Comments 686

Re: Square Enix Reveals Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII


The presentations that video skipped over did explain more about the game itself. I have a friend who was going on about it to me earlier...but I didn't think to ask for a link to what he was reading from. Seems the game has a cyclical time system reminiscent of Majora's Mask.

EDIT: Okay, this link will have to do for now:

Doomed world, events at specific time...seems unlikely you WON'T be able to start the timer over, eh?

Re: Borderlands 2 Season Pass Offers Four DLC Packs for $30


@hydeks: Yes, their plan was to force me to spend several hours grinding stupid crap AFTER finishing the DLC's campaign going after pizza, oil cans, etc. Because that's fun.

I'm well aware that the game has a good bit of back-and-forth built into it, but that fact was still expanded upon in the DLC, due in no small part (especially with General Knoxx) to the lack of extra quick travel points within the DLC world. If I could've just used some of those to skip past the long, boring roads on occasion...

Re: Team Bondi Reveals PlayStation 4 Title Whore of the Orient


If the game contains the graphic level of content the title should keep the title. If it's misleading, though, they really need to change it. Considering it's a console game, I figure the odds it'll be rated AO are pretty much zip (unless Sony's actually going to allow that for once), so it probably WON'T fill out its title well.

Re: Borderlands 2 Season Pass Offers Four DLC Packs for $30


Umm...the DLC for Borderlands was hit-and-miss. The Zombie one had too much brain collecting, Moxxie's arena was just plain not fun, General Knoxx has too much back-and-forth driving in it, and Claptrap Revolution had too many completely RANDOM collectable drops from the Claptraps. I mean, they all had their fun parts (except for Moxxie), but they were certainly far from "fantastic."

That said, I'll probably get the season pass anyway and just hope they've learned their lesson this time around. I know they got a LOT of feedback about the first game's DLC, so...maybe they'll develop accordingly. I hope.

Re: Sony Bookmarks Dragon Fantasy: Book II for PS3 and Vita


@Ginkgo: Well, it's certainly not for everybody, but this kind of game definitely does have an audience. IMO, these graphics trump Skyrim hands-down.

I hadn't previously heard of the FIRST game, never mind a I went researching. The first one is on PC, Mac, and iOS. Good news is, they've confirmed plans to release it on PSN prior to the release of the sequel (stated in response to comments on the PS Blog). So I look forward to learning more about that.

Re: ToeJam & Earl Is Almost Certainly Jammin' onto PS3


@get2sammyb: Not in the least, no. Those rumors have been circulating for YEARS now, so it's just too random to bother. Anyway, I never once said I expect the game to hit XBLA and not PSN...I simply pointed out that the available information has no logical bearing on a potential PSN release, which is true.

That said, the "Vintage Collection" has thus far been multiplatform, so if ToeJam & Earl are on it, it SHOULD come to both XBLA and PSN. I'll be interested to see how that bizarre combined Achievement list translates to Trophies, though.

Re: Troubled Uncharted Flick Loses Grip Once Again


Better it never get made than it be the garbage they HAD been making. But who knows? Maybe they'll finally get it done...and it'll be AWESOME! They seriously need to just let Nolan North have the lead, though. Anybody else would be just wrong. WRONG, I say!

Re: Rumour: PlayStation 4 Will Support 4K Resolution


I'd really rather not see a new video standard released already...companies haven't even gotten around to finishing releasing all their best stuff on Bluray yet, and we DEFINITELY don't need to see TV prices going back up again.

But if it's coming one way or the other, I guess the PS4 may as well support it...especially if Microsoft's next system doesn't.

Re: PlayStation Vita Has Sold 2.2 Million Units Since Launch

Stuffgamer1 which 14 titles are they? 'Cause if Uncharted Golden Abyss, Gravity Rush, Stardust Delta, Plants vs. Zombies, and Motorstorm RC are all included...well, yes, I have at least five of them.

EDIT: Looked it up myself, and yes, all five of those titles have 8/10 or higher on this site. Your point is validated, sir. I have met your minimum specs with my ENTIRE Vita library.

Re: PlayStation Vita Has Sold 2.2 Million Units Since Launch


@hydeks: Funny thing is, I AM a Sony fan. Love my PS3 to death, and bought the Vita day one specifically for Uncharted: Golden Abyss. Sure, I'm also a Nintendo fan (not impossible), but I'm honestly only critiquing the Vita in the hopes that it'll improve, because it's a great machine.

As far as tastes in games go, you're not the only person I know who has more Vita games than 3DS games...but I personally don't get it at all. Even more bizarre to me are folk who have more PSP than DS games. But again, there's no accounting for taste. I will admit to being VERY judgmental with regards to some things, such as the fighting game genre (barf).

I do agree completely with your last statement, though, and that's really the biggest challenge Vita faces: the market they're aiming for mostly doesn't even want portable gaming in the first place.

Re: Plants vs. Zombies Sequel Grows onto Consoles Next Year


@Sanquine: PopCap is not particularly known for releasing "money grabs." I doubt it'll be an issue.

