Comments 269

Re: Ratchet & Clank: Into the Nexus Crashes onto PS3 This Year



Well you do know that Insomniac is a three to four studio developer right? The spin-off games have been made by the same team since its inception.

Fuse was down by the Ratchet and Clank Team
Sunset Overdrive is by the resistance team
The spin off games where by another team

going by their development schedules the next games will be

Sunset overdrive from the resistance guys in 2015
The next mainline ratchet and clank game to coincide with the movie.
The next fuse by the spin off team.

Re: Expect Plenty More PlayStation 4 Announcements at GamesCom



I just checked and it hasn't been given a rating yet. I could have sworn that the game was going to be rated T

Still don't fret when it comes to Ratings Sony is far more balanced at having games for everyage demographic than NIntendo (mostly E and T) and Microsoft (Mostly T and M)

Re: Expect Plenty More PlayStation 4 Announcements at GamesCom



Isn't the order a T rated game

Well Sony WWS has said 20 excusives in the first year, I'd like a mix of new IP, sequels, and revivals of old franchises.

New IP
2.Drive Club
3.The Order: 1886
4.The Last Guardian

Returning IP
10.Killzone: Shadowfall
11.Infamous: Second Son

Revived Franchises

Re: Sony: Physical Games Will Be Around Longer Than People Think


How was that a stab at Microsoft?

Also I don't agree with the assumption however. Depending on how telecom providers go about the next five years we could see a massive shift to digital. Still I agree that physical we have a presence as everyone can't afford great intenet plans or rollout.

Still I thought Microsoft's plans while somewhat dracion (only the DRM ascpets) were a better way to introduce us to a digital future.

Re: E3 2013: No, Final Fantasy XV and Kingdom Hearts III Are Not Exclusive to PS4



Because the game would bomb hard as hell and would possibly kill Square enix. Tomb Raider was in development for four years and selling 3.5 million in one month it was considered a disapointment. How much money do you think XV which has been in development for 9 years will need to recoup its costs?

XV and XIV ate up a ton of money and resources from square and hurt the company. (kingdom Hearts 3 which would have sold really well eariler this gen was put on hold for VX, new console IP and games were stalled in favor of milking the Final Fantasy teat for all it was worth.

Re: E3 2013: Sony's Press Conference to Be the 'Strongest in Years'


The past few E3's have been pretty meh with last years being the worst offender imo. But this years E3 conference has got me really excited for the show. Both Sony and Microsoft are finally going to reveal in full their new consoles to the world which should breath some fresh air into the industry. Also after a bad launch period Nintendo has a lot to prove to showthey can indeed keep up with the pack.