I imagine that they were worried that if the actors had played the game Bella's Ellie would be running around in the open and getting within inches of the infected undetected whilst Joel is hiding behind the furniture.
@naruball I understand your position but in every previous comment that you have made on this article you appear to be blaming consumers and reviewers for being stupid enough to buy the game too early rather than the developers and publishers for releasing the game too early.
When a franchise as treasured as GTA is released without the care and attention it deserves then frankly they deserve to be "review-bombed".
If you think that games are too often released before they are finished perhaps you should try not to type comments in a way that reads like you're blaming the consumers who have misplaced their trust in the makers, rather than blaming the makers for betraying that trust.
@naruball By this point developers should simply know better.
I mean come on now. How long has this been going on for?
Why developers still release games that have major issues is beyond me.
The more that consumers like you defend this practice, the more it will happen.
Whether these are genuine reviews or "review bombs" is irrelevant. Developers need to stop shipping games that they know are unfinished.
It would be different they released them as "paid early access" but they are releasing them as "finished" products only to patch them later.
As far as I'm concerned this is an unacceptable practice and consumers really don't need people like you pointing the finger at them as if the developer is blameless and the consumer is the one at fault because they bought an unfinished game!
R* really peeing me off at the moment. Don't care and never have about this game I'm just eagerly waiting for GTA VI, but looks like all they're interested in at the moment is squeezing cash out of old GTA games.
I voted "Folders" but having recently bought an XBox Series S, my first ever XBox I have to say that with or without folders the PS5 interface is far friendlier.
Navigating XBox can itself be like playing a puzzle game and not a fun one!
@Fiendish-Beaver Recently bought an XBox Series S so that I don't miss out on any future Arkane or Double Fine games. Preordered Deathloop so not waiting for Game Pass.
I must be the only person still looking forward to Deathloop and I didn't mind seeing yet another trailer. Admittedly one more trailer wasn't necessary but it hasn't put my nose out of joint.
THE HAUNTING: Blood Water Curse sounds very similar to Siren Blood Curse which was directed and co-written by Keiichiro Toyama who also directed and wrote the original Silent Hill.
@Titntin You raise a very good point that I don't really need to elaborate on.
The desire for physical media is related to ownership. Back in the day when you bought a game you owned the game. Nowadays when you buy a game (especially digitally) you just purchase a license to download and play it. It's more like renting because if you erase it from your hard drive you only "own" the digital copy of a game for as long as the distributor continues to make it available to download.
A disc is theoretically "for life" but as you rightly pointed out discs will increasingly become nothing more than a digital key to download a game. A gift card essentially.
As much as I desire physical media I have to admit that resistance to an all-digital future is futile plus it's undeniably better for our planet.
@TripleKing333 Don't get me wrong, I'm all for physical precisely for the reasons that you listed and I'm very disappointed at the way that the industry is inexorably creeping towards all-digital.
Games are so frequently broken or incomplete at launch that the 1.00 disc version will be completely worthless once PlayStation cease online support/updates for the games because of their age.
Buying an old ps5 and disc games in ~25 years time will be nothing like buying an old ps1 and discs today. I very much doubt you'll be able to just plug it in, pop in the disc and play.
Other than price and the option of resale, is there any point to owning physical copies anymore?
Increasingly, broken games are released requiring Day one patches and more future updates/patches to repair bugs, all requiring online. The days of buying a retro console and just playing a game from disc will soon be gone.
Remember that Tony Hawk's game that only had the tutorial on the disc?
No matter how much anyone opposes it an all-digital future is inevitable.
@playstation1995 Just interested to know why you are watching Euro 2020/2021. Being from the U.S.A. I'd assume that you'd be more interested in Copa America? Not a massive football/soccer fan myself but I do love the Euros and World Cup every 2 years.
So you're telling me that 15-18 year olds don't care about specs?
Please don't tell me that you thought I was talking about 10 year olds!
We might have to reassess who is calling who "stupid".
I'm bored now. I don't want to continue repeating myself ad infinitum.
If you don't see the point by now, you never will.
I hope this hasn't taken up too much of your hardcore gaming time.