This does need to try to launch on more platforms, though. The slow burn getting it out onto various devices after the original release was kinda crazy. I'll get it on Vita given the option, 'cause the touch controls really are perfect for the game. I didn't care for PvZ much on PS3 (first version I tried), and it turned out to simply be a control issue. Love it on Vita.

Re: PlayStation Vita Has Sold 2.2 Million Units Since Launch


@get2sammyb: High review scores do not automatically translate into consumer interest. You could put the best fighting game of all time on the Vita and I still wouldn't give a crap because I HATE FIGHTING GAMES! The vast majority of the Vita's existing game library fails to appeal to me, resulting in my owning only TWO retail games and three downloaded ones (one of which was free). The next game I'm interested in seems to have dropped off the face of the Western world (New Little King's Story), and even the original DS and Wii have more reservable titles at GameStop than the Vita.

This machine needs help, badly. The announcements at GamesCom may help to a certain extent, but I still think they need some amount of price dropping (system, memory cards, or preferably both) in order to pick up sales. Fact is, most consumers nowadays will prioritize smart phones and tablets above dedicated game systems, and they don't exactly have infinite cash. A game machine needs to be priced competitively to be noticed, ESPECIALLY one marketing itself to the more "mature" crowd. Nintendo's only doing so well right now thanks to the price drop and family-friendly appeal.

Re: Tokyo Jungle Confuses PSN Next Month



As for the game...that trailer was not enough to sell me on it (not that it's been announced for American release in the first place). Looks weird, but I really don't understand the gameplay. I fail to see why people are so often so HORRIBLE at getting the core of the gameplay across in marketing. It's kind of important, y'know.

Re: Sony Launches Cross Buy Initiative for PS3 and Vita


@get2sammyb: What does it matter? PS3 games are $60. The most expensive Vita game to date is $50. Which one you pay for and which one you get free clearly matters quite a bit with pricing disparities like that. So I'm sure it'll only work if you buy PS3.

Yeah, because cramming a bunch of full retail games onto a Vita memory card is a good idea now. I'd be happy about this ONLY if they'd work out a way to give BOTH games in physical format...they ran that launch deal for MLB 12 The Show, so it's not like it can't be done. Lame, Sony.

On a side-note...Q-Force? You guys got the raw deal on that title.

Re: PSone Classics Expand Vita's Library on 28th August


Well...that'll rather depend on which games work on it, eh? It's been previously confirmed that they have no intention to dump the ENTIRE PS1 Classics backlog onto the Vita's store. So look forward to the same agonizingly slow drizzle we're already getting for PSP games.

Also...yeah, it's short on buttons. I wouldn't play any game that has uses for L2 and R2 on the Vita for that very reason, same as I did with the PSP. Nothing wrong with playing these games on the PS3 anyway, IMO.

Re: New Combatants Sign Up for PlayStation All-Stars


@shinobo88: In Brawl, of course!
Seriously, though, all the rumors (which thus far have been EXTREMELY accurate for this game) lead to Raiden being in this game, not Snake.

Okay, I'm not even a Devil May Cry fan, but even I know they made a completely retarded decision to include the much-maligned new Dante instead of the old one. Sheesh.

Re: Vita Firmware 1.80 Implements Home Screen Button Controls


I like the idea of the group messaging layout enhancements...hopefully including an easier way to delete multiple messages at once.

The buttons on the home menu...honestly, I really could've used that at launch, but it's less of a big deal to me now 'cause I'm used to how it is. I'll have to see how it works, though...could still be handy on occasion.

Re: John Cleese Lends His Larynx to Vita Exclusive Smart As


Well, it's a better choice than Fred Willard...but why do developers feel the need to grab celebrity voices for brain-training games in the first place? As Hot Brain proved, a cool voice DOESN'T make a good game, so while this news has me intrigued, I'm not sold on that alone.

Re: Guacamelee! Does Its Very Best Wii U Impression


Hmm...could be cool. Of course, it's COMPLETELY impractical for those who have neither a PS3 nor a Vita as of yet...but if you already have one or the other, getting the remaining unit should be comparable to buying a Wii long as you're okay with a failtastic lack of Nintendo IP's. Of course, being an übergeek, I ALREADY had a PS3 and Vita, and still intend to acquire a Wii U.

Re: Sony Struggling to Secure Third-Party Content for Vita


@Ginkgo: Now you're opening up a whole different's not exactly like the Vita is the only gaming-related item to suffer unfair pricing in Australia. I do not claim to know as much about your politics as you do (boy, that would be stupid), but I do recall a relatively recent article I read that said somebody in your government was trying to run an investigation to figure out WHY your prices are so obscene and if the problem can be fixed. Hopefully, that'll work out for you guys.

I do think a price drop would help, but I also think that the better BC they originally promised would help even more. BC sells machines...I only got a PS2 because my dad pointed out it was too short-sighted to get a PS1 when the system was practically dead and the PS2 had full BC. Sony made out good on that decision (and similar decisions from many others, I'm sure). Yet somewhere along the line, they lost sight of this.

And yes, more big exclusive games is essential. I only have a lousy two Vita games now, and there's really nothing exciting on the radar right now...seriously, NOTHING. That's a SERIOUS problem.

