Comments 3,698

Re: Baldur's Gate 3 Gets Another Massive Patch Out of Nowhere


Kudos to Larian for staying on top of this. Some would argue that a game shouldn’t be released if it needs this much fixing, but a game of this size and complexity just can’t be tested fully until it’s out in the wild. I hope they continue to improve the game’s performance and content for a long time.

Re: Rumour: Sea of Thieves Might Be One More Xbox Game Coming to PS5


We’re getting Skull & Bones in a month or so. What’s the point of having two open world multiplayer pirate games? I’m not sure there’s enough of an audience for both. I have no interest in either one. Sea of Thieves is apparently pretty popular over in the Xbox world, but what’s that saying about every scrap looks delicious to the famished… 😜

Re: PlayStation's Head of Third Party Deals and Acquisitions Gives Insight into How It All Works


@Nei Yeah, the pandemic slowed down what was already a growing development cycle. I do think there’s been some good first party releases this generation, although about half of them have been Insomniac. And banger third party projects that turned into acquisitions, like Housemarque and BluePoint’s. If Helldivers 2 hits then Arrowhead might be next, as far as studio acquisitions of teams that Sony has worked closely with.

But I think the whole Factions ordeal has been an albatross around the neck of the whole first party. Whether legitimate or not, there’s a sense that as Naughty Dog goes, so goes all of PlayStation studios — which is not really fair. Add to that the fact that Media Molecule gave us one game in 10 years (which, for as good as Dreams was in execution, it failed commercially) and Bend spun its wheels for a little bit with a project they didn’t want to do. Just too much time spent on dead end projects, on top of a pandemic, on top of a longer development cycle (4-5 years per AAA game is now standard vs 1-2 years back in the PS3 era)

Re: Poll: Which PS5 Games are You Buying in Early 2024's Ridiculous Release Schedule?


@Jimmer-jammer Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons is a great game! I’m not sure I’ll play it again, and I have it for PS4 anyways, but highly recommend.


For me it’s FF7R, DD2 and maybe Rise of the Ronin.

And is that Skull & Bones I see?! I thought that game would never come out. 😂 For as long as it’s been in development, there’s surprisingly little buzz about it.

Re: Analysts Anticipate a Tougher Year for Live Service As Sony Aims to Infiltrate Sector


@themightyant If the stat is 60% of time spent with live service is from 19 specific games, then that’s less concerning than if it’s 60% of time spent with any and all video gaming is from only 19 games.

I suppose there’s some grayness to what even constitutes a “live service game” to begin with. I consider anything that has content added routinely after release to be “live service”. So No Man’s Sky would definitely qualify, for example, as would Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. Heck, even Marvel’s Spider-Man was live service because it had a roadmap of post-launch DLC.

I think if the game only has one expansion then I’d probably not call it “live service”. So God of War Ragnarok, for example, or Returnal. They had one free DLC and then that’s all, so it’s not like there ongoing support. But if there’s a post-launch roadmap, or regular updates with added or changed content, then that’s live service (GT7, Street Fighter 6, etc)

I guess the point is, we probably need better nomenclature and definitions. We often see people dump on live service but what they really mean to criticize is the games which are ongoing with predatory fees and charges, or games that are incomplete and rely on updates to string people along.

Re: Analysts Anticipate a Tougher Year for Live Service As Sony Aims to Infiltrate Sector


@themightyant Yeah the “60 per cent of playtime is dominated by just 19 titles” statement is a little confusing to me, as to whether it’s playtime for all games or just live service. I even went to the original article to try to find out more about that statistic. In the article (which this statement is just a smidgen of the total content, which is several rapid fire predictions from an array of analysts) Wijman doesn’t expound or back up the statement, but does add “75% of playtime is from the top 33 games”. So from that I’m assuming this means all games, since I can’t think of 33 live service games.

If the “60% playtime from 19 games” includes all comers, then it would be interesting to see how many of those 19 are live service and how many are traditional single or multiplayer without service elements. For example, I could see large popular time sinks Elden Ring, Baldur’s Gate, or Witcher 3 maybe being in there, just by virtue of people dumping hundreds of hours into them and replaying them several times. I know they still are dwarfed by the thousands of hours people spend in Minecraft, Roblox, Fortnite, FIFA, Madden, GTA Online, or Warzone, but it would be interesting to see the breakdown.

And there’s also a difference between profitability and playtime, although I know both metrics are important, it seems like playtime is only part of the the equation.

