Comments 686

Re: Feature: What Makes PS4's Minecraft the Definitive PlayStation Edition?


@WARDIE: To be fair, I have very little experience with any game relevant to that comparison and can only go by perceived reputation. I see people complaining about how tiny Minecraft worlds are on 7th gen consoles, and 862 certainly SOUNDS like a relatively short distance. See here, which if believed puts the single-direction width of a 7th gen Minecraft world at less than one kilometer. Surely this cannot be considered a sizeable world by any real stretch of the imagination. Granted, that only makes 36x that so big, but it's still a meaningful improvement, I guess.

@Jazzer94: To quote myself from above: You don't have to muddle around trying to figure out mods or extra software." See that bold part? It nullifies that YouTube link you just posted. IMO, there's no excuse for the game to not have NATIVE controller support after all this time.

As for DLC, of course it's not all free. $1 for textures and $2 per character skin pack from what I've seen (can't speak for UK pricing). Looks like all DLC from the PS3 version is also available for PS4 now...and it's all cross-buy to boot! Is that comparable to modding? Well, it's obviously not the exact same sacrifice freedom for security, as usual for consoles. Nothing wrong with that if it's your preference.

Re: Feature: What Makes PS4's Minecraft the Definitive PlayStation Edition?


@Jazzer94 For those who want it, Minecraft on consoles has a very simple advantage: controller support. You don't have to muddle around trying to figure out mods or extra software (which a cursory Google search earlier today suggested is still necessary on PC), so for those of us who can't stand keyboard/mouse controls (and I did give that try with the Minecraft demo, but it just isn't for me), consoles are the only way to go. Plus you're not ENTIRELY limited to vanilla, at least so far as visuals go, because there are DLC packs available on PS3 and doubtlessly will be for PS4 down the line. We also aren't all great with modding. if rjejr's kids are learning about Windows and modding through Minecraft, great! Kids have the option to spend time on that (and learn more easily), so good for them. I'd honestly rather have a straightforward experience though, which makes PS4 the place to play.

Re: Talking Point: Is Indie Becoming a Defunct, Dirty Word?


I think it's crazy to see all these people complaining about games LAUNCHING on Plus. A couple years ago, that was a very rare it's a monthly advantage, but they still whine because it's not the other thing they want. You'll never please everyone, of course...but I prefer being offered something there's no way I already own. Fez and TowerFall were disappointments in that regard, simply because I'd already purchased them amd they're not even that old.

I think the Indie label has value, but only if people can agree on a definition that makes sense. THAT'S the real problem with it.

Re: Naughty Dog: An Uncharted Collection Would Be Really Cool to Have on PS4


Only question I have is what would they do about the multiplayer? It might not be advisable or worthwhile to rebuild both U2 and U3 MP on PS4 (enough abbreviations there for ya?), ESPECIALLY if they had the full Trophy sets from PS3 (way too time intensive for completionists). But if they cut it, would people complain? Perhaps that would depend on the cost of the collection...surely $60 for all three games (or four...Golden Abyss love?) without MP would be a good deal. Of course, all this assumes that U4 still has stellar MP coming...which I don't think has been announced yet, so who knows? Whole thing's kinda complicated.

And of course, considering the size of the games on PS3, you could be sure this collection would take at LEAST two discs...more likely one per game outright, possibly depending on MP or lack thereof. Downloading? You'd have to be crazy...which I'm sure wouldn't stop some people.

Oh, and to those complaining this invalidates PS Now: No, PS Now has done a fine job invalidating itself between the horrible service and outrageous pricing. Yes, both of those could THEORETICALLY improve with time, but I don't think it's likely to be enough to matter. Collections like these are really the superior route where feasible. You just need to get a small enough team cranking them out that the rest of the crew can work on new stuff unimpeded.

Re: Blimey, Only Four in Ten PlayStation Games Actually Make Money


@get2sammyb Yeah, that too. I really wish Nintendo would consider doing that, but it's been increasing obvious over the years that they don't want to release ANYTHING they can't make a fat wad on anymore (and yet Glory of Heracles made it out for some bizarre reason...go figure). And Microsoft...well, I guess they think it's okay to just bank on a small selection of IP's, and to be fair it's mostly seemed to work for them for a while. Not too sure that'll pan out this go-round, though.

