Comments 41

Re: Sony Pictures Seemingly Done with Terrible Spider-Man Spin-Off Flicks


The lack of competition in the comic book movie space kind of makes me sad. I wish there were better alternatives to the multiverse stuff marvel is doing right now. I kind of miss Fox having the X-men license tbh. They weren't always the greatest movies, but I truly do love some of them. So I'm hoping James Gunn can right the DCU ship.

Re: GTA Vice City's Fan PS Vita Port Pitted Against Nintendo Switch Remaster


@supergurr I've seen framerate analysis on switch and played both. Vita is very similar even before the overclock you can do. It has a few stutters due to translating Android code to vita code tho. Switch has better graphics, but considering it's running similar to something from the homebrew scene on weaker hardware is sad. If I had to bet it's probably playing at a lower resolution at points on switch.

Re: The Outer Worlds Was Held Back by Console Memory Budgets


I always notice quite a few loading screen or loading stutters in unreal engine 4 games. So i'm assuming that the overhead is a bit larger than games that often time use their own engine or what features they used. As they said the lighting pass can uses alot of ram if they used the unreal's lightmass. I've read in a couple forums that can be memory intensive because it isn't real time, but it's baked lighting. I'd imagine given the smaller budget they used the tools in unreal rather than customizing it to something better. I'm sure it did hold them back, but I'm sure all developers can say that in some way or another.

Re: Sony Buys Spider-Man PS4, Ratchet & Clank Developer Insomniac Games


@Heavyarms55 I'd guess the capital the studio would gain from the sale is better than the thought of trying to go third party on other consoles. During the time that they were producing non-playstation ips they either weren't that great (fuse) or didn't sell well (Sunset Overdrive). I'm not sure about their oculus work, but if they want to continue that they can always go the psvr route.