Comments 2,355

Re: Poll: Will You Buy a PS5?


Got a pre-order through Amazon this morning. I don't think I'll be buying many new games for it but have plenty to catch up with from this gen minus the fan noise.

Re: Sony Won't Follow Game Pass Model on PS5, Doesn't Believe It's Sustainable


Don't know why they keep asking this. PS4 games are selling at record numbers. They've no need to and in fact that's why they'll be bumping prices up as well.

I hope PlayStation continue to add value to PS Now though. The PS+ Collection thing seems a bit weird imo. I wonder if that'll mean the monthly games go away and they'll just add to "the collection" instead?

Re: Mini Review: Tamarin - Tonally Confused Monkey Business


I was excited when I first heard about this but everything I've seen about it has just seemed weird.

An ex-Rare made platformer with a David Wise soundtrack should've been decent at worst. Unfortunately it looks like they forgot to actually make a game.

All of the gameplay just looks so empty and dull. Honestly there are far better platformers made in Dreams.

Re: Project Nimble Was the Codename for PS5 Showcase Event


It's funny how the console war has progressed this time out. Both have been relatively quiet on new games (at least in terms of definite release dates) but equally both seem to be impressing with their machines.

I think talk of them being in competition at this moment in time is almost unnecessary. Both are on to a win when their consoles launch this year.

They're all gonna sell out and be hard to get for a few months, and it'll be what happens in 2021 that really establishes whether Xbox has closed the gap in sales and player percentages.

Re: Fall Guys PS4 Patch 1.06 Available Now, Here's All the Patch Notes


Someone on here told me the max points you can get is 35,000. I felt quite good being at level 30 already but then realised I've only just gone over 17,000 points ffs so barely half way there

I'm still enjoying the game here and there but don't think I'll spend enough time to get that trophy now

Re: Fall Guys Season 2 Reveal Teased for Gamescom Opening Night Live


@Bluetrain7 yeah the level resets at the end of the season (which there's about 40 days left of the current one, I think)

There's a trophy for getting to level 40 which I'm currently crawling towards (at lvl 30 currently) but the points you earn per game seem to be so tiny it feels like you'd have to put in absolutely loads of time to reach that level.

Even winning a game the other day only gave me some 300-odd points, and when each level seems about a 1000 away, it's a bit off-putting.