aren't...and I don't really blame them. There's no WAY this proprietary card format is expensive enough to make to justify the sale price, and it would definitely be in Sony's best interest to FIX IT!
Well, Rising Star Games said on Twitter that they're in conversations with the developer to see about improving the game experience for everybody. This was in direct response to a question about bugs and the frame rate. It's a shame the game released in a more or less unfinished state, but it'll be great if they can get all the problems worked out. I just hope I don't miss hearing when/if they actually do.
If upgraded versions of games prevent a total software drought on the new system, I think it's worthwhile. I'm the kind of guy who always wants the best version of a game available anyway, so it's a total no-brainer for me. I think this will be a REAL win for Sony if some of these titles (especially the indie ones) have cross-buy for all three platforms. Build your PS4 library early!
To be fair, he made no promises. These are simply stated goals. And I believe lvnlavitaloca is correct...Microsoft's BS contracts are likely to be the BIGGEST problem here. Various console makers' rules about ports make releases a pain in general. The only reason Rayman Legends was pushed back is that Sony wouldn't take a port without added content and Microsoft wouldn't take it AT ALL if it released on Wii U first. People blame Ubisoft, like they could have just released the Wii U version no problem...but it sadly isn't that simple.
But there is hope yet! I hear tell that at the rate Microsoft is going, the next Xbox is likely to flop hard enough that more developers will be willing to go exclusive on PS4, just like they used to on PS2.
@evildevil97: Right you are...back when my old PS3 died, PS Plus wasn't even around yet, and I lost several copy-protected files as a result. NO WAY I'm going to risk THAT again.
But also, I think the value of PS Plus is just fantastic. I made my original sub cost back DAY ONE, and I've long since lost track. No way I'd EVER let it lapse. It's still giving me lots of things I'd never have bought...it's thanks to PS Plus that I know the pure digital AWESOMENESS that it Double Dragon Neon.
Vita definitely needs more exclusive games. If it weren't for the exclusives, I definitely wouldn't own one at all, because I just don't game on the go often enough to justify it otherwise. I'm usually playing right here in my room one way or the other, so if it's available on PS3, I'll just play that. Perfectly natural, I think. But then you have my brother, who prefers to play cross-play games on his Vita...even though he's in the same room as his PS3...what a weirdo.
Anyway, yeah, I think more exclusives would help sell the machine, but the fact of the matter is they probably do need a price drop even more. The combination of the two factors is really helping sales in Japan...and it feels like a big "eff you" to the Western market to drop the price in ONLY Japan.
It is worth noting that I usually prefer the Vita version of handheld-exclusives...like Virtue's Last Reward and that upcoming Batman spin-off. They're not EXCLUSIVE exclusive, but they're still generally a bit better than their 3DS counterpart, IMO. Shame that kind of thing doesn't happen very often.
I suppose this may be of some small concern for the Call of Doodoo crowd...but that crowd mostly doesn't buy a whole lot of other games anyway, so why should I care? So far as I'm concerned, it really only further cements the view of PlayStation as a more "serious" gamer's machine and Xbox as the casual frat-boy platform. That kind of stigma will probably prove to be a problem for Microsoft going into a new console, as it really wasn't as developed when 360 came out and they sold a lot of units to people who now know better, myself included.
@hydeks: Yeah...20% definitely is too high. Based on that link, I now predict the forthcoming Xbox meme: The Sad Face of Death!
Really, I don't care about Titan, and I do somewhat doubt that Microsoft can afford to buy enough exclusives to get them out of the hole they've dug themselves into...especially if they DO go with always-online. I do think it's sad that Microsoft can't seem to come up with their own talent...but then, what developer in their right mind would WANT to work with them when Sony and even Nintendo are available? Madness.
Cerberus? No, I was fighting the girl who was your partner in the first few battles...and she was kicking my butt something fierce! I couldn't even tell if I was managing to hurt her, but boy were her spells hurting me!
I found the demo interesting, but as the review states, the game's tutorials can be a bit lacking. Upon reaching what I believe is the last mission in the demo (my brother suggested as much), I was completely DESTROYED and had no idea how to do better. Haven't tried again since. Honestly, this wasn't what I was hoping for from this game, and I find the ever-increasing tendency of developers to make games that SHOULD have EXP systems WITHOUT them aggravating. I know what I like...and nobody's making it anymore.
That said, the story was VERY interesting, and I wish the gameplay was more bearable so I'd be willing to see it through. As things stand though, I really don't think this game is for me.
It's a PS2 Classic...$10. There have been zero exceptions to that rule thus far. I wouldn't get it, though...the original doesn't hold up very well since the series moved to HD platforms with their VASTLY improved draw distances and whatnot.
