Amazing game, don't normally like games like this (e.g. Demons Souls, Dark Souls, Elden Ring etc...) but Returnal is unbelievably good fun, atmospheric, challenging, fast paced, and very well put together. Couldn't recommend it enough, defo my favourite game of the PS5 era so far. 👌
I'm sorry but death threats and comments of vile hatred towards any professional doing their job are totally unacceptable.
The individuals who engage in such actions should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law in each territory they live. They are giving all gamers a bad rap!
This lady did an exceptional job in acting out Abby's story from start to finish and I applaud her and all her co-actors for their equally impressive performances.
I wasn't a massive fan of the story and the pacing was very much not on par with the first game; however, the gameplay was enjoyable and the technical achievements in terms of graphics, animation and sheer scope were fantastic.
Overall, the game was great, it was just let down by the story and pacing, a rare mishap for the best game studio (in my opinion of course) in the business.
Can't wait to see what these guys and gals bring to PS5.
As for Laura, I hope to see her act in future games, she did an incredible job. 👏
Looks excellent, been a lot of negative speculation about PS5 in recent days, but I have to say, they've knocked it out of the park with the Dualsense design in my opinion. What I took from Mark Cerney's developer reveal was that Sony has gone to great lengths chatting to developers asking them what they want and have spent their time wisely building a console around that wish list. Never mind this TFlop BS, you want your developers on board with the system and features in order for them to be able to bring their ideas to life. I'm absolutely convinced the PS5 will give gamers some unbelievable experiences, particularly from their first party studios.
As for third party studios, Ubi will release Assassins Creed 35, exactly the same as the 34 that came before it and EA will release Battlefield 15 and FIFA 2030....SSDD. lol
For me, the best looking racing game on any platform to this day, and a very good and playable arcade racer. The best weather effects of any racing game. This would have been massively more popular had they not screwed up the servers in the first 2 months following release. Sony have let a great game go here, Evolution could have produced an incredible follow up for ps5 launch. A little sad to see this disappear.
🤔 Is this the same No Mans Sky? I havent played it since the day after launch, I was apaulled at how inferior it was when compared to the demo. This trailer looks like the real deal!!! 🤯
Can I just say.....I'm no fanboy or anything....but Microsoft's E3 show was complete and utter shash!! 60 games shown and 14 exclusives, all of which were underwhelming other than the multi plat Cyberpunk 2077. They are so far behind Sony. They could release Xbox Scarlett at twice the performance of PS5 and I'd still stay clear, same old same old Gears, Forza, Halo.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. It was all CG and no gameplay.
The turn around is quick because Kojima was gifted one of the best game engines in the business from Guerilla Games. He probably had the story arc in his head whilst doing MGSV and that trailer was insanely good! Looks like I know what Im buying this Black Friday! Konami, what on earth were you thinking letting this guy go?!
Going off recent months, we'll get Pac Man, Chucky Egg and Galaxian, although they might be a little to high budget and modern! 🤣🤣🤣 I gest of course, I wouldnt mind Killzone Shadowfall and Ghost Recon.
It's GOW all the way for me, I'm on chapter 3 of RDR2 at the mo and I have to say, I'm a wee bit bored! I hope the pace picks up somewhat, it's a snooze fest so far, it also has wonky controls, would be impossible for me to play without auto aim. GOW was absolutely insane, loved every second of it!
Theory......No E3 because they'll have their own PS5 launch event in March / April 2019 similar to the one they had to introduce the PS4. Launch event game demos: Horizon Zero Dawn 2, Ghost of Tushima, Death Stranding, Uncharted 5, GOW 2, Jak and Daxter Trilogy Remake, and a few VR2 games....Worldwide Release: November 2019
Are these games any good, never played any of the Spyro games before? Loved the likes of Jak & Daxter and Rachet & Clank. Or is this game designed for kids? Thanks.
I'm calling PS5 announcement showcase early 2019 for release late 2019 or early 2020. They're now likely holding back on game announcements until the new platform has been officially confirmed. Looking forward to seeing what ps5 can do.
Oh good, I look forward to playing God of War, Spiderman and Last of Us 2 multiplayer battles with XBOTS! Oh wait.....🤔 Apologies, just joshing with you, don't spit your dummy out! 😂😂😂
E3 demo looked immense, captured the genre perfectly, riding your horse through stormy rice fields, loved the one on one fight with the red leaves swirling on a sunset backdrop, very cinematic. Proper eye candy this one!! 🤪
Might just buy it for peanuts 12 months after release, seeing as though PS4 owners were shafted by Square Enix on the last one. Hope it does well for Crystal Dynamics and Eidos though, I've got nothing against their work.