Re: Blimey, Only Four in Ten PlayStation Games Actually Make Money


Thus far, the comments seem to be ignoring the subsidizing element here. He said that some of their games sell SO well as to make back the money spent on other titles. IMO, this is a FANTASTIC business method as it increases the variety of software available for your hardcore fanbase. Some games are just very unlikely to make a profit for one reason or another, but you can't do justice to a creative medium if you refuse to make them because of that individual basis.

Seems you're damned if you do or don't though...people complain when companies are all about profit, and they're concerned when they decide to carefully play the numbers like this.

Re: The PS4's Selling Like Crazy Everywhere Apart from Japan


So you mean to tell me that in the land of mass public transportation and often smaller living spaces, people prefer portable game devices regardless of the launch of new consoles? Noooo...couldn't be!

Seriously though, not sure why this is news; I'm not the least bit surprised. Between software availability; cultural differences; and the fact that a lot of the console's features were clearly designed more with the West in mind (which is itself linked to culture, I guess), it was a given that the PS4 wouldn't do the crazy numbers it's been doing out here in its native land. I don't think that's really even a problem for Sony either...I'm sure they also had the sense to foresee this, hence the Western focus up to and including the delay of the Japanese launch.

Re: Talking Point: Why Sony's Right to Retain the Franchises It Funds


Well, I'm glad I know why Insomniac jumped ship to Xbox now...and it's a reason I can't really blame them for. I DO blame all involved for Insomniac not just being bought by Sony outright already, though. Naughty Dog and Sucker Punch Insomniac feels like the odd one out from the PS2 platformer trifecta. sigh

As it stands, I do understand and agree with Sony's desire to own things it pays for...but I do feel better about it when they own the developers as well. Then again, I trust Sony to have other devs make good games more than Activision all the same. Whole thing's kind of a mess overall.

Re: Heartless Americans Thought Tokyo Jungle Was Woof


Interesting fallout to come along and read post-edit. For the record, speaking as an American...I'm sick of the stereotype American gamer not because the existence of the stereotype is unfair but because it holds some degree of truth. No stereotype is born in a vacuum, and the fact of the matter is that certain mainstream cultural tastes have shaped the industry and resulted in some types of games being viewed as very "niche" here. So from what I gather, AFCC never would've offended me...I'd be right along with him complaining about those people. After all, they're the reason I have to import some games and hope for fan translations of others.

Anyway, with regards to Tokyo Jungle...I bought it at launch and played a fair bit. I like the game, but I think it gets too hard pretty quickly for a lot of the species. I never managed to survive 100 years, and being sent through the northwest areas was always pretty much a death sentence. But my brother finished all the Trophies and said the key was using some of the bigger, stronger animals. Unsurprisingly, some of the DLC creatures are best suited to the task...and while I did buy them all, I never got around to trying them all out. I'd like to give it another go but I doubt I'll find the time with all the other games I'm falling further and further behind with.

Re: Here's How Renting Games with PlayStation Now Will Work


"and participants have no doubt been using the service to stream games until their thumbs drop off from exhaustion"

I used it runs SO badly I haven't bothered to go back. Got better things to spend my time on.

@kensredemption: So far as I can tell they're just showing the regular PS Store data regarding the games...that's the only reason the game would have over twelve thousand ratings listed, too. The game size really doesn't matter AT ALL for PS Now in theory, but it's there because they haven't gotten around to formatting the streaming menus properly yet.

@dok5555555: It's a holdover from the normal PS Store listings for the games. It really just means you can't buy the game for download, but if it's on PS Now, streaming is still fine.

Re: Talking Point: Will Someone Please Frag Online Exclusive Trophies


Online Trophies are getting so bad, they affect my purchasing decisions. Sony permanently lost my potential interest in Resistance and Killzone with BS MP Trophies, and I'm DEFINITELY not interested in giving Tomb Raider another go-round with the exact same Trophy list. The Trophies in AC: Brotherhood are the SOLE cause of my hated of the series at this point...I finally got that Plat with boosting buddies, but by that point I had zero interest in moving forward with the series, which really sucks because the single-player (starting with II) is so good! But no...I think of the series, I burn with hatred. Does that make me over-reactive? Maybe, but so what? It's still on them to provide a product I enjoy, and if I have these kinds of feelings because of their game, then guess what: THEY FAILED.