@Splat: But it could be argued that Naughty Dog's reputation for excellent work wouldn't be a high if they weren't PlayStation exclusive. Certainly, the visual quality of their games would suffer for it.
I put a lot of stock in games taking advantage of the hardware they're on...which is why I'm concerned about the final quality of Fuse. Insomniac has spent YEARS improving their technique with PS3, and MAYBE they'll manage to pull it off so that PS3 is the definitive version of the game, but then again it might suffer because they're also slogging along with a 360 version.
Exclusives are, of course, also what make consoles worth owning as opposed to other consoles...or they used to be. That line has admittedly been blurred with different consoles having OTHER major differences (like disc format, charge for online, etc.). No Nintendo fan would ever say that exclusives aren't important...they're pretty much all that's worth playing on Nintendo hardware.
@SilentJ: That's because it's not 3D compatible. I doubt they COULD run the game in 3D with how much of the system's power they're using just to make it look this good. Trade-offs are sometimes necessary...and I think this one is worth it.
So far as I know, this is the first video game to advertise actors on the front cover like that. It looks REALLY weird...but I suppose it fits with what the developers are trying to do.
@rjejr: No, no it isn't. It is no longer Tuesday anywhere in the world.
It just figures this happens on a day there's stuff I actually want to download. Some friends and I were planning to play the Soul Sacrifice demo online together...wound up on PSASBR instead.
Considering how jam-packed March was with game releases, it's no surprise that yet another God of War game would slip through the cracks. Everybody's money was simply tied up in other things they deemed more important...only reason I bought it was for the Collector's Edition stuff...love that Kratos figurine up on the shelf next to Nathan Drake and Cole MacGrath.
I maintain my belief that the online beta's messed up their sales pretty badly...it cost them at LEAST two reservations (me and my brother) because it was not a good representation of the full product. I bought it later, cheaper, after I was convinced by external sources that there was actually fun to be had with it.
I hope the company does well with whatever they're doing now, and more importantly I hope they learn from past mistakes.
@odd69: I don't think that one negative should be enough to turn down a game. I prefer a third-person view, but that doesn't stop me from enjoying Dragon Quest, Etrian Odyssey, EarthBound, etc. If the game is good, it's good regardless of the viewpoint. That is...when it's a menu-based game. My bias is much harsher for action games, where first-person is an extreme anti-selling-point for me.
The first one on PS1 was a relatively faithful port of what the series has been doing on PC for ages...sprite-based top-down perspective and all. The sequels were both on PS2 and took DRASTICALLY different approaches. RPG Maker II on PS2 uses very blocky top-down-ish 3D and is VERY complicated to program...even after getting lots of experience with the PS1 game, II confused the heck out of me.
RPG Maker III, on the other hand, goes the completely OPPOSITE direction and is really too simple. It's still 3D, but it takes more of a behind-the-character third-person approach. It has absurd restrictions on what you can do, the worst of which is a 100 character cap...and that includes every single NPC. That said, the game originally supported the PS2 hard drive...which I didn't have (who did?), so I don't really know how it changes things. If the PS2 Classic is ported properly, it may be possible to use the PS2 System Data to harness the PS3's hard drive for the game. I look forward to hearing how that works out.
If you want to get into RPG Maker nowadays, I'd still really recommend RPG Maker VX Ace on PC instead. It holds on to the great pixel-art style, it's WAY more customizable (import your own sprites, music, whatever!), and it's got a great balance of ease of use and depth of features. Granted, it IS much more expensive than this PS2 "Classic" is likely to be (no game released with that moniker has been more than $10, to my recollection, whereas VX Ace is $70 full price), but it's worth it if you're serious about using the software.
I really appreciate what they were going for showing Knack first. Sadly, the video stream wasn't really running very well for me at that point so I have little recollection of what they showed of the game. I'm not excited for it, but I don't think I would be anyway because it was unclear what the gameplay was.
What DID disappoint me about the stream was the lack of ANOTHER bright, fantasy game later on. They only had one to show, and they pushed it right out at the start...it made me want more, and that more never came.
Too many games piled over six pages of menus is very cumbersome...this folder system makes things much easier to manage, as all my games are now accessible within two touches, and it's just simpler to find what I want. I also appreciate how you can use more than one letter to define the folder on the menu, unlike a certain other handheld system...
The only think I DON'T like about the folder system is the inability to put a background image on the folder page. I guess it's the price to pay for convenience.
At this point, I see little reason to doubt the truth of these rumors simply because Microsoft keeps missing opportunities to debunk it. The amount of negative press this is getting them right now has GOT to be beyond acceptable for a feature that wasn't even real...ergo, it must be real. Either that, or Microsoft's full of ever stupider people than I thought.