First off I have already said that your ad examples are not examples of lies.
Secondly, I have already pointed out that I did not make any assumptions. I knew what the score was from the start but I criticised the way that PS5 has been promoted because others who are less well informed (like children perhaps or if you prefer, stupid people) might have got the wrong impression about what PS5 is capable of. Yes it is capable of all of these things but nowhere does it say "but only one at a time".
@Flaming_Kaiser Did they say PS5 is 8K compatible? Yes.
Did they say PS5 is capable of 120FPS? Yes.
Did they say PS5 does RT? Yes.
Did they say that games will run at 8K, 120FPS with full RT? No.
Did they say that games will NOT run at 8K, 120FPS with full RT? No.
Did they say you'll have to compromise between 60FPS at 1080p or 30FPS at 4K? No.
It's not so much about what they DID say, as what they DIDN'T say.
I already commented on the ads. I don't understand why you think it's excusable that we've been lied to in ads. We haven't but you think we have and say that it is acceptable because they all do it.
Been a huge fan of Kevin Smith and Jay and Silent Bob since Clerks and this is not really what I would have wanted from their first(?) video game.
I can see why Smith thought this might have been a good idea but I won't be buying it until it's a couple of quid or less in a sale.
@Flaming_Kaiser You can't say that they've "Not really" been misleading and then excuse them by saying "but they all are full of lies". That's a contradiction. They have not said, but they have kind of implied (to the uniformed) that PS5 is capable of 8K, 120fps and RT all at once, yet it can't even manage 4K, 60fps and RT at the same time.
The Farcry 6 ads aren't really a lie. They've just sold the ad space to the highest bidder which in this case is XBox. There have been plenty of cross-platform game ads in the past where PlayStation was the logo at the end.
Saying "I agree it's cheap but they are all full of lies." is just excusing bad practices. If you think it's "cheap" and "lies" why would you not criticise it or at least call it out for what it is?
@Flaming_Kaiser I know. I'm merely suggesting that the advertising campaign for PS5 was and is misleading. There are a lot of gullible people about who will have taken the specs at face value and will expect to get it all. Despite my comment I'm not one of them.
Disappointing for a console whose adverts boasted 8K, RT and 120fps. Also if I wanted to spend time messing about with settings to find the best compromise for my setup I'd have bought a PC.
I already own a 4k Sony TV and was hoping that they'd give me a free upgrade to a new 8k TV but it turns out that they expect me to to pay several thousand pounds to upgrade to 8k. They are so anti-consumer! I already paid for the old TV so why can't they give me the new one for free?
Remastering Spider-Man costs them money. Why does anyone expect to get it for nothing?
How many of you would bother getting out of bed to work for no pay?
Starfield is definitely coming to PS5! They've been working on it for years, why throw all that work away? Xbox might have timed exclusivity but we'll get it eventually.
Other than the obvious (price, date, how many USB sockets and more gameplay footage of games we already know about), I'd like to see teasers for Days Gone 2 and whatever Fumito Ueda is working on.
What a pessimistic bunch we've become! We used to believe that every announcement will be the one we've been waiting for but now the biggest sign that this might be the one and no one believes it is.
Personally, I can't wait to get my hands on Knack 3!
Timed exclusives can benefit players of both consoles.
One set get to play the game earlier, the other can the game a year or two later for the same price sometimes with all dlc included.
I was a little underwhelmed to start with. It gradually improved as it went along. Deathloop made me sit up. It looked like an Arkane game straight away and I love Dishonored and Prey. Then RE VIII which really got me excited. Pragmata had me intrigued but I was disappointed by the 2022 release date. I wish they wouldn't reveal games so early. We've been stung before (The Last Guardian). Horizon II looked beautiful but I'd been expecting to see it and I struggled to get into the first one. The console looks good. The digital version looks nicer because it's more symmetrical but I want a disc drive for movies so I'm going to have to put up with that weird bulge which makes it look like one of those twisted skyscrapers. Overall very happy with the presentation.
Impressive stuff! Naughty Dog leading the charge on accessibility at a time when we are STILL seeing some games released without the simple option to invert y-axis. Other devs take note!
