Comments 740

Re: Push Square Readers' 20 Most Anticipated PS5 Games of 2024


Too many remasters in that list. People are way too easily pleased.

But yeah, outside of Star Wars which will inevitably be placed in 2025 and maybe Alone in the Dark, literally none of these are a bit of me. I’ll sit through this year completing BG3 and be scammed into F1 24 and leave it at that I reckon!

Re: Days Gone Dev on New PS5 Exclusive: We're Cooking


We’ve got to have some bloody announcements this year surely? I feel like there’s no surprises or announcements that have been recent and anything already announced is either miles away or we’ve heard nout more about (Wolf Among Us 2 I’m looking at you…)

Re: GTA 6: Everything We Know So Far


Literally love to just drive around so can’t wait for a huge map with lots of people, traffic and things to see. Also, will we finally have indicators on cars for full immersion?

I also hope the map isn’t too locked up; inevitably it’ll require progress to unlock it all but I hope much of it is useable and what isn’t, doesn’t require too much gameplay to unlock.

Re: God of War Trilogy PS5 Remaster Rumours Surface from Suspect Source


The only reason I smell even an ounce of truth in this is because of two reasons:

1. The DLC for Ragnarok
2. If, as Ragnorak suggests, we are about to follow in the steps of Atreus, they might be aware some of the core demographic of the games might not follow them in that direction so therefore by releasing these, that group will buy these to get their fix of Kratos instead.

Re: The Last of Us Multiplayer Project Is Officially Cancelled


Putting it out there - I think Sony, even though they decided their online focus after this was announced, has actually canned their live service approach.

All of the Bungie news, the silence after that horrendous showcase earlier in the year and now this.

I think we’ll get six months of silence while they change their studio’s focuses and then they will announce single player games as their focus with a showcase full of announcements.

Re: GTA 6 Dev Laments Unfortunate Trailer Leak: 'This F***ing Sucks'


Look, this sucks massively for anyone at Rockstar. It’s unfortunate and really crappy of whoever did it and those who took part in earlier leaks.

However, I’d equally agree that Rockstar’s practices don’t help the situation. They are one of, if not the most known gaming dev and GTA is its best know product. If you’re going to do announcements of announcements, you know what’s coming.

Get ahead of the curve and if you’ve got something to show, just show it. It’s 2023 and people are pr*cks.

Re: GTA 6 Leaks Allegedly Go Viral on Social Media Days Prior to Full Reveal


It’s quite sad that it feels that we’re at the point where Rockstar are racing against the clock before some idiot leaks the entire game at this stage..

I am very excited for this week in gaming though. Game Awards is genuinely shaping up to be a good one AND a GTA trailer? Yes please.

Now; where’s Sony’s first party update?

Re: Despite Crap Reviews, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Boasts of Engagement Records


I mean, none of this ultimately matters. Everyday gamers will lap it up and their focus won’t shift for many years (look at the FIFA years).

The majority of us lot will appreciate a game like a fine wine and be a bit more picky on our approach.

Both fans of gaming can co-exist without the ‘end of gaming’. Not really understanding people’s narrative with this; it’s fine, this ‘crap’ can do well and we’ll await some strong titles elsewhere.

COD being super popular doesn’t stop the Baldur’s Gate 3’s of the world being made.

Re: Poll: Do You Think GTA 6 Will Release on PS4?


I’ll be fuming if it is. It would mean a lot of features won’t be implemented unless the game has an ‘expansion map’ only useable on next gen but even then it wouldn’t be the full game utilised for next gen.

Re: Marvel's Spider-Man 2 PS5 Director: This Game Is Worth the Money


In cases like this I always think of the Last of Us. Both of those games suffer with having a longer game but SO much filler. A lot of moments which offer little story and feel like are just there to pad the game out.

I haven’t played Spider-Man 2 yet but assuming it’s not got any padding within its main missions, I’d much rather that.

(Evidently through my Joel appreciation avatar I’m a huge Last of Us fan before the inevitable replies - I do think however they pad those games out excessively)

Re: Random: Push Square Was a Question in a UK Quiz Show


@theMEGAniggle Haha definitely harder than it looks. And what people don’t know is how many people work on the crew so you’ve got everyone watching you fail hard, you know it’s getting filmed AND you could potentially win thousands. Lot of stress which means a simple penny machine becomes an assault course 😂😂