I think SE has shafted themselves with the whole Microsoft Exclusivity deal with the last one, it was a farce of a business decision with PS4 sales being so far ahead of the competition. Way to alienate yourselves from your consumer base Square Enix. That is why I'm purchasing Spider Man day one and buying SOTR is a sale further down the line. May well have been the other way round, but they obviously don't give two hoots about PS4 owners. Good luck to Crystal Dynamics and Eidos though, hope the game does well.
Epic performance figures for a genuinely epic game! Congrats Sony Santa Monica, you deserve all the praise you have received for this masterpiece. Are we getting any DLC does anyone know?
@JoeBloggs I doubt it will take them another 5 years to release a sequel, they have already built the top notch game engine there now, so a massive chunk of that 5 year project is no longer necessary. They'll likely improve upon the game engine in prep for the inevitable arrival of ps5 and get to work on creating another masterpiece. Finger crossed. 🤞
This epic reboot deserves a even knocked Zelda BOTW off top spot for me. I still cannot believe how much depth there is to the fighting, the combos you can string together with the help of Adreus is immense, you can literally string together a 5 minute combo non-stop. GOW sequel can't come soon enough. Cory Barlog, I take my hat off to you sir, the game turned out near perfect! 👏
It was okay, Fillion looked a bit stiff and slow in the action sequences but made up for it in his witty mannerisms. He is very Nathan Drake like, I must admit. I personally would like to see Nolan North, Troy Baker and Emily Rose in the official Uncharted Movie. I think I would prefer the correct voice acting over lookalikes personally. Plus these guys and gals really can act the part!
🤔 I wouldn't mind Killzone Shadowfall, never got round to buying it and not likely too at this point. Alternatively, Skyrim but that may be a bit of wishful thinking.
Not a bad showing from Xbox, although it was full of multi-plats. I can't believe the lack of new IPs from their in house studios....Gears of War, Halo and Forza yet again, they're as bad as Ubisoft for sequels 😴😴😴 for 20,000 hours and you can progress to the second level or pay an additional £40 lootbox fee to have the chance to access features from opening the next level early to grabbing a new digital belt buckle for the main protagonist! EA, you've gotta love these greedy..!!! I'll let you finish that sentence before I get into trouble!!! 🤣 Their loss, haven't bought an EA game since the first Mirrors Edge.
Hated pretty much everything about it, other than the Controller (which is far better than the PS4's).
The dashboard/firmware was a complete mess, couldn't find a dam thing.
The console was huge and ugly, and there was little to no content that I couldn't purchase for the ps4.
Although I was really peed off with Square Enix, I bought it to play Rise of the Tomb Raider and sold it straight afterwards.
After playing ROTTR again on PS4 (when it eventually released), the Controller lag on Xbox was shockingly bad and very noticable compared to the ps4 version. Although I think the issue was directly linked to the game rather than the Xbox experience itself.
Microsoft are way behind the competition in my opinion, they either need to invest heavily in game studios or hang their boots up.
Even with the Xbox One X being the 'most powerful console on the market', I have literally no reason to even consider picking up the console, hell I've more reason to buy a Switch, at least that has a couple of exclusives that interest me BOTW and Mario Oddysey.
Still think the opening Posiedon scrap of GoW3 is the best intro into any game, was absolutely epic and the sense of scale is unmatched to this very day! Amazing stuff. Looking forward to the new one, just hope the voice acting of Kratos is better...not just being angry all the way through.
Hey EA / Ubisoft, forget your loot boxes....follow in Sega's footsteps and release full games for free!!! You'll be far more popular with the Gaming Community. 😂😂😂
This hasn't been on my radar at all, is it an Action RPG like Zelda/Xenoblade or more of a turn based RPG like the Final Fantasy of old? I'm interested but don't know an awful lot about it?! May have to do my homework on this one. 🤔
I'd prefer Monolith to bring back Alma from F.E.A.R. I loved FEAR 2, but the third was awful. A different studio made it I think from memory. Anyway I'd take Alma over Alice any day of the week.