I always found the crowd reaction added to the excitement. I miss it! Watching a bunch of trailers at home just lacks the atmosphere. Like watching a football match on TV being broadcast from an empty stadium. It's just not the same. You'll see!
@Octane I'm with you. Anticipating a new Ueda game in the not too distant future. There appear to be hints pointing towards it. Not PS exclusive but I don't care so long as I get to play it!
I'm trying to save an as yet unknown amount of money to buy PS5 so yes the timing is bad. I'm sure they'll sell plenty though. It looks great but not suitable for my budget.
After the news a few weeks back that Epic Games have done a deal with Remedy, Playdead and genDESIGN this story and the fact that the Unreal demo was on PS5 surely puts to rest any fears about their next games not appearing on PS5.
Does any know what "the top 100 PS4 titles as ranked by play time" are? I imagine the list being hugely populated by annual sports sims, annual FPS' and GTA V. I'm concerned that games with short play times e.g. Inside and less popular "cult" games e.g. The Swapper might get overlooked. Console manufacturers have been known to make promises they do not or cannot keep. We were promised gameplay before the game has finished downloading which as far as I've seen has only ever applied to games that have a single player campaign alongside multi-player and the option is which mode do you want to play first? Also after all of the fuss about DRM last generation it turns out that both Xbox One and PS4 owners still have restrictions on playing our games if we don't have an Internet connection to validate the licence.
@Callmegil @TurboTom I'm not technically minded on these things so I found the vid interesting. We are always talking about better graphics, sound design and gameplay but this taught me that the tech guys are equally, if not more instrumental than the artists etc. in making a great game. They decide how the game should be ordered on the blu-ray/hdd and how the components inside the console are allocated work loads to ensure the game runs smoothly whilst minimising disk space, heat etc. People far more knowledgeable than myself may find my understanding of the subject laughable but that's the simplistic understanding I gained from all of the technical jargon and Mark Cerny has worked very closely with developers to ensure that their job is easier. The future looks very bright!
@TurboTom I'm not an expert on these things but far as I can understand it the SSD is so fast that it can effectively be used as RAM. In an earlier comment someone said "If I could access from "disk" as fast as PS5, I could use RAM to do other things than just "store data in my fast path".
@Willaby I won't be doing it but people can just pop into Cex or go to eBay and build a retro collection to play all of the old Xbox games that they missed.
I'll be getting a PS5 whatever but the whole backwards compatibility issue is disappointing. Don't want rely on PS Now to play legacy games. There aren't enough on the service to start with and because of licensing/ownership complications games such as the Timesplitters Trilogy will never be on there and neither will less popular cult classics like The Gregory Horror Show. I'm just going to have to keep at least PS2, PS3 and PS5 under my TV. It would be nice to reduce that to just one shiny new console but it is what it is.
I found it interesting but I know that most gamers just wanted to know about Flops, SSD size and backwards compatibility and XBSeX is "better" in all regards. The fact that PS4 compatibility is still not fully up and running and they are working on the top 100 games first is very concerning. Also no word on the controller, surely that is of interest to developers.
@makina The TV series "Ash vs. The Evil Dead" was a revival of Sam Raimi's "Evil Dead" Trilogy whilst simultaneously the Fede Alvarez movie "Evil Dead" was a reboot of the franchise. So this sort of thing has happened before and can be successful.
After Kojima Productions Tweeted that photo last week hinting at a Silent Hills revival this seems plausible.
Comments 48
Re: HBO's The Last of Us Ellie 'Encouraged Not' to Play the Games
I imagine that they were worried that if the actors had played the game Bella's Ellie would be running around in the open and getting within inches of the infected undetected whilst Joel is hiding behind the furniture.
Re: Unsurprisingly, the GTA Trilogy Is Getting Review Bombed on PS5, PS4
@naruball I understand your position but in every previous comment that you have made on this article you appear to be blaming consumers and reviewers for being stupid enough to buy the game too early rather than the developers and publishers for releasing the game too early.
When a franchise as treasured as GTA is released without the care and attention it deserves then frankly they deserve to be "review-bombed".