Still, like you say, the lopsided playtime stats is sad to me, with such a wealth of variety out there. Over the last several years since PlayStation has been able to give us our personal stats, I don’t think I’ve ever spent more than 150 hours on any one game. And I think that one was Persona 5. 😅

Re: Round Up: All Our Game of the Year 2023 Winners


In case anyone is curious (I obviously was), here are the last 3 years Push Square top 10 GOTY lists:

(Missing the overall #1, which I believe was GoW Ragnarok)



I’d say 2023 was really strong comparatively. 2020 was great and 2022 also not too shabby. But 2021… eh.

Re: Game of the Year: #1 - Marvel's Spider-Man 2


@themightyant “The thing I find most crazy is the number of people saying things like ‘I haven’t played BG3 but it’s objectively GOTY’ lmao”

Exactly. I’ve seen a lot of this. And also, BG3 is an enormous game, where I’ve read it kinda falls apart a little at the end. I think patches have fixed Act 3’s technical issues, but some have said there’s major narrative problems. There’s a few readers (@Jaz007 being one) who feel like the ending was botched sufficiently that it takes away a lot of the greatness that it was trying to accomplish. Similar for Alan Wake II where an excellent write up by @Jimmer-jammer recently in the forums outlined some of the game’s significant shortcomings. L

Personally, I don’t know. I’m not saying one way or the other, as I’ve not played any of these, but I do wonder how many people who are championing BG3 actually finished it. I suppose you don’t have to finish a game to feel like it’s a GOTY, but honestly, many people haven’t even played it.

Re: Game of the Year: #2 - Baldur's Gate 3


Like others have said, as far as a voting result, being number 2 this year is impressive enough for a game that is niche like BG3. I know it’s selling well enough, but it’s not got the wide appeal of Spider-Man 2.

These results do not invalidate your own personal preferences. If you’re a D&D or cRPG fan, or if you value large epic games or high fantasy, then you’re absolutely within your rights to prefer BG3 over SM2 (or anything else).

Re: Game of the Year: Top 10 PS5, PS4 Soundtracks of 2023


I’ll echo multiple comments about FF16 being a surprise omission (although at least it’s an honorable mention). But like said by others, I haven’t played most of these games so I can’t pass judgment, but I can say FF16 has one of the best scores in recent memory.

Also, it disappointing that Tchia didn’t get an honorable mention. Fantastic musical score and integration into the gameplay and overall cultural setting of the game. Just because it’s not a huge orchestral track shouldn’t disqualify it. I adored the quaint acoustic ukulele sequences.

Re: Game of the Year: Best PS5, PS4 DLC of 2023


@Northern_munkey I’m confused. Even without playing it completely and properly it’s still the best expansion you’ve ever seen? I mean, isn’t it premature to pass judgement or are the opening moments really that impressive that it is the best no matter how it finishes?

Re: Game of the Year 2023: Graham's Top 5 PS5, PS4 Games of 2023


In my view it’s fine to disagree, criticize, or debate a list, but attacking an individual or getting personal with insults is where things cross the line. Diss the opinion, but not the person.

On subject, I think I might need to fire up PowerWash Simulator and give it a try maybe this weekend.

Re: Game of the Year: #4 - Alan Wake 2


Did I just read a comment that went something like this:

“Spider-Man 2 has no business being above this game…. I’m looking forward to giving Alan Wake a try regardless”

The irony of that statement is so intense that it boggles the mind. Knowing another game shouldn’t be ranked higher than AW then immediately admitting that they haven’t played AW. 😂

Re: PS Plus Essential Games for January 2024 Announced


I’ve been watching APT Requiem on my wishlist for a while now and it rarely ever goes on sale, and even when it does it’s just a small discount. So I’m totally stoked about this. The other two games are actually curiosities for me too, so it’s a win all around!

Re: Game of the Year: Stephen's Top 5 PS5, PS4 Games of 2023


@Nepp67 I really try not to use potions but during the mini bosses, major bosses, and optional hunts I have to use them. Torgal’s healing spell is better than nothing but it’s fairly weak. Limit breaks and that one Phoenix ability (forgetting the name atm) also do a little healing, but some of the bosses, all it takes is to miss a dodge or a counter and you’re caught in a combo that knocks off 75% of your health in one series.