@KingSandyRavage does have a point when saying the game looks un-original; however, there aren't many original games coming out these days. You look at the mechanics of almost all AAA titles and they follow suit and expand upon other games. If you want unique, you have to go indie. Multi Plat providers such as EA and Ubisoft churn out the same stuff time after time after time. However, as for the new Spiderman game, I must disagree about it looking boring, it has the potential to be excellent from what I've seen. I need to see more than a few brief video clips to make an informed decision though. Insomniac are a good fit to produce a good Spiderman game though, they are a talented and somewhat underrated studio. Got my fingers and toes crossed for this one. Intrigued at how it may turn out. 🤔
I dont know why they don't do it, they have the Assassins Creed game engine which contains all the physics and technology required to make a modern POP game. Hell, at this point I'd take a POP game over the washed out AC franchise any day of the week. I loved Sands of Time, Warrior Within and Forgotten Sands. Come on Ubi, bite the bullet and give us something that isn't AC for goodness sake.
GOW 3 for me......the opening hour of Gameplay (Poseidon) was the best introduction to any game I can think of. The sheer sense of scale was astonishing from minute one and the movement and zoom of the the camera position was genius! I remember my jaw hitting the floor on more than one occasion during my first play through. The new one is looking hot though, I've defo got my beady eyes on it!
Comments 80
Re: Sci-Fi PS5 Exclusive Returnal Sweeps the BAFTAs, Wins Best Game
Amazing game, don't normally like games like this (e.g. Demons Souls, Dark Souls, Elden Ring etc...) but Returnal is unbelievably good fun, atmospheric, challenging, fast paced, and very well put together. Couldn't recommend it enough, defo my favourite game of the PS5 era so far. 👌
Re: Cyberpunk 2077 Patch 1.2 Available to Download Now on PS5, PS4, and It's a 44GB Monster
🤔 Yeah, the management team at CDPR had absolutely no idea the game wasn't ready for release...sure!!! 🤣
Re: Industry Rallies Around The Last of Us 2 Voice Actor After Hate Messages Are Revealed
I'm sorry but death threats and comments of vile hatred towards any professional doing their job are totally unacceptable.
The individuals who engage in such actions should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law in each territory they live. They are giving all gamers a bad rap!
This lady did an exceptional job in acting out Abby's story from start to finish and I applaud her and all her co-actors for their equally impressive performances.
I wasn't a massive fan of the story and the pacing was very much not on par with the first game; however, the gameplay was enjoyable and the technical achievements in terms of graphics, animation and sheer scope were fantastic.
Overall, the game was great, it was just let down by the story and pacing, a rare mishap for the best game studio (in my opinion of course) in the business.
Can't wait to see what these guys and gals bring to PS5.
As for Laura, I hope to see her act in future games, she did an incredible job. 👏
Re: PS5's DualSense Controller Explodes on Social Media
Looks excellent, been a lot of negative speculation about PS5 in recent days, but I have to say, they've knocked it out of the park with the Dualsense design in my opinion. What I took from Mark Cerney's developer reveal was that Sony has gone to great lengths chatting to developers asking them what they want and have spent their time wisely building a console around that wish list. Never mind this TFlop BS, you want your developers on board with the system and features in order for them to be able to bring their ideas to life. I'm absolutely convinced the PS5 will give gamers some unbelievable experiences, particularly from their first party studios.
As for third party studios, Ubi will release Assassins Creed 35, exactly the same as the 34 that came before it and EA will release Battlefield 15 and FIFA 2030....SSDD. lol
Re: DriveClub Has Already Been Delisted in Multiple Territories, and Fans Aren't Happy
For me, the best looking racing game on any platform to this day, and a very good and playable arcade racer. The best weather effects of any racing game. This would have been massively more popular had they not screwed up the servers in the first 2 months following release. Sony have let a great game go here, Evolution could have produced an incredible follow up for ps5 launch. A little sad to see this disappear.
Re: No Man's Sky Beyond Introduces Multiplayer Social Space, the Nexus
🤔 Is this the same No Mans Sky? I havent played it since the day after launch, I was apaulled at how inferior it was when compared to the demo. This trailer looks like the real deal!!! 🤯
Re: Konami Can't Explain Unexpected PS Plus PES 2019 Swap
I've just spat my dummy out, will they give me The Last of Us Part 2 next month?! 🤣
Re: E3 2019: Trials of Mana Brings Fantastical RPG Action to PS4 in 2020
Day one for me! Loved Secret of Mana in my youth! That SOM PS4 remake was terrible though 🤮!