Re: Square Enix Sure Isn't Goofing Around with Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX


@FullbringIchigo: It's probably because it would take a LOT more work to remake DS games in HD than PS2/PSP games, and they aren't even the best games in the series to begin with (well, 358/2 Days, anyway...haven't played Coded yet). It was a judgement call that getting the plot points to us was more important, and although it's a weird choice, I don't have a huge problem with it.

Re: Soapbox: Why There's No Real Rush to Upgrade to the PS4


None of the answers really applies to me, because I've been spending a lot of my time on games on non-Sony platforms lately. I do have a PS4, and I like it...but it hasn't gotten much attention over the past couple of weeks...but my PS3 hasn't fared much better save for watching movies.

Re: Review: Putty Squad (PlayStation 4)


@ztpayne7: Super Putty was the first game, actually...Putty Squad was a sequel.

I was AMAZED to learn this was even a thing the other day...and as of yet I still have no idea if it's ever coming Stateside. Not really sure how interested I am...and I guess anyone in that boat might be better off checking out the old SNES games first, especially since this one is priced kinda high for what it is.

Re: How Microsoft's Hostile Indie Policies Could Impact PS4


I'm definitely in the camp that believes this policy will do more harm to Microsoft than Sony or Nintendo. This worked last gen because Microsoft held high ground on install base...but they're falling behind Sony pretty quickly right now, and it's just not going to be worth Indies' bother to bow to their demands this time around.

Re: Rumour: PS4 Loses Black Friday Battle Against Xbox One


Yeeeeeah...this news doesn't mean anything about the consoles' relative success due to the facts admitted in the very same article. Of COURSE Sony couldn't compete on Black Friday in America when that was also launch day overseas! America may historically be Sony's weakest market, and I'm sure it'll remain Microsoft's strongest, but I still don't really believe MS will win out overall...not after they screwed up so badly, no matter how much damage control they've done.

Re: Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition Moors on PS4 in January


I saw an ad for the game on GameTrailers last night...thought it was odd since it hadn't REALLY been announced yet. Silly people.

@RisefromAshes: I agree...unless, as Sammy suggested, they remove the MP Trophies. I don't realistically expect them to do either of those things, though. They're more likely to keep the existing Trophy set and maybe pack in some of the MP DLC from previous versions of the game.

Re: The PS4's Share Button Has Been Pushed More Than 6.5 Million Times


I was skeptical of the button, but once I had the system and got to try it out, it didn't take long at all for me to fall in love with it. I can facilitate plot discussions on FB that don't rely entirely on memory (with appropriate spoiler warnings, of course) and share crazy bugs, high scores, whatever. Played a great game of Fortune Street recently and was just aching for Share functionality...boy, did I get spoiled fast!

Of course, the fact of the matter is this statistic proves very little. An average of three presses per console sounds piddly, but you have to consider that it's balancing no-goes like SilentJ & my brother and addicts like me & one of my friends. In my opinion, the feature has turned out VERY worthwhile, but you can't hope to please everyone.

Re: Sony Removes Ability to Redeem Codes Due to Struggling PSN


@rjejr: For what it's worth, I don't blame you at all for complaining. I just wanted to make sure you had the facts while doing so. I agree, there's really no excuse for them not preparing for the slamming they're getting right now. This happens EVERY time a popular online-related product releases, and most of us are getting sick of it. Sadly, there doesn't seem to be much recourse other than general online bitching, which doesn't tend to get results. The situation is only made worse when other people choose to DEFEND the company for being cheap like this...and that's all this is, they didn't want to pour more money into servers they had to have KNOWN they'd need.

Re: Sony Removes Ability to Redeem Codes Due to Struggling PSN


@rjejr: Actually, PSN DID have some issues at the US PS4 launch a couple weeks ago...just not as big or as long as this one. I'm sure this has been cause by a combination of factors...the true problem with putting the European launch on freaking Black Friday.

