Comments 3,698

Re: Horizon Zero Dawn's PS5, PC Remaster Is Very Much the Real Deal


@Yousef- Lol, I wouldnā€™t doubt it.
Although, I do think the theory about PS6ā€™s backwards compatibility being limited to the PS5 library is an interesting one. It would explain some of the motivations for doing all these PS4 Remakes. If we give Sony the benefit of the doubt, then they are doing this in preparation for next gen. If weā€™re being cynical, then itā€™s gotta be for a cash-grab and Sony is creatively bankrupt. šŸ˜…

I usually try to give the benefit of the doubt.

Another less critical theory is that itā€™s simply an attempt to have a synergistic release with their other multimedia products and shows. There is a market of people who will be exposed to the Lego game, the MMO, and whatever TV show comes out and will want to play the game that started it all. Sure they can just buy the PS4 game and play it, but many of them will pay top dollar for a PS5 version instead.

As for me, I doubt Iā€™ll play the game again anytime soon. Maybe on PS6. I still have yet to play Forbidden West! I need to get on that.

Re: Horizon Zero Dawn's PS5, PC Remaster Is Very Much the Real Deal


Oh no. The Lego game made me think that Sony hadnā€™t actually lost their collective minds and greenlit a remake, but unfortunately they did. A reimagining of the original game for the Lego audience is one thing, but a full remake is quite another.

So we have TLoU and TLoU II, Uncharted 4/LL, Spider-Man, Ghost of Tsushima, Until Dawn, and now HZD. Surely God of War (2018) is next?

Edit: Also absolutely bonkers that Bloodborne isnā€™t on the PS5 Remake list.

Re: 'Final Chapter' of Star Wars Jedi Series Currently in Development


I enjoyed both Fallen Order and Survivor. Played each during the launch window and had a good time with them. Survivor is definitely the more expansive and ambitious title, and for the most part that makes it the better game, but Fallen Order had the better storyline and pacing. Both really enjoyable though, especially if youā€™re a fan of the franchise.

For the next one, Iā€™m hoping they can keep some of the open world mechanics, but tone it down a little from what Koboh was. I think it was slightly too big and affected the storytelling. Some of that can simply be improved by making the collectibles more impactful to reward exploration. Thereā€™s only so many hairstyles and droid color palettes that one can use.

Re: Suda 51 Says 'Everyone Cares Too Much About Metacritic Scores'


Like mentioned by @Nei @UltimateOtaku91 I donā€™t know that Metacritic necessarily creates a bias against unique or experimental games. In fact, I think sometimes it helps unorthodox games gain some attention that they otherwise would not get, such as Balatro, Animal Well, Vampire Survivor, etc.

However, I agree that Metacritic scores have become too powerful of a factor. Like @LuXifer mentioned, the fact that developersā€™ bonuses can be tied to how a game scores is not always fair. I understand the logic of using Metacritic instead of sales to determine a reward for making a good product even if it doesnā€™t sell well, but the fact remains that Metacriticā€™s algorithm and bias is just too unpredictable and inequitable to use as a ā€˜absolute truthā€™ of a gameā€™s quality.

Personally I almost never go to Metacritic for information on whether to play a game. I rely on smaller recommendations from Push Square and other smaller outlets, as well as word of mouth from players.

Re: State of Play Rumoured for This Month As Sony Looks Set to Skip PS Showcase in 2024


Sony has Conquered the industry and has already given us a number of Fair Games, so why should they show us anything new? They are on Fire and Walk with purpose, no need for Bungee cords to make them bounce all over the place. Theyā€™ll be alright, even if theyā€™ve stopped treading into Uncharted territory and have disappointed even The Last of every one of Us this generation. But theyā€™ve done the L ast oā€™ covering for what they Bought and I think they learned some lessons this year.

Re: PS5 Pro Probably Won't Run GTA 6 at 4K 60FPS, Tech Expert Claims


@Yagami Itā€™s absolutely the prerogative of each gamer to choose their hill to die on. I donā€™t begrudge anyone that right. I just think people arenā€™t being completely honest with themselves when we see GOTY candidates and huge bestselling games that are still coming out at 30 fps, which to me says that the ultimatum of ā€œ60 fps or bustā€ is probably being a tad overstated. A good game is still a good game.

Re: PS5 Pro Probably Won't Run GTA 6 at 4K 60FPS, Tech Expert Claims


@Yagami Yeah, I agree. Depending on the scope and graphical quality of the game, along with a lot of other gameplay factors, 30 fps is often reasonable. Sure, weā€™d all prefer to have 120 fps at 4K, but we have to be realistic. Nevertheless itā€™s amazing how many people threaten to boycott a game because itā€™s limited to 30 fps.

