Comments 36

Re: Poll: Do PS Plus Premium's Classic Games Need Trophies for You to Play Them?


Never understood Trophies. I play for enjoyment and to relax, and I'm not ashamed to admit that I play some games on their easiest settings for that very reason.

Trophies seem to add unneeded pressure or a cheap way for Devs to make people play the game again because they missed a trophy 15hrs into the game.

If that's your thing, than fine, I have no issues with it, but like I said, I just don't understand Trophies...

Re: Poll: Which Bethesda Franchise Will PS5 Miss the Most?


@ronb44 They've always had buggy games when it comes to their big two (Fallout and Skyrim).

The only thing saving them is they actually facilitate modding. Then again, that saves the actual developers having to fix their own broken games as the community does it far better.

Look at Fallout 76. They are just adding Perk Loadouts, but the modding community added it about a year ago for PC.

Re: Soapbox: PS5 Is Pushing Me Ever Closer to All-Digital


"Am I ready to ditch the discs just yet? Not while the price of new games remains so much higher than physical. If they matched that though?

I'd probably be there."

The problem with that though is, that if they do go ALL DIGITAL, they would actually be NOTHING to price match with and the prices would stay higher for much longer. And, as you couldn't physically buy them anywhere else, sales would probably be far fewer too.

Re: Hands On: Wasteland 3 Is Brilliant But a Bit Buggy on PS4


Having played Wasteland 2 I was looking forward to this game.

I am not disappointed. Apart from the crashing and bugs mentioned, it's great fun. One of the few games where I cannot wait to read letters, computers and lore books.

I will say this for new players, play the game for around 2-3 hours and then restart once you are familiar with the mechanics. I'm about to restart the game for the third time now I'm more familiar with the menus.

ALSO: your starting characters cannot possibly be experts in all areas so choose carefully and don't have two characters specialising in the same skills, they don't seem to stack, (One player with 4 lockpick and another with 3 lockpick DOES NOT give 7 lockpick).