

Gaming since the Atari 2600

Comments 5,844

Re: Sony Considered Raising PS5 Game Prices Beyond $70, Says New Report


@TG16_IS_BAE sorry you sound like a mouthpiece for the gaming industry suits.

Games companies are making more than ever with billion pound takeovers, appalling crunch conditions and in many ways cheaper labour than in the 80s as more people have game making skills. The money isn't being used to fund development. It's used to buy a Ferrari for a stock holder who wouldn't know Aloy if she shot an arrow up their ass.

Console games were overpriced in the 80s and 90s, in part because carts were themselves expensive to produce. A fairer comparison are games shipped on floppy disc which were £10-£20 at release. Stop being an apologist £140 for 2 games is just insane during the biggest recession of our lifetimes.

Re: Dreams Update 2.18 Available Now, Enhances Music Making with New Instruments and More


@Svark Why are you concerned? The people still using it are free talent with free game ideas. Just recently some of the best games I have played this year are on the dreamiverse (but take some finding).

Less idiots = better experience. I just hope they don't switch the servers off in the long run.

This updates great. This is what's achievable in Dreams these days;

Re: PS Plus October 2020 PS4 Games Announced


@nhSnork @redd212 EA wound the microstransactions back with an apology shortly after release. The fallout was too much and the brand was in the dirt. It still is to a degree. The version Sammy reviewed was the publishers intended product. I'm guessing Redd you played it way after release?

People have such short memories.

Re: Reaction: Bethesda Acquisition Is a Kick in the Balls for PS5, But Sony's Goals Won't Change


@Richnj I receive the general stock holders information for Capcom and there are no plans on the company selling up that I've read. Currently focus is on the 2 Switch Monster Hunter games and a new e sports fighting tournament. I don't see the allure for Sony and it makes no sense for Capcom who have become more nimble within the industry and everyones made a ton of money the last 5 years and stocks have doubled in value the last 12 months.

Re: Soapbox: Screw Sony's PS5 Game Pricing, I'll Just Wait for Sales


I like taking punts on random games. Not going to do that with each costing £70. So less games get bought. It's too much of an increase during a recession in my eyes and a really bad call.

I have always strongly supported buying games at release to support the industry. I just can't see the benefit now, the microtransactions will still be pushed and prices drop quickly. FF7 remake is now only £36 as an example. I can buy 2 games within 6 months of release or 1 at release, it makes sense to wait.

You will see Nintendos snide time limitation being adopted across the industry to keep prices high, I'm calling it now. Horrendous practice but it works. Hey hum what a load of crap.

Re: Final Fantasy XVI Announced, PS5 Console Exclusive, Gameplay Trailer


@Kienda I know exactly where you are coming from however, each new FF changes things. Key tenants of FF are gathering a crew, levelling, physical attacks, magical attacks, a variety of enemies, Boss fights, a world spannaning narrative, a new world each time, a new set of characters each time, wonderful locations, great music, chocobos and muggles. Everything else is up for grabs.

The major disappointment for FF13 and why its regularly disappointed long time fans; it was a boring slog and an average game.

No npcs, No towns, constant corridor walking, gated levelling, bizarre falcie lcie naming conventions and each new area had a rubbish implementation of gradually increasing enemy mobs which is hardly ever talked about. It was a by the numbers snooze fest with a bizarre story and hardly anything going on. The post game pulse stuff was fantastic but we weren't allowed that as we couldn't be trusted with the complex mechanics for the first 80% of the game, when the game for the most part played itself. 5/10.

FF15 on the other hand is really interesting and has some stellar ideas. I loved the world, cooking and the story was great (but really disjointed). It still has the FF soul.

Re: Rocket League Goes Free-to-Play on 23rd September, Gets Amazing CG Trailer


@themightyant Initially I thought it was OK. But the more you play, the more you improve. As @Liberty____1st wrote you do improve. Down in the lower levels you can have fun just trying to hit the ball which is harder that you rember. Once you are upto silver everyone can hit the ball so it's more about positioning and not ball chasing. In Gold you need to get good at aerials and guesstimating when you can run for boost. At Platinum you need tactics and a hell of a lot more as opponents Rob boost, tactically blow you up and have various points of attack. It's brilliant!

Re: Rumour: Sony Forced to Cut PS5 Production By 4 Million Units Due to Chip Troubles


@Northern_munkey my vanilla PS4 had an issue, regularly crashing due to cpu load. I got really unlucky - one of the initial line PS4s I got in a bundle. It got so bad around 2 and a bit years after purchasing it was a gamble wherever games would work or fail, worse outright hard crash.

My PS4 Pro on the other hand has been amazing, I don't have any of the issues which have been reported. But let's be honest there have been a lot of issues reported.

So this news has me concerned about ordering a mark 1 PS5. I loved my vanilla PS4 but Im going to wait for the second or third batch - hopefully Easter 2021. That's a difficult decision as I have the money aside. Worth sitting it out when the consoles should last the next 6-7 years.