If you think that games are too often released before they are finished perhaps you should try not to type comments in a way that reads like you're blaming the consumers who have misplaced their trust in the makers, rather than blaming the makers for betraying that trust.
Re: Unsurprisingly, the GTA Trilogy Is Getting Review Bombed on PS5, PS4
@naruball By this point developers should simply know better.
I mean come on now. How long has this been going on for?
Why developers still release games that have major issues is beyond me.
The more that consumers like you defend this practice, the more it will happen.
Whether these are genuine reviews or "review bombs" is irrelevant. Developers need to stop shipping games that they know are unfinished.
It would be different they released them as "paid early access" but they are releasing them as "finished" products only to patch them later.
As far as I'm concerned this is an unacceptable practice and consumers really don't need people like you pointing the finger at them as if the developer is blameless and the consumer is the one at fault because they bought an unfinished game!
Re: Retro Future Sci-Fi Thriller The Invincible Looks Out of This World on PS5
I view all pre-release games with extreme caution nowadays but yeah, this looks and sounds good!
Re: Agent Finally Removed From Rockstar's Website More Than a Decade After PS3 Announcement
R* really peeing me off at the moment.
Don't care and never have about this game I'm just eagerly waiting for GTA VI, but looks like all they're interested in at the moment is squeezing cash out of old GTA games.
Re: GTA Trilogy Trophy Art Leaks Online, References in Rockstar Launcher
Not interested at all.
I just want VI.
Re: Feature: 12 PS5 Firmware Updates We Want to See
I voted "Folders" but having recently bought an XBox Series S, my first ever XBox I have to say that with or without folders the PS5 interface is far friendlier.
Navigating XBox can itself be like playing a puzzle game and not a fun one!
Re: Deltarune Chapter 2 Is Available Now on PS4 as a Free Update
Been waiting 8 years for Jacob Jones and the Bigfoot Mystery Episode 2 on PS Vita.
It'll never happen now.
Re: Poll: Did You Buy Deathloop?
Recently bought an XBox Series S so that I don't miss out on any future Arkane or Double Fine games.
Preordered Deathloop so not waiting for Game Pass.
Re: Gran Turismo 7's PS5 Ray Tracing Will Be Restricted to Replays
You've got off lightly.
When I suggest that the PS5 marketing was misleading I got repeatedly accused of being "stupid".
Re: Spider-Man 2, God of War: Ragnarok Trailers Pull Enormous Numbers
I must be the only person still looking forward to Deathloop and I didn't mind seeing yet another trailer.
Admittedly one more trailer wasn't necessary but it hasn't put my nose out of joint.
Re: PS5's Abandoned Trailer a No Show as Blue Box Cites Technical Issues
THE HAUNTING: Blood Water Curse sounds very similar to Siren Blood Curse which was directed and co-written by Keiichiro Toyama who also directed and wrote the original Silent Hill.
Re: Promising PS4 Horror Chernobylite Secures Physical Release
You raise a very good point that I don't really need to elaborate on.
The desire for physical media is related to ownership. Back in the day when you bought a game you owned the game. Nowadays when you buy a game (especially digitally) you just purchase a license to download and play it. It's more like renting because if you erase it from your hard drive you only "own" the digital copy of a game for as long as the distributor continues to make it available to download.
A disc is theoretically "for life" but as you rightly pointed out discs will increasingly become nothing more than a digital key to download a game. A gift card essentially.
As much as I desire physical media I have to admit that resistance to an all-digital future is futile plus it's undeniably better for our planet.
Re: Promising PS4 Horror Chernobylite Secures Physical Release
Don't get me wrong, I'm all for physical precisely for the reasons that you listed and I'm very disappointed at the way that the industry is inexorably creeping towards all-digital.
Games are so frequently broken or incomplete at launch that the 1.00 disc version will be completely worthless once PlayStation cease online support/updates for the games because of their age.
Buying an old ps5 and disc games in ~25 years time will be nothing like buying an old ps1 and discs today. I very much doubt you'll be able to just plug it in, pop in the disc and play.
