Comments 39

Re: Resident Evil 3 - Competent Remake Feels Like a Misfire


@Expa0 According to Capcom, RE3 Remake started development before the RE2 Remake was even finished which makes it worse. This wasn’t rushed out after the success of 2, it was planned before that. At least Ubisoft made sure to double down on the mechanics with Odyssey in case Origins did well when they developed both at the same time.

Re: Poll: Will PlayStation Exclusives on PC Affect Your PS5 Purchasing Intent?


The majority of PS games are still exclusive and it usually takes years for some to launch on PC but I still see this tactic as potentially damaging. The Switch has become so successful because it is the only place where you can play Nintendo games. People don’t even care about the lack of multi platform games. Exclusives have great power to make or break a deal.

Re: Game of the Year: #4 - Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order


While it’s a pretty good game and I still had fun going for the platinum, it’s definitely behind the KOTOR games. I think too many people haven’t even touched them even though they are some of the best RPG’s of that time.

Re: Bungie Is Expanding Destiny 2's Microtransaction Store, Even Without Activision


Not really the best example considering that Destiny is one of the most profitable franchises out there. You had to spend hundreds of dollars over the years to even play all of the content. There are many indie developers who survived worse without MTX. Bungie would simply be stupid if they didn't make use of them considering how extremely profitable they are.

Re: Various PS Plus Subscription Prices Increasing in Europe, Again


Great. As if it wasn't bad enough to pay 70€ for new games in Germany, now they increase the price for the second time in a row. Not to mention that Europe is still extremely far behind when it comes to deals and PS Now games. The only good thing about this is that it only concerns the one month option.

Re: The Division 2 Dev Says It Won't Adjust Raid Difficulty on Consoles, Prompting Community Backlash


Nothing new with Ubisoft. They still have shared balancing between console and PC in For Honor, despite a drastic difference in animation frames. Rainbow Six Siege was also supposed to have a universal censored version because they didn't want to make extra adjustments to only the Asian version. That was only canceled after immense backlash. Ubisoft hates doing extra work.

Re: Rocket League Developer Psyonix Acquired by Epic Games


@kyleforrester87 Missing lots of features, accessing private Steam files which even the Epic CEO called shady but necessary, not enough games, pulling games from other stores with their exclusivity deals, lying on numerous occasions. There are many legitimate reasons why people dislike the Epic store.

Re: Quantic Dream's Detroit: Become Human Heading to PC


Really not a great time to make a deal like that with a lot of hate towards Epic for stealing various games that were promised for Steam and GOG. Spying on user's Steam files is even worse. It won't be long until they have to face some consequences.

Re: Dead or Alive 6 Can't Shed Hyper-Sexualisation Or Fans Will Leave


Imagine removing the bikini segments from universe contests. Believe it or not, violence and sexuality have never been this present. You can't watch 90% of Netflix shows without seeing excessive amounts of both. Even T rated movies have naked breasts in them. If it has always been part of DoA, then it shouldn't have to be removed. Let people decide for themselves and turn it on or off. No problems. It's not even like it's a touching mini game.

Re: EA Reportedly Cancels Open World Star Wars Game


EA has not managed to release a single worthwhile Star Wars game in the entire time that they have had the license. Battlefront 1 was mediocre at best with much left to be desired, Battlefront 2 was a disaster that brought the law unto them, SWTOR started as a failure then became pretty good but was ruined by things players didn't want, their mobile games aren't anything special.

Re: Sony Reportedly Bans PSN Account Over Cultural Misunderstanding


This is the second time now. I would expect Sony to be more careful with their system after they were attacked by thousands of people the last time. First a guy with the real name Jihad was banned 8 years after creating his account and now this. The fact that so many people are banned many years after they made their account shows how deeply flawed whatever automated system they have is. Judging from forum posts, it seems to take them close to 10 years to ban actually offensive names.

Re: Sony Censorship Policy Removes Crude Items from Dead or Alive Xtreme 3: Scarlet


@JJ2 It was the intention of the developer and i hold the opinion that an idea no matter how ridiculous it may be to people, should be able to be expressed unless it absolutely violates laws or rules. I have never played any of the DOAE games but if fans of the franchise feel like this would be something that they are interested in, i don't think it should be removed to appeal to people who don't even play games like that. It's a question of immersion and expectation in my opinion. Rotting bodies in RDR2 is unnecessary too but it enhances the realism of the game. If small features like changing the bounciness of the boobs which is a feature in many japanese games is one thing that may enhance the experience for people then it should be there. It was included in previous games and thought of as a necessary part of the game or it would have been removed earlier.

Re: Sony Censorship Policy Removes Crude Items from Dead or Alive Xtreme 3: Scarlet


There is a lot of hypocrisy in the Playstation community regarding this issue. Games have always been a way to experience things that are unacceptable in reality. Is it okay to blow someone's head off with a shotgun and then teabag the body? Of course not. You're called a monster for objectifying women in reality but you're also a gigantic creep for looking at carefully crafted models in a game. Millions of people watch porn everyday where real people are abused but that doesn't matter because video games are the cause for every issue in the world if you ask certain people. If you dismember people in a game and proceed to inspect their body parts, you're no better than someone looking at virtual underwear. Violence is absolutely fetishized nowadays. Nudity and sex has always been part of everything including widely acclaimed european art throughout history.

Re: Dead or Alive Xtreme 3: Scarlet Announced Amid Sony Censorship Row


The PS4 version is actually changed. You could buy gel to change the bounciness of the boobs and other items that slightly increase the lewdness factor of the game. The official site for the game mentions the lack of the content in the PS4 version via a comparison chart. Switch version still has it.