I grabbed a Plus code on Amazon as soon as it was possible (due to problems on their end that was about 4am EST yesterday), and it took almost another full hour to push the activation through on PSN. It was frustrating, but understandable. I'm just glad I did manage to get it done quickly, because my Plus would have run out in about a week and I'd rather not worry about things. Hope everyone still having problems is able to push through soon.

Re: Poll: How Would You Rate the PS4’s Present and Future Prospects?


@Sanquine: Don't forget those sales numbers don't include downloads, which have been picking up steam CRAZY fast lately regardless of Nintendo's archaic account system. I think the Wii U COULD be a bigger threat than the Xbone once Nintendo's software picks up and people realize just how many problems the Xbone really has...problems that time can't fix.

@RaymanFan2: Their usual schedule SHOULD be disrupted soon since they split into two development teams a while back. The new Uncharted should have been in development since shortly after U3 released, giving them PLENTY of time to get it out in 2014.

Re: The Playroom Has Been Completely Removed from Twitch's Directory


I can't blame them for this since Twitch streaming is supposed to be a relatively safe and unpoliced environment that ANYONE has access to. People comparing it to Nintendo are ignoring the facts entirely. Still a shame it had to come to this, but that's what happens when you give human beings freedom nowadays.

Re: Sony to Reduce Digital PS4 Prices Prior to EU Launch


I still want to know why the hell lower digital pricing is STANDARD on Vita but nonexistent on PS4. What happened, Sony?

As it stands, if I can get a physical copy for the same price or less, I'll do it in almost every instance (only game on any platform I've broken that rule for is Crosswords Plus on 3DS...seems like the right game to have on the SD card and they had that Donkey Kong Original promo at the time). That said, my digital library is still growing thanks to PS Plus, because I'm not stupid enough to turn down the benefits of the program just because I don't get a disc or card that way.

Re: Talking Point: Is the PS4's Controller Pushing Your Buttons?


My main problem isn't technically with the CONTROLLER, but with programmers. All throughout the PS3's lifecycle, I was used to aim and shoot being on the 1 all of sudden it's been moved to the 2's and I'm having a HORRIBLE time adjusting. Why the hell did they feel the need to do that? :/

@nathanuc1988: " a change like that would be difficult to get used to now"
Ain't that the truth! Anyone with a Wii U can attest to that. The real problem is that they're still programming face buttons as if the stick was in the old place...this can cause problems in 3D games where you have camera control and need to be able to jump and jump is still mapped to B like always.

Re: Review: Adventure Time: Explore the Dungeon Because I DON'T KNOW! (PlayStation 3)


@Epic: I wouldn't worry about that...they've actually ALWAYS had variable success with the licensed games they pump out. We didn't used to pay too much attention because they hadn't been in the public eye as much as they are now. This is the kind of game where I GUARANTEE you they didn't have full creative control, and they were probably on a tight schedule from their publisher. So overall, I think it's important to view WayForward's catalog in two groups: labors of love and cash cows...this one is certainly in the latter camp.

Re: Review: Contrast (PlayStation 4)


I finished this game in one go on Saturday...while I agree on certain negative aspects, others I think are a little overblown in the review. It's worth noting that yes, a fair bit of story is in the collectables, but they are NOT well hidden for the most part, so it's no strain to get them. I did hit a couple bad bugs, one of which forced me back across one of the longest no-checkpoint segments of the game, but I definitely think it's worth a play anyway. Yes, another patch or two would be appreciated (it already had one patch at release, oddly enough), but I think this deserves more of a six or seven, personally.

Re: Review: Adventure Time: Explore the Dungeon Because I DON'T KNOW! (PlayStation 3)


@DRL: Try not to let the score bother you too much...I did read the review, and IMO it's not deserved based on the text. No indications given of bugs or the like...seems more like the kind of game with limited appeal that's being harshly judged as a result. I wouldn't let this review turn me off from trying the game, actually...if I was an existing fan of the IP. Been meaning to watch this stuff on Netflix...

Re: Talking Point: What Are Your Thoughts on the PS4's User Interface?


@get2sammyb: I haven't seen any real indication of Vita management support...the Store only has PS4 content on it ATM, that's for sure.

@ztpayne7: You can tell it to show your username by default online, but I haven't found a way to make it do so on your own system.

That bottom area for the social feed doesn't seem to be working at the moment...I've yet to see anything pop up there whatsoever.