It seems to me that people trying to predict the placing in the console war are coming at things from two perspectives, and the difference hinges on whether or not you believe this ONE issue. If NextBox is always online, Microsoft doesn't have a prayer...I do believe that. If they come to their senses, they'll probably present at least a halfway decent bit of competition for Sony, but I really don't think they'll come out on top regardless because their focus on games has been on decline for so long.
Looking over this guy's work since Atari...I really don't think he's in ANY kind of position to be talking smack about ANYBODY'S work. Dude hasn't really been relevant to gaming in 30 years.
I'm American, and I have no brand loyalty to Microsoft at all. I'm far more interested in securing quality product, and with game consoles, that means buying Japanese for me.
I hope Microsoft doesn't try to woo Japan again...last time they tried that, we got a few great JRPG's stuck on an otherwise crappy piece of hardware. I still want Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey on PS3!
@Magolor: Even more fun fact: Some PS1 games actually COULD function as music CD's if you plugged them into regular CD players. You could listen to the entire soundtrack of Theme Park that way, for example...even though it's not on the Wikipedia list. And look, Rayman 1 is on that list! How about that...
I'm no tech genius, but I THINK they actually need a separate laser head to read CD's...if that's true, it would explain how this cuts costs. It also means that they definitely will NOT support PS1 discs even if they do port the emulator over...which they might not, I dunno. This doesn't bother me too much anyway because I was already going to keep my PS3. Odd, but whatever.
Yeah, live chat discussion would be really interesting for this kind of debate...and the Push Square community is still small enough for it to be feasible, too.
As for this issue...I'm with 3Above...I want this game at launch. Really, there's not all that much exciting software announced for PS4 yet IMO, but this InFamous counts.
For me, the problem with the Vita launch wasn't too much all at once followed by a dry spell, it was only one game I wanted at launch followed by a dry spell. Quantity means little if you don't want to play all of them anyway.
I'm really not surprised at all. What concerns me is that they might get the bright idea to include TROPHIES with some of that DLC. I'm one patched Shopaholic Trophy (which has been confirmed by Eidos' community manager to be inbound) from Platinum, and I REALLY don't want to go back. The multiplayer was interesting for a little while, and many of the Trophies are easy enough, but it can't keep my interest long enough to WANT DLC Trophies like Uncharted 3 did.
@rjejr: As good as a Dark Cloud Collection sounds, that has nothing to do with Square-Enix. You'll need to pester Sony/Level-5 for that one.
I called this some months ago, actually...there was just no other good excuse for the long delay. Of course, since this IS Squenix, there was no guarantee they HAD a good excuse...but I'm glad to see they did.
Aww, you made a poll response just for me...I feel all special now. /Trophy nut.
Seriously though, while I do tend to deal with it for Trophies, I do NOT enjoy it if it's done wrong. Finishing up my Plat in Eat Lead was PAINFUL due to the level design quite simply not working on the highest difficulty level. I've got Plat on every Uncharted, and let me tell you, Crushing on ANY of those is nowhere NEAR as bad as Eat Lead.
I agree with those calling out Demon's Souls as a game that's hard, but fair. I was doing quite well at it a few years ago, before I lost my save to a broken PS3 before the days of PS Plus save backups.
What's REALLY important about difficulty in games is that it feel fair and, just as importantly, balanced. I think the new Tomb Raider is a great game, but there are certain battles that feel grossly unfair...and they're not even the ones at the end of the game. Thus, it is an imbalanced experience.
The nature of the game is important, too. I do not feel ripped off when I beat a Zelda game without dying (I've beaten Wind Waker without ever even needing a potion) because there's so much more to the experience. But a total lack of challenge in a game that's all about combat could definitely get old.
I'd love to get into this series, but I find myself unable to support NIS and their obscenely excessive DLC release structure. If they were a big, mainstream company, they'd get dogged about that far worse than EA does! But they get away with it just because they're niche...it's sickening.
@Gamer83: Not necessarily. In game development, being exclusive to a platform allows you to tale advantage of what that machine can do, whereas multiplatform games are pulled down by the weaker hardware. Less competition last gen didn't hurt gamers...as long as they were smart enough to own PS2's. I honestly believe that Durango selling poorly would be GOOD for gaming...unless you're an XBot, but I don't really care about them.
Disclaimer: I mentioned earlier that I had a 360 for three years...a little over, actually. I bought an Elite at launch in April 2007 and two RRoD's later sold it in fall 2010. I do not regret that decision. My point here is that I've been in Microsoft's camp before, so I'm not just bashing them out of ignorance. They have problems I couldn't overlook any longer. Okay, I have one small regret...I miss Blue Dragon. But that one game was not worth dealing with MS.
I'd like to say that Microsoft doesn't stand a chance...but then I've underestimated the stupidity of the masses before, so...yeah.