I do have the item equipped that makes Torgal perform automatically. I couldn’t be fussed to try and juggle 3 Eikons with 2 abilities each whilst shooting magic and swinging a sword, all the while keeping an eye on the refresh of my abilities to keep the chain going whilst also controlling Torgal in real time. It was just too much. But unfortunately since I started with that I’m dependent on him being AI controlled (when I tried to control him myself, my muscle memory is all messed up and I just flub everything), and so I’m at the mercy of when the AI decides that maybe they ought to heal me. 😅. It’s not always timely.

But the point about the insta-healing is an interesting one. I’ve not really thought about it but yeah, it does make a difference. I just played Jedi Survivor and BD-1’s stim healing is nearly instant, but not quite, so I died a few times whilst missing my trigger to heal my a millisecond and got hit while the animation was in play and ramping up, even though I’d clearly hit the button before the finishing blow. I think there’s a skill tree power up in that game that speeds healing.

Re: Game of the Year: Stephen's Top 5 PS5, PS4 Games of 2023


@Ambassador_Kong I’m playing FF16 right now — I’m about 40 hours into it — so, far along enough to have some feedback. I would say the difficulty is medium. There’s a few pieces of equipment that basically make the game “easy mode”, rather than have a difficulty slider in the options in the traditional sense. (Accessories that give you auto-dodge and auto-combos, etc). So I just avoided using those and the game has been a balanced challenge for me. I’ve only died like 2-3 times, but I do all the side quests and do a little bit of grinding to make sure I’m slightly over-leveled so as to not run into an impassable enemy. But I frequently just barely get by on some of the major bosses and optional hunts. Just yesterday I had a couple bosses that I was down to my last potion and my hands were sweating as I knocked the last piece of health off the enemy with a sigh of relief. It’s quite a dopamine rush. Not quite on the level of Souls bosses where you barely squeak by finally after 5 failures, but there’s periodically challenging fights and to just barely scrape by on the first attempt is what I’d call a nice balance.

The common enemies can be easy, but even there, if you aren’t careful and wander out too far without any healing potions then one of the brute enemies can definitely take you out. Of course all of this is dependent on your own skill level, but I’d say it’s not severely difficult, but it’s balanced.

As far as the side content, the early ones seem to be the worst and the side quests I’ve done recently are halfway decent. Nothing stellar, but also nothing as terrible as those in the early game. It nothing much worse than FF7 Remake cat herding quest. 😅. And the side quests are clearly marked and easily skipped if you wish to avoid them. The rewards for doing the extra are mostly garbage, so if you don’t like learning more about the NPC and the world, it’s easy to just skip them.

Overall, the game has grown better for me the longer I’ve played it. I wasn’t convinced at first, but now I really like it. It’s probably my second favorite game this year, although I’m only about 2/3 of the way so we’ll see.

Re: The Last of Us' Cancelled PS5 Multiplayer Was 'More Fun' Than Any Other Online Game


A lot of theories out there about this failed project and it will be fascinating to hear the full story one day.

A couple ideas from Uncharted 4 ended up on the cutting room floor and eventually made it into TLoU2. I highly suspect that not all the work done over the last couple years will end up flushed. We’ll see some of the embryonic DNA of this project in TLoU3 and possibly in the other new single player games coming.

Re: PS5 Sales Absolutely Explode in Europe as Sony Single-Handedly Drives Industry Up


@jedinite Yes, that’s exactly my point — in my understanding Xbox’s policy was that games were required to have parity between Series S and Series X and Larian could not get couch co-op running on Series S so therefore they didn’t release it on either one. It effectively became a ‘timed exclusive’ because of that until Xbox finally backed out of their parity clause, allowing Larian to drop couch co-op from the Series S version. Sony paid nothing for the right to have the game first; it was self-inflicted by XBox.

It’s roughly similar to Cyberpunk 2077 and the PS4 and Xbox One versions. Trying to keep old tech alive ended up holding things back for the current gen version to function also.

All three companies I think are finally realizing they need to get on with it toward the new generation. Xbox with dropping the parity requirement, Nintendo with the release of Switch 2, and Sony with the abandonment of cross gen games (and now the PS5 pro rumored to come out next year). I just think PS5 benefitted from the other two companies dragging their feet a little bit on embracing the current generation, that’s all.