Re: Feature: Everything You Can Do in PS5's New Welcome Hub


Oh wow, this does look nice. The customizable nature of it is much appreciated. Seeing the battery level of the controller and storage space will come in handy. Unfortunately it looks like it will still keep the feeds of intrusive advertising and useless PS content updates.

Re: PS5 Pro Probably Won't Run GTA 6 at 4K 60FPS, Tech Expert Claims


It will be interesting to see if all the ā€œI canā€™t tolerate 30 fps and refuse to buy a game that is limited to 30 fpsā€ people will show up for GTA6. Iā€™m sure they will. Just like they made an exception for Tears of the Kingdom and Starfield and the other big games that launched at 30 fps. The way people speak in such absolutes drives me crazy ā€” ā€œIā€™ll never play a game at 30 fpsā€¦. Well, except for this oneā€¦ oh and that oneā€¦ well, maybe this other one tooā€¦.ā€

Re: Latest PS5 Firmware Adds Welcome Hub, Adaptive Controller Charging, Much More


Iā€™m not really sure what restoring licenses does. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever had to do that, but I know sometimes if thereā€™s a little glitch with the PSN that one would have to restore licenses but I never knew this was an issue that needed to be updated.

As far as the Welcome Hub, if itā€™s like the Explore section then itā€™s mostly just advertising anyway, so I donā€™t think the rest of the world will be all that enthused when you really see it. Although maybe theyā€™ve improved it.

The adaptive charging is probably the coolest part, but I have an old model so it wonā€™t apply. Also, apparently it works just on controllers and not on the headsets? Iā€™ll just keep plugging my stuff into an external charger. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø

Re: Bungie Commits to Destiny 2 DLC and Support Through 2026


So strange that Bungie keeps following up bad decisions with even more.

The way Destiny 2 has been evolved, itā€™s completely walled off any new player attraction. If a player didnā€™t get in on the early content they now have no idea how to get into this game. Itā€™s so inaccessible to new player and the old players are gradually leaving. Let this game die and reboot something new. Time for Destiny 3.

Re: Sony Execs Seem to Think the Company Doesn't Have Enough Original IP


@AdamNovice Is that what heā€™s saying? He says, ā€œā€¦we donā€™t have that much IP that we fostered from the beginning. Weā€™re lacking the early phase (of IP) and thatā€™s an issue for usā€ and then goes on to say how creation of new IP is their focus, so that it can be distributed.

You might be right, because his statement seems a bit contradictory. But none of those you listed are ā€œearly phaseā€ IP, theyā€™re properties that have been around for ages and stood the test of time. Sony has a nest egg of legacy properties that they failed to keep relevant, mostly at the expense of creating new ideas. If they want a Star Wars or Mario type of property, why would they keep creating more new IP rather than mining the popular stuff to death like those you listed? I mean, Uncharted is no Harry Potter, to be sure, and neither Kratos nor Aloy are Mario or Luke Skywalker, but I havenā€™t seen them commit their popular creations to the level they could be. The closest we have now is Horizon which they are tapping into from all angles at this point with a show, an MMO, a Lego game, etc. (which incidentally seems to be too much and risks killing the franchise with oversaturation, imo) but Sony seems to be have been happy to move on and maintain a better diversity than their competitors by encouraging and allowing their creatives to do what they want, which is often making something new. Because thatā€™s usually what artists like to do.

Re: Sony Execs Seem to Think the Company Doesn't Have Enough Original IP


Itā€™s an odd thing to say when it seems to me that Sony has the most original IP of the ā€˜big 3ā€™. Not the most iconic or productive IP, mind you, but I think they have the largest quantity.

They just havenā€™t always shepherded their existing IP very well. Nevertheless, Iā€™m all in favor of a steady stream of new IP, and yet maintain a controlled reliance of recycling older stuff. I would prefer it not become a Nintendo level of dependency on Mario, Zelda, and Pokemon; or a Xbox level of scattershot IP which mostly just die quietly. A good balance of core IP that recurs in games and media, coupled with new experimental projects, please.

Re: How Long Does It Take to Find a Match in Concord on PS5, PC?


I suppose one fix is to just drop NPC bots into matches to speed up wait times for finding a match. Of course, then Iā€™m not really sure what the difference is between just having a single player campaign if youā€™re just going to fill it out with bots. I do wonder if Concord would have benefitted from a fully fleshed out SP campaign. I think it probably would have helped sell some people on it and make the game feel less like a waste of money if you canā€™t find a match and if eventually the servers have to be closed.