Seriously though, the scuttlebutt I hear from the game industry says the Durango is a pretty disappointing piece of hardware, geared too much towards media and not enough for gaming. Which makes sense, because all Microsoft ever really wanted was a media PC in your living room in the first place. Well, the joke's on them...I GAME IN MY BEDROOM!
But yeah...so not getting Microsoft's next console. I had enough of them in three years with a 360.
Yeah, I'm going to have to agree with those saying the thing was under-marketed in NA. I could damn near forget the fool thing even exists if you didn't remind me. That, and the horrible E3 presentation for the game. I'm not exactly sorry it's tanking.
Games cost money and time...especially time, IMO. If you're looking for games that'll be worth your time, and you have a wide taste in games, going for only 9's and 10's may seem like the only sensible solution. If your taste is more localized to one or two genres, it may be easier to consider lower scored games.
All that said, I really don't think scores should EVER be used out of context. Read the text and figure out WHY it got the score it did. Of course, some reviewers are better at making it feel like it fits than others, and I find that printed magazines tend to suffer from space and length restrictions. You need to be able to explain your score, and three paragraphs usually isn't enough.
@Zombie_Barioth: Sooo...PS4, then. Sure, nothing's been ANNOUNCED yet, bi Sony has dominated that genre on home consoles since they've been in the business, and I'm sure they will continue to do so.
I would love to be able to jump into a game on PS4 as easily as I can on SNES...but somehow I doubt it'll be quite that fast. I look forward to seeing how it turns out, though.
Comments 686
Re: Feature: Five PS4 Announcements That Could Steal the Next Xbox's Thunder
I think a GTA deal would steal the most thunder...not because I would care personally (I wouldn't), but because it's the biggest, most relevant franchise on the list at the moment. More Uncharted isn't going to convince people not to buy Xbox...if Uncharted was going to do that, it would have already done so, but it is instead a series that appeals to preexisting Sony fans. Same thing with The Last Guardian. And Final Fantasy...well, they've been losing a LOT of customer faith of late, so I'm really not sure it would be a widely agreed-upon boon for PlayStation. Of course, I really don't give a crap about a hardware reveal, and I still don't see why anybody would. Sure, it might be nice to see the thing, but that alone can't POSSIBLY result in people wanting to buy it; it needs games.
Re: Reaction: PlayStation Vita's Prospects Look Poor, But We're Still Smiling
I've always felt that the handheld experience is better suited to a different style of play than consoles anyway, so I'm just fine with the Vita being populated mostly with smaller games. Growing up, handhelds had a distinctly different feel from consoles...and I LIKE that; I miss it.
While I wouldn't say the Vita is overflowing with content, it's certainly got enough to be selling better than it is. I still think the #1 sales barrier is the price of storage. Sure, I was willing to plop down $100 for the biggest card at launch, but many people aren't...and I don't really blame them. There's no WAY this proprietary card format is expensive enough to make to justify the sale price, and it would definitely be in Sony's best interest to FIX IT!
Re: Unearthed: Trail of Ibn Battuta Aims to Keep You Occupied Until Uncharted 4
Well, this could be interesting. But part of me is just wishing its story was being used in an ACTUAL Uncharted game.
Re: Review: Deadly Premonition: The Director's Cut (PlayStation 3)
Well, Rising Star Games said on Twitter that they're in conversations with the developer to see about improving the game experience for everybody. This was in direct response to a question about bugs and the frame rate. It's a shame the game released in a more or less unfinished state, but it'll be great if they can get all the problems worked out. I just hope I don't miss hearing when/if they actually do.
Re: Talking Point: Are Cross-Generation Releases Affecting Your Enthusiasm for the PS4?
If upgraded versions of games prevent a total software drought on the new system, I think it's worthwhile. I'm the kind of guy who always wants the best version of a game available anyway, so it's a total no-brainer for me. I think this will be a REAL win for Sony if some of these titles (especially the indie ones) have cross-buy for all three platforms. Build your PS4 library early!
Re: Yoshida: PS4 Version of Multiplatform Games Must Be Considered the Best
To be fair, he made no promises. These are simply stated goals. And I believe lvnlavitaloca is correct...Microsoft's BS contracts are likely to be the BIGGEST problem here. Various console makers' rules about ports make releases a pain in general. The only reason Rayman Legends was pushed back is that Sony wouldn't take a port without added content and Microsoft wouldn't take it AT ALL if it released on Wii U first. People blame Ubisoft, like they could have just released the Wii U version no problem...but it sadly isn't that simple.
But there is hope yet! I hear tell that at the rate Microsoft is going, the next Xbox is likely to flop hard enough that more developers will be willing to go exclusive on PS4, just like they used to on PS2.
Re: What Does a Year of PlayStation Plus Look Like?
