Comments 686

Re: LEGO Uncovers the Legends of Chima for PlayStation Vita


Is this a Traveller's Tales game? You have to remember that although they're they ones who earned the LEGO brand its positive reputation in gaming, they are NOT the only ones allowed to work with it.

EDIT: Oh, dope, the page says Traveller's Tales. Well could be interesting, then. Maybe not having a console version to be compared to will do it some good.

Re: Fez Is Finally Coming to Other Platforms in 2013


Phil Fish has a controversial history with the media, but he's not all bad. "Watch Indie Game: The Movie" and tell me you don't feel sorry for him at times. If you can, you're completely heartless.

Anyway, I want to play this game, so I'm happy to hear it's coming to other platforms. That said, the original game got pushed back A LOT, so I see no point getting excited as though it were coming SOON.

@sammy: Fish has pointed out before that he wasn't paid to release Fez exclusively on 360. I'm not saying that NEVER happens (it does), but sometimes a small indie developer simply can't afford to push his product onto multiple consoles at once, and XLBA is an unfortunately common choice for them.

Re: Square Enix Conjures New Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIX Screenshots


Why is it we've got trailers and screenshots for this after four months, but NOTHING for FFX HD after a YEAR?

@Superconsole: Eh, he always looked a little off in Kingdom Hearts. I guess the HD just makes it stand out a bit more.

@irken004: That would be a heck of a lot of work right there, and more love than the worst game in the series deserves. Cut scenes is plenty enough for me.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Christmas?


@Sammy: I'm a bit disappointed with how few people seem to have even attempted Score Attack mode on some of these games. As of Christmas Day, I was number 3 out of 398 scores on Root Beer Tapper. Also the Trophy for that title was absurdly easy. Game needs more respect.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Christmas?


@ZeD: As a long-time veteran of NLife (from back when they were VC-Reviews and WiiWare wasn't even a thing yet), I say I PREFER these smaller communities. I almost never actually post anything over on NLife anymore because there's so many comments to wade through and I have a personal thing against posting without reading previous posts (to avoid accidental repetition). I post on Push Square often now, because no such problems exist.

Oh, and the only video game I played on Christmas Day was Midway Arcade Origins Collection. Much of my day was spent playing board/card games with the family and watching my new Freakazoid DVD's. Though technically...I did play a bit of Mass Effect, Crosswords Plus, and Wario Land II after midnight Christmas Eve, so count those if you like.

Re: Rockstar Games' Bully Is Picking a Fight with PlayStation 3


It's available least in North America. I gotta say though, I think it's horrible they took this route for a Bully PS3 release. They SHOULD have ported Scholarship Edition instead, so it would be in proper HD and have Trophies and stuff. This just reeks of a lazy cash-in to me, and as I result, I shant be buying it.

Re: Phew, Looks Like There May Be a PlayStation All-Stars Sequel


Seems like Activision would rather forget about Crash at this point...after they ran him into the ground, naturally. sigh

I have a friend who's applied with SuperBot...and his credentials certainly do fit the, better than I'd thought (hadn't seen the listing before now). Kinda hoping he gets it now.

Re: Naughty Dog Refused to Push Ellie to the Back of The Last of Us' Box Art


Females on boxes lead to bad sales? Then tell did Tomb Raider ever get popular?

Really, though, I think it would be DISASTROUS for them to have kept Ellie off the cover. She is an EXTREMELY important part of the game, and it would do nobody any favors to misrepresent the product at retail. Props to Naughty Dog for earning enough clout to be able to stick to their guns like that.

Re: Why Is BioShock Infinite's Box Art So Bad?


Okay, so it should come to no surprise that I am NOT a frat boy...but I really don't see why this generic art should be expected to catch their eye. Surely frat boys are the kind of idiots who only play Madden and Call of Duty regardless?

Re: Talking Point: Should Sony Release Less Exclusive Games?


As a gamer with his eye on upcoming releases regardless of marketing, I LOVE the wealth of exclusive content Sony puts out. I feel that if a game is truly stellar, the gamers will find it...and relatively low sales on Battle Royal and LBP Karting support that statement, IMO. People have better things to be spending their money and time on.

Re: Review: Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward (PlayStation Vita)


So the version with the crashes and save-file-erasing bugs gets a 10 on NLife, and this one is only an 8? I'm guessing they weren't reviewed by the same person.

I played this to Platinum completion on Vita, and I thought it was fantastic. For what it's worth, the English voice acting in the North American version are mostly pretty good, but Zero III is superb.

Re: Sony Swatting PlayStation Vita Bugs with Firmware Update


Even the manual backup isn't perfect...I ran seven games, and three or four of them failed.

@hydeks: Pretty hard, considering they're using software emulation of the PSP. But more importantly, I have a feeling it's pretty low priority for them. Which sucks and is in direct contrast to their portrayed attitude pre-launch (I'd thought the whole library would work day-one), but it's not like Sony's never screwed over BC fans before.