Re: Promising PS4 Horror Chernobylite Secures Physical Release
Other than price and the option of resale, is there any point to owning physical copies anymore?
Increasingly, broken games are released requiring Day one patches and more future updates/patches to repair bugs, all requiring online.
The days of buying a retro console and just playing a game from disc will soon be gone.
Remember that Tony Hawk's game that only had the tutorial on the disc?
No matter how much anyone opposes it an all-digital future is inevitable.
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 381
@playstation1995 Just interested to know why you are watching Euro 2020/2021.
Being from the U.S.A. I'd assume that you'd be more interested in Copa America?
Not a massive football/soccer fan myself but I do love the Euros and World Cup every 2 years.
Re: Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart: Fidelity, Performance, Performance RT - Which Graphics Mode Is Best?
So you're telling me that 15-18 year olds don't care about specs?
Please don't tell me that you thought I was talking about 10 year olds!
We might have to reassess who is calling who "stupid".
I'm bored now. I don't want to continue repeating myself ad infinitum.
If you don't see the point by now, you never will.
I hope this hasn't taken up too much of your hardcore gaming time.
Re: Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart: Fidelity, Performance, Performance RT - Which Graphics Mode Is Best?
First off I have already said that your ad examples are not examples of lies.
Secondly, I have already pointed out that I did not make any assumptions. I knew what the score was from the start but I criticised the way that PS5 has been promoted because others who are less well informed (like children perhaps or if you prefer, stupid people) might have got the wrong impression about what PS5 is capable of.
Yes it is capable of all of these things but nowhere does it say "but only one at a time".
Re: Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart: Fidelity, Performance, Performance RT - Which Graphics Mode Is Best?
Did they say PS5 is 8K compatible? Yes.
Did they say PS5 is capable of 120FPS? Yes.
Did they say PS5 does RT? Yes.
Did they say that games will run at 8K, 120FPS with full RT? No.
Did they say that games will NOT run at 8K, 120FPS with full RT? No.
Did they say you'll have to compromise between 60FPS at 1080p or 30FPS at 4K? No.
It's not so much about what they DID say, as what they DIDN'T say.
I already commented on the ads.
I don't understand why you think it's excusable that we've been lied to in ads. We haven't but you think we have and say that it is acceptable because they all do it.
Re: Mini Review: Jay and Silent Bob: Mall Brawl (PS4) - Mallrats Brawler with Nine NES Chapters Nootch
Been a huge fan of Kevin Smith and Jay and Silent Bob since Clerks and this is not really what I would have wanted from their first(?) video game.
I can see why Smith thought this might have been a good idea but I won't be buying it until it's a couple of quid or less in a sale.
Re: Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart: Fidelity, Performance, Performance RT - Which Graphics Mode Is Best?
@Flaming_Kaiser You can't say that they've "Not really" been misleading and then excuse them by saying "but they all are full of lies". That's a contradiction.
They have not said, but they have kind of implied (to the uniformed) that PS5 is capable of 8K, 120fps and RT all at once, yet it can't even manage 4K, 60fps and RT at the same time.
The Farcry 6 ads aren't really a lie. They've just sold the ad space to the highest bidder which in this case is XBox. There have been plenty of cross-platform game ads in the past where PlayStation was the logo at the end.
Saying "I agree it's cheap but they are all full of lies." is just excusing bad practices. If you think it's "cheap" and "lies" why would you not criticise it or at least call it out for what it is?
If it's too good to be true, don't advertise it!
Re: Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart: Fidelity, Performance, Performance RT - Which Graphics Mode Is Best?
@Flaming_Kaiser I know. I'm merely suggesting that the advertising campaign for PS5 was and is misleading. There are a lot of gullible people about who will have taken the specs at face value and will expect to get it all. Despite my comment I'm not one of them.
Re: Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart: Fidelity, Performance, Performance RT - Which Graphics Mode Is Best?
Disappointing for a console whose adverts boasted 8K, RT and 120fps.
Also if I wanted to spend time messing about with settings to find the best compromise for my setup I'd have bought a PC.
Re: TimeSplitters Is Officially Coming Back, Developed By Reformed Free Radical Design
Great news. Hoping for as much content as the originals and that it's all free and unlockable. Microtransactions could ruin this franchise.