@evildevil97: Right you are...back when my old PS3 died, PS Plus wasn't even around yet, and I lost several copy-protected files as a result. NO WAY I'm going to risk THAT again.
But also, I think the value of PS Plus is just fantastic. I made my original sub cost back DAY ONE, and I've long since lost track. No way I'd EVER let it lapse. It's still giving me lots of things I'd never have bought...it's thanks to PS Plus that I know the pure digital AWESOMENESS that it Double Dragon Neon.
Re: Talking Point: Are Cross Platform Games a Help or a Hindrance to the Vita?
Vita definitely needs more exclusive games. If it weren't for the exclusives, I definitely wouldn't own one at all, because I just don't game on the go often enough to justify it otherwise. I'm usually playing right here in my room one way or the other, so if it's available on PS3, I'll just play that. Perfectly natural, I think. But then you have my brother, who prefers to play cross-play games on his Vita...even though he's in the same room as his PS3...what a weirdo.
Anyway, yeah, I think more exclusives would help sell the machine, but the fact of the matter is they probably do need a price drop even more. The combination of the two factors is really helping sales in Japan...and it feels like a big "eff you" to the Western market to drop the price in ONLY Japan.
It is worth noting that I usually prefer the Vita version of handheld-exclusives...like Virtue's Last Reward and that upcoming Batman spin-off. They're not EXCLUSIVE exclusive, but they're still generally a bit better than their 3DS counterpart, IMO. Shame that kind of thing doesn't happen very often.
Re: Reaction: PS4 Looks Poised to Play Second Fiddle in the Call of Duty War
I suppose this may be of some small concern for the Call of Doodoo crowd...but that crowd mostly doesn't buy a whole lot of other games anyway, so why should I care? So far as I'm concerned, it really only further cements the view of PlayStation as a more "serious" gamer's machine and Xbox as the casual frat-boy platform. That kind of stigma will probably prove to be a problem for Microsoft going into a new console, as it really wasn't as developed when 360 came out and they sold a lot of units to people who now know better, myself included.
Re: Opinion: Next Xbox Development Woes Could Spell Trouble for the PS4
@hydeks: Yeah...20% definitely is too high. Based on that link, I now predict the forthcoming Xbox meme: The Sad Face of Death!
Really, I don't care about Titan, and I do somewhat doubt that Microsoft can afford to buy enough exclusives to get them out of the hole they've dug themselves into...especially if they DO go with always-online. I do think it's sad that Microsoft can't seem to come up with their own talent...but then, what developer in their right mind would WANT to work with them when Sony and even Nintendo are available? Madness.
Re: Review: Soul Sacrifice (PlayStation Vita)
Cerberus? No, I was fighting the girl who was your partner in the first few battles...and she was kicking my butt something fierce! I couldn't even tell if I was managing to hurt her, but boy were her spells hurting me!
Re: Review: Soul Sacrifice (PlayStation Vita)
I found the demo interesting, but as the review states, the game's tutorials can be a bit lacking. Upon reaching what I believe is the last mission in the demo (my brother suggested as much), I was completely DESTROYED and had no idea how to do better. Haven't tried again since. Honestly, this wasn't what I was hoping for from this game, and I find the ever-increasing tendency of developers to make games that SHOULD have EXP systems WITHOUT them aggravating. I know what I like...and nobody's making it anymore.
That said, the story was VERY interesting, and I wish the gameplay was more bearable so I'd be willing to see it through. As things stand though, I really don't think this game is for me.
Re: Katamari Damacy Gets Bundled onto the PlayStation Store Next Week
It's a PS2 Classic...$10. There have been zero exceptions to that rule thus far. I wouldn't get it, though...the original doesn't hold up very well since the series moved to HD platforms with their VASTLY improved draw distances and whatnot.
Re: Jacob Jones and the Bigfoot Mystery Explores the PlayStation Vita This Year
Looks interesting enough.
Re: Talking Point: How Does Exclusivity Affect Your Anticipation for a Game?
@Splat: But it could be argued that Naughty Dog's reputation for excellent work wouldn't be a high if they weren't PlayStation exclusive. Certainly, the visual quality of their games would suffer for it.
I put a lot of stock in games taking advantage of the hardware they're on...which is why I'm concerned about the final quality of Fuse. Insomniac has spent YEARS improving their technique with PS3, and MAYBE they'll manage to pull it off so that PS3 is the definitive version of the game, but then again it might suffer because they're also slogging along with a 360 version.
Exclusives are, of course, also what make consoles worth owning as opposed to other consoles...or they used to be. That line has admittedly been blurred with different consoles having OTHER major differences (like disc format, charge for online, etc.). No Nintendo fan would ever say that exclusives aren't important...they're pretty much all that's worth playing on Nintendo hardware.