Re: PS5 Sales Absolutely Explode in Europe as Sony Single-Handedly Drives Industry Up


@gaston Yes, true - the Switch has been underpowered for an entire generation and it has still dominated. But I think we have some performance issues that are starting to limit these weaker systems. Cyberpunk, BG3 local coop, and about any AAA game performance mode/60 fps - all poorly functional or completely nonfunctional on dated hardware. I assume most AAA games going forward will need the full current gen power

Re: PS5 Sales Absolutely Explode in Europe as Sony Single-Handedly Drives Industry Up


@gaston It’s an interesting question. I reckon it’s a combo of things, as people have stated.

I do think PlayStation is the beneficiary of advantageous timing right now. The dominant console over the last few years, the Switch, is finally showing signs of decline. Switches and sales are finally coming down to earth. But more so, I think the technology is finally coming back to haunt the Switch and the proposition of a Switch 2 probably has slowed sales.
Meanwhile, Xbox’s strategy has always be more focused on selling the service and less about the hardware. And the technology thing is finally catching up to them with Baldur’s Gate 3 not being able to run fully on Series S. It’s the biggest game of the year and so it came back to bite Microsoft in the behind that they tossed Sony a softball there with timed exclusivity. So yeah, the more compelling games, basically — BG3, SM2, and FF16 (FF7 Rebirth soon) vs Starfield and Redfall.

So basically, although it’s not the only reason, I think Nintendo and Microsoft were a little too slow to respond on some of the hardware limitations they have. Sony seems to be staying ahead of the curve with PS5 Pro probably coming soon(ish?) and the Portal exceeding expectations. Nintendo and Microsoft appear to be course correcting (MS finally admitting they need to leave the Series S behind for some games and Nintendo with the Switch 2)

I do think the DualSense is a great selling point, but it likely comes down more to the games and the unrestrictive technology. The multimedia storm they have been on helps too. Brand loyalty also. All the other things you and people have mentioned.

Re: The Last of Us Multiplayer Project Is Officially Cancelled


Actually this is good news. I respect their decision and their candor about it. It makes no sense for them to transform their studio into something different at the expense of the thing they do best.

And I do firmly believe all the time and energies spent on this MP project won’t be all for naught. They likely have a few aspects of their cancelled game which they can pull forward and use in the single player sequel. I saw plenty of evidence of part of Uncharted 4 that were influential into what was done in TLoU2.

Re: PS Portal Was the USA's Fourth Best-Selling System in November


I know we don’t have hard numbers, but I would consider selling out almost immediately after launch to be a runaway success. I want one and can’t get one.

True that Sony may have been gun-shy of making too much inventory after the PSVR2, but to not have any of these available even from PS Direct four weeks before Christmas is a huge surprise success. So many more units could have been sold over the last month for Christmas gifts. Clearly the unit is doing way better than planned. And I’m reading near universal praise for it from people who have one. I wish I had one for Sunday football games. Perfect fit to have a game on the tele and grind away on a game simultaneously and during commercial breaks.

Re: Hackers Breach Insomniac Games, Marvel's Wolverine Details and Employee Data Up for Ransom


@EfYI Apologies and I have deleted my comment about “clicking on the article to see the Wolverine leaks.” It was said with tongue-(mostly)-in-cheek. I was curious just like everyone else as to what’s going on, as I assume you were too, although perhaps you clicked the article solely to express your thoughts there.

My biggest curiosity, however, isn’t so much about what Insomniac is up to and whatever emails they got about Wolverine’s development, rather I am a little worried about the safety of my own PSN information and the integrity of the Sony cybernetic infrastructure. The PSN outage of 2011 is enough to give me a high level of anxiety and then the other recent hack involving Sony employees compounds those concerns.

I realize, as @SirEvilJebus states, that it’s an alleged hack on Insomniac and not Sony per se, but in my experience the company who writes the checks is usually overseeing the cybersecurity of its subsidiaries. I’m no expert but other large companies seem to function that way. If Sony is not involved in the security of the first party studios then perhaps they need to be.

Re: Kratos Voice Actor Underfire for Roasting New Call of Duty Campaign


Wow, a little sensitive aren’t they? He was doing a little self-deprecation while also making a joke. He was making fun of himself more than anything.

COD should know that when you’re the biggest game in the industry that you’re going to be a target. The whining does not become you. It’s the cost of success; People poke fun at you and roast you. Judge doesn’t need to apologize.

