

Gaming since the Atari 2600.

Comments 1,032

Re: PS Plus Subscribers Dip Slightly Compared to Previous Quarter


I am no longer subscribed. I enjoyed the first year of my subscription due to Uncharted 4, BLOPS3, and Rocket League. But the second year I subscribed, I never even played online anymore.
As to the free games... If I care enough to put time into a game, I care enough to put money into it and will be eager to play it at release. PS+ games were always games that I already owned or didn't care enough to play and that's why I didn't already own them.

Re: Layoffs at Evolution Studios After Onrush Bombs


@bindiana A continuous camera shot does not constitute a new type of gameplay.

I will say that Fez and especially Superhot are great examples against my point. Sure I could argue that Superhot is an evolution of FPS, but it really is much more than that.

Re: Layoffs at Evolution Studios After Onrush Bombs


I would be genuinely curious if someone can name a truly innovative, original game concept from the last 5 years that was actually fun. Creating DDR was truly original. But not even a great, unusual game like The Witness is truly innovative... It was simply a brilliant evolution of concepts that have come before.

Re: Layoffs at Evolution Studios After Onrush Bombs


@kyleforrester87 @Kidfried @bindiana I think my point was not clear. First of all, there are of course variations on a theme. Let's look at bindiana's examples. That's all that God of War 3 is... A variation of what came before. Nothing about it is radically new, and it draws clear inspiration from many other games.

Likewise, OnRush is a variation on a theme. I've played multiple games like it before. But that's probably why you've never heard of them... Not because they don't exist but because they weren't all that popular.

Re: Layoffs at Evolution Studios After Onrush Bombs


To those saying gamers just want the same games over and over, I think you're missing an important point. Games have been around for a really long time and just about every crazy idea has been tried. If an idea hasn't stuck around, it's because it's got limited appeal. We're at a point where it's reasonable that nearly all the good ideas have been figured out and now companies ought to focus on creating better and better versions of what people like. It's not like we're still in the 90s where some ideas haven't been properly tested due to hardware limitations.

Re: Review: Danger Zone 2 (PS4)


@JohnnyShoulder IMO, Danger Zone 1&2 are far more fun than Burnout Paradise. I got tired of Paradise pretty quickly as the progression system is terribly lackluster. Also, the crash mode of Paradise is a joke.

Re: Unravel Two Demo Available This Week on PS4


@rjejr Creates a sense of urgency. Ensure people play the demo ASAP and hopefully some of those trials convert to purchases. My guess is this game hasn't sold as well as the first. They're probably looking to maximize full price sales before they have to resort to a sale.

Re: Spider-Man's Web Swinging Sounds Superbly Skill Based


My hope is that this new Spider-Man can actually be better than Incredible Hulk Ultimate Destruction. That is still my all-time favorite super hero game. The versatility of the 100+ different moves for unique attacks, movement, and weaponization is incredible. I can't believe no other game has tried to copy that weaponization system.