Re: Beyond: Two Souls' Box Art Lets Out a Long Sigh
@SilentJ: That's because it's not 3D compatible. I doubt they COULD run the game in 3D with how much of the system's power they're using just to make it look this good. Trade-offs are sometimes necessary...and I think this one is worth it.
So far as I know, this is the first video game to advertise actors on the front cover like that. It looks REALLY weird...but I suppose it fits with what the developers are trying to do.
Re: PlayStation Network Maintenance Delays Regular Store Update
@rjejr: No, no it isn't. It is no longer Tuesday anywhere in the world.
It just figures this happens on a day there's stuff I actually want to download. Some friends and I were planning to play the Soul Sacrifice demo online together...wound up on PSASBR instead.
Re: God of War: Ascension 'Significantly Underperformed' in March
Considering how jam-packed March was with game releases, it's no surprise that yet another God of War game would slip through the cracks. Everybody's money was simply tied up in other things they deemed more important...only reason I bought it was for the Collector's Edition stuff...love that Kratos figurine up on the shelf next to Nathan Drake and Cole MacGrath.
Re: PlayStation All-Stars Developer Working on a New Intellectual Property
I maintain my belief that the online beta's messed up their sales pretty badly...it cost them at LEAST two reservations (me and my brother) because it was not a good representation of the full product. I bought it later, cheaper, after I was convinced by external sources that there was actually fun to be had with it.
I hope the company does well with whatever they're doing now, and more importantly I hope they learn from past mistakes.
Re: Interview: Delving into the Dungeons of Dragon Fantasy on PS3 and Vita
@odd69: I don't think that one negative should be enough to turn down a game. I prefer a third-person view, but that doesn't stop me from enjoying Dragon Quest, Etrian Odyssey, EarthBound, etc. If the game is good, it's good regardless of the viewpoint. That is...when it's a menu-based game. My bias is much harsher for action games, where first-person is an extreme anti-selling-point for me.
Re: RPG Maker 3 Building a New Home on PlayStation Network Next Week
The first one on PS1 was a relatively faithful port of what the series has been doing on PC for ages...sprite-based top-down perspective and all. The sequels were both on PS2 and took DRASTICALLY different approaches. RPG Maker II on PS2 uses very blocky top-down-ish 3D and is VERY complicated to program...even after getting lots of experience with the PS1 game, II confused the heck out of me.
RPG Maker III, on the other hand, goes the completely OPPOSITE direction and is really too simple. It's still 3D, but it takes more of a behind-the-character third-person approach. It has absurd restrictions on what you can do, the worst of which is a 100 character cap...and that includes every single NPC. That said, the game originally supported the PS2 hard drive...which I didn't have (who did?), so I don't really know how it changes things. If the PS2 Classic is ported properly, it may be possible to use the PS2 System Data to harness the PS3's hard drive for the game. I look forward to hearing how that works out.
If you want to get into RPG Maker nowadays, I'd still really recommend RPG Maker VX Ace on PC instead. It holds on to the great pixel-art style, it's WAY more customizable (import your own sprites, music, whatever!), and it's got a great balance of ease of use and depth of features. Granted, it IS much more expensive than this PS2 "Classic" is likely to be (no game released with that moniker has been more than $10, to my recollection, whereas VX Ace is $70 full price), but it's worth it if you're serious about using the software.
Re: Rumour: PS4 Developers Will Have Access to 7GB GDDR5 RAM
This is hardly a surprise...unless you're surprised the OS doesn't take a bigger chunk...which I almost am. Great news, anyway.
Re: Shuhei Yoshida Doesn't Want All PS4 Games to be First-Person Shooters
I really appreciate what they were going for showing Knack first. Sadly, the video stream wasn't really running very well for me at that point so I have little recollection of what they showed of the game. I'm not excited for it, but I don't think I would be anyway because it was unclear what the gameplay was.
What DID disappoint me about the stream was the lack of ANOTHER bright, fantasy game later on. They only had one to show, and they pushed it right out at the start...it made me want more, and that more never came.
Re: PlayStation Vita Firmware Update v2.10 Finally Adds Folders
Too many games piled over six pages of menus is very cumbersome...this folder system makes things much easier to manage, as all my games are now accessible within two touches, and it's just simpler to find what I want. I also appreciate how you can use more than one letter to define the folder on the menu, unlike a certain other handheld system...
The only think I DON'T like about the folder system is the inability to put a background image on the folder page. I guess it's the price to pay for convenience.
Re: Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate Stalks the PlayStation Vita Later This Year
Yes, yes, I do.
Re: Sony Thought 'Long and Hard' Over PS4's Lack of Backward Compatibility
I tell you what...this still beats them supporting BC at first only to pull it out later like they did with the PS3.