Re: Reaction: Bloated Xbox E3 2019 Press Conference Fails to Capitalise on Sony No-Show
Can I just say.....I'm no fanboy or anything....but Microsoft's E3 show was complete and utter shash!! 60 games shown and 14 exclusives, all of which were underwhelming other than the multi plat Cyberpunk 2077. They are so far behind Sony. They could release Xbox Scarlett at twice the performance of PS5 and I'd still stay clear, same old same old Gears, Forza, Halo.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. It was all CG and no gameplay.
Re: Rocksteady Games Skipping E3 2019
🤔 We all know what this means right..
They're skipping E3 because they are working exclusively with Sony and will be presenting their new game at the PS5 launch event....😉
If only that were true! Lol
Re: Death Stranding Release Date Confirmed for November 2019
The turn around is quick because Kojima was gifted one of the best game engines in the business from Guerilla Games. He probably had the story arc in his head whilst doing MGSV and that trailer was insanely good! Looks like I know what Im buying this Black Friday! Konami, what on earth were you thinking letting this guy go?!
Re: Talking Point: What Free June 2019 PS Plus Games Do You Want?
Going off recent months, we'll get Pac Man, Chucky Egg and Galaxian, although they might be a little to high budget and modern! 🤣🤣🤣 I gest of course, I wouldnt mind Killzone Shadowfall and Ghost Recon.
Re: The Game Awards 2018: God of War Wins Game of the Year
It's GOW all the way for me, I'm on chapter 3 of RDR2 at the mo and I have to say, I'm a wee bit bored! I hope the pace picks up somewhat, it's a snooze fest so far, it also has wonky controls, would be impossible for me to play without auto aim. GOW was absolutely insane, loved every second of it!
Re: UK Sales Charts: Spyro Roasts Red Dead, Fallout, and Pokémon
The spyro remake is very good, would love to see Syphon Filter remade from the ground up, been far to long since we last saw Gabe Logan imho....
Re: Sony Confirms Zero E3 2019 Presence, Will Share New Plans Soon
Theory......No E3 because they'll have their own PS5 launch event in March / April 2019 similar to the one they had to introduce the PS4. Launch event game demos: Horizon Zero Dawn 2, Ghost of Tushima, Death Stranding, Uncharted 5, GOW 2, Jak and Daxter Trilogy Remake, and a few VR2 games....Worldwide Release: November 2019
Re: Guide: Spyro: Reignited Trilogy FAQ - Everything You Need to Know
Are these games any good, never played any of the Spyro games before? Loved the likes of Jak & Daxter and Rachet & Clank. Or is this game designed for kids? Thanks.
Re: Poll: One Week Later, Is Red Dead Redemption 2 the Best Game of 2018?
A fantastic game let down by clunky controls.
Re: Talking Point: What Free November 2018 PS Plus Games Do You Want?
Erm 🤔 I do nay care; Red Dead 2 will be taking over my life for the next 3 months!!! 😂😂😂
Re: Sony Cancels PSX 2018 As It Looks Ahead to Next Year
I'm calling PS5 announcement showcase early 2019 for release late 2019 or early 2020. They're now likely holding back on game announcements until the new platform has been officially confirmed. Looking forward to seeing what ps5 can do.
Re: Sony: Cross-Console Play a Major Policy Change
Oh good, I look forward to playing God of War, Spiderman and Last of Us 2 multiplayer battles with XBOTS! Oh wait.....🤔 Apologies, just joshing with you, don't spit your dummy out! 😂😂😂
Re: God of War Patch 1.30 Adds New Game +, Out Now on PS4
An amazing game, thank you Sony Santa Monica for giving me another excuse to relive this epic saga!!
Re: A Crazy Amount of Research Has Gone into Ghost of Tsushima
E3 demo looked immense, captured the genre perfectly, riding your horse through stormy rice fields, loved the one on one fight with the red leaves swirling on a sunset backdrop, very cinematic. Proper eye candy this one!! 🤪
Re: Why Not? Have Another Shadow of the Tomb Raider Trailer
Might just buy it for peanuts 12 months after release, seeing as though PS4 owners were shafted by Square Enix on the last one. Hope it does well for Crystal Dynamics and Eidos though,
I've got nothing against their work.