Re: Sony: It's Important People Who Don't Play Games Access Our Content


@Art_Vandelay For sure. These TV shows are like 10 hour long advertisements for the game and for the brand. Of course if the show or movie stinks, it could backfire — I don’t think the Halo TV show sold very many Xbox’s. In fact, it may have repelled people away from the brand. 😅 Using multimedia for promoting video games has been tried many times in the past but Sony has been successful at putting out consistent quality recently with TLoU, GT movie, Uncharted movie, Twisted Metal, etc.

@Nowings Yes, PC is also in the mix for the second party games and console exclusives but besides Helldivers 2, I suspect the PC releases will not be day 1. We would assume DS2 is coming to PC eventually since the first game did. Same for Rebirth. But I don’t think Rise of the Ronin or Stellar Blade have said anything about a PC release. They will probably also be staggered until later, like first party games are. And Lost Soul Aside seems to have a PC port planned but I’m not sure if it’s day and date with PS5.

Re: Poll: What Is Your PS5, PS4 Game of the Year 2023?


@Gremio108 Good to see some love for those smaller games too. I do think having a few small quirky games can be a breath of fresh air in a year of AAA banger after banger after banger. I’ve had to mix in these less daunting titles to keep from getting burnout on the epic games. There’s only so many marathon 100 hour, ‘save the universe by sword and gun’, open world, adrenaline pumping, monster filled, chartbusting murderfests that a person can take.

Re: Soapbox: The Wait for GTA 6 on PS5 Will Be Excruciating


I’m one of the few people on earth without a copy of GTAV. The last one I played was a little GTA3, which was fine, but I just never have been as enamored with the franchise as most people seem to be. RDR and RDR2 where so much better, imho.

I’m not counting out GTAVI yet; it may be a decent place to jump back in, but I doubt it. I’m just not feelin’ it.

Re: Sony: It's Important People Who Don't Play Games Access Our Content


Ah, yes it is. My bad. I do think Kojima said DS2 is coming along really quickly, but it’s probably 2025.

I should keep Lost Soul Aside more at the forefront of my mind. The footage they shared looked great. I think the game’s name is unfortunately generic sounding and so it’s easy to forget. 😅

Regardless, I think the point is well made that despite relative silence from the Sony first party teams, there’s really some exciting second party projects and console exclusives in the wings. Seems like way more than the last two generations.

Re: Sony: It's Important People Who Don't Play Games Access Our Content


@ChrisDeku Yeah, that’s a good point. Bloodborne, as fantastic and defining as it was, is made by third party.

Which 4 Sony published / second party games are you referring to? I’ve got Stellar Blade, Helldivers 2, but not sure what the other two are. Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (like FFXVI and Forspoken) is PlayStation exclusive but Square-Enix published. Which two am I missing?

Edit: oops… got it. Rise of the Ronin and Death Stranding 2. 😄

Re: Naughty Dog Drops Explosive The Last of Us 2 Remastered No Return PS5 Gameplay


@zekepliskin Fair enough. The schism over TLoU2’s narrative is certainly legitimate. It really clicked with me, personally. My expanded thoughts are included in my review here:
No pressure to read it all if you wish not to, but rather than go through it all here it’s fairly in-depth over there on the forums. In particular, toward the end of my review there I write about how the game is often not necessarily “fun” and that Druckmann specifically tried to preemptively set expectations that the game wasn’t designed necessarily to be “fun”. And so my comment here about this new mode was just responding to the fact that the essence of the game for me was the emotional storyline and any gameplay enjoyment was secondary. If you strip away the story and characters, the game is decent, but I don’t know if it’s masterpiece level. But perhaps this new mode has a storyline? So I won’t count it out yet. For those who didn’t like the direction of TLoU2’s narrative then maybe if it does have some storyline then it could salvage the game for you somehow?

Re: Fortnite Chapter 5's New PS5, PS4 Animations Are Impressive


Let me preface this my admitting that I don’t play Fortnite and have only tried it for a few hours back in its early days, but….
This isn’t very impressive. The improved animations are, well, fine, but nothing compared to your average sequel to any video game. Seems that Santa Monica got grief for recycling the boat launching animation in GoW Ragnarok and yet Fortnite is so hype that their running and gliding animations are now finally (what, six years later) a tiny bit better? I can barely tell much of a difference.

I guess they don’t want to make too much of a change in animation because it might break the muscle memory of the trillion players who play this, but… I don’t know, I just don’t get it.

For example, I thoroughly enjoyed Star Wars Jedi: Survivor and it had several completely new stances and combat animations, and yet people criticized it for being too much like the first game. 🤷🏻‍♂️

I don’t understand people sometimes.