Re: The Witcher 4 Close to Full Production, Next Cyberpunk Progressing as Planned


Itā€™s nice to know what theyā€™re working on, even if itā€™s just something like ā€œfull productionā€, it gives me some comfort knowing whatā€™s coming, even if itā€™s years away.
Ahemā€¦ Sony on the other hand, is there anything in full production at any of your studios? We now know more about the state of Witcher 4 and Cyberpunk sequel than we do about Uncharted, Ghost of Tsushima, The Last of Us, God of War, Horizon, etc. šŸ˜„

Re: Talking Point: Can PS5, PC Shooter Concord Be Saved?


Thatā€™s a really good point that the huge PR emphasis on live service whilst the single player development teams stay silent is largely to blame for this disaster.

If Sony would have been upfront about the SP games in development and just said that thereā€™s a few little service games on the side, then the vitriol would have been less

Re: Yep, Indiana Jones' PS5 Trailer Just Got Uploaded to the PlayStation Channel


@themightyant They guy is talented, no doubt, and I donā€™t wish ill on him or anything like that. Heā€™s just fallen victim to his own success, as actors are susceptible to doing. I think his Joel is fantastic. Heā€™s been good in his other roles too, but to me most of his characters do get sounding similar - Booker, Rhys, Snow, Sam, Higgs, etc. I do think Kanji was actually a different performance. I havenā€™t played Far Cry and I donā€™t watch animated shows very often so I canā€™t speak to his work there. Indiana Jones is such an iconic character and Baker is such a well-known voice saturating the market, it feels like the decision for him to play the role runs the risk of being a distraction. Iā€™ll withhold final judgment though.

Re: Yep, Indiana Jones' PS5 Trailer Just Got Uploaded to the PlayStation Channel


@Malaise Yeah, ironically I feel disappointed that they brought in Troy Baker to play Indy. Iā€™m sure they paid him a pretty penny, and Iā€™d rather have had an unknown. Iā€™ve liked Baker in most of his roles, but uh, yeahā€¦ I think weā€™ve heard his VA enough and whenever we hear him we canā€™t unhear all the other roles heā€™s played. For a side role or a villain (like in Death Stranding 2) itā€™s one thing, but to play an iconic protagonist like Indiana Jones, well I feel like weā€™re going to hear Joel or Booker Dewitt or Sam or Kanji, or Revolver Ocelot, etc.

Re: Rumour: Sony Paying Close Attention to Handheld Market After PS Portal's Shock Success


So far Iā€™ve enjoyed my Portal. Itā€™s not perfect, but it serves a purpose for when I either donā€™t have access to the TV or wish to play a game on the couch or in bed. With the latency and lag, even though itā€™s surprisingly small, itā€™s still not the way I want to play a Soulslike or kinetic action game that has high risk for missed timing of a button input. Itā€™s ideal for more laid back games where timing is a little more forgiving, which there are still tons of options there. Iā€™d say well over 50% of the games I play would be fine on the Portal, but I know some people only play Soulslikes, fighting games , or FPS so mileage may vary per individual. With a little improvement in latency even those types of games will be perfectly fine.

In addition to shoring up the quality of latency and stability of the streaming, Iā€™d like to see them develop a way that it can stream directly from the cloud. That would be great to not have to be tethered to the actual PS5. I have no idea if thatā€™s even possible or not.

Re: Jul 2024 USA Sales: College Football Immediately Overtakes Helldivers 2 as Best-Selling Game This Year


Not a surprise in the U.S. where [American] football is so popular. I suspect thereā€™s negligible sales of the game outside the U.S.

Really impressed also with Elden Ring and Hogwartā€™s Legacy for their staying power. Even Spider-Man 2 continuing to chart is nice to see. Even if you donā€™t like the game itself, I always like seeing single player non-sports games chart in the top 10.

Re: 12 Major PS5, PS4 Games Leaving PS Plus, Including Horizon Forbidden West


Itā€™s understandable that third party games will be pulled from the service at random times due to contracts, but Iā€™m not sure what theyā€™re thinking with first party. Perhaps they feel like HFW will get a sales boost from the LEGO game coming out soon, but otherwise, I donā€™t really know why some first party comes to the service and some donā€™t. GoW Ragnarok still hasnā€™t been included, nor TLoU remakes. And yet Demonā€™s Souls and Returnal have been sitting there on the service since day 1. Maybe I just answered my own question - if a game sells well, donā€™t expect it to be on the service. Still, thereā€™s a dartboard element to Sonyā€™s decisions sometimes. Iā€™ll be curious to see if Death Stranding or Ghost of Tsushima will be pulled as it gets close to their respective sequels.