Re: These Are the PS4 Games That Won't Play on PS5
Genuinely gutted about Hitman Go!
That and Tomb Raider Go are two of the best puzzle games on PS4!
Re: Reaction: Spider-Man PS5 Debacle Shows Sony Is Out of Touch
I already own a 4k Sony TV and was hoping that they'd give me a free upgrade to a new 8k TV but it turns out that they expect me to to pay several thousand pounds to upgrade to 8k. They are so anti-consumer!
I already paid for the old TV so why can't they give me the new one for free?
Remastering Spider-Man costs them money. Why does anyone expect to get it for nothing?
How many of you would bother getting out of bed to work for no pay?
Re: Poll: Has Xbox's Bethesda Buyout Made You Reconsider a PS5 Purchase?
Starfield is definitely coming to PS5!
They've been working on it for years, why throw all that work away?
Xbox might have timed exclusivity but we'll get it eventually.
Re: The Internet Thinks Microsoft Will Buy SEGA Next
Nah, they'll but Take Two next!
Re: Talking Point: What Do You Want to See at PS5's Showcase Event?
Other than the obvious (price, date, how many USB sockets and more gameplay footage of games we already know about), I'd like to see teasers for Days Gone 2 and whatever Fumito Ueda is working on.
Re: Sony Has a Mystery Event Planned for PAX Online Next Week
What a pessimistic bunch we've become!
We used to believe that every announcement will be the one we've been waiting for but now the biggest sign that this might be the one and no one believes it is.
Personally, I can't wait to get my hands on Knack 3!
Re: Take a Virtual Tour of PS5's Array of Accessories
I'm considering the media remote.
I find the different DualShock controls for DVD and BluRay annoying.
Re: Reaction: Sony Wants PS5 to Be the Best Place to Play, And It'll Open Its Wallet to Achieve It
Timed exclusives can benefit players of both consoles.
One set get to play the game earlier, the other can the game a year or two later for the same price sometimes with all dlc included.
Re: PS5 Reveal Event a Massive Success for Sony, Showcase Peaked at Over 7 Million Viewers
Had to chuckle at Jim Ryan signing off with a not-so-subtle dig at Series X for not having generation exclusive titles for at least a year:
"We want you to enjoy the unique benefits of moving from one generation to the next.".
Re: Talking Point: Did the PS5 Games Reveal Event Meet Your Expectations?
I was a little underwhelmed to start with. It gradually improved as it went along. Deathloop made me sit up. It looked like an Arkane game straight away and I love Dishonored and Prey. Then RE VIII which really got me excited. Pragmata had me intrigued but I was disappointed by the 2022 release date. I wish they wouldn't reveal games so early. We've been stung before (The Last Guardian).
Horizon II looked beautiful but I'd been expecting to see it and I struggled to get into the first one.
The console looks good. The digital version looks nicer because it's more symmetrical but I want a disc drive for movies so I'm going to have to put up with that weird bulge which makes it look like one of those twisted skyscrapers.
Overall very happy with the presentation.
Re: Hands On: The Last of Us 2 May Be the Most Accessible Action Game Ever Made
Impressive stuff!
Naughty Dog leading the charge on accessibility at a time when we are STILL seeing some games released without the simple option to invert y-axis.
Other devs take note!
Re: Sony's Change in Approach to E3 Showcases Is 'What the Fans Want'
I always found the crowd reaction added to the excitement. I miss it!
Watching a bunch of trailers at home just lacks the atmosphere.
Like watching a football match on TV being broadcast from an empty stadium. It's just not the same. You'll see!
Re: Sony: We Are Planning to Introduce a Compelling Line-Up for PS5 Soon
@Octane Artwork with 2020 on the bottom of it might hint at a launch title but that's probably just because I want it to be true!
Re: Sony: We Are Planning to Introduce a Compelling Line-Up for PS5 Soon
@Octane I'm with you. Anticipating a new Ueda game in the not too distant future. There appear to be hints pointing towards it. Not PS exclusive but I don't care so long as I get to play it!