Re: Dragon Fantasy Spins a Yarn on PS3 and Vita This Month
@naruball: Really? $10 is too much for a JRPG-style game? Having trouble wrapping my head around that one...
Re: Opinion: Microsoft's Always-Online Debacle Is Playing into the PS4's Hands
At this point, I see little reason to doubt the truth of these rumors simply because Microsoft keeps missing opportunities to debunk it. The amount of negative press this is getting them right now has GOT to be beyond acceptable for a feature that wasn't even real...ergo, it must be real. Either that, or Microsoft's full of ever stupider people than I thought.
It seems to me that people trying to predict the placing in the console war are coming at things from two perspectives, and the difference hinges on whether or not you believe this ONE issue. If NextBox is always online, Microsoft doesn't have a prayer...I do believe that. If they come to their senses, they'll probably present at least a halfway decent bit of competition for Sony, but I really don't think they'll come out on top regardless because their focus on games has been on decline for so long.
Re: David Cage: You Will Be Amazed By What We're Doing with PS4
What? He managed to NOT use the word "emotions?" Or did you just not quote that bit?
Re: Atari Founder: PlayStation 4 Will Struggle Due to 'Lame' Software Tools
Looking over this guy's work since Atari...I really don't think he's in ANY kind of position to be talking smack about ANYBODY'S work. Dude hasn't really been relevant to gaming in 30 years.
Re: Why Is PlayStation More Popular Than Xbox in Japan?
I'm American, and I have no brand loyalty to Microsoft at all. I'm far more interested in securing quality product, and with game consoles, that means buying Japanese for me.
I hope Microsoft doesn't try to woo Japan again...last time they tried that, we got a few great JRPG's stuck on an otherwise crappy piece of hardware. I still want Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey on PS3!
Re: PlayStation Network Compilation Heading to Store Shelves
Yeah, it's rare, all right...but when it happens...OUCH! See: EarthBound.
@MrSRArter: They did something along those lines on 360 years ago...dunno why it hasn't happened on PS3.
Re: No, Your PlayStation 4 Won't Play Audio CDs
@Magolor: Even more fun fact: Some PS1 games actually COULD function as music CD's if you plugged them into regular CD players. You could listen to the entire soundtrack of Theme Park that way, for example...even though it's not on the Wikipedia list. And look, Rayman 1 is on that list! How about that...
I'm no tech genius, but I THINK they actually need a separate laser head to read CD's...if that's true, it would explain how this cuts costs. It also means that they definitely will NOT support PS1 discs even if they do port the emulator over...which they might not, I dunno. This doesn't bother me too much anyway because I was already going to keep my PS3. Odd, but whatever.
Re: Feature: Twelve of the Best PlayStation Easter Eggs
"... the encounter with Psycho Mantis towards the end of the first game..."
He's the first boss fight in the game...not really so "towards the end."
Re: Scout Out Tomb Raider for £19.99 on the European PlayStation Store
@sammy: Great way to sum that up. 10 million copies of a game in one release-jammed month was an absurd expectation.
Re: Watch Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster's First Trailer
Re: Talking Point: Why inFAMOUS: Second Son Shouldn't Be a PS4 Launch Game
Yeah, live chat discussion would be really interesting for this kind of debate...and the Push Square community is still small enough for it to be feasible, too.
As for this issue...I'm with 3Above...I want this game at launch. Really, there's not all that much exciting software announced for PS4 yet IMO, but this InFamous counts.
For me, the problem with the Vita launch wasn't too much all at once followed by a dry spell, it was only one game I wanted at launch followed by a dry spell. Quantity means little if you don't want to play all of them anyway.
Re: Talking Point: Is Time Gaming's Greatest Handicap?
The polls ends at "more than 11?" It's cute how small your vision of my backlog is.
I put to you...this issue is why Backloggery exists in the first place. Its being a problem was an absolute given.
Re: You Need to Update Your PlayStation 3's Firmware to v4.40
I got this update last night...before Sony had even announced it. Not surprised it accomplishes little of interest, though.
Re: Don't Expect to Raid Any More Tombs in Tomb Raider
I'm really not surprised at all. What concerns me is that they might get the bright idea to include TROPHIES with some of that DLC. I'm one patched Shopaholic Trophy (which has been confirmed by Eidos' community manager to be inbound) from Platinum, and I REALLY don't want to go back. The multiplayer was interesting for a little while, and many of the Trophies are easy enough, but it can't keep my interest long enough to WANT DLC Trophies like Uncharted 3 did.
Re: Rumour: Final Fantasy X-2 HD Is Also Coming to PlayStation 3 and Vita
@rjejr: As good as a Dark Cloud Collection sounds, that has nothing to do with Square-Enix. You'll need to pester Sony/Level-5 for that one.