Re: Random: Divisive Dark Souls 2 Is Seeing a Resurgence and Some Revisionist History


@LN78 I havenā€™t played vanilla, but the health gems function fine in Scholar. I actually like the hybrid system of health restoration in this game ā€” Consumables like the herbs in Demonā€™s Souls along with the standard replenishing Estus Flasks (as well as the various rings and magic spells available to restore health). The life gems drop frequently from enemies and can be purchased so it has a good built-in failsafe to use until you get your estus flasks built up. They also consume quicker than drinking estus so are nice to have in the heat of battle.

Re: Random: Divisive Dark Souls 2 Is Seeing a Resurgence and Some Revisionist History


Iā€™ll preface this by saying Iā€™ve not played DS3, Elden Ring, or Sekiro yet, but Iā€™ve played the other Soulsborne games and am currently doing my first playthrough of DS2 (playing Scholar of the First Sin edition). So far Iā€™m really liking it and have thoughts on this debate. Compared to its predecessors here are some of the things I like that DS2 does differently; and some things I dislike:

Things I like and appreciate ā€”
> Enemies not respawning after killing them a certain number of times. Especially since you have the flexibility built in to easily join the Covenant of Champions if you wanted to keep farming souls.
> Immediate fast-travel warping between bonfires from the get-go with no need for cryptic items (cough Lordvessel cough) or numerous shortcuts to get between major areas. The map layout is definitely disjointed and doesnā€™t hold a candle to DS1ā€™s masterclass of interconnected map design, but including bonfire fast-travel really helps save a lot of the trekking back and forth.
> Majula is the best hub space Iā€™ve experienced in the series so far. It feels like a safe homebase, and yet still part of the map. Especially DS1 lacked a good hub, and I understand thatā€™s part of the whole genius of the DS1 map, but I liked having a safe haven like Hunters Dream and the Nexus, and Firelink Shrine just wasnā€™t it ā€” Partly because it didnā€™t feel separate and secure and partly because it lacked a Emerald Herald / Maiden in Black / Plain Doll nurturing NPC.
> the funny inside jokes and quirky NPCs. Playing dress-up with Rosabeth, the rivalry between Pate and Creighton, Sweet Shalquoir, Laddersmith Gilligan, Galvan, etc, etc. I think this game has the best and most creative side characters.

Things that I donā€™t like ā€”
> Bosses not as creative in art design or combat design. Bloodborne still the best with that.
> Fragrant Branches of Yore can get bent. Why would you cut-off significant areas, bosses, and items with an extremely rare item? Especially since you can use the branches to open statues which are actually completely superfluous also. Branches are easy to waste and difficult to obtain. The game already has Pharros Lockstones and keys to locked doors, so why do we need another item to gatekeep areas, key NPCs / merchants, and items?
> Gank squads. The game will often overwhelm you with multiple enemies, especially frustrating when multiple hidden archers or invisible enemies are involved.
> Too much poison and cursing. Cā€™mon FromSoft, one poison themed area should be the limit.
> The Pursuer. How many times am I going to have to kill you?
> The gradual degradation of your max health with each death. I know it eventually levels off at around 30% reduction, but itā€™s still annoying.

Overall a great game though, so far. Not sure where it will land in my final FromSoft rankings yet.

Re: Black Myth: Wukong Builds the Hype with Stunning Final Trailer


I actually have less concern about the gameplay as I do the story delivery. Journey to the West is a classic tale and has been the inspiration for many other games and shows before, but many havenā€™t been successful at it. The trailer shows some really great visuals and dynamic looking gameplay but is stitched together a bit randomly. Like that last sequence after the release date and preorder information seemed a bit out of place. There is just a basic difference between Eastern and Western storytelling styles, so that might affect things.

Re: Balatro Creator Ensures IP Won't Ever Be Used for Gambling


Iā€™m more fascinated by the fact that heā€™s putting the long term outcomes of Balatro into his will. I wonder if thatā€™s common amongst creators. Maybe if I ever create something that has any reasonable monetary value in this world then Iā€™ll be able to relate.

On a separate note, I really need to try this game. I picked it up on a sale for $10 and just havenā€™t taken the time to play it yet.

Re: PS5 Sales Reach 60 Million Milestone, Now at 61.7 Million Consoles Sold


@rjejr I get what youā€™re saying, especially with the fact that the most played games on the console are cross gen or also on PC, but isnā€™t this what the public asked for? There was a huge emphasis on the fact that this generation needed to be backwards compatible and if it wasnā€™t it would have been the death knell for the brand. So Sony wisely chose to double down on backwards compatibility.

But I agree that as a result the ā€œwe believe in generationsā€ quote hasnā€™t aged well. However, thereā€™s still probably more PS5 exclusive games than most people give them credit for. Even discounting the third party PS5 (console at least) exclusives like Stellar Blade, RotR, FF7Rebirth, FF16, etc. and the many, many multiplatform generation exclusives which are not playable of PS4.