Re: Project CARS 3 - A Somewhat Fun Arcade Racer Going Through an Identity Crisis


@banbrodrive on a controller it wasn't good to control in any way.

Maybe I missed the sweetspot but I gave it a shot and couldn't find the balance. As an aside I love racing games: Forza, GT Sport, Dirt, Burnout Paradise, Ridge Racer, F1, Mantis, Wipeout, Sonic Team Racing. Project Cars controlled terribly.

On the other hand it's meant to be a beast on a wheel. I will get one next gen.

Re: Marvel's Avengers Has a Paid Battle Pass for Every Superhero After Launch


@Smoolio I'm way out of touch man, if by out of touch you mean sensible, intelligent and against exploitation.

Ignore away smoolio you only entered the fray to promote awful business tactics like some wannabe pyramid scheme spokesperson. We have all met people like you before. I could never convince you of anything as you are actively promoting nonsense which clearly most of us are against.

Wherever it will prove popular only time will tell. I don't like it either way.

Re: Marvel's Avengers Has a Paid Battle Pass for Every Superhero After Launch


Point 1- Battle passes include points which you can save to redeem another battle pass.

Debunked. The points you could theoretically save are interspersed, the slog in battle passes is real. During your 20 hour grind other more glamorous one off purchases will magically appear on the home store. So you can either hold onto your accumulated points after a 15 hour grind or go f£#£ it I'm buying that shinier thing now.

That's what actually happens.

Point 2 - The games £50 at release.

Its a full retail game, during the opening window everything should be free for a determined amount of time. £50 during a recession is a lot of money, anyone buying at release is supporting the game. We understand the gaming economy has pivoted towards micros but you need good will to the day 1 fans.

Point 3 - You get free heroes

What we are actually getting is another opportunity to spend another £10 on a grindy battle pass. Battle passes are preferable to Lootboxes no doubt but they strip away natural rpg elements, becoming a pseudo levelling mechanic. Which was included in every rpg prior to battle passes for free since gaming began.

Point 4 - Putting the cart before the horse

The best games of old had you enthralled and invested, fans of a particular game could then maybe buy a well earned expansion or piece of dlc. Now we have the Multiversed micro filled road maps from Satan before we have even played the game. There are no fans of this game yet, so why do they think this behaviour is acceptable?

Re: PS Plus September 2020 PS4 Games Announced


Ps Plus has been great the last few months. Fall guys, mw2 remastered, cities skylines etc.

If we want to make a case for PS Plus being bad, we should start by acknowledging its been okay, good or great. When someone says 'I haven't downloaded a ps plus game in ages' - Fall Guys is THE most downloaded game from ps plus ever.

This month absolutely sucks for me. I loathe SFV (USF4 was the nuts) and PUBG is less fashionable the crocs right now. But it's not the end of the world.

Re: Soapbox: Games As a Service Should Be Embraced, Not Misunderstood


@Papers92 I think most of the Pushsquare users are enthusiast gamers who play a lot of games. Supporting multiple developers. This in turn makes sites like Pushsquare a valuable resource. So it's surprising to see such an article. Liam writes from the heart and although I disagree can understand his viewpoint as he really does enjoy GaaS.

GaaS which will inevitably go on to become the de facto consumption of gaming is plagued with issues which are completely unregulated. GaaS is all consuming and extremely addictive. Which is why its popular with the mainstream.

I like a few service games, mainly Rocket League - it wouldn't function any other way than as a GaaS. In that respect its a huge success. But even I, as a weary old bloke with responsibilities have spent way too much time on a mostly worthless pursuit trying to break through platinum rank. I could have played a newer game or twenty in that time frame.

You have the nonsense of gimped games at release being charged at full price and not being able to play if the servers are down. My teenage sons solely play GaaS fueled games, I would rather they support multiple developers but they won't. Playing the same 5 or 6 games on a cycle - made worse by the LockDown. Its always social which is a positive, not really why I'm a gamer though - for me it's escapism.

We also have to make the distinction of what is GaaS. I summarise its a game that needs an Internet connection to function and incrementally alters the game mechanics and content over a period of time, funded via various ways to pay to play outside of the initial cost of the game. That to me is GaaS.

There is a myriad of cross contamination across genres in this respect, fighting games although they may not be considered GaaS are so encumbered with stripped down rosters you have to purchase a season pass or 5. This grossly inflates the price.

Anyway to draw a line under my own meanderings, the best stand alone games are the equivalent of Fight Club, Aliens, Rocky, The Shawshank redemption - one off movies that leave a lasting impression.

GaaS is the light, breezy, on in the background stuff like Coronation Street or Match of the Day.

Good stuff happens in coronation Street, We all know the theme tune. But in no way is it better than. Aliens. Game over man.