Re: Shadow of the Tomb Raider's Devs Not Worried About Spider-Man
I think SE has shafted themselves with the whole Microsoft Exclusivity deal with the last one, it was a farce of a business decision with PS4 sales being so far ahead of the competition. Way to alienate yourselves from your consumer base Square Enix. That is why I'm purchasing Spider Man day one and buying SOTR is a sale further down the line. May well have been the other way round, but they obviously don't give two hoots about PS4 owners. Good luck to Crystal Dynamics and Eidos though, hope the game does well.
Re: God of War Is The Fastest Selling PlayStation Exclusive Ever
Epic performance figures for a genuinely epic game! Congrats Sony Santa Monica, you deserve all the praise you have received for this masterpiece. Are we getting any DLC does anyone know?
Re: God of War Developer Seemingly Recruiting for Sequel
@JoeBloggs I doubt it will take them another 5 years to release a sequel, they have already built the top notch game engine there now, so a massive chunk of that 5 year project is no longer necessary. They'll likely improve upon the game engine in prep for the inevitable arrival of ps5 and get to work on creating another masterpiece. Finger crossed. 🤞
Re: God of War Developer Seemingly Recruiting for Sequel
This epic reboot deserves a even knocked Zelda BOTW off top spot for me. I still cannot believe how much depth there is to the fighting, the combos you can string together with the help of Adreus is immense, you can literally string together a 5 minute combo non-stop. GOW sequel can't come soon enough. Cory Barlog, I take my hat off to you sir, the game turned out near perfect! 👏
Re: Nathan Fillion Plays the Role He Was Born to in Uncharted Fan Movie
It was okay, Fillion looked a bit stiff and slow in the action sequences but made up for it in his witty mannerisms. He is very Nathan Drake like, I must admit. I personally would like to see Nolan North, Troy Baker and Emily Rose in the official Uncharted Movie. I think I would prefer the correct voice acting over lookalikes personally. Plus these guys and gals really can act the part!
Re: Talking Point: What Free July 2018 PS Plus Games Do You Want?
🤔 I wouldn't mind Killzone Shadowfall, never got round to buying it and not likely too at this point. Alternatively, Skyrim but that may be a bit of wishful thinking.
Re: Reaction: Microsoft's E3 2018 Press Conference Was Killer for PS4 Owners
Not a bad showing from Xbox, although it was full of multi-plats. I can't believe the lack of new IPs from their in house studios....Gears of War, Halo and Forza yet again, they're as bad as Ubisoft for sequels 😴😴😴
Re: Guide: What Time Is EA's E3 2018 Press Conference? for 20,000 hours and you can progress to the second level or pay an additional £40 lootbox fee to have the chance to access features from opening the next level early to grabbing a new digital belt buckle for the main protagonist! EA, you've gotta love these greedy..!!! I'll let you finish that sentence before I get into trouble!!! 🤣 Their loss, haven't bought an EA game since the first Mirrors Edge.
Re: Hideo Kojima Teases Death Stranding E3 2018 Trailer with Screenshot of Moss
@get2sammyb 🤔 Is it just me or does that not possibly look like a head, shoulder and arm buried beneath the moss?! Whatever it is, it looks excellent!
Re: PS4 Is Way Ahead of Xbox One in Total Console Sales, Says New Data
I bought a second hand Xbox one a while back.
Hated pretty much everything about it, other than the Controller (which is far better than the PS4's).
The dashboard/firmware was a complete mess, couldn't find a dam thing.
The console was huge and ugly, and there was little to no content that I couldn't purchase for the ps4.
Although I was really peed off with Square Enix, I bought it to play Rise of the Tomb Raider and sold it straight afterwards.
After playing ROTTR again on PS4 (when it eventually released), the Controller lag on Xbox was shockingly bad and very noticable compared to the ps4 version. Although I think the issue was directly linked to the game rather than the Xbox experience itself.
Microsoft are way behind the competition in my opinion, they either need to invest heavily in game studios or hang their boots up.
Even with the Xbox One X being the 'most powerful console on the market', I have literally no reason to even consider picking up the console, hell I've more reason to buy a Switch, at least that has a couple of exclusives that interest me BOTW and Mario Oddysey.
Re: Soapbox: Why God of War Needs an Expansion Pack
This article was written purely for the tag it!!! 🤣
Re: Poll: Will You Be Buying God of War?
Still think the opening Posiedon scrap of GoW3 is the best intro into any game, was absolutely epic and the sense of scale is unmatched to this very day! Amazing stuff. Looking forward to the new one, just hope the voice acting of Kratos is better...not just being angry all the way through.