I called this some months ago, actually...there was just no other good excuse for the long delay. Of course, since this IS Squenix, there was no guarantee they HAD a good excuse...but I'm glad to see they did.
Re: Pachter: Microsoft Will 'Deliberately Trash' the PlayStation 4
He's predicting something that's already happened; gee, I wonder if he's right...
Re: Talking Point: Are 'Game Over' Screens a Relic Best Left in the Past?
Aww, you made a poll response just for me...I feel all special now. /Trophy nut.
Seriously though, while I do tend to deal with it for Trophies, I do NOT enjoy it if it's done wrong. Finishing up my Plat in Eat Lead was PAINFUL due to the level design quite simply not working on the highest difficulty level. I've got Plat on every Uncharted, and let me tell you, Crushing on ANY of those is nowhere NEAR as bad as Eat Lead.
I agree with those calling out Demon's Souls as a game that's hard, but fair. I was doing quite well at it a few years ago, before I lost my save to a broken PS3 before the days of PS Plus save backups.
What's REALLY important about difficulty in games is that it feel fair and, just as importantly, balanced. I think the new Tomb Raider is a great game, but there are certain battles that feel grossly unfair...and they're not even the ones at the end of the game. Thus, it is an imbalanced experience.
The nature of the game is important, too. I do not feel ripped off when I beat a Zelda game without dying (I've beaten Wind Waker without ever even needing a potion) because there's so much more to the experience. But a total lack of challenge in a game that's all about combat could definitely get old.
Re: Hyperdimension Idol Neptunia PP Brings the Console War to Vita
I'd love to get into this series, but I find myself unable to support NIS and their obscenely excessive DLC release structure. If they were a big, mainstream company, they'd get dogged about that far worse than EA does! But they get away with it just because they're niche...it's sickening.
Re: Pachter Predicts PlayStation 4 Will Get Outsold By Next Xbox
@Gamer83: Not necessarily. In game development, being exclusive to a platform allows you to tale advantage of what that machine can do, whereas multiplatform games are pulled down by the weaker hardware. Less competition last gen didn't hurt gamers...as long as they were smart enough to own PS2's. I honestly believe that Durango selling poorly would be GOOD for gaming...unless you're an XBot, but I don't really care about them.
Disclaimer: I mentioned earlier that I had a 360 for three years...a little over, actually. I bought an Elite at launch in April 2007 and two RRoD's later sold it in fall 2010. I do not regret that decision. My point here is that I've been in Microsoft's camp before, so I'm not just bashing them out of ignorance. They have problems I couldn't overlook any longer. Okay, I have one small regret...I miss Blue Dragon. But that one game was not worth dealing with MS.
Re: Pachter Predicts PlayStation 4 Will Get Outsold By Next Xbox
I'd like to say that Microsoft doesn't stand a chance...but then I've underestimated the stupidity of the masses before, so...yeah.
Seriously though, the scuttlebutt I hear from the game industry says the Durango is a pretty disappointing piece of hardware, geared too much towards media and not enough for gaming. Which makes sense, because all Microsoft ever really wanted was a media PC in your living room in the first place. Well, the joke's on them...I GAME IN MY BEDROOM!
But yeah...so not getting Microsoft's next console. I had enough of them in three years with a 360.
Re: Wonderbook: Book of Spells Failed to Enchant Store Shelves
Yeah, I'm going to have to agree with those saying the thing was under-marketed in NA. I could damn near forget the fool thing even exists if you didn't remind me. That, and the horrible E3 presentation for the game. I'm not exactly sorry it's tanking.
Re: Talking Point: Do We Pay Too Much Attention to Review Scores?
Games cost money and time...especially time, IMO. If you're looking for games that'll be worth your time, and you have a wide taste in games, going for only 9's and 10's may seem like the only sensible solution. If your taste is more localized to one or two genres, it may be easier to consider lower scored games.
All that said, I really don't think scores should EVER be used out of context. Read the text and figure out WHY it got the score it did. Of course, some reviewers are better at making it feel like it fits than others, and I find that printed magazines tend to suffer from space and length restrictions. You need to be able to explain your score, and three paragraphs usually isn't enough.
Re: Talking Point: How Important Is 'Plug and Play' to the PlayStation 4?
@Zombie_Barioth: Sooo...PS4, then. Sure, nothing's been ANNOUNCED yet, bi Sony has dominated that genre on home consoles since they've been in the business, and I'm sure they will continue to do so.
Re: Talking Point: How Important Is 'Plug and Play' to the PlayStation 4?
I would love to be able to jump into a game on PS4 as easily as I can on SNES...but somehow I doubt it'll be quite that fast. I look forward to seeing how it turns out, though.