

Gaming since the Atari 2600.

Comments 1,032

Re: Poll: Are You Happy with Your PS Plus Games for April 2019?


I'm happy not to be subscribed to PS+ anymore. I wasted money on it for 2 years despite rarely playing online and never wanting the free games.

When I really want to play a game, I buy it... I don't wait for it to be free. If it's not worth full price, it's usually not worth my time. And I value my time more than my money.

Re: Soapbox: I Should've Scored The Witness 10/10


It is an amazing game that completely caught me by surprise. I thought it looked boring and pointless, but it hooked me more than possible any other video game I've played.
That being said, I think it's an unusually difficult game to rate. My overall experience was absolutely a 10/10. That being said, there are a handful of poorly implemented puzzles at various points in the game that I would consider objective flaws. Yet to knock it for those things when it's overall such a masterpiece is hard to do.

Re: Bungie Pledges Long-Term Commitment to Destiny


No thanks. I'd much rather them make something more akin to Halo. Have a traditional single player adventure that you don't get locked out of if you don't buy the latest DLC. Drop the RPG elements and instead make it a skill based FPS. Streamline everything, particularly by dropping the overly confusing hub world that just drags down the pace.
Destiny has good controls, shooting mechanics, and graphics, but everything else about it can be scrapped.

I loved Destiny at first, but as time went on, the poor design choices became revolting.