Re: PS5 Is a Long Way Away, Or So Sources Say
Personally, I'd like to see a PS5 reveal late 2018 with a full release late 2019.
Having said that, I can't see it happening whilst the PS4 and Pro are still going strong.
Depends on whether Sony see the Xbox One X as a threat I suppose.
In my opinion, Microsoft just don't have the exclusives for most PS4 owners to jump ship and move platforms.
Re: Lara Croft Steps Out of the Shadow of the Tomb Raider Tomorrow
Let's see if Square Enix shaft the PS Gaming Community again?!
Re: Shadow of the Colossus Remake Team Readying Another Revival
GOW 3.....could they make the Poseidon Fight any more epic?
Re: New Burnout Paradise Remastered Trailer Heightens the Hype Ahead of Launch
I'm waiting for a PSN sale but it's defo on my radar, preferred BO3 Takedown though.
Re: Poll: How Strong Do You Think the PS4's Exclusive Lineup Is in 2018?
Was the Last of Us Part 2 (only recently) confirmed to be a 2018 release by Sony? Surprised it's not on the list? 🤔
Re: SEGA Accidentally Released Yakuza 6 in Full on US PlayStation Store Instead of Demo
Hey EA / Ubisoft, forget your loot boxes....follow in Sega's footsteps and release full games for free!!! You'll be far more popular with the Gaming Community. 😂😂😂
Re: No More Delays for Ni no Kuni II as the RPG Finally Goes Gold
This hasn't been on my radar at all, is it an Action RPG like Zelda/Xenoblade or more of a turn based RPG like the Final Fantasy of old? I'm interested but don't know an awful lot about it?! May have to do my homework on this one. 🤔
Re: The Evil Within 2 Adds First-Person Mode with New Update
@get2sammyb Slightly off topic, but where's the Secret of Mana remake review, it's due for release in 8 hours? 🤔
Re: God of War PS4 Release Date Finally Confirmed, New Trailer Released
Epic trailer, looks fantastic. March PS+ Free Game: God of War 3 Remastered anyone?!! 🤔
Re: American McGee Wants to Bring Back Alice
I'd prefer Monolith to bring back Alma from F.E.A.R. I loved FEAR 2, but the third was awful. A different studio made it I think from memory. Anyway I'd take Alma over Alice any day of the week.
Re: Spider-Man PS4's Box Art Close to Final, Will 'Pop on Store Shelves'
@KingSandyRavage does have a point when saying the game looks un-original; however, there aren't many original games coming out these days. You look at the mechanics of almost all AAA titles and they follow suit and expand upon other games. If you want unique, you have to go indie. Multi Plat providers such as EA and Ubisoft churn out the same stuff time after time after time. However, as for the new Spiderman game, I must disagree about it looking boring, it has the potential to be excellent from what I've seen. I need to see more than a few brief video clips to make an informed decision though. Insomniac are a good fit to produce a good Spiderman game though, they are a talented and somewhat underrated studio. Got my fingers and toes crossed for this one. Intrigued at how it may turn out. 🤔
Re: Could a New Prince of Persia be in Development for PS4?
I dont know why they don't do it, they have the Assassins Creed game engine which contains all the physics and technology required to make a modern POP game. Hell, at this point I'd take a POP game over the washed out AC franchise any day of the week. I loved Sands of Time, Warrior Within and Forgotten Sands. Come on Ubi, bite the bullet and give us something that isn't AC for goodness sake.
Re: Guide: Best God of War Games Ranked
How does the PS4 remaster of GOW3 fair up, is it worth revisiting or is it dated now?
Re: Guide: Best God of War Games Ranked
GOW 3 for me......the opening hour of Gameplay (Poseidon) was the best introduction to any game I can think of. The sheer sense of scale was astonishing from minute one and the movement and zoom of the the camera position was genius! I remember my jaw hitting the floor on more than one occasion during my first play through. The new one is looking hot though, I've defo got my beady eyes on it!
Re: What Happens When You Show Shadow of the Colossus to a Kid?
One of my all time favourite absolute must for anyone who has never played the original or ps3 remaster.
The remake looks very strong, and Bluepoint have worked wonders on other projects in the past.
I too am envious of those who will be playing this for the first time, it is honestly one superb piece of work from Ueda and Team Ico.
The fact that Ive already played through the game on PS2 hasn't stopped me pre-ordering this gem!!
Looking forward to taking down some Collossi next month. 😁