Re: The Last of Us 2 Limited Edition PS4 Pro Console Revealed
I'm trying to save an as yet unknown amount of money to buy PS5 so yes the timing is bad.
I'm sure they'll sell plenty though.
It looks great but not suitable for my budget.
Re: PS5 Is Absolutely Phenomenal, According to Epic Games
After the news a few weeks back that Epic Games have done a deal with Remedy, Playdead and genDESIGN this story and the fact that the Unreal demo was on PS5 surely puts to rest any fears about their next games not appearing on PS5.
Re: Survive a Hostile, Tropical Island in Stranded Deep, Out Tomorrow on PS4
Don't buy if you play inverted y-axis. There is no option.
I've just wasted my money.
Re: PS5's Backwards Compatibility with PS4 Still Has Fans Flabbergasted
Does any know what "the top 100 PS4 titles as ranked by play time" are?
I imagine the list being hugely populated by annual sports sims, annual FPS' and GTA V.
I'm concerned that games with short play times e.g. Inside and less popular "cult" games e.g. The Swapper might get overlooked.
Console manufacturers have been known to make promises they do not or cannot keep.
We were promised gameplay before the game has finished downloading which as far as I've seen has only ever applied to games that have a single player campaign alongside multi-player and the option is which mode do you want to play first?
Also after all of the fuss about DRM last generation it turns out that both Xbox One and PS4 owners still have restrictions on playing our games if we don't have an Internet connection to validate the licence.
Re: PS5 SSD Represents 'Biggest Leap in My Career', Says The Last of Us 2 Co-Game Director
@Callmegil @TurboTom I'm not technically minded on these things so I found the vid interesting.
We are always talking about better graphics, sound design and gameplay but this taught me that the tech guys are equally, if not more instrumental than the artists etc. in making a great game.
They decide how the game should be ordered on the blu-ray/hdd and how the components inside the console are allocated work loads to ensure the game runs smoothly whilst minimising disk space, heat etc.
People far more knowledgeable than myself may find my understanding of the subject laughable but that's the simplistic understanding I gained from all of the technical jargon and Mark Cerny has worked very closely with developers to ensure that their job is easier.
The future looks very bright!
Re: PS5 SSD Represents 'Biggest Leap in My Career', Says The Last of Us 2 Co-Game Director
@TurboTom I'm not an expert on these things but far as I can understand it the SSD is so fast that it can effectively be used as RAM.
In an earlier comment someone said "If I could access from "disk" as fast as PS5, I could use RAM to do other things than just "store data in my fast path".
Re: PS5's Backwards Compatibility with PS4 Has Fans Baffled
@Willaby I won't be doing it but people can just pop into Cex or go to eBay and build a retro collection to play all of the old Xbox games that they missed.
Re: PS5's Backwards Compatibility with PS4 Has Fans Baffled
I'll be getting a PS5 whatever but the whole backwards compatibility issue is disappointing. Don't want rely on PS Now to play legacy games. There aren't enough on the service to start with and because of licensing/ownership complications games such as the Timesplitters Trilogy will never be on there and neither will less popular cult classics like The Gregory Horror Show.
I'm just going to have to keep at least PS2, PS3 and PS5 under my TV.
It would be nice to reduce that to just one shiny new console but it is what it is.
Re: Talking Point: Did Sony's PS5 Deep Dive Live Up to the Hype?
I found it interesting but I know that most gamers just wanted to know about Flops, SSD size and backwards compatibility and XBSeX is "better" in all regards.
The fact that PS4 compatibility is still not fully up and running and they are working on the top 100 games first is very concerning.
Also no word on the controller, surely that is of interest to developers.
Re: Rumour: Silent Hills to Return on PS5 Alongside Separate Series Reboot
@makina The TV series "Ash vs. The Evil Dead" was a revival of Sam Raimi's "Evil Dead" Trilogy whilst simultaneously the Fede Alvarez movie "Evil Dead" was a reboot of the franchise. So this sort of thing has happened before and can be successful.
After Kojima Productions Tweeted that photo last week hinting at a Silent Hills revival this seems plausible.