Re: Rumour: Final Fantasy Type-0's Localisation Was Nearly Finished


You're right, moomoo, that is pretty bizarre. Add to that the fact that they released the PSP version of FFIII here on PSN recently, and it seems even stranger to neglect Type-0 when the game was almost completely localized already. I've heard that FFIII sales would be taken into consideration for Type-0's release...but then developers love saying that kind of thing just to see their sales go up. I don't think I've ever actually seen a title held at ransom actually come about as a direct result of it as promised. Then again, it's also common for the fans to refuse to play ball in that kind of situation (Chrono Trigger DS, anyone?), so it's really hard to say. I grabbed FFIII PSP anyway, just in case.

Re: David Cage: I Wish I Could Say Nothing About Beyond


@Splat: Don't worry, there was nothing even remotely resembling spoilers in this post. I definitely do agree that it's best not to know too much going into a story-heavy game like this...honestly, I didn't know too much about Heavy Rain when I got it at launch, and that didn't disappoint! Not me, anyway.

Re: Yoshida: PlayStation Vita Sales Are Below Expectations


@Gemuarto: Gyro can be done well...I loved it for the extra level of precision aiming in Golden Abyss; but it can also suck...see the balancing bits in the same game. Devs just need time to figure out what works and what doesn't.

I think Sony's gotten themselves stuck in a catch-22 now. A price drop might help, but much more so with more games...which won't come with the install base so small, which won't rise without a higher total value for the machine, which means lower price AND/OR more games. It's difficult to ascertain what would do the trick best, but either option works poorly on its own.

I really like my Vita, but I don't use it as much as my 3DS. Just a personal thing, and to be honest StreetPass is no small part of the reason for that. And general portability...Vita just doesn't fit in my pocket like 3DS does.

Re: Uncharted: Golden Abyss Wins Best Handheld Game Gong


I'm confused...what calendar are these people working from? This year isn't over yet, and Super Mario 3D Land was from LAST year.

I still haven't gotten around to playing Gravity Rush, so I can't say how it compares to Golden Abyss...but the latter was quite good. Best handheld game of the year? I dunno about all THAT...but then I'm approaching this from a perspective that separates the "feels" of handheld and console games, and I can't consider GA a handheld game by anything other than a technicality. I blame my days growing up with a Gameboy for this.

Re: PlayStation Plus Contributing to Increased PSN Sales


If it wasn't for PS+, I'd probably have never played Double Dragon Neon. That game's freaking AWESOME, so I'm happier than ever to have the service (which I've had since day 1).

Yes, not paying again is DEFINITELY better. I don't think they'd have charged less for the Vita version than the PS3 version anyway, so it's got to be the best deal all-around to just get them together. Looking forward to that update next month...

Re: PlayStation 3 Owners Revolt Over Firmware Update 4.30


I'm certainly glad I don't have that icon, 'cause it'd definitely piss me off. I'm still annoyed I have an Amazon video icon on my XMB even though I've NEVER used it, but at least that's tucked away BELOW Netflix on the video apps section, so it's not actually in the way. I have so many different game folders already (to sort by format), there's no WAY I need one more stupid thing to scroll past under games. Now I'm going to undermine that statement by saying I'd have preferred the Trophies didn't move. Honestly though, that's not a big deal to me, and I sort of see why they did it...after all, you can now view your Trophies from the Network, including ones from a completely different console. It kind of makes sense...

Re: Germinator Offers an Infectious Twist on a Puzzle Classic


Well, I can only comment from experience. There are definitely visible elements of the two I mentioned, but yeah, could be some Bust-a-Move influence in there. Regardless, it's a combination of games I don't really like all that much individually, so it's hard to imagine I'd want to play this either.

Re: PlayStation Store Revamp Postponed in North America


@Azikira: There's a LOT more going on with this revamp than just looks, y'know. They've got to get the aesthetics, search engine, and all the rest of the code running efficiently. I'm no programmer, but I find it difficult to believe that would be an easy task, especially when this is something that has to stream relatively large amounts of data to users' PS3's quickly.

Re: Review: Retro City Rampage (PlayStation Network)


I can't believe the review failed to mention it, but this game gets HARD towards the end! Like as in frustratingly, controller-hurling, make-you-cry level hard. People need to be warned of this.

It IS beatable, however...I got 100% in less than a week, but it took quite a lot of effort. Definitely has its fun parts, especially earlier on where the difficulty is lower and you can more easily concentrate on the references.

Re: Deadly Premonition: Director's Cut Spooks PS3 in 2013


@Ginkgo: The PS Blog announcement of this release pointed out that this game holds the Guinness World Record for “Most Critically Polarizing Survival-Horror Game." So yeah, polarizing couldn't be a more fitting term.

I'm very interested to see how much they improve the gameplay...I thought this game had potential on 360, but gave up when I came across the abysmal driving controls.