Comments 152

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 503


Just picked up Sonic Origins, Hogwarts Legacy, and Aliens: Dark Descent on the black friday sales...Sonic - I was there at the beginning, and still - 30yrs later - absolutely terrific... Hogwarts and Aliens - only a couple hours done, and honestly; so far so good....I wouldn't call them genuine GotY contenders, but definitely doing the job πŸ™‚

Re: Poll: Did You Buy Sonic Frontiers?


30 years ago, one of the greatest games ever made was born (sonic 2 for those not caught on) and my 6yr old self thought things can only get better - little did I know it was to be an embarrassing downward spiral, eventually resulting into some lackluster open worlder that turned out to be the first major win in a lllllooooooong time...or maybe I'm just bitter and cynical I don't know πŸ˜„

Re: What a Twist, Saints Row Denied EU Number 1 By GTA 5


@NEStalgia I don't know probably - aside from anything else it has released on 3 gens of hardware, more people are gonna become aware of it as time passes, (as insinuated in a prior comment) or maybe they just wanna throw they're money away πŸ™‚πŸ˜„