Re: Vita's Facebook App Nets New Features


Cool! The app really wasn't all that great before, so some updating is more than welcome. Hopefully, it won't have to open the stupid web browser to show me Facebook groups anymore. That was freaking stupid.

Re: Talking Point: The Trouble with Trophies


@belmont: I think you have an odd definition of what's "challenging," 'cause there's no way in heck I'd ever say Motorstorm RC isn't.

@hydeks: It's a shame that concept falls apart once you get into the DLC, eh? Those Trophies are infamous...

Re: Talking Point: The Trouble with Trophies


I never finished Demon's Souls mostly because my save file was lost to YLOD. I even had the ring for killing all five Dark Tendency super-foes, too.

While I appreciate the complements as to my Trophy capabilities, you must consider that this very article links to the profile of a dude who has OVER FOUR HUNDRED PLATINUMS! My 43 looks pretty darn piddly by comparison. That said, I do have more Plats than the vast majority of my friends list, and also a higher level. Not many on there up to 20 yet.

I love Trophies, but I don't play games I'm not interested in to get them. So what if my LEGO Plats are easy? I like the games, and was playing them before Trophies existed. I DEFINITELY believe than manditory skill-related multiplayer Trophies are THE WORST. Nice to see Ubisoft toned it WAAAAAAY down between the absurd AC: Brotherhood and the must more reasonable AC: Revelations. Naughty Dog still does it best though, requiring only you try it out...until DLC Trophies start coming.

Re: Metal Gear Solid 4 Trophies Unlock on 6th August


@Squiggle55: So do I, but somebody from Insomniac said (sorry, no link) that adding Trophies to the title, either from Insomniac or a third party, was "impossible." It was a PS Blog post from a while back, IIRC...I inquired as to the reason for this, but did not receive a reply.

Re: Sony Silent About Vita Sales in Quarterly Report


@UnawareQuagsire: PS3 has a Sly game,'s releasing in just a few months, in case you hadn't noticed. But more importantly: When you have the same superb developers making new, DIFFERENT games (InFamous and Uncharted in the case of your examples), you can't really have them making MORE sequels at the same time (except for Insomniac...they must really live up to their name to pull that off). And you just complained that Uncharted: GA wasn't good (it had it problems, but I liked it)...a game that was developed by a different studio. So my point is that you need to MAKE UP YOUR MIND! You cannot have it both ways no matter how much you want to.

@MorriganFan: Okay...never heard someone compare Nintendo Land, which is a collection of minigames, to PlayStation Home, which is an absurd waste of time.

You know what's funny? The Vita isn't selling well, and there aren't that many great games out for it yet. This reminds me of...the first year of the PS3. Now that machine is kicking butt; only reason sales are down from last year is that people are buying less stuff in general...recession, you'll recall. Besides, the PS3 has been out so long, most people who would want one have one anyway. That's bound to happen eventually.

Re: God of War Saga Collection Slaughters Retail This Year


It's probably just one of those things where they make an outer box to contain the games (like they did with Resistance 1 & 2 or Uncharted 1 & 2). Of course, if the price it right, it's a great deal anyway. I have the God of War Collection, but not Origins or III. If this pack contains all five and is cheaper than buying the sequels separately, I'm all for it.

Re: Rumour: PlayStation All-Stars Characters and Stages Leak


@ThreadShadow: DO know they're putting Wreck-It Ralph and a NASCAR driver in the new All-Stars Racing game, right? And Brawl had two third-party characters...I mean yeah, it's not as bad as this game, but they're not pure themselves anyway.

@Article: Of course the existing Cole announcement was for good Cole...hence the ice powers. Looks like somebody didn't play much InFamous 2.

Re: Rumour: ToeJam & Earl Strutting onto PlayStation 3


Well...the games are already on Steam and have actually been rumored to be in the works for PSN and/or XBLA for a long time now, so I wouldn't be surprised if they finally make it work.

Don't think I'd get it, though. My first experience with the games was on Wii VC, and while the first one's pretty good, the second's not all that great, and neither is really worth buying again IMO.

Re: Don't Worry, Final Fantasy Versus XIII Is Not Cancelled


Why are people assuming it's not going to be exclusive? They already gimped FFXIII with that decision, and everything they've shown of Versus (what little that's been) looks even better; I don't think they could get the game running on 360 without ruining it. Unless you think it's been pushed to PS4...that I could maybe believe.

Re: Yoshida: PlayStation 3 Targeting Families This Christmas


@rjejr: With only one of those three titles actually releasing this year...and it's the third-party, multi-system one...yeah.

But it's funny; when Sony says they're aiming for a more casual audience, they somehow manage to do a better job interesting the core market than Nintendo does with a similar strategy.

Re: God of War: Ascension "Pulls Back" from Violence Against Women

Stuffgamer1 IS getting more gruesome as the series goes along. At E3, they showed Kratos exposing the brain of an elephant-beast...that's pretty gross. But the violence against women thing seems a bit silly to me. Gorgons and harpies are a legitimate part of the culture this series is based on, so it makes sense to include them. It's not like Kratos